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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: nigerianprince on December 16, 2016, 08:17:56 PM

Title: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: nigerianprince on December 16, 2016, 08:17:56 PM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Placid on December 16, 2016, 08:21:26 PM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?

Keep kalm and obey. It's what people have done since centuries back, since a king was back then also the only authority.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Momus on December 16, 2016, 11:11:19 PM
How an authoritarian political system can survive from the Fourth Estate (the press)?

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: saddampbuh on December 16, 2016, 11:25:04 PM
by demonstrating loyalty to your country and leader obviously

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: deadsilent on December 17, 2016, 12:02:58 AM
Why bother about this kind of ruling? Just be normal. Just obey and follow the rules. They dont implement rules that can harm you. Dont do things that against the law so you wont get diciplined by the government. If you dont like dictatorial leadership. Then feel free to leave your country.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: BADecker on December 17, 2016, 12:59:35 AM
Become the government, with an ironclad way out in case there is total rebellion.


Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: merchantofzeny on December 18, 2016, 12:14:41 PM
Just keep a low profile. Hmm, I dunno, maybe unleash your inner Littlefinger? :D

But seriously, try to stay "basic" and not attract any attention to yourself. Of course this is assuming you are already in a dictatorship. If not but it appears imminent, then get the hell out of there. If you're rich then liquidate your assets first and then exchange them for BT if you can (might be hard to move money out once the gov't starts its purge).

How an authoritarian political system can survive from the Fourth Estate (the press)?

The more pressing question is how can the "free" press survive authoritarianism.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Tyrantt on December 18, 2016, 12:31:59 PM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?

Keep kalm and obey. It's what people have done since centuries back, since a king was back then also the only authority.

Pretty much. Do what you're told, don't speak against the government and just keep the low profile at all.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Slow death on December 18, 2016, 01:10:04 PM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?

Are you a Nigerian? If yes, before answering your question I have to tell you a few things:

Since the arrival of many Nigerians in my country, the barbaric crime has increased. The war of the rich Muslim families has intensified and is becoming increasingly bloody, but the Nigerians are the ones who carry out the crimes. >:(

Disrespect the dead: Many Nigerians are constantly digging up the graves of the dead because they want to remove the bones of the dead to do witchcraft >:(

Scammers: Many Nigerians who are in my country are always posting articles in the newspapers promising things that are impossible at the moment, they promise that they can cure HIV, that they can increase 12 centimeters of the penis in 1 days and so many absurd things. >:(

Business: Many Nigerians mistreat Mozambicans, even though they know they are in our country and exploit our mineral resources illegally, gold, and tourmaline, are monopolized by Nigerians who mistreat Mocambicans in these mines. >:(

I do not want to do xenophobia, I just think if you are suffering in your country, you should learn to be kind to the countries that welcome you!

What you should do?
 change the minds of the majority of the population, but this will be difficult... because in Africa, the political party that freed us from colonialism, make brainwashed their own people.

You know, I walk with bodyguard because my father is a high-ranking general of the army, and very recently he was in the war zones and it was sad what he counted and showed.

3 weeks ago, 2 thieves broke into my house and stole a laptop and a S6 phone from my sister. The thieves probably must have thought the laptop and cell phone were my dad's.

You should be aware that this is not a joke. If you're a child, you'd better not do anything. Because anything you do will affect you and your family.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: iluvbitcoins on December 18, 2016, 01:17:00 PM
First you have to list your priorities

If you want to survive by being a pussy, you need to follow your "leader"

However, if you're not a giant pussy, you will join or form a resistance organization and fight with the guerrilas in order to overthrow the opressors for the freedom and well-being of everyone else, so they and you are able to survive  :D

Or, if you're able to, immigrate to a free country and spread news about the oppresion

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: iluvbitcoins on December 18, 2016, 02:01:30 PM
First you have to list your priorities

If you want to survive by being a pussy, you need to follow your "leader"

However, if you're not a giant pussy, you will join or form a resistance organization and fight with the guerrilas in order to overthrow the opressors for the freedom and well-being of everyone else, so they and you are able to survive  :D

Or, if you're able to, immigrate to a free country and spread news about the oppresion
Oh yeah, immigrate if you don't have your shit together, you are all welcome in our developed countries, even without education, we take everyone in, even if there are no political conflicts in your country, come to europe for free money and housing...

I could understand you want to migrate to a free country, but man if everyone does that, how free is the free country, think about that for a second. However i do believe real asylum seekers should be allowed, eg Syria... but i also see alot of immigrants from safe countries, for example morroco, purely coming here for the money. I think that is really wrong and shouldn't be allowed.

I do not see how this is related, if we're talking about dictatorships, I see no reason how Morrocans have anything to do with it  :D

Ofcourse these "immigrants" shouldn't be allowed to immigrate, but they should be armed and sent back to fight their dictator

Also that is harmful for us, but as he said, how do you survive
One of the solutions is escape to a free country

One of survival instincts is also theft, of course it's wrong, and bad for us, but for them?
It is one of the scarce opportunities to survive

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Daniel91 on December 18, 2016, 02:23:00 PM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?

In a authoritarian political system you have only 2 choices.
To obey or to fight.
If you obey government, you will be fine but live in misery.
If you fight, you will risk your own life but will help to change political system and create better future for your children.
I think that fight for higher purpose is more worth than just be scared all the life, and hide somewhere.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 18, 2016, 03:48:29 PM
by demonstrating loyalty to your country and leader obviously

Or better you could stay away from politics altogether. This is the safer option, because if another coup happens and the current dictator is replaced by his rival, then you'll be in trouble.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: audaciousbeing on December 18, 2016, 10:19:21 PM
The only way to fight is simply to seek an asylum somewhere else in another country that promote your ideals then fight from there and that's how to survive and for those who can't afford to travel out, and have no where to go, just hold tight and pray a savior will show up because aside that, nothing else is really going to happen.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: youdacapt on December 20, 2016, 10:55:48 AM
If you mean to survive, it is best to be like them or live and work in other countries, don't most criticized the government, only parliament can change the system state. and it takes time and huge demonstrations, if necessary, overthrow his regime. There are many people who are not fortunate to be born and live in non-democratic countries.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 20, 2016, 11:54:05 AM
There are many people who are not fortunate to be born and live in non-democratic countries.

I don't think that the people living in democratic nations are any more fortunate than those living in the authoritarian states. For example, India is a democracy, but the living standards are horrible. Compare that to China, which is an authoritarian country, but the living standards are much better than that in India.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: youdacapt on December 20, 2016, 12:33:27 PM
There are many people who are not fortunate to be born and live in non-democratic countries.

I don't think that the people living in democratic nations are any more fortunate than those living in the authoritarian states. For example, India is a democracy, but the living standards are horrible. Compare that to China, which is an authoritarian country, but the living standards are much better than that in India.

Indian society is free to speak his rights in any field including businesses, they are better than dictatorships. India concerned with aspects of quality than quantity, so government policies affect average economic development.

China is not a democracy, but the government focus to widen people's economy as a whole, they are freeing people to emulate any existing famous brands in the world without any sanction. They believe their economy will spin without the help of foreign countries.

In economic theory, if there is freedom that is fully supported by the government, the country market will grow rapidly, but very wild and many legal cases will appear.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 20, 2016, 02:24:19 PM
India concerned with aspects of quality than quantity, so government policies affect average economic development.

This statement is laughable. The only resource which India is having, is quantity (i.e manpower / cheap labor). The population is still increasing by some 25 million per year (which is more than half of the world population growth). The quality of life just does not exist. What sort of quality exists in a country where half the population defecate in the open?

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: iamTom123 on December 20, 2016, 02:29:12 PM
Start putting masking tape on your mouth and relocate into a remote island far from the reach of the government but still within the country you are in. Just make sure you have an internet connection so you can still be updated with Bitcoin news. :)

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Adelajda on December 20, 2016, 03:32:40 PM
Start putting masking tape on your mouth and relocate into a remote island far from the reach of the government but still within the country you are in. Just make sure you have an internet connection so you can still be updated with Bitcoin news. :)
If you are living under a dictatorship even if you move to a remote island you will still be monitored and the possibilities for going to jail are very much high for any suspicious activity .

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Kvazimoda on December 20, 2016, 03:42:10 PM
Start putting masking tape on your mouth and relocate into a remote island far from the reach of the government but still within the country you are in. Just make sure you have an internet connection so you can still be updated with Bitcoin news. :)
People live under any government and under any dictatorship. Just change your way of life. Over time you get used to everything and think differently to live. Many even like it. Look at Russia!

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Deja on December 20, 2016, 03:44:01 PM
Simple, by saying phrases like

May my Emperor reign for ten thousand years

Long live to the Emperor

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: icecube45 on December 20, 2016, 05:45:02 PM
Survive in an authoritarian political system I think is very difficult. We should fully follow the leader, and if we do not follow it will be subject to punishment in accordance with the willingness of leaders. So that a person can not be free to do anything. Because the power is on one person is a leader. An authoritarian political system could actually be good if the leaders can behave fairly and not arbitrarily.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 20, 2016, 06:09:51 PM
People live under any government and under any dictatorship. Just change your way of life. Over time you get used to everything and think differently to live. Many even like it. Look at Russia!

The case with Russia is different. They had 7 years of "Western-style" democracy under Boris Yeltsin. During this period, the national wealth was looted by the oligarchs and millions of Russians died from lack of medical care. This government style was replaced when Vladimir Putin became the president. Despite his authoritarian rule, the Russian living standards improved.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: yuiyuga on December 20, 2016, 07:34:45 PM
People live under any government and under any dictatorship. Just change your way of life. Over time you get used to everything and think differently to live. Many even like it. Look at Russia!

The case with Russia is different. They had 7 years of "Western-style" democracy under Boris Yeltsin. During this period, the national wealth was looted by the oligarchs and millions of Russians died from lack of medical care. This government style was replaced when Vladimir Putin became the president. Despite his authoritarian rule, the Russian living standards improved.
Indeed, when Yeltsin was trying to build democracy in Russia, but this attempt turned into a period of permissiveness. Thieves who are now in power in Russia stole their businesses at the time, and now are looting the natural resources. As for life under Putin, any Russian will tell you that they became worse than under Yeltsin.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Deja on December 21, 2016, 05:37:34 AM
People live under any government and under any dictatorship. Just change your way of life. Over time you get used to everything and think differently to live. Many even like it. Look at Russia!

The case with Russia is different. They had 7 years of "Western-style" democracy under Boris Yeltsin. During this period, the national wealth was looted by the oligarchs and millions of Russians died from lack of medical care. This government style was replaced when Vladimir Putin became the president. Despite his authoritarian rule, the Russian living standards improved.
Indeed, when Yeltsin was trying to build democracy in Russia, but this attempt turned into a period of permissiveness. Thieves who are now in power in Russia stole their businesses at the time, and now are looting the natural resources. As for life under Putin, any Russian will tell you that they became worse than under Yeltsin.

Any country loots resources... why do you think that is so different or surprising?.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Klima on December 21, 2016, 10:40:34 AM
People live under any government and under any dictatorship. Just change your way of life. Over time you get used to everything and think differently to live. Many even like it. Look at Russia!

The case with Russia is different. They had 7 years of "Western-style" democracy under Boris Yeltsin. During this period, the national wealth was looted by the oligarchs and millions of Russians died from lack of medical care. This government style was replaced when Vladimir Putin became the president. Despite his authoritarian rule, the Russian living standards improved.
Indeed, when Yeltsin was trying to build democracy in Russia, but this attempt turned into a period of permissiveness. Thieves who are now in power in Russia stole their businesses at the time, and now are looting the natural resources. As for life under Putin, any Russian will tell you that they became worse than under Yeltsin.

Any country loots resources... why do you think that is so different or surprising?.
There are countries in which the government is robbing the country's resources but it shares loot with the public. The standard of living in these countries is much higher than in Russia. Poor people are cheaper to manage.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 21, 2016, 11:15:48 AM
As for life under Putin, any Russian will tell you that they became worse than under Yeltsin.

Only people who are going to have such an opinion are the oligarchs. For everyone else, life improved quite a bit under Putin. Yeltsin was the worst. There can't be any worse alternative to him.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Klima on December 21, 2016, 11:23:08 AM
As for life under Putin, any Russian will tell you that they became worse than under Yeltsin.

Only people who are going to have such an opinion are the oligarchs. For everyone else, life improved quite a bit under Putin. Yeltsin was the worst. There can't be any worse alternative to him.
Under Putin, life in Russia became worse. The oligarchs are no exception. Their assets fell significantly. Purchasing power of the population is very much reduced, which makes unprofitable any production on the domestic market of Russia. And it reduces income and leads to higher unemployment.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on December 21, 2016, 11:29:06 AM
Under Putin, life in Russia became worse. The oligarchs are no exception. Their assets fell significantly. Purchasing power of the population is very much reduced, which makes unprofitable any production on the domestic market of Russia. And it reduces income and leads to higher unemployment.

Under Putin, life in Russia became worse only for the oligarchs. For everyone else, it improved. When he took power, the average wages were like $50 per month. Now it stands at $600 per month.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Klima on December 21, 2016, 11:51:44 AM
Under Putin, life in Russia became worse. The oligarchs are no exception. Their assets fell significantly. Purchasing power of the population is very much reduced, which makes unprofitable any production on the domestic market of Russia. And it reduces income and leads to higher unemployment.

Under Putin, life in Russia became worse only for the oligarchs. For everyone else, it improved. When he took power, the average wages were like $50 per month. Now it stands at $600 per month.
In 2000, Russia was not average salary of $ 50 just like now there is $ 600. You're lying. In addition, the average wage indicator concept is very conditional. If you earned 15,000 rubles and your neighbor 15000000 rubles the average salary you will have 7507500 RUB You will live well?

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: dawnpot on December 21, 2016, 12:06:29 PM
There's no way to survive it than to endure or pack out. How can you live under such conditions when there's no respect for written down laws( constitution) but what a dictator's mind will tell him to do?

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Perle on December 21, 2016, 12:18:37 PM
There's no way to survive it than to endure or pack out. How can you live under such conditions when there's no respect for written down laws( constitution) but what a dictator's mind will tell him to do?
A person gets used to everything. Countries in which dictatorial regimes are more stable than democratic. There is no dispute about the policies and people live poorly but stable. They believe that it should be. For Example, Russia. It's probably Stockholm syndrome.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: jennygunn11 on December 21, 2016, 12:31:10 PM
I recently completed my assignment on the dictatorship in which I got help from Cheap Assignment Writing Service in UK - AssignmentDone ( that's why I would like to share my opinion that Roman despot is a republic political office of the Roman Republic. Roman tyrants were distributed outright power amid times of crisis. Their energy was initially neither discretionary nor unaccountable, being liable to law and requiring review avocation.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: gabmen on December 21, 2016, 04:36:09 PM
well for sure there are laws and rules that would be laid out for people to follow and i think if you stay within the boundaries of those laws then you don't need to worry about surviving a dictatorship. just do normal things without breaking any laws. of if you're not agreeing to how things are being done then leave the country and go somewhere else. although i don't think that option is available to a lot of people but really there's pretty much nothing you can do but to go with the flow to survive. anyways not all dictatorships are actually bad

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: PetroffVany on December 21, 2016, 06:46:27 PM
well for sure there are laws and rules that would be laid out for people to follow and i think if you stay within the boundaries of those laws then you don't need to worry about surviving a dictatorship. just do normal things without breaking any laws. of if you're not agreeing to how things are being done then leave the country and go somewhere else. although i don't think that option is available to a lot of people but really there's pretty much nothing you can do but to go with the flow to survive. anyways not all dictatorships are actually bad
So how do you think can think of only people with a slave mentality. Normal people for freedom giving their lives. You do not understand. It is such as you are people living under the dictatorship.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Drowzy on December 22, 2016, 06:29:02 PM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?

This is a simple question with an easy answer.

If you want to live then do as your told. Obey the regime and follow its code. You do not need to join them just follow what they want you to do and you'll be fine.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: wowanstrong on December 22, 2016, 06:39:33 PM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?

This is a simple question with an easy answer.

If you want to live then do as your told. Obey the regime and follow its code. You do not need to join them just follow what they want you to do and you'll be fine.

And why such a life? I don't understand how people allow to power in their country's dictators. Freedom can not be a price for life. For me a sure sign of the presence or absence of dictatorship in the country there is legislation about guns. Only free people have the right to arms.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 22, 2016, 07:27:54 PM
A person gets used to everything. Countries in which dictatorial regimes are more stable than democratic. There is no dispute about the policies and people live poorly but stable. They believe that it should be. For Example, Russia. It's probably Stockholm syndrome.

The living conditions matter. Let us compare authoritarian Russia with democratic Ukraine. Russia is doing good by international standards, with higher than average wages and stable population. At least 10 million foreigners work in Russia (of which, 3 million from Ukraine). Now Ukraine is at the rock bottom, with medieval living standards. The life is horrible there and the people have lost all hope.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: igorokavg13 on December 22, 2016, 07:35:20 PM
A person gets used to everything. Countries in which dictatorial regimes are more stable than democratic. There is no dispute about the policies and people live poorly but stable. They believe that it should be. For Example, Russia. It's probably Stockholm syndrome.

The living conditions matter. Let us compare authoritarian Russia with democratic Ukraine. Russia is doing good by international standards, with higher than average wages and stable population. At least 10 million foreigners work in Russia (of which, 3 million from Ukraine). Now Ukraine is at the rock bottom, with medieval living standards. The life is horrible there and the people have lost all hope.
This is an example of how Russia launches a network of fake information! In fact, Russia's population is not really declining at the moment due to the migration. The average salary in Russia fell by almost 2 times compared to the end of 2013. Given the fact that Russia is a very large gap between rich and poor is the situation with wages very badly.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: bryant.coleman on December 23, 2016, 10:33:15 AM
This is an example of how Russia launches a network of fake information! In fact, Russia's population is not really declining at the moment due to the migration.

That is wrong. For the past 4 years, there have been more births than deaths in Russia. The Russian fertility rate of 1.83 children per woman (estimate for 2016) is one of the highest in the European continent.

The average salary in Russia fell by almost 2 times compared to the end of 2013.

In Ruble terms, the salary has slightly increased. If you take the measurement in USD, then yes. The salaries have declined by around 40%. It is similar to the decrease in the EU, due to the devaluation of the Euro.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: PetroffVany on December 23, 2016, 08:43:30 PM
This is an example of how Russia launches a network of fake information! In fact, Russia's population is not really declining at the moment due to the migration.

That is wrong. For the past 4 years, there have been more births than deaths in Russia. The Russian fertility rate of 1.83 children per woman (estimate for 2016) is one of the highest in the European continent.

The average salary in Russia fell by almost 2 times compared to the end of 2013.

In Ruble terms, the salary has slightly increased. If you take the measurement in USD, then yes. The salaries have declined by around 40%. It is similar to the decrease in the EU, due to the devaluation of the Euro.
I believe that the level of wages is measured by the ability to buy on a salary of a certain amount of goods. In America, invented the index McDuck. Primitive, but effective. I think he did better than statistics demonstrate.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sponsoredby15 on January 24, 2017, 03:05:42 PM
Our society do change all the time, it goes and comes back. To be prepared for this changes I think se should maintain discipline in ourselves so that when the authorities gets more strict with their laws it wouldn't be too  hard to adjust. Let's just be optimistic towards our society so that we can still enjoy it whatever the government may be.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Xester on January 25, 2017, 01:35:53 PM
Being in an authoritarian government or an estate is not 100% brings negative impact or threat to the society. Even if it is authoritarian if the leader is a good leader and a leader for the people then it is a good government and there will be peace and prosperity to the citizens. But if you have a democratic government that is ruled by the corrupt and greedy politicians then people will suffer and whistle blowers will die for letting the truth out.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: DrPepperJC on January 25, 2017, 01:50:48 PM
Being in an authoritarian government or an estate is not 100% brings negative impact or threat to the society. Even if it is authoritarian if the leader is a good leader and a leader for the people then it is a good government and there will be peace and prosperity to the citizens. But if you have a democratic government that is ruled by the corrupt and greedy politicians then people will suffer and whistle blowers will die for letting the truth out.
Authoritarian regimes will never care about their population. The only difference is that in authoritarian countries, all people living in poverty, and in democratic countries all people live relatively lavishly.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: GoodLuck2 on January 25, 2017, 02:15:01 PM
it depends upon the dictator it self if it is good for your country then you should obey him but it is not good then you should stay loyal to your country and stand against him..... but most of the example of dictators we have like qaddafi and hussain mubarik ruined their country !!!!

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: bryant.coleman on January 25, 2017, 05:25:23 PM
but most of the example of dictators we have like qaddafi and hussain mubarik ruined their country !!!!

So what happened once Gaddhafi and Mubarak were ousted? Libya is now embroiled in a bloody civil war, with the ISIS slowly gaining ground. The poverty level has increased by many fold. In Egypt also, the violence has increased after the coup. Minorities (especially the Copts) are facing increased hostility and persecution from the Islamists.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: coolcoinz on January 25, 2017, 05:26:19 PM
I think a dictatorship is much better than fake democracy.
In a fake democracy you are told that you have the right to choose and given a false hope that your vote means anything, but in reality every decision is still made by the government secret service and others. Do you remember how the number of total votes in Russia were over 100% once?

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Malsetid on January 26, 2017, 05:54:47 PM
but most of the example of dictators we have like qaddafi and hussain mubarik ruined their country !!!!

So what happened once Gaddhafi and Mubarak were ousted? Libya is now embroiled in a bloody civil war, with the ISIS slowly gaining ground. The poverty level has increased by many fold. In Egypt also, the violence has increased after the coup. Minorities (especially the Copts) are facing increased hostility and persecution from the Islamists.

I think its case to case. I think what happened in Syria and Libya were a mistake. there are some cases where in an iron hard is needed to avoid a greater evil to gain stronger root. gadaffi was able to suppress that because he knows his people and the fear or respect that he gets from his iron rule negates these terrorist groups from becoming more influential.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: joebrook on January 26, 2017, 05:59:44 PM
The best option is to survive a dictatorship government is to do exactly what they want no questions asked. That's the wisest advice ever.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: bikihabana on January 26, 2017, 08:02:05 PM

The best choice by far: become part of the resistance and push the dictator back into the hole out of which he came. Then put a lid on so he cannot escape and try it again.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Okurkabinladin on January 26, 2017, 08:14:15 PM
Same way you survive in any political system. I find it hilarious, when people feel sudden "change" in policial climate. Dictators are more often than not only result of already present conditions. Again, results, not causes.

So, to cut it short. Keep low profile, live in countryside and make good neighbours. Dont like it? Move. Cant move? Well, then you have to be a good boy, but I think you already knew that.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Okurkabinladin on January 26, 2017, 08:15:59 PM

The best choice by far: become part of the resistance and push the dictator back into the hole out of which he came. Then put a lid on so he cannot escape and try it again.

Thats the worst single advice I heard on this forum this week. That will get you prison shower rape time even in places like Sweden or France, buddy.

What resistance against what kind of dictator and for what? Will you kill a cop for giving you traffic ticket, if you consider system to be dictatorship?

Seriously, OP asked how to "survive", not how to play open world videogame.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: maku on January 26, 2017, 08:59:38 PM
People automatically assume that dictatorship is something awful and bad by design. It is not always the case. We had examples of a GREAT leaders with authoritarian background.

It is true that some people in power are crooked and depraved, hence the system they create will be corrupted as well. But what if we had man with a mission in mind leading us?

Prime example of extraordinary dictator was Salazar, dictator of Portugal:

Portugal got ruled by a dictator for 36 years. During that time:

- the country paid in full the debts from WW1
- avoided entering into WW2
- stopped Spain from joining WW2 Axis and controlling west Europe
- the country accumulated gold in comparable scale to Switzerland
- co-founded NATO to stop communist advance in Europe.

More info: (

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: youdacapt on January 26, 2017, 09:42:18 PM
I think a dictatorship is much better than fake democracy.
In a fake democracy you are told that you have the right to choose and given a false hope that your vote means anything, but in reality every decision is still made by the government secret service and others. Do you remember how the number of total votes in Russia were over 100% once?

Dictators will only enrich certain groups. Social welfare will indeed look, but not in line with overall number. Don't forget, a lot of people's rights to be cut, and restrictions on authority of human rights, such as a deeper investigation into the government circles. That doesn't include corruption, collusion and nepotism, you agree on that? You just do not feel it.

No false democracy, they continue to strive to be better.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: darkangel11 on January 26, 2017, 10:26:12 PM
People automatically assume that dictatorship is something awful and bad by design. It is not always the case. We had examples of a GREAT leaders with authoritarian background.

It is true that some people in power are crooked and depraved, hence the system they create will be corrupted as well. But what if we had man with a mission in mind leading us?

Prime example of extraordinary dictator was Salazar, dictator of Portugal:

Portugal got ruled by a dictator for 36 years. During that time:

- the country paid in full the debts from WW1
- avoided entering into WW2
- stopped Spain from joining WW2 Axis and controlling west Europe
- the country accumulated gold in comparable scale to Switzerland
- co-founded NATO to stop communist advance in Europe.

More info: (

Some incredible achievements for a man. He cared more about his country than about his own and his family's well being. Completely opposite of what other "leaders" are doing. Yanukovych had everything in his mansion covered in gold, while the people were earning $300 a month. A typical member of EU parliament is earning each month the equivalent of a one year's wage of a normal citizen. Something has to change.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: zuyfg888 on January 27, 2017, 01:54:36 AM
Some of us scared to the dictatorship, but some of us favors the dictatorship. As a citizen, we all choose to have a democracy, we all want to live independently. We all want to live free, and no one will dictate our lives.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: frendsento on January 27, 2017, 03:47:16 AM
I believe that living under dictatorship government is not hard if you are a law abiding citizen , If you want to survive the dictatorship leadership you just have to follow the rules given by the law of the land and don't  be a naught citizen ! Just follow the law and you're gonna live your life peacefully !

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: novemberwoah on January 27, 2017, 04:12:55 AM
To live in an authoritarian political system actually does not matter as long as state leaders could be fair and wise. But if the state leaders cruel and arbitrary (dictator) to oppress the people I think it's very difficult to live on such a system. Because we have to obey all the wishes of the state leaders, and if they refuse to follow could possibly punished. So to be able to survive the thing to do is to follow commands and not to do is refuse to follow commands.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: SuperVillain on January 27, 2017, 08:53:42 AM
You must be anonymous, avoid taxes, participate in subversive activity to subvert your dictator. Every free man must do it

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: burner2014 on January 27, 2017, 02:35:54 PM
I believe that living under dictatorship government is not hard if you are a law abiding citizen , If you want to survive the dictatorship leadership you just have to follow the rules given by the law of the land and don't  be a naught citizen ! Just follow the law and you're gonna live your life peacefully !
That is true, ever if you live in a dictatorship leadership, nothing would change if you just do what is right and you don't go beyond the limit. I believe that if you just did than, they nothing to worry about. Here in our country I don't feel the pressure of our President because he is just doing what is right for the country.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: margarete11 on January 27, 2017, 03:43:10 PM
I believe that living under dictatorship government is not hard if you are a law abiding citizen , If you want to survive the dictatorship leadership you just have to follow the rules given by the law of the land and don't  be a naught citizen ! Just follow the law and you're gonna live your life peacefully !
We have the same feeling buddy I dont know why others is afraid on a dictatorial government , If we all just abide in the law then there will be no problem the government will not hunt us because we are a good citizen  and we can still enjoy our life to the fullest '

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sadlife on January 27, 2017, 03:50:22 PM
By standing up to that dictator and uniting all the people in your country to Fight for your freedom :)
Well if that dictator has some good reasons why not if those rules is for the sake and well being of its civilians. Why not

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 27, 2017, 04:42:07 PM
By standing up to that dictator and uniting all the people in your country to Fight for your freedom :)
Well if that dictator has some good reasons why not if those rules is for the sake and well being of its civilians. Why not

There is no doubt that at least some of the dictators in power are better than the democratically elected rulers. One example is Alexander Lukashenko of Belarus. He never allowed the oligarchs to loot the Belorussian national wealth, unlike the case with Russia and Ukraine. As a result, the death rate in Belarus is lower than that in Ukraine and Russia.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: bikihabana on January 27, 2017, 06:39:43 PM
You must be anonymous, avoid taxes, participate in subversive activity to subvert your dictator. Every free man must do it

Yes. Is seems some persons don't clearly understand what the true nature of a dictator is:

                                                                                                a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.

                                                                                                synonyms: autocrat, absolute ruler, despot, tyrant, oppressor

Believe me when I tell you, you will have ZERO peace of mind under dictatorship. And you will die super easy when the dictator demands you don't blink your eye - and after trying your best to keep your eyes open for 5 minutes, and then blink, and then you die by the hand of your dictator, if this is what he rules over you. Total power belongs to freaking NO ONE.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: pearlmen on January 27, 2017, 07:26:25 PM
In a dictatorship government, where they claim there is freedom of speech where as freedom after speech is what they cannot guarantee, then the only way out is to seek asylum then fight from diaspora because there is no such thing as dying with dignity, we only live with dignity. Leave then come back and fight if you are able to make it out alive.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: SvenBomvolen on January 28, 2017, 11:35:44 AM
In a dictatorship government, where they claim there is freedom of speech where as freedom after speech is what they cannot guarantee, then the only way out is to seek asylum then fight from diaspora because there is no such thing as dying with dignity, we only live with dignity. Leave then come back and fight if you are able to make it out alive.

   " He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day." Famous lyrics from one of the Bob Marley songs. I must agree with your opinion about freedom of speech and how nobody cant guarantee freedom after speech. To many people were killed in the past because of the things they said, doesnt matter how smart and wise their words was, they were killed anyway. Galileo Galilei because he said planet is round.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: 00hash01 on January 28, 2017, 12:00:00 PM
In a dictatorship government, where they claim there is freedom of speech where as freedom after speech is what they cannot guarantee, then the only way out is to seek asylum then fight from diaspora because there is no such thing as dying with dignity, we only live with dignity. Leave then come back and fight if you are able to make it out alive.
In fact, when the dictatorship to survive is quite simple. There are certain rules of conduct which defines a dictator. If not break then you can quite comfortably exist. There is only moral discomfort but people get used to it.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: philggg on January 28, 2017, 01:49:37 PM
you have to stand for your right,anything the government is doing that is anti people, people should protest peaceful against the policies of the authority because if nobody voice out they will think what they are doing is right

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: fasdorcas on January 28, 2017, 02:10:03 PM
i don't think you just have to sit in peace and obey but you have to stand against him and fight for the democracy and fight for your rights and fight for the what is right and serve your motherland........

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: JofryTheKing on January 28, 2017, 02:16:41 PM
i don't think you just have to sit in peace and obey but you have to stand against him and fight for the democracy and fight for your rights and fight for the what is right and serve your motherland........
Peaceful protests under the dictatorship impossible. In the best case no one will hear you, and in the worst case you dispersed and the leaders jailed. Let's see what is happening in Russia. A typical example of dictatorship.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: gabmen on January 28, 2017, 05:07:15 PM
i don't think you just have to sit in peace and obey but you have to stand against him and fight for the democracy and fight for your rights and fight for the what is right and serve your motherland........
Peaceful protests under the dictatorship impossible. In the best case no one will hear you, and in the worst case you dispersed and the leaders jailed. Let's see what is happening in Russia. A typical example of dictatorship.
Yeah thats the difference between having dictatorship and democracy. In democy, you're free to say anything out without being reprimanded by the goverment. Dictatorship type of governments pretty much is a one way rule. The people doesnt have any say and laws are applied as to how the dictstor sees fit. Though the problem with democracy is tbat it can easily manipulated and abused by corrupt people

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on January 28, 2017, 05:32:15 PM
you have to stand for your right,anything the government is doing that is anti people, people should protest peaceful against the policies of the authority because if nobody voice out they will think what they are doing is right

Peaceful protests never work now. Do you suggest the North Koreans to take peaceful protest marches against Kim Jong Un? The only option left for them is to wage a guerrilla warfare, or to flee towards South Korea.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: denzelc on March 15, 2017, 10:01:24 AM
Keep Calm and Carry On

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: IadixDev on March 15, 2017, 10:12:51 AM
show no mercy to any diktator  ;D 8) live free or die :D better die standing than living on your knees, bla bla  ;D

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: E-shipper on March 15, 2017, 01:03:08 PM
We must stay away from government and politics. Just to live and enjoy life, to find in each day a chance to change something. Strong people survive in all conditions, if they are positive and they have goals.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on March 16, 2017, 12:01:24 PM
We must stay away from government and politics. Just to live and enjoy life, to find in each day a chance to change something. Strong people survive in all conditions, if they are positive and they have goals.

This is the best option available to everyone who lives under a dictatorship. Keep away from politics and carry on with your personal life. In some cases, you will find that a dictatorship is more beneficial than a democracy. Compare the state of affairs in Libya when it was a dictatorship, with the current state.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: fuckitall on March 16, 2017, 02:09:34 PM

I think that's apt answer

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Casanova18 on March 16, 2017, 04:23:27 PM
We must stay away from government and politics. Just to live and enjoy life, to find in each day a chance to change something. Strong people survive in all conditions, if they are positive and they have goals.

This is the best option available to everyone who lives under a dictatorship. Keep away from politics and carry on with your personal life. In some cases, you will find that a dictatorship is more beneficial than a democracy. Compare the state of affairs in Libya when it was a dictatorship, with the current state.
Anything else from Russian, I did not expect. How can you enjoy life under the dictatorship. It is a slave psychology. Only in a dictatorship do not have the most quarrels with the government. You have neighbors who can write on you a denunciation. If you're in the Crimea will ask the Crimean Tatars where better to live in a democracy or under a Russian dictatorship.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on March 16, 2017, 04:55:22 PM
We must stay away from government and politics. Just to live and enjoy life, to find in each day a chance to change something. Strong people survive in all conditions, if they are positive and they have goals.

This is the best option available to everyone who lives under a dictatorship. Keep away from politics and carry on with your personal life. In some cases, you will find that a dictatorship is more beneficial than a democracy. Compare the state of affairs in Libya when it was a dictatorship, with the current state.
Anything else from Russian, I did not expect. How can you enjoy life under the dictatorship. It is a slave psychology. Only in a dictatorship do not have the most quarrels with the government. You have neighbors who can write on you a denunciation. If you're in the Crimea will ask the Crimean Tatars where better to live in a democracy or under a Russian dictatorship.

If the Crimean Tatars want to establish their own Islamic Caliphate, nothing prevents them from doing that after migrating to Turkey or Saudi Arabia (provided they are welcome there). And for your kind information, Russia is not a dictatorship. It is a parliamentary democracy.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: J Gambler on March 16, 2017, 05:46:13 PM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?
Just simple follow the rules and never obey rules its very simple if you don't want problem then follow what your politician wants in your country north korea is one of the scariest country after I watched the video of a girl who speech about their country.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Idrisu on March 16, 2017, 06:59:32 PM
To survive during dictatorship you have to be extra careful and prayerful as most dictators hate criticism during their rule. To survive you most control your mind and mouth, you most not join protest against the government and if possible just live the country for the time be. You should be prayerful because the scripture said " the hearts of kings are in the hand of the lord".

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: mindrust on March 16, 2017, 07:05:11 PM
Don't specify your political views on internet. You may find yourself in Jail because of a 10 year old comment. Especially if it is a Local website. Don't spend a single extra cent other than your minimum living expenses. Any extra dollar you spend is going to support the system.  If you don't agree with the system, don't support it. Don't let it to collect taxes from your money. Don't leave any money in the banks. Putting your money in banks is no different than giving them directly to the government. You don't own the money. Bank does. When they need your money, you won't be able to have it. If you don't know how to hide money, that's where you'll need bitcoin. Bingo.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: MattScott on March 16, 2017, 07:18:28 PM
Don't specify your political views on internet. You may find yourself in Jail because of a 10 year old comment. Especially if it is a Local website. Don't spend a single extra cent other than your minimum living expenses. Any extra dollar you spend is going to support the system.  If you don't agree with the system, don't support it. Don't let it to collect taxes from your money. Don't leave any money in the banks. Putting your money in banks is no different than giving them directly to the government. You don't own the money. Bank does. When they need your money, you won't be able to have it. If you don't know how to hide money, that's where you'll need bitcoin. Bingo.
Under the dictatorship all the institutions of government run like clockwork. As soon as another currency will put pressure on the local currency they will immediately block the channel. In Russia once even shot for possession of dollars.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: one-day0 on March 16, 2017, 07:44:06 PM
Don't specify your political views on internet. You may find yourself in Jail because of a 10 year old comment. Especially if it is a Local website. Don't spend a single extra cent other than your minimum living expenses. Any extra dollar you spend is going to support the system.  If you don't agree with the system, don't support it. Don't let it to collect taxes from your money. Don't leave any money in the banks. Putting your money in banks is no different than giving them directly to the government. You don't own the money. Bank does. When they need your money, you won't be able to have it. If you don't know how to hide money, that's where you'll need bitcoin. Bingo.
Under the dictatorship all the institutions of government run like clockwork. As soon as another currency will put pressure on the local currency they will immediately block the channel. In Russia once even shot for possession of dollars.
Perhaps the time will come and for bitcoin will be punished in this way. Who knows what the authorities can agree on to force the people to what the government needs and to keep everyone in awe.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: JavaLove on March 16, 2017, 10:27:47 PM
Theoretically, we already live in a very totalitarian government as it is. Free speech has been taken away years ago, and many other things have happened that have caused the government to prevent us from doing different activities. This is authoritarian, but not fascism.

Let's assume there was an extreme fascist takeover from a government, and the world was ruled by one TOTAL authoritative government, preventing us from doing anything.

In this case, your chances of survival are limited if you are apart of the minority that the fascist does not like. In order to survive, I'd stay low profile and try to not cause too many disturbances. I guess maybe try and live in the wild because otherwise the authorities will find you and possibly kill you.

Let's hope this never happens though.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: darkseid1199 on March 19, 2017, 01:40:26 PM
There are two things to do when you are living in a dictatorship regime, First and foremost you should be as anonymous as possible, doing whatever its required of you. Even through hardships and lack of your fundamental Human Rights. Secondly you can flee and seek asylum in any country that will receive you.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: canah17 on March 21, 2017, 01:19:50 AM
The world is changing.
How to survive in a authoritarian political system?
What to do / not to do ?

Well, it isn't that hard and you know must follow their rules in order to survive with your live's safe and family and also you must not be again'ts the political system because they can do things what ever or when ever they want but through all that but  you gotta follow their rules in order to survive its like a game but in real life. :D

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on March 21, 2017, 01:43:16 AM
There are two things to do when you are living in a dictatorship regime, First and foremost you should be as anonymous as possible, doing whatever its required of you. Even through hardships and lack of your fundamental Human Rights. Secondly you can flee and seek asylum in any country that will receive you.

The second option is not very attractive for me. If every one try to flee, then who is going to accommodate all of them? For example, North Korea is having a population of close to 25 million. Even if 10 million of that number flee, who is going to take this many people?

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: darkseid1199 on March 21, 2017, 03:30:39 PM
There are two things to do when you are living in a dictatorship regime, First and foremost you should be as anonymous as possible, doing whatever its required of you. Even through hardships and lack of your fundamental Human Rights. Secondly you can flee and seek asylum in any country that will receive you.

The second option is not very attractive for me. If every one try to flee, then who is going to accommodate all of them? For example, North Korea is having a population of close to 25 million. Even if 10 million of that number flee, who is going to take this many people?

There are countries currently taking in lots of refugees from Syria, I think should they all put their heads together, Countries will be able to accommodate as many refugees as they want.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Daniel91 on March 21, 2017, 05:06:39 PM
It's simple really.
Just follow rule and orders, be loyal citizen and do not ever criticize the government.
Specially you need to run away from politics, If you want to stay unnoticed.
Just do your everyday job, go home, don't talk to much and you will be fine :)
I lived in communist dictatorship and with such rules I never had any problem.
If you want to change something in your country, or criticize government, be ready for the consequences.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: BADecker on March 21, 2017, 05:15:47 PM
It's simple really.
Just follow rule and orders, be loyal citizen and do not ever criticize the government.
Specially you need to run away from politics, If you want to stay unnoticed.
Just do your everyday job, go home, don't talk to much and you will be fine :)
I lived in communist dictatorship and with such rules I never had any problem.
If you want to change something in your country, or criticize government, be ready for the consequences.

And remember. If you had any strength over the dictatorship, you would be the dictator, and wouldn't be posting in this forum.


Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on March 22, 2017, 02:10:37 AM
There are two things to do when you are living in a dictatorship regime, First and foremost you should be as anonymous as possible, doing whatever its required of you. Even through hardships and lack of your fundamental Human Rights. Secondly you can flee and seek asylum in any country that will receive you.

The second option is not very attractive for me. If every one try to flee, then who is going to accommodate all of them? For example, North Korea is having a population of close to 25 million. Even if 10 million of that number flee, who is going to take this many people?

There are countries currently taking in lots of refugees from Syria, I think should they all put their heads together, Countries will be able to accommodate as many refugees as they want.

It is estimated that housing a refugee can cost as much as $30,000 per year. Accommodating 10 million refugees is going to cost more than $300 billion. Who is having that sort of money? Definitely Russia and China are not going to give asylum for this many North Koreans. 

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: bobbyps on March 27, 2017, 06:47:21 PM
do you hear about narkotic fight in philipine? The president kill everyone who suspect a drugs dealer, and drop they corps in the Manila street. Its dictator, its 2017, its decadent for humanism.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Kasper123 on March 27, 2017, 07:14:21 PM
There are two things to do when you are living in a dictatorship regime, First and foremost you should be as anonymous as possible, doing whatever its required of you. Even through hardships and lack of your fundamental Human Rights. Secondly you can flee and seek asylum in any country that will receive you.

The second option is not very attractive for me. If every one try to flee, then who is going to accommodate all of them? For example, North Korea is having a population of close to 25 million. Even if 10 million of that number flee, who is going to take this many people?

There are countries currently taking in lots of refugees from Syria, I think should they all put their heads together, Countries will be able to accommodate as many refugees as they want.

It is estimated that housing a refugee can cost as much as $30,000 per year. Accommodating 10 million refugees is going to cost more than $300 billion. Who is having that sort of money? Definitely Russia and China are not going to give asylum for this many North Koreans. 
I think that the cost of housing is not the most important. Russia has allowed its territory to the Chinese and I think that now the loss of Russia's far East is a matter of time. Why Russia and the Koreans to allow into its territory?

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: diegz on March 28, 2017, 01:07:31 AM
do you hear about narkotic fight in philipine? The president kill everyone who suspect a drugs dealer, and drop they corps in the Manila street. Its dictator, its 2017, its decadent for humanism.

Not yet, but it is almost there. Lets just hope that it don'e end up there. All that are talking against his plans are now being suppressed.

Anyway, its hard to predict what will happen to us when a leader is a dictator. You have two choice, stay or leave the country. Stay and blindly follow the leader until a flock who are against the leader starts to talk, join them. Leave, forget about your country and return when there is already a new leader.

Title: Re: How to survive in dictatorship?
Post by: Sithara007 on March 28, 2017, 02:06:57 AM
do you hear about narkotic fight in philipine? The president kill everyone who suspect a drugs dealer, and drop they corps in the Manila street. Its dictator, its 2017, its decadent for humanism.

Hmm... sometimes a dictator is better than a democrat ruler. If all the people are law abiding and educated, then I would definitely prefer an elected leader. But in a lawless country such as Philippines, only a dictator may be able to rule.