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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: Lionidas on November 30, 2016, 01:51:20 PM

Title: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Lionidas on November 30, 2016, 01:51:20 PM
Amazon employee was on top of the seven story company's building in Seattle Washington USA and threatening to kill him self because he was upset about instead of getting a request of being transferred to a different part of the company he got a review of his performance. Literally thinking he was going to get fired he decided it was his demise and wanted to end his life.
The company should of just let him transfer out if he was not happy working at that office instead of making it a public media disaster for the company.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Actualiteit on December 01, 2016, 10:15:45 AM
So companies should just let their coworkers do whatever they want, because god forbid they get their feelsies hurt and kill themselves? Dude needs to buckle up and stop being a pussy.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 02, 2016, 02:38:26 AM
So companies should just let their coworkers do whatever they want, because god forbid they get their feelsies hurt and kill themselves? Dude needs to buckle up and stop being a pussy.
Can not say that because you were not in his situation.
That is a rather adolescent thing to say about someone's career and life on the line here.
Didn't know people have become so cruel to each other. :-[

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Vod on December 02, 2016, 02:49:36 AM
So companies should just let their coworkers do whatever they want, because god forbid they get their feelsies hurt and kill themselves? Dude needs to buckle up and stop being a pussy.

I agree.  This is the worker's mental issue - not an issue with the company.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: fiscorcle on December 02, 2016, 02:53:28 AM
So companies should just let their coworkers do whatever they want, because god forbid they get their feelsies hurt and kill themselves? Dude needs to buckle up and stop being a pussy.

I agree.  This is the worker's mental issue - not an issue with the company.
So shouldn't you agree that it is the employers responsibility to take care of their own employee's mental health for the sake of the company?
I heard recently that workplaces are allowing their employees to take a 30 minute sleep break to "recharge" so they are not sleeping at their desks thus too boost productivity.
Isn't this sort of the same thing here? To help out their employee's to keep the work environment a healthy one for everyone that works there?

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Vod on December 02, 2016, 02:58:09 AM
So companies should just let their coworkers do whatever they want, because god forbid they get their feelsies hurt and kill themselves? Dude needs to buckle up and stop being a pussy.

I agree.  This is the worker's mental issue - not an issue with the company.
So shouldn't you agree that it is the employers responsibility to take care of their own employee's mental health for the sake of the company?
I heard recently that workplaces are allowing their employees to take a 30 minute sleep break to "recharge" so they are not sleeping at their desks thus too boost productivity.
Isn't this sort of the same thing here? To help out their employee's to keep the work environment a healthy one for everyone that works there?

People can go off the mental "deep end" for a billion reasons.  A company cannot control everything.

I could find it cold in my cubicle and go insane shooting everyone in my building because the gunpowder explosions heat up the area.  Is the company responsible for that?

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: fiscorcle on December 02, 2016, 03:14:47 AM
So companies should just let their coworkers do whatever they want, because god forbid they get their feelsies hurt and kill themselves? Dude needs to buckle up and stop being a pussy.

I agree.  This is the worker's mental issue - not an issue with the company.
So shouldn't you agree that it is the employers responsibility to take care of their own employee's mental health for the sake of the company?
I heard recently that workplaces are allowing their employees to take a 30 minute sleep break to "recharge" so they are not sleeping at their desks thus too boost productivity.
Isn't this sort of the same thing here? To help out their employee's to keep the work environment a healthy one for everyone that works there?

People can go off the mental "deep end" for a billion reasons.  A company cannot control everything.

I could find it cold in my cubicle and go insane shooting everyone in my building because the gunpowder explosions heat up the area.  Is the company responsible for that?
But in this instance they were in control of the situation.
They caused this guy to go off the deep end. That was in their hands to allow him to transfer to another part of the company or another building but they decided not to allow his request but instead put him in a situation of possibly firing him with this review of his performance. Which I find as a cop out on a company that big to do to an employee.
Companies are responsible for giving them a way to cope with their stress levels in a way of massages or sick leave or whatever, but they decided not too in this case but to corner him like a wounded animal and made it look like they were ready to put him out of his misery and shoot old yeller in a way.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Gleb Gamow on December 02, 2016, 03:21:26 AM
So companies should just let their coworkers do whatever they want, because god forbid they get their feelsies hurt and kill themselves? Dude needs to buckle up and stop being a pussy.

I agree.  This is the worker's mental issue - not an issue with the company.
"Blaming Vod isn't gonna help in this situation because at the moment we officers don't know what a Vod is."

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Vod on December 02, 2016, 03:28:46 AM
"Blaming Vod isn't gonna help in this situation because at the moment we officers don't know what a Vod is."

 :P   ;D      :D

Stupid Hebrews for using the "G" instead of the 'V"

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: ie007cheung on December 02, 2016, 04:12:08 AM

People can go off the mental "deep end" for a billion reasons.  A company cannot control everything.

I could find it cold in my cubicle and go insane shooting everyone in my building because the gunpowder explosions heat up the area.  Is the company responsible for that?

In this case the employee was under high pressure at the work place. It is not a pure mental problem of this employee.

There are plenty of ways Amazon can handle this case better.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 02, 2016, 08:19:40 PM

People can go off the mental "deep end" for a billion reasons.  A company cannot control everything.

I could find it cold in my cubicle and go insane shooting everyone in my building because the gunpowder explosions heat up the area.  Is the company responsible for that?

In this case the employee was under high pressure at the work place. It is not a pure mental problem of this employee.

There are plenty of ways Amazon can handle this case better.
There are going to be alot of these this time of year. Near the holidays.
Alot of depression by people being lonely and everything comes crashing down from the year all at once at the end to deal with.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: hesdeadjim on December 03, 2016, 04:27:49 AM
everybody do the flop

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: BitcoinGirl.Club on December 03, 2016, 05:49:25 PM
everybody do the flop
WTH does that mean? ::)

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Spoetnik on December 04, 2016, 11:50:43 AM

People can go off the mental "deep end" for a billion reasons.  A company cannot control everything.

I could find it cold in my cubicle and go insane shooting everyone in my building because the gunpowder explosions heat up the area.  Is the company responsible for that?

In this case the employee was under high pressure at the work place. It is not a pure mental problem of this employee.

There are plenty of ways Amazon can handle this case better.
There are going to be alot of these this time of year. Near the holidays.
Alot of depression by people being lonely and everything comes crashing down from the year all at once at the end to deal with.

Pathetic douche bags that don't realize they are a fucked up mess.

Lonely ? = Mental Illness.

I see them wandering around through life and they are almost always insufferable idiots.
They want to play this game where they say i'm an "Extrovert" etc.
No you are just an insecure douche.
If you are insecure then you have a mental problem.

I had a chat with an ex-girlfriend who told me basically she was afraid to be alone with herself and her thoughts.
Basket case !
These people crave attention etc and are often kids.. with low self esteem.

Get your god damn shit together people !

I spent about a month in a cabin in Northern Ontario many years ago by myself in the middle of winter and never left the house aside from occasionally walking a long winding forest road at night to go to an outdoor rink to play hockey with my ice skates and it was the best time of my life.

No People ? = Pure god damn fucking bliss.

People are irritating fucking idiots.. some worse than others.

On-Topic ?
Yeah he had pre-existing mental problems.
Pushed on further from his work environment.
I get it..
Your situation can become pretty screwed up and things can look bad.. but !
That is just then.. things can change and get better.
Ride it out work on your shit and move forward.

Again it wraps around back to self esteem again.
And once again it becomes obvious when material possessions money and shit like that becomes too important.
I would be more understanding if the guy lost his wife or child.. than i would a fucking job at Amazon.  ::)

It's all about perspective and your agenda.
You can sit in a pit of shit if you see the tunnel at the end (hope / goals)

Look at the prisoners on the old TV show Hogans Heroes.  :D

I think far more people are mentally ill than they realize !
What would YOU do if you were cooped up in a cabin like i was like on the movie The Shining for a month ?
I guarantee 75% of the little shits in the world would rapidly go back shit insane.
Lots would prob jump off a roof.. no attention ? nobody to show how much of a success you are ?
Just a matter of the situation popping up to push them to that point.
Predisposed to fail.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Mbokani on December 04, 2016, 10:28:27 PM
He is not mentally stable and that is the only reason for these sort of behavior and people with these kind of attitude are not fit for a company like Amazon and i am sure he will be expelled after this incident :D

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Ritchy on December 04, 2016, 10:50:10 PM
Well in 2014 more then 52%, of the US people that had a job where unhappy so someone jumping or trying to jump from a building doesn't suprise me. (source )

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: FFrankie on December 05, 2016, 02:36:39 AM
Does it really matter if he tried to kill himself jumping off the building or leaving a note and blowing his brains out

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: U2 on December 05, 2016, 03:43:10 AM
everybody do the flop
WTH does that mean? ::)

Wow lol. Wrong place for that one man! If the guy was that unstable obviously he needs to see a shrink and take some time off from work anyways.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: cryptocoinplay on January 12, 2017, 04:10:35 PM
Yes, this can a public and social diesester for that Amazon company.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Spoderman on January 12, 2017, 04:39:52 PM
Oh my I can't believe that Amazon is so uninterested in their employee's well being. I'm appalled by this. I will never ever ever use Amazon again for anything ever again. ever! mark my words..  :-*

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Zicadis on January 12, 2017, 04:47:03 PM
I also do not like companies that do not care or take care of their employees financially or mentally.
WHy put anymore money in their pockets if they don't know how to do this for the people that work for them?
Just a disgrace on humanity.

Title: Re: Amazon employee tries to kill himself by jumping off Amazon's building
Post by: Willitivity on January 13, 2017, 10:13:40 PM
Are people still commenting on this, its way an old issue..