Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: joshua70448 on April 08, 2013, 04:00:57 PM

Title: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 08, 2013, 04:00:57 PM
I've created my own GUI specifically designed to work with Slush's pool. It's similar in concept to GUIMiner, but with a few enhancements:

  • Since it's designed to work with Slush's pool, you log in using your API Key and your list of workers is pulled down automatically
  • Because you're logged into your Slush account, your account stats are pulled down every minute allowing you to keep track of your rewards in the program
  • Exchange market information is pulled from, allowing you to pick your desired currency and market and have your reward balances shown in that currency as well
  • More logging output
  • Support for proxy servers
  • Options like frames, sleep, and vector are exposed and explained better

.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 is required, along with Windows XP or newer. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported, and this program uses a Stratum-compatible POCLBM backend. This program is geared especially toward new Bitcoin miners, and since it's designed for Slush's pool it doesn't support solo mining or other pools. I'll consider adding support for other pools and solo mining in the future. I knocked this program together pretty quick so I'm sure there's probably bugs in it, but if anyone wants to try it out and let me know what they think, I'd appreciate it!

SlushMiner 0.2 download: (

Edit: Current version has been updated to 0.2 (, click above link to download!

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 08, 2013, 09:04:29 PM
I hate bumping my own thread, but this forum moves kinda quick and I'd like to get some exposure for my little creation. :)

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: VishwaJay on April 08, 2013, 09:06:42 PM
Received this:

Invalid download ID#

When I tried to snag the .msi file.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: eeh on April 08, 2013, 09:13:28 PM
I'll check it out this week. Thanks for the work!

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 08, 2013, 09:13:56 PM
Received this:

Invalid download ID#

When I tried to snag the .msi file.

I could smack myself for that, looks like my website is buggy too ::) All better now!

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: VishwaJay on April 08, 2013, 09:16:00 PM
Getting excited does that to me, every time... I overlook one LITTLE detail and stuff doesn't work correctly.

So, thanks. Downloading it and checking it out, will post my feedback in this thread.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: RadChad on April 08, 2013, 09:29:06 PM
Here's what I got:

4/8/2013 5:18:10 PM Starting SlushMiner 0.1
4/8/2013 5:18:13 PM Getting currency market information
4/8/2013 5:18:14 PM Getting OpenCL platforms from POCLBM (attempt #1)
4/8/2013 5:18:16 PM Found platform #0: Intel(R) OpenCL
4/8/2013 5:18:17 PM Finished getting platforms
4/8/2013 5:18:17 PM Getting OpenCL devices from POCLBM for platform #0: Intel(R) OpenCL
4/8/2013 5:18:19 PM Finished getting currency market information
4/8/2013 5:18:20 PM Found platform #0 device #0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz
4/8/2013 5:18:20 PM Finished getting devices for platform #0
4/8/2013 5:19:37 PM Getting Slush Pool account information
4/8/2013 5:19:49 PM Finished getting Slush's Pool account info
4/8/2013 5:20:27 PM 0:0 started OpenCL miner on platform 0, device 0 (Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU         650  @ 3.20GHz)
4/8/2013 5:20:28 PM 0:0 Setting server (itsradchad.worker1 @
4/8/2013 5:20:28 PM 0:0 checking for stratum...
4/8/2013 5:20:28 PM 0:0 no response to getwork, using as stratum
4/8/2013 5:27:53 PM 0:0 Process exited

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: VishwaJay on April 08, 2013, 09:49:50 PM
Initial reaction: COOL IDEA!  8)

Love the thought that went into the tooltips. Love the live stats (which means I don't have to keep refreshing web pages).

  • Faster load time for "initializing" phase... my card is slow, it reports a hashrate of 26.556 MHash/s with your GUI, but 33.5 with GUIMiner and 29.8 with cgminer. At 10 minutes after execution of the "start mining" button, it still isn't mining (cgminer isn't slowing down, and is running alongside it). There needs to be some indicator of activity. Log file indicated it was trying getwork first and didn't get a response, when slush prefers Stratum-only (according to what I can read on the site). It didn't ask for Windows firewall protection overrides, and so I'm wondering if this might actually be where the issue might be.
  • Dynamic processing similar to cgminer, with failover, etc.
  • Dynamic (once per x second(s)) hash rate update
  • Graphing performance functions (accepts per time frame: second/minute/hour/day or whatever)
  • Optimizations for popular GPUs
  • Reporting of accepts in log? I can't tell, since it didn't actually get running.

I know that's a lot to work on, but where it just didn't do anything for 10 minutes, I stopped using it and went back to cgminer for the moment. I'm willing to try it again in the future, and there is a lot of great potential for this software, but for the moment I think it's not working for me.

4/8/2013 3:46:02 PM Starting SlushMiner 0.1
4/8/2013 3:46:02 PM Getting currency market information
4/8/2013 3:46:02 PM Getting OpenCL platforms from POCLBM (attempt #1)
4/8/2013 3:46:02 PM Getting Slush Pool account information
4/8/2013 3:46:03 PM Found platform #0: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
4/8/2013 3:46:03 PM Finished getting platforms
4/8/2013 3:46:03 PM Getting OpenCL devices from POCLBM for platform #0: AMD Accelerated Parallel Processing
4/8/2013 3:46:05 PM Found platform #0 device #0: BeaverCreek
4/8/2013 3:46:05 PM Found platform #0 device #1: AMD A6-3420M APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
4/8/2013 3:46:05 PM Finished getting devices for platform #0
4/8/2013 3:46:07 PM Finished getting currency market information
4/8/2013 3:46:21 PM Finished getting Slush's Pool account info
4/8/2013 3:46:21 PM 0:0 Process exited
4/8/2013 3:47:14 PM 0:0 WARNING: no adl3 module found (, temperature control is disabled
4/8/2013 3:47:14 PM 0:0 started OpenCL miner on platform 0, device 0 (BeaverCreek)
4/8/2013 3:47:14 PM 0:0 Setting server (VishwaJay.worker1 @
4/8/2013 3:47:14 PM 0:0 checking for stratum...
4/8/2013 3:47:15 PM 0:0 no response to getwork, using as stratum
4/8/2013 3:47:43 PM 0:0 Process exited

Note that it took 20 seconds to get the account info, not sure why.

Device #1 doesn't parallel process. I always have to go with device #0 for some reason (with any software, not sure why that is, it may be hardware-related?).

But still... freakin' awesome idea, and I'll try it again once it can actually hash on my laptop.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: montgolfier on April 08, 2013, 09:54:31 PM
Mining with this now!

Looks and works really nice, will update if I get any errors


Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 08, 2013, 10:07:36 PM
Thanks for all of the feedback! I found that I wasn't catching StdErr messages coming from POCLBM, so I'm working on getting out a bugfix 0.1.1 version that catches those errors and logs them out so we can figure out exactly what's going on. I'll try to get that uploaded later tonight or tomorrow.

(VishwaJay, as for your device #1 not running, that's odd because my work machine has an AMD CPU and video card and they both run side-by-side without problems. Hopefully the StdErr fix will help me figure that one out...)

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: VishwaJay on April 08, 2013, 10:31:53 PM
Looking forward to it!  ;D

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 16, 2013, 04:47:04 AM
I've released version 0.1.1 of SlushMiner on SourceForge ( ( with the following improvements:

  • Miners automatically retry after errors (like lost connection) instead of sitting all night without running. A new dialog window will appear when a miner has a failure, and the miner will retry after 1 minute. If it fails again, this increases to 2, then 3, then 5, then 10. If it succeeds, it disappears from the list, and if the list is empty, the dialog closes itself (this way you don't wake up to an error message when the pool server has a hiccup in the middle of the night, but is running fine in the morning). If the miner fails to start right when you click START MINING, however, the standard error message will appear like before.
  • Handles JSON errors correctly (so the program won't crash when the currency market data is corrupt)
  • Errors sent by POCLBM to StdErr are now logged correctly (this should help with diagnosing problems)
  • System tray icon context menu (so you can right-click on the tray icon when minimized to start/stop mining)

Let me know what you think!

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: razibuzouzou on April 16, 2013, 07:52:37 AM
Nice idea !
I am not a Windows user, but it sounds good for sure, keep up !

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: Qdentica on April 16, 2013, 09:05:24 AM
Will test this one later tonight on my test rig!

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: ft73 on April 16, 2013, 09:15:04 AM
Nice to know

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: VishwaJay on April 16, 2013, 10:35:47 AM
My Review
I will say this... I've been running it for about 10 hours.

The Upside
Hash rate increased to 33 MH/s ... not sure what that's about, but hey, it's 7 MH/s faster than before, so I'm going with it. Zero stales this time, too. Not sure if that's the pool or the miner, but it's pretty cool.

Pulls the information from slush's pool flawlessly. Confirmed with all of the exchanges, no errors. Confirmed with slush's pool, no errors, and consistently faster than my browser. Yay!

I'm actually very impressed with this little app.

The Downside
I'm not sure why, but poclbm fails to terminate with the application when I click the "close" box. In fact, it ran in the background for almost 4 hours, slowing down my hash rate on another miner and not reporting any shares to slush the whole time. I wouldn't have noticed, except that my fan was still going when I shut down the other one to switch and fired up your program again. This was really the only bugfix issue I noticed. Great job!

I have to run it as an administrator, for some really strange reason that I can't fathom, or it doesn't get access to my old laptop's GPU. This might not be wise, but setting the shortcut to require admin privileges might actually be a good short-term solution.

The Wishlist
This is my wishlist (not that joshua70448 has to conform... I can still dream!) (and the list is in no particular order):
  • A fix for the miniscule amounts I sometimes pull... rather than 1 satoshi displaying as 1.000E-08 BTC, having it display as 0.00000001 BTC. This might simply need to be a math-to-text conversion for the purposes of display, though I'm not sure if something like that is possible.
  • An image of Scarlett Johansson lying nude on the... wait, no, that's just me. Never mind.
  • Difficulty of hashes submitted, with an independent points calculator based on slush's disclosed calculations (just because I hate relying on web sites which might mis-report at any given moment because of heavy usage or hack attacks, etc., and it's good to have something independent to check with). And if it varies by a satoshi or two, I'm pretty sure nobody will care much... but significant differences should trigger a highlight on the tab.
  • Data from the "statistics" page: I would like a running log of as much of the data as I want to store (i.e., "lines of log to store" settable to 0 (off) and from 1b to 16mb), pulled on a regular basis from the pool's website. I believe this is really about as complex as pulling the information from the user page, though the link with the JSON information at the bottom might warrant its own tab. No math needs to be done on these numbers, just a display-and-log mechanism. If the log is updated and information corrected, highlighting would be awesome.
  • If we have the API key, why is there a need to manually pull the worker passwords? Auto-populating the passwords from the web page would be awesome, if that's even possible (I don't know anything about slush's API, so this very well might not even be possible or practical).
  • A selector which allows data pulled from multiple exchanges, with an "average" price per share (and optionally, from a single exchange).
  • A selector which allows multiple currencies to be pulled.
  • A way to completely turn off the financials... mainly because I'm not interested in the minute (as in: tiny) gains or losses of the exchange rates while I mine. This one might just be me, but I really don't care about the exchange rate at the moment.
  • An image of Scarlett Johansson, standing nude... woops, never mind, that's not a good feature for everyone.
  • An option to donate a small portion of my proceeds to the developer's BTC or NMC fund, with optons for flat-rate amount per time period AND/OR percentage of each payout from slush. I think this is fair, so long as it defaults to being "off" and isn't pumped or hyped any more than the link on the "about" window, etc. (some of us are less concerned about the money and reminders tend to be annoying)
  • The ability to select a miner other than poclbm (not because I necessarily want to, but experimentation and a snazzy interface like the one for poclbm would be nice... different miners seem to work better with specific pieces of hardware than others... not sure if there's a pattern to this or not).
  • The ability to input a command to the command line, such as C:\cgminer\cgminer -w32 -I15 <etc.> so that an alternate miner can be used, if a new one happens to come out. This could be complicated, though, since it would necessarily have to reject the URL and user/password stuff... just an idea.
  • A comprehensive help file, for those who aren't necessarily the most literate on Bitcoin, your software, etc.
  • Tooltips! The ones that are there during the non-mining would be helpful so that we can research and figure out what we want to do during mining, stop, drop in the extra flags or check/uncheck a box, and get back to mining before anyone notices that it's even down. As mining gets faster and more complex, this could actually become a bigger issue.
  • Log export function, copy-to-clipboard, save-to-text-file, send-report-to-developer, etc., just some button so that we don't have to copypasta by hand.
  • Adjustable log verbosity (export is full verbosity, but we might not want everything in the display).
  • Some kind of "easter egg"/undocumented fun to discover.
  • An image of Scarlett Johansson... geez, I really have to let that go.
  • An option to set/change worker difficulty.

I'm kind of an asshole to people (if you haven't read some of my other posts on the other threads). But truth be told, I find very little wrong with this software, from a user perspective. The only issues I see are that this community tends to want to look at the code, so open sourcing might be good for marketing purposes here.

And I'll pass it through my rootkit detectors and multiple virus checkers, really torture-test stuff later on (just to see if there are any compatibility issues with any virus checkers out there, since Chrome apparently labels one of the miners as malware, even though it's clearly not), but for now I'm really liking what I see. I reiterate: great job, joshua70448!

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: headygains on April 16, 2013, 12:13:18 PM
downloading now, after reading the discussion above I'm excited for the features!

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 16, 2013, 12:14:49 PM
I'm not sure why, but poclbm fails to terminate with the application when I click the "close" box. In fact, it ran in the background for almost 4 hours, slowing down my hash rate on another miner and not reporting any shares to slush the whole time. I wouldn't have noticed, except that my fan was still going when I shut down the other one to switch and fired up your program again. This was really the only bugfix issue I noticed. Great job!

I've noticed this too, and it's a problem I've already solved on the program I work on in my real job so I'll just take a look at the code over there and copy it over ;)

I have to run it as an administrator, for some really strange reason that I can't fathom, or it doesn't get access to my old laptop's GPU. This might not be wise, but setting the shortcut to require admin privileges might actually be a good short-term solution.

I use my computers in admin mode by default (shame on me, I know, but I'm lazy), so I'll try to play with the program in a restricted account and see what's up.

The Wishlist
This is my wishlist (not that joshua70448 has to conform... I can still dream!) (and the list is in no particular order):

Hey, I'm always a fan of ideas for new features, gives me something to do :D

  • A fix for the miniscule amounts I sometimes pull... rather than 1 satoshi displaying as 1.000E-08 BTC, having it display as 0.00000001 BTC. This might simply need to be a math-to-text conversion for the purposes of display, though I'm not sure if something like that is possible.

Definitely something I'll fix in the next version, and not that hard to fix either.

  • Data from the "statistics" page: I would like a running log of as much of the data as I want to store (i.e., "lines of log to store" settable to 0 (off) and from 1b to 16mb), pulled on a regular basis from the pool's website. I believe this is really about as complex as pulling the information from the user page, though the link with the JSON information at the bottom might warrant its own tab. No math needs to be done on these numbers, just a display-and-log mechanism. If the log is updated and information corrected, highlighting would be awesome.

Yeah, those stats have their own JSON page, I would just add a timer to pull that on a regular basis and log it out to the interface. I plan on implementing that at some point, once I get the major kinks worked out of the rest of the program.

  • If we have the API key, why is there a need to manually pull the worker passwords? Auto-populating the passwords from the web page would be awesome, if that's even possible (I don't know anything about slush's API, so this very well might not even be possible or practical).

The API key lets me get the JSON information for your account, including a list of your workers, but sadly it doesn't give me passwords. I tried really hard to build a screen scraper that would let you log into your account and pull your worker passwords for you, but I couldn't get it to authenticate :(

  • A selector which allows data pulled from multiple exchanges, with an "average" price per share (and optionally, from a single exchange).
  • A selector which allows multiple currencies to be pulled.
  • A way to completely turn off the financials... mainly because I'm not interested in the minute (as in: tiny) gains or losses of the exchange rates while I mine. This one might just be me, but I really don't care about the exchange rate at the moment.

I'll add more interesting stuff for the currencies at some point, and for now you can turn them off by changing the Currency dropbox to (none) to turn that off (I'll try to make a checkbox that does the same thing at some point).

  • An option to donate a small portion of my proceeds to the developer's BTC or NMC fund, with optons for flat-rate amount per time period AND/OR percentage of each payout from slush. I think this is fair, so long as it defaults to being "off" and isn't pumped or hyped any more than the link on the "about" window, etc. (some of us are less concerned about the money and reminders tend to be annoying)

I'll at least add a donation link to the About tab, and I'll consider something like what you're suggesting, I just really hate when developers beg for money in their apps. If I add something, I guarantee it'll be as low-key as possible ;)

  • The ability to select a miner other than poclbm (not because I necessarily want to, but experimentation and a snazzy interface like the one for poclbm would be nice... different miners seem to work better with specific pieces of hardware than others... not sure if there's a pattern to this or not).
  • The ability to input a command to the command line, such as C:\cgminer\cgminer -w32 -I15 <etc.> so that an alternate miner can be used, if a new one happens to come out. This could be complicated, though, since it would necessarily have to reject the URL and user/password stuff... just an idea.

These two suggestions are a little trickier, since I've written this program to specifically handle output from POCLBM. An idea for the (not terribly near) future might be some kind of addon system for various mining programs.

  • Log export function, copy-to-clipboard, save-to-text-file, send-report-to-developer, etc., just some button so that we don't have to copypasta by hand.

I thought about these when I was first putting the app together, but I was too lazy to actually do them. I'll probably add them in the next release, though; it would make problems easier to diagnose.

  • Adjustable log verbosity (export is full verbosity, but we might not want everything in the display).

I'll probably do something similar to the program I work on in my real job, where I use a listview to show the log info with various severity levels (message, warning, error, fatal, etc.).

  • An option to set/change worker difficulty.

Sadly, this is another one of those things that I would need to be able to authenticate in order to do, and I can't do that at the moment. If anyone has some C# code that can authenticate to Slush's pool, I would really appreciate it! :D

The only issues I see are that this community tends to want to look at the code, so open sourcing might be good for marketing purposes here.

I'm definitely a fan of open-source, I'm just not quite ready to release the code yet, I wanted to make sure it was working well and I need to clean up and comment the code (again, I'm a lazy programmer ;) )

And I'll pass it through my rootkit detectors and multiple virus checkers, really torture-test stuff later on (just to see if there are any compatibility issues with any virus checkers out there, since Chrome apparently labels one of the miners as malware, even though it's clearly not), but for now I'm really liking what I see. I reiterate: great job, joshua70448!

Thanks :D One of the reasons I used POCLBM to mine was it doesn't set off the enterprise virus scanner on my work machine, whereas cgminer is blocked as malware (some nasty viruses bring along a copy of cgminer to mine bitcoins on infected machines and send the proceeds to the virus author).

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: VishwaJay on April 16, 2013, 05:30:54 PM
Wow, I didn't actually expect such a detailed reply, LOL!

Thanks, though: it demonstrates a level of seriousness which lends a little to your software.

But IIRC, you've done a really great job so far with this. Hope that not all of my suggestions are necessarily taken seriously... feeping creature and all that.

For the financials, I didn't see the (none) ... it would be helpful if it was in both lists, perhaps? (Add that to the wishlist.) But the fact I can already turn it off is actually pretty awesome. :)

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: VishwaJay on April 16, 2013, 06:51:32 PM
Also, just wondering: is there a way to set up poclbm to spit out a verbose log, perhaps with a config file?

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 16, 2013, 07:56:44 PM
I found a bug in the error handler where, if an error occurs on retry, it throws that blocking error message and stops mining :( Gonna fix that...

Also, just wondering: is there a way to set up poclbm to spit out a verbose log, perhaps with a config file?

Well, poclbm has a -verbose switch, but when I use that it forces the stats refresh rate to 60 seconds instead of the 1 second it's set to right now, and you can't customize it at all. I'm not a huge fan of that, so I want to try to get a working python environment so I can tweak the code for my own purposes. (I also want to have a flag to dump platforms and devices and then exit, which you can't quite do right now, that's why detecting hardware takes a little while)

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 24, 2013, 05:57:10 PM
I've released version 0.2 of SlushMiner on my SourceForge ( ( with some big backend changes and a few interface improvements:

  • The backend code has been completely restructured, making it much easier to maintain and allowing me to release the source code without making myself look bad ;D The source isn't quite ready yet, I need to clean up and comment everything but once it's uploaded I'll post here
  • Worker information can be manually overridden in case Slush's Pool website goes down (like it has been lately). He's got mining working but the site itself is down, so this will allow SlushMiner to work without the login
  • A new Charts tab with line charts for hashrate, share rates, and rejection rate
  • Automatic new version checking (disabled by default, you can turn this on in the Settings tab)
  • Custom refresh intervals for miner program, currency markets, and pool stats

There's a few other smaller improvements, you can find them on my website. Let me know what you think!

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 25, 2013, 06:49:40 PM
I've moved the entire SlushMiner project over to SourceForge: ( I've uploaded all of the source code to the built-in Git repository, there's a few basic wiki pages, and SF has a tickets system if anyone has any problems with the software.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: nyclogan on April 25, 2013, 08:23:36 PM
Just installed and running now.  getting respectable hash rate vs Guiminer, within 5 Mhash/s.
Will let you know how it preforms over night.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: palm12341 on April 25, 2013, 11:53:07 PM
Interesting, I wonder if there will be a lot more single pool miners in the future

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: mastermeow on April 26, 2013, 12:37:01 AM
Thanks for the link

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: nyclogan on April 26, 2013, 03:26:39 PM
ok, ran over night, still chuggin along like a champ.

Overall the interface is nice, the integration with Slush account statistics and balance is great.

Will continue to use over Guiminer.  Thank you for working on this.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: BigBadJohnnyB on April 26, 2013, 06:34:17 PM
What a good way to make my first official post on the forum.

This is a great tool. To be honest, I was quite intimidated by cgminer. I had GUIMiner running, and that's great too - but I really like the integration with the account stats.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: nyclogan on April 26, 2013, 06:43:29 PM
ok, noticed a small issue.

on the Mining stats tab, the Total line is only summing the rejected shares, resulting in 100% rejection rate being displayed.
and on the line above, the rate reflects a static 15%.

<added> and as you can see in the screen shot, the titlebar reflects the wrong info as well.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 26, 2013, 07:44:57 PM
ok, noticed a small issue.

on the Mining stats tab, the Total line is only summing the rejected shares, resulting in 100% rejection rate being displayed.
and on the line above, the rate reflects a static 15%.

<added> and as you can see in the screen shot, the titlebar reflects the wrong info as well.

Yeah, I saw that problem too, it's because I started making the counts "pretty" (adding thousands separators) but when I total everything up it's not handling those numbers properly. It's on my fix list for the next version :)

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: honkeylips on April 26, 2013, 08:03:04 PM
well done josh

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: xSkGx on April 26, 2013, 08:13:33 PM
Looks nice, sad it don't works on linux.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 26, 2013, 10:00:55 PM
I've released version 0.2.1 of SlushMiner on my SourceForge (, this is mostly a bug fix and performance improvement release:

  • Fixed problems with chart zooming and increased range
  • New version checking will now actually respect user setting (was previously always on)
  • Maximum limit removed from miner refresh rate
  • Chart data is removed after a specified number of hours (keeps memory usage from getting too high)
  • Website pulls and chart updates are paused while the main form is minimized, everything gets updated when the form is restored

    Minor bug fixes:
  • JSON parsing when the user's current culture uses commas as decimal separators
  • Total stats calculations when accepted or rejected share counts go over 1,000 (thousands separator causing problems)
  • Currency exchange information is now displayed and updated all the time

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: Destr on April 26, 2013, 10:39:00 PM

your program is only for GPU's? How about FPGA and ASIC's (virtual com port)?


Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: Konkwest on April 26, 2013, 10:42:31 PM
hey joshua! also a member of slush, i'll download this and give it a whirl later tonight. is this just a front-end for another client or a stand-alone program? i ask because i'd like to be able to use BMIT (bitcoin miners in tray) eventually for it's auto-restart features.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: dr3i on April 26, 2013, 11:10:24 PM
Great work there josh!

As ive read all the reviews and comments i can't wait to download this program.
Will try to download this later after work.  :)

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: frflj on April 27, 2013, 01:13:26 AM
I tried Slush's pool but my computer was too slow.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: joshua70448 on April 27, 2013, 06:44:25 PM

your program is only for GPU's? How about FPGA and ASIC's (virtual com port)?


Currently SlushMiner only works with POCLBM, which as far as I know only works with OpenCL (usually GPU's). I plan on building some kind of addon system to work with other programs in the near future, so other people could write addons to work with other mining software.

hey joshua! also a member of slush, i'll download this and give it a whirl later tonight. is this just a front-end for another client or a stand-alone program? i ask because i'd like to be able to use BMIT (bitcoin miners in tray) eventually for it's auto-restart features.

It's a front-end for POCLBM, but I plan on building some kind of addon system to work with other mining programs.

Title: Re: New mining program for Slush's pool
Post by: Tixo Rebel on March 17, 2014, 05:32:13 PM

I'm new to Bitcoin Mining but does this work with CUDA mining?
