Bitcoin Forum

Local => Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian) => Topic started by: victorkimba17 on December 17, 2016, 01:31:10 AM

Title: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 17, 2016, 01:31:10 AM
To the moderators:
Saya tidak meminta untuk bisnis. Jangan mencoret posting ini.

I am a mba student from thailand, please help me do the Bitcoin questionnaire. The data collected is used in thesis for academic purpose. I need 100 people from Indonesia to help me fill in the Bitcoin questionnaire. One of the first 100 people to do so will win a lucky draw price, USD$20 worth of Bitcoin. Thank you so much !

The USD$20 will be paid in Bitcoin.  (but the person must fill to the end of questionnaire)

(1) MBA Student: Victor Yeo
(2) My Institution : Kasetsart University
(3) Year of Study : 2016
(4) Subject Name: A survey of Bitcoin risk perception and Adoption
(5) Your Instructor : Nirundon Tapachai
(6) Your Research Topic : Bitcoin
(7) Purpose of the Survey: To understand Bitcoin adoption and risk perception from end user's perspective

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: roy778 on December 17, 2016, 04:08:38 AM
i have join your surveys, please send me bitcoin

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 17, 2016, 04:28:23 AM
>> One of the first 100 people to do so will win a lucky draw price, USD$5 worth of Bitcoin.

when there is 100 people join the survey, i will announce the lucky draw results here.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: roy778 on December 17, 2016, 04:50:56 AM
so rules like that, I just understood but sir, why reward only 5 dollars, a small sum it all if that involved 100 people

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: Sunderland on December 17, 2016, 04:54:25 AM
Baca lagi baik baik  
 One of the first 100 people to do so will win a lucky draw price, USD$5 worth of Bitcoin.
Hadiah $5 bitcoin itu hanya untuk 1 orang saja, diundi dari 100 orang pertama yang ikut survey ini.

Saya cuma ingatkan, jika anda tertarik untuk ikut survey ini tanyakan dahulu metode apa yang digunakan untuk memilih pemenang dan alangkah baiknya jika menggunakan escrow.
Edit: Saya baru sadar bahwa survey ini tidak membutuhkan kita untuk login atau email dll terlebih dahulu, selebihnya anda tebak sendiri deh.

For OP :
First, Wrong section for thread with topic like this.
Second, You should explain with what method you will pick the winner ? and i suggest to use escrow.
Third, There is no login,email or something like that, how to pick the winner ?

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: roy778 on December 17, 2016, 05:02:35 AM
terima kasih gan sunderland sudah mau mengingatkan. saya akan tanyakan metodenya ke developer. kalau tidak menguntungkan maka saya tidak jadi ikut

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 17, 2016, 05:06:31 AM
>> First, wrong section for thread with topic like this.
May i know where should i post this thread?

>>Second, You should explain with what method you will pick the winner ? and i suggest to use escrow.
How to use escrow to pick winner?

>> why reward only 5 dollars, a small sum it all if that involved 100 people
The university does not have research funding. The lucky draw money is from my savings.

>> Third, There is no login,email or something like that, how to pick the winner ?
Please answer "No" for the question "have you used bitcoin in business transactions", the next section ask for your email. So i can choose the lucky draw winner from people who write down email.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: daniahya on December 17, 2016, 11:36:55 AM
Baca lagi baik baik  
 One of the first 100 people to do so will win a lucky draw price, USD$5 worth of Bitcoin.
Hadiah $5 bitcoin itu hanya untuk 1 orang saja, diundi dari 100 orang pertama yang ikut survey ini.

Saya cuma ingatkan, jika anda tertarik untuk ikut survey ini tanyakan dahulu metode apa yang digunakan untuk memilih pemenang dan alangkah baiknya jika menggunakan escrow.
Edit: Saya baru sadar bahwa survey ini tidak membutuhkan kita untuk login atau email dll terlebih dahulu, selebihnya anda tebak sendiri deh.

For OP :
First, Wrong section for thread with topic like this.
Second, You should explain with what method you will pick the winner ? and i suggest to use escrow.
Third, There is no login,email or something like that, how to pick the winner ?

saya ngerasa aneh ya gan, di lingnya ada R nya artinya ref, saya yakin itu paid to survey atau PTS di mana jika ada yg mengerjakan survey
di bayar $ yg menyebar surveynya, itu menurut ane sih

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 17, 2016, 12:16:26 PM
>> saya ngerasa aneh ya gan, di lingnya ada R nya artinya ref, saya yakin itu paid to survey atau PTS di mana jika ada yg mengerjakan survey
di bayar $ yg menyebar surveynya, itu menurut ane sih

It is not paid to survey.

I am a student from Kasetsart University Thailand. My student ID is 5375654607. My thesis advisor is Nirundon Tapachai. You can find his name on google.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: Mediator on December 17, 2016, 10:09:13 PM
Baca lagi baik baik  
 One of the first 100 people to do so will win a lucky draw price, USD$5 worth of Bitcoin.
Hadiah $5 bitcoin itu hanya untuk 1 orang saja, diundi dari 100 orang pertama yang ikut survey ini.

Saya cuma ingatkan, jika anda tertarik untuk ikut survey ini tanyakan dahulu metode apa yang digunakan untuk memilih pemenang dan alangkah baiknya jika menggunakan escrow.
Edit: Saya baru sadar bahwa survey ini tidak membutuhkan kita untuk login atau email dll terlebih dahulu, selebihnya anda tebak sendiri deh.

For OP :
First, Wrong section for thread with topic like this.
Second, You should explain with what method you will pick the winner ? and i suggest to use escrow.
Third, There is no login,email or something like that, how to pick the winner ?

saya ngerasa aneh ya gan, di lingnya ada R nya artinya ref, saya yakin itu paid to survey atau PTS di mana jika ada yg mengerjakan survey
di bayar $ yg menyebar surveynya, itu menurut ane sih

Ini bener survey  real bukan buat cari referral ane cek di gugle ada penelasannya gak ada di bahas soal mendapatkan uang di artikelnya
Coba deh agan cek link ini
Kode mungkin memang referral cuma fungsinya untuk mereka data masuk ke akun survey OP

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: SimpeleSimpele on December 17, 2016, 11:06:20 PM
survey monkey adalah situs survey berbayar
alias paid survey seperti idpanel
dan tulisan link /r/V3RY77X adalah link referal
alias ga bakalan di bayar, 5dollar nya, karena OP nya bukan mau mengadakan survey, tapi cari uang juga di surveymonkey lewat paid survey
dan sekaligus promo link referal juga

ane kurang paham di surveymonkey, tapi dari share link di atas si op pasti dapat benefid

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 18, 2016, 02:56:50 AM
>> alias ga bakalan di bayar, 5dollar nya, karena OP nya bukan mau mengadakan survey, tapi cari uang juga di surveymonkey lewat paid survey dan sekaligus promo link referal juga

It is not paid to survey. I DO NOT get any profit from the survey.

The survey is to get data for my master degree thesis research.

The 5 dollar is from my savings. It is to encourage people to fill up the survey.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: iqbal26 on December 19, 2016, 07:32:33 AM
To the moderators:
Saya tidak meminta untuk bisnis. Jangan mencoret posting ini.

I am a mba student from thailand, please help me do the Bitcoin questionnaire. The data collected is used in thesis for academic purpose. I need 100 people from Indonesia to help me fill in the Bitcoin questionnaire. One of the first 100 people to do so will win a lucky draw price, USD$5 worth of Bitcoin. Thank you so much !

The USD$5 will be paid in Bitcoin.

(1) MBA Student
(2) My Institution : Kasetsart University
(3) Year of Study : 2016
(4) Subject Name: A survey of Bitcoin risk perception and Adoption
(5) Your Instructor : Nirundon Tapachai
(6) Your Research Topic : Bitcoin
(7) Purpose of the Survey: To understand Bitcoin adoption and risk perception from end user's perspective
done  ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 19, 2016, 08:41:36 AM
terima kasih.

I have published a similar bitcoin research paper online, please go to

and click:
Proceedings of the articles in PDF format from ICABR 2016

i say again, the bitcoin survey is for education purpose only

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 20, 2016, 04:30:34 PM
for the first five questions:

Please answer Yes, Yes, Yes, yes, No,

so that you can continue to the next section of the survey, and qualify for the lucky draw.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 21, 2016, 02:31:41 PM
there are 14 indonesian people responded to my survey, i only need 86 more.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: Nanda Dewi277 on December 24, 2016, 05:53:47 AM
terima kasih.

I have published a similar bitcoin research paper online, please go to

and click:
Proceedings of the articles in PDF format from ICABR 2016

i say again, the bitcoin survey is for education purpose only
ok iam visit

very nice,,,!!

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 25, 2016, 01:46:36 AM
thank you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on December 31, 2016, 02:13:10 PM
please support my survey. now there are 15 indonesian people fill up the survey.

i need 85 more.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on January 07, 2017, 02:01:21 PM
selamat tahun baru 2017.

please help to fill up my bitcoin survey. thank you.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: CraigWrightBTC on January 07, 2017, 04:34:51 PM
selamat tahun baru 2017.

please help to fill up my bitcoin survey. thank you.
I have been finished your survey.
I hope there are other follow-up from this survey, and not just a survey.

Happy new year too for you, good luck.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: ngerok on January 08, 2017, 01:02:29 AM
selamat tahun baru 2017.

please help to fill up my bitcoin survey. thank you.
why should the survey..??

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: richardivan on January 08, 2017, 01:21:04 PM
for the first five questions:

Please answer Yes, Yes, Yes, yes, No,

so that you can continue to the next section of the survey, and qualify for the lucky draw.
Jika agan menyuruh kita mengisi survey dengan isian yang agan suruh terus apa gunanya kita mengisi survey tersebut, dan kita mengisi isian survey yg salah maka kita tidak mendapatkan hadiah. Bagaimana agan mengerti bahasa indonesia yg sebagian tidak ada di google translate

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: JariKriting on January 11, 2017, 01:50:21 AM
for the first five questions:

Please answer Yes, Yes, Yes, yes, No,

so that you can continue to the next section of the survey, and qualify for the lucky draw.
Jika agan menyuruh kita mengisi survey dengan isian yang agan suruh terus apa gunanya kita mengisi survey tersebut, dan kita mengisi isian survey yg salah maka kita tidak mendapatkan hadiah. Bagaimana agan mengerti bahasa indonesia yg sebagian tidak ada di google translate

cuma nyuruh orang ngisi survey
dan reward cuma pemanis tidak benaran di kasih juga
dia cuma mau cari keuntungan dari situs paid survey, situs berbayar yang membayar member nya
dan hasilnya pun ga banyak, jadi ga mungkinlah mau membayar reward nya yang 5dollar tersebut

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: Kimpoiluiseta on January 11, 2017, 02:25:46 AM
ane ikut survey gan
iseng2 berhadiah , cuma meluangkan waktu beberapa menit
ga ada salah nya di coba siapa tahu benaran di bayar

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: adjiadjo on January 11, 2017, 05:06:49 AM
not worthed  ;D
working (filling survey) tapi effort nya di bayar dengan gambling (lucky draw)
peluang prize nya 1/100 orang dan cuma $5  ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: ginsan on January 11, 2017, 06:21:42 AM
Udah di undi belom... udah ada yang dapat ? ato masi bisa ikutan survey nih

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on February 04, 2017, 04:07:51 AM
i have 35 people now, still looking for more people to fill the questionnaire.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: Nanda Dewi277 on February 04, 2017, 08:23:04 AM
Kira-kira dapet apa nih kalau ikutan survey ..??

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: Vongola on February 04, 2017, 08:40:24 AM
Kira-kira dapet apa nih kalau ikutan survey ..??
Bisa berkesempatan dapat $5 saat 100 orang sudah mensurvei dari apa yang OP berikan. Kemungkinan untuk menangnya sangat kecil, 1/100 cuman untuk $5, sangat tidak worth menurut ane

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: truimpheriues on February 05, 2017, 08:27:39 AM
Kira-kira dapet apa nih kalau ikutan survey ..??

cuma dapat 5dollar dan itu pun di undi bukan langsung dapat 5dollar begitu saja
kalau di undi, undian nya pakai apa ga jelas juga kan, pemenangnya bisa saja akun kloningan nya yang bikin thread sendiri

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: Koloulinger on February 05, 2017, 08:59:42 AM
keuntungan nya join di surveymonkey apa ya
ap kita di bayar jika join di survemonkey, seperti atau apa lupa situs survey yang membayar member nya, tapi bayaran nya menggunakan paypal

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on February 07, 2017, 06:10:31 AM
USD$20  lucky draw prize.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: TopT3ns on February 07, 2017, 08:31:15 AM
Kira-kira dapet apa nih kalau ikutan survey ..??

cuma dapat 5dollar dan itu pun di undi bukan langsung dapat 5dollar begitu saja
kalau di undi, undian nya pakai apa ga jelas juga kan, pemenangnya bisa saja akun kloningan nya yang bikin thread sendiri
apakah sudah selesai ini eventnya? tapi memang sih agak aneh kalau rewardnya harus undian dan ini pun gak dijelasin secara detail sama OPnya gimana pemenang akan diundi

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: yulionoo on February 07, 2017, 08:54:14 AM
saya baru saja selesai isi surveynya semoga masih berkesempatan mendapatkan hadiahnya... ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: ginsan on February 07, 2017, 10:29:42 AM
banyak yg ngeluh soal rewardnya yang dikit dan musti di undi dari 100 oarang..
udah di naikin tuh rewardnya sama TSnya jadi 20$... survey done  ;D

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: avatar_kiyoshi on February 07, 2017, 11:13:28 AM
Filled the questionnaire. That's a simple questions.

Use email for give an information about the reward I think it's not necessary, why not directly use a btc address? And announce who the winner here(as btc address).

keuntungan nya join di surveymonkey apa ya
ap kita di bayar jika join di survemonkey, seperti atau apa lupa situs survey yang membayar member nya, tapi bayaran nya menggunakan paypal

Setau ane surveymonkey ga ngasih reward, ini cuman platform untuk bikin form survey secara gratis. Ada paketan nya juga yg berbayar, keuntungannya bisa dapet feature lebih.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on February 08, 2017, 02:31:48 AM
USD$20  lucky draw prize. please click "No" to Have you used Bitcoin in the business transactions
so you can move to next section.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on February 08, 2017, 02:33:40 AM
Q1: What is your nationality?
Q2: If you want to be considered for lucky draw, please write your email address in the space provided below.
Q3: Are you 18 years old and above?
PAGE 3: Screening Questions
Q4: Have you heard of Bitcoin?
PAGE 4: Screening Questions
Q5: Have you used ecommerce online?
PAGE 5: Screening Questions
Q6: Have you used Bitcoin in the business transactions?
NO -----> click "NO" here

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: iqbal26 on February 08, 2017, 02:40:34 AM
Q1: What is your nationality?
Q2: If you want to be considered for lucky draw, please write your email address in the space provided below.
Q3: Are you 18 years old and above?
PAGE 3: Screening Questions
Q4: Have you heard of Bitcoin?
PAGE 4: Screening Questions
Q5: Have you used ecommerce online?
PAGE 5: Screening Questions
Q6: Have you used Bitcoin in the business transactions?
NO -----> click "NO" here
done ,

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: Dewi Aries on February 08, 2017, 02:54:39 AM
I have been finished your survey

I hope this can be useful for you

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on February 08, 2017, 01:13:25 PM
thank you !!

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: yolanda222 on February 11, 2017, 04:09:14 AM
ban ini TS kok pake pake inggris parah amat.

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on February 11, 2017, 01:56:50 PM
sila menyokong questionnaire saya !

Title: Re: Bitcoin survey in Indonesia
Post by: victorkimba17 on February 26, 2017, 01:48:29 PM
saya akan tutup questionnaire, sila menyokong lah