Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cheese_bot on April 08, 2013, 07:05:09 AM

Title: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: cheese_bot on April 08, 2013, 07:05:09 AM
If anybody's been following TRC then they would of noticed that it's gone up by about a factor of 10 this week! This increase is most likely, largely due to a very well executed hype campaign by a character named Fontas. I have to give it to him (or the team behind 'him'), he is a genius! Must of made at least 10's of thousands of $, probably more.

My question is does anyone else think that the timing of TRC support on btc-e is a little suspicious?

There was also the amazingly coincidental timing of the Vircurex downtime.

Any thoughts? Maybe I'm just paranoid or ignorant ???

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: talkingleaves on April 08, 2013, 07:20:08 AM
They were already offering support for all the other coins, this move made sense. trying to get one up on mtgox maybe. I think fontas just took advantage of it. watching him in the trollbox... so confusing. psychological warfare. he certainly is a genius, hats off to him.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: crazy_rabbit on April 08, 2013, 07:32:40 AM
It's settling to a more reasonable rate for a new coin.

Or is underpriced?


BTW: I still have never seen, nor heard from Fontas. Is this the new Kaiser Sozse?

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: wizzardTim on April 08, 2013, 07:37:08 AM
Fontas is just a human being??  :o :o :o

is it true hw owns 98K BTC?

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Keninishna on April 08, 2013, 07:38:00 AM
dont let the trollbox troll u

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: matauc12 on April 08, 2013, 07:43:21 AM
Fontas has no influence whatsoever. Fontas was the laughing stock of the troll box 3 weeks ago because everything he said was stupid. That still holds true. Stupid people gave a stupid guy some sort of credibility.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: crazy_rabbit on April 08, 2013, 07:46:22 AM
Fontas is just a human being??  :o :o :o

is it true hw owns 98K BTC?

Fontas is LAVISH from Instagram. Seriously.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Keninishna on April 08, 2013, 08:03:46 AM
Fontas is just a human being??  :o :o :o

is it true hw owns 98K BTC?

Fontas is LAVISH from Instagram. Seriously.


Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: wizzardTim on April 08, 2013, 08:11:31 AM
Fontas is just a human being??  :o :o :o

is it true hw owns 98K BTC?

Fontas is LAVISH from Instagram. Seriously.

he really likes to show off

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: cheese_bot on April 08, 2013, 08:22:47 AM
They were already offering support for all the other coins, ... I think fontas just took advantage of it.

BTC-e offering support for all other coins? Before Friday night it was only BTC, LTC, NMC & NVC. Fontas started his campaign earlier that week. Did he know that btc-e was going to start supporting TRC that week? If so, how? I didn't think they did any pre-announcements.
To me, it looks like fontas is a btc-e insider.

It's settling to a more reasonable rate for a new coin.

Or is underpriced?

It's settling alright, back to where it was before the hype.

Is this the new Kaiser Sozse?


Fontas has no influence whatsoever.

The number of people who were eating right out of his hand says otherwise. Also the 10 fold price increase can't be explained any other way.


*hurl* and lol

 :o So it doesn't seem like anybody thinks the events of last week smell fishy? Three big coincidences...c'mon!

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Craftyman on April 08, 2013, 08:35:48 AM
I highly doubt fontas is anything but talk

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Liquid on April 14, 2013, 06:58:34 AM
who is Fontas ?

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: cancrena on April 14, 2013, 08:15:19 AM
it doesn't really matter who fontas is. he has got influence until people credits him influence. he probably found himself in a good situation by chance and had the opportunity to increase his liquidity when the bubble started, and now he has got enough bitcoins that he can pump and dump other currencies at will and all alone. this credited him as a legend over the trollbox, and when he talks people listen. he happened by chance to be the king of trolls and he's playing it well, nothing more

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Liquid on April 14, 2013, 08:41:49 AM
So king of trolls with 100k BTC  :D

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Remember remember the 5th of November on April 14, 2013, 08:53:18 AM
And who is this fontas character???

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: nethead on April 14, 2013, 12:45:45 PM
maybe he was the bitcoinbillionaire  :P

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: mr_random on April 14, 2013, 12:55:05 PM
LOL at this topic even being created.

He's like the trollbox celebrity now.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: kpriess on April 24, 2013, 04:57:06 PM
maybe he was the bitcoinbillionaire  :P

It is impossible to be a bitcoin billionaire..

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: xan_The_Dragon on April 24, 2013, 05:08:25 PM
maybe he was the bitcoinbillionaire  :P

It is impossible to be a bitcoin billionaire..
net worth of bitcoin >1 trillion

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: MaGNeT on April 24, 2013, 05:08:33 PM
TRC is undervalued.
There are only close to 2,000,000 TRC in circulation.

I'm sure TRC value will go up very soon, I bought a huge amount of them :)

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: wmikrut on April 24, 2013, 06:00:45 PM
who is Fontas ?

A member in BTC-e chat... usually starts panic sells to drop prices of a coin.
I've seen him (and his alternate ego accounts) do it several times to Litecoin.

It's usually all hot air... I do the opposite of whatever he rants about.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Cheshyr on April 24, 2013, 06:21:29 PM
He has a twitter.  It used to be, he'd post a coin, date, and time.  I imagine he bought a reasonable quantity before the announcement.  Roughly around the start time, it'd shoot up, chew through a couple sell walls, peak, then crash... although generally settling higher than it started, since nobody wanted to sell at a loss.  Being in control of the system has certainly made him a lot of money. 

Now, the minute he posts anything, all remotely matching currencies on the indicated exchange go chaotic... even if the declared event time is hours or days away.

It's really quite strange.  Eventually he will have milked all the cash out of his followers, and it'll settle into something moderate...  but for now, popcorn.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: jasonslow on April 24, 2013, 06:22:15 PM
Fontas is really a genius about pumping any crytocurrency. If you want to follow this is his twitter.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: StephenJH on April 24, 2013, 06:29:47 PM
who is Fontas ?

It's usually all hot air... I do the opposite of whatever he rants about.

I've done well following this approach too... it's easy for a small timer to watch these waves and pick off the mass of fools between the fake walls.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: sumantso on April 24, 2013, 07:58:38 PM
I actually made a small profit yesterday with TRC. Got in and out quick. I guess the losers are the ones who were holding on for a bigger return.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: elvisrene on April 24, 2013, 10:56:28 PM
well i think that he made some people money and for other he made them lost that is the way the market works

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: MaGNeT on April 27, 2013, 10:32:17 AM
I actually made a small profit yesterday with TRC. Got in and out quick. I guess the losers are the ones who were holding on for a bigger return.

TRC hashrate and difficulty are getting very stable atm.
There are only close to 2,000,000 TRC so they are still undervalued.

I'll buy some more today, price is going up slowly.

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: awahid2020 on December 06, 2013, 01:57:50 PM
Fontas is really a genius about pumping any crytocurrency. If you want to follow this is his twitter.

Lol yeah, that account is closed  ;D must be a gr8 man than  ::)

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Mikellev on December 06, 2013, 02:04:46 PM
his name is also here:

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: peterlustig on December 06, 2013, 02:15:51 PM
Fontas seems to have made enough to retire... Or he doesn't like to read his name in the NY Times.  ;D

Title: Re: Fontas' pump and the sudden support of TRC on BTC-e in the same week. hmm?
Post by: Altoidnerd on December 20, 2013, 03:10:33 PM
Fontas seems to have made enough to retire... Or he doesn't like to read his name in the NY Times.  ;D

I miss this guy. "You're certainly not obligated to, but it's nice to be on the right side of a price movement sometimes."   Ahhh fontas.