Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: MicroGuy on December 01, 2016, 11:34:14 PM

Title: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: MicroGuy on December 01, 2016, 11:34:14 PM
Forget about mentioning this problem anywhere. Your posts will magically vanish.  :P

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: achow101 on December 01, 2016, 11:35:47 PM
I feel like they would like those kind of posts so they can run around screaming about how there is a backlog and that block sizes need to be raised immediately.

Anyways, reddit is very conducive to censorship by the majority due to down voting which thus hides dissenting opinions.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: babyjesusftw1 on December 01, 2016, 11:38:08 PM
The bitcoin subreddits definitely have a tendency to praise and ONLY praise bitcoin. Rarely do I ever see a thread or post that puts bitcoin in a negative light. Only posts about the value of bitcoin going up or the adoption of bitcoin by various business/government agencies across the world are upvoted. Very one-sided discussion if you ask me.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Yakamoto on December 01, 2016, 11:44:46 PM
Using Reddit

At all

For free speech

C'mon guys.

Reddit is a private company, they can do whatever they want to the content on their site, and they pass that power down to their mods and so via their rules of the site.

Reddit is screwing itself over right now, site-wide, since r/the_donald became such a big thing, and now you're just going to see it get worse everywhere. Expect for a large migration out of the site and to somewhere like or whatever.

Social media is dead, long live social media.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Sir Alpha_goy on December 01, 2016, 11:46:07 PM
The bitcoin subreddits definitely have a tendency to praise and ONLY praise bitcoin. Rarely do I ever see a thread or post that puts bitcoin in a negative light. Only posts about the value of bitcoin going up or the adoption of bitcoin by various business/government agencies across the world are upvoted. Very one-sided discussion if you ask me.


Sounds like!

They hate negative posts around these parts.

Unless it's guided negative posts that is.

Then it is free game.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: European Central Bank on December 01, 2016, 11:49:02 PM
of course it's just as carefully moderated, dunno about censored. it has a point of view that they want to maintain just as much as r/bitcoin. it's shame that point of view is expressed so pathetically and hysterically. they had a chance to do something cool and constructive but turned it into a cesspit. i haven't bothered looking on there for months now.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Shiroslullaby on December 01, 2016, 11:53:06 PM
Reddit sucks anyways.
Who wants to waste time making posts when all you can get is Reddit gold and upvotes that mean nothing.
At least here I get rewarded a few cents by my signature campaign when I say something dumb!  8)

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: BitcoinBarrel on December 02, 2016, 12:03:14 AM
Reddit is like if Facebook and Tumblr had a baby without any talent or good looks; so the baby is annoying, steals from everyone else and pretends to know it all.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: MingLee on December 02, 2016, 12:20:37 AM
Doesn't surprise me, I'm glad I gave up on using Reddit for anything anyways. It's not worth the censorship or narrated discussion on a website that claims to be the front page of the internet.

Maybe one day there will be a site that doesn't get infested by people seeking to control the very speech used by people, but I guess that's too much to ask in today's world.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: babyjesusftw1 on December 02, 2016, 12:33:07 AM
Reddit sucks anyways.
Who wants to waste time making posts when all you can get is Reddit gold and upvotes that mean nothing.
At least here I get rewarded a few cents by my signature campaign when I say something dumb!  8)

The best thing that comes from reddit are funny pictures that make the work day go by a bit faster lol. Also, some of the sports betting subreddits have pretty good cappers and helpful information. But in terms of unmoderated discussion, it can be pretty awful there.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Pearls Before Swine on December 02, 2016, 12:38:20 AM
I feel like they would like those kind of posts so they can run around screaming about how there is a backlog and that block sizes need to be raised immediately.

Anyways, reddit is very conducive to censorship by the majority due to down voting which thus hides dissenting opinions.
Indeed.  I just read about the Trump controversy thing and how reddit's ceo was trolling some trump threads.  I may have some details wrong, but it's a huge shit show over on that site.  I have an account there but I so rarely use it.Good thing about this board is that censorship is minimal.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: European Central Bank on December 02, 2016, 12:40:06 AM
reddit feels like one of those things that if you were start them from scratch today, you sure as shit wouldn't come up with something the way they've ended up. i've never liked it very much but there is some good information on there.

r/bitcoinmarkets is one of the best places for bitcoin discussion when they look beyond short term trades. that's a very balanced and non insane forum.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Tyrantt on December 02, 2016, 12:51:40 AM
Reddit has gone to siht. I visited for some time before it became a safe space with all the censorship around. I don't think it's worth even going there unless it's something completely neutral and not triggering in some way. Fuck reddit.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Snorek on December 02, 2016, 12:52:33 AM
So we are now complaining about Reddit censorship, above average number of unconfirmed transaction, state the Bitcoin network is in, or necessity to upgrade "something"?

About Reddit: it was always biased source of information - as long as down-voting to oblivion is standard behavior of Reddit's users there is no use to cry about censorship.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Killerpotleaf on December 02, 2016, 12:58:25 AM
almost 63000 now   :'(

there 36MB of this shit.

in 36 blocks there will be 60MB of back log

TX fees are going to skyrocket.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Zadicar on December 02, 2016, 03:29:35 AM
almost 63000 now   :'(

there 36MB of this shit.

in 36 blocks there will be 60MB of back log

TX fees are going to skyrocket.
We could really presume that Tx fees will surely rise because of this scenario and i dont really know whats the cause of this bulk unconfirmed transactions which is somehow annoying especially when you are in a hurry and it took up hours before it confirms, miners do really request for new high fee. :p

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Kakmakr on December 02, 2016, 06:10:52 AM
The bitcoin subreddits definitely have a tendency to praise and ONLY praise bitcoin. Rarely do I ever see a thread or post that puts bitcoin in a negative light. Only posts about the value of bitcoin going up or the adoption of bitcoin by various business/government agencies across the world are upvoted. Very one-sided discussion if you ask me.


Sounds like!

They hate negative posts around these parts.

Unless it's guided negative posts that is.

Then it is free game.

Oh, Bullshit Look at your post history and say that with a straight face again. You are not here to promote Bitcoin, and the rest of us do not appreciate your constant negative post, but unfortunately we have to tolerate it, because freedom of speech gives every asshole a opportunity to speak.

Reddit is a whole other story, because people can down vote posts into oblivion to suppress opposing opinions. You can then add to that the unbiased moderation that occur, and you effectively impose censorship without control.

Let's not dance around the truth, and admit that censorship on all platforms exist and we will never be free to say what we want, when we are being policed and governed by people with their own opinions and agendas.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: warpio on December 02, 2016, 07:02:47 AM
This is a great chance to put the resilience of the btc mining system to the test.

Since there is a huge backlog, that means TX fees are going way up. If TX fees are going way up, that means the profitability of mining is also going up. If mining becomes more profitable, then we SHOULD start to see the number of miners and hashrate go up as well, until it evens out to the point where mining becomes just barely profitable enough again.

Let's hope that this theory holds true in this situation. The increase of txs will not be a problem if we also gain an increase of mining power in proportion to that.

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: pooya87 on December 02, 2016, 09:08:53 AM
Hmmm. it looks like there are others who said the same thing before and not got removed though!

maybe the removed topic was automatic and accidental or maybe the topic was praising something about block size that they didn't like :D

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: amacar2 on December 02, 2016, 09:57:31 AM
Hmmm. it looks like there are others who said the same thing before and not got removed though!

maybe the removed topic was automatic and accidental or maybe the topic was praising something about block size that they didn't like :D
If the discussion regarding unconfirmed transactions are related to real problem, real question and pure discussion they may not get downvoted and removed.

Topics created there just to FUD about bitcoin will get downvoted as soon as posted.  ;D

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: Kprawn on December 02, 2016, 02:12:36 PM
Reddit is riddled with shills/trolls and kids with too much time to trash talk people's comments. I have given up on using it for anything worth

while, because of the negativity and shilling happening there. The whole censorship-free sub-reddit was a joke from the start. If you have to

create a whole new sub-reddit to trash talk the other side, then you just as guilty as the opposition. If you using that sub-reddit to

promote your own agenda, then you not supporting the real solution. Go there and say something good about Bitcoin Core, and you will be

flamed and down voted within a second. Is that not censorship?

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: bitjoin on December 02, 2016, 04:00:30 PM

I'd stick with r/bitcoin but i only quickly visit to see whats the most popular topics and then im out, its more like a news paper vs a community feel.  r/btc is just the same but with more trolls and less overall people ;D. 

Title: Re: /r/btc is Now Just as Censored as /r/bitcoin lol
Post by: eternalgloom on December 02, 2016, 04:10:54 PM
The bitcoin subreddits definitely have a tendency to praise and ONLY praise bitcoin. Rarely do I ever see a thread or post that puts bitcoin in a negative light. Only posts about the value of bitcoin going up or the adoption of bitcoin by various business/government agencies across the world are upvoted. Very one-sided discussion if you ask me.


Sounds like!

They hate negative posts around these parts.

Unless it's guided negative posts that is.

Then it is free game.
I don't agree with this, pretty much anything goes on this forum and I like it that way.
The only things I see getting removed here are obvious spam topics.

Reddit is a different story these days, amateur moderators pushing their own agenda are controlling main subs about certain topics and they have far too much power imo.
Especially /r/bitcoin should be more open, since it's probably the first Bitcoin-related subreddit anyone would visit there.