Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Mathrian on April 10, 2013, 05:46:54 AM

Title: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: Mathrian on April 10, 2013, 05:46:54 AM
I am attempting to mine in the Deepbit pool with CGminer and I get a repeating Invalid Nonce - HW error. Does anyone know what that is, what it means, or how to fix it? If Anyone could help that would be great. :)

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: Mathrian on April 11, 2013, 01:38:51 AM
Anyone have any idea what causes this?

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: dhenson on April 11, 2013, 01:41:17 AM
I had this same problem for days when I first got started.  I solved it by completely removing my ATI driver.  I then installed the SDKand ATI driver and all worked well after that.

I even swapped hardware thinking I had a bad card....

Good Luck!

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: Mathrian on April 11, 2013, 07:27:01 AM
Well damn. Im pretty sure I've already done that, but I may have to try that again. Im getting all sorts of errors regarding hardware from everything but the BitMinter Client :( And I would rather go with a proportional payment method, or possibly go into litecoin mining.

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: Torn on May 18, 2013, 03:03:52 AM
Try turning down your engine and or memory clock. You can do this from within CGMiner.. use <G> then <C>hange settings.. GLuck.


Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: Thrash on May 18, 2013, 04:59:58 AM
I agree, try different engine and memory clock settings. Sometimes the ratio between them will make a huge difference in performance and get rid of the errors. You did not say what cards you were using which makes a big difference on settings.

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: jmevz on May 18, 2013, 07:02:21 AM
Hi All,

Complete cgminer newbie here and am getting the same error, and the pool has only accept three share with one stale. Scratch that, 4 shares 1 stale, so it's accepting some, but still a hell of a lot of errors.

Win 7/32bit
Gigabyte 7970
Catalyst 12.8
Currently installing AMD SDK 2.7 to hopefully solve the error, I'm running cgmminer 3.1.1.

Does anyone know of any working software combinations for my setup or to get cgminer 3.1.1 to run with my 7970?

Any help is appreciated.


Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: BitshireHashaway on May 18, 2013, 05:12:58 PM
If your looking at running cgminer on any pool with amd, there are many guides out there, just pick a currency such as LTC Gpu Mining guide, and should be able to help.

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: plonk420 on May 27, 2013, 07:52:52 PM
i'm getting this, too, on a dual card setup

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: bt_spectro on May 27, 2013, 07:58:31 PM
In my case, this error was because something was wrong with the drivers. I fixed it by completely removing drivers and installing 12.8

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: plonk420 on May 27, 2013, 09:22:13 PM
i can't do that as i'm attempting to also mine with a 7790 :/

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: lbr on May 27, 2013, 09:26:34 PM
Was getting "Invalid Nonce - HW error" mining LTC with 7950 and 6950. Fixed by changing thread-concurrency.
cgminer 3.1.1, Win2k8 r2, Catalyst 13.4

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: plonk420 on May 27, 2013, 09:32:59 PM
changing to what settings?

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: lbr on May 27, 2013, 09:46:00 PM
changing to what settings?
Looks like unique to the card/system/magic. Check LTC hardware comparison wiki page.
On one of my rigs - 7950 44000 works best, 6950 - 12672.
But was helping a friend to setup his rigs, those values were not working at all..
I've read somewhere thread-concurrency should be n*number_of_shaders, no idea if it is true, but I would start there.

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: plonk420 on May 27, 2013, 10:27:05 PM
i'm assuming i separate each card's settings with a comma like you do Intensity?

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: Kaepora on May 27, 2013, 10:30:32 PM
I am attempting to mine in the Deepbit pool with CGminer and I get a repeating Invalid Nonce - HW error. Does anyone know what that is, what it means, or how to fix it? If Anyone could help that would be great. :)

Have you tried intensity of 13? worksize 256 g 2? Trust me try it out.

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: plonk420 on May 28, 2013, 03:56:47 AM
--worksize 256 -g 2 crashes CGminer, as does --worksize 256. -g 2 simply brings back the Invalid nonce

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: Kaepora on May 28, 2013, 03:58:25 AM
--worksize 256 -g 2 crashes CGminer, as does --worksize 256. -g 2 simply brings back the Invalid nonce

some people including me have experienced a weird issue where you have to st the intensity to 13 or less because we get errors. What intensity are you using?

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: plonk420 on May 28, 2013, 04:30:28 AM
i started with intensity dynamic and 8 (my usual). just now i tested 13 with -g 2 and worksize 256, but it still crashed.

ah well, i'm NEARLY back to my normal hashes with Phoenix2 (5870) and CGMiner (7790). just 10 Mhashes short of 5870 by itself!

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: jmevz on May 28, 2013, 09:17:31 AM
Can I ask what might seem a really novice question? What is the litecoin.conf files purpose created in the app directory for litecoin mining? Does it allow access to that port or something totally different?


Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: plonk420 on May 28, 2013, 09:39:03 AM
.conf is a configuration file for the app. kinda like a .ini for a windows app.

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: lbr on May 28, 2013, 10:32:13 AM
In my experience I 20 works the best.
With low intensity card is not working at "full" speed, so you get less errors.
Yes, you can separate values with comma.
-g 2 does not work for any of my cards, g 1 the best.

f.e. 3 x 7950, LTC, ~600khs each card
cgminer --url URL -u USER -p PASS --scrypt --worksize 256,256,256 --lookup-gap 2,2,2 --shaders 1792,1792,1792 -I 20,20,20 -g 1 --thread-concurrency 44000,44000,44000 --gpu-engine 1050,1050,1100 --gpu-memclock 1550,1350,1250 --gpu-fan 100,100,100 --gpu-powertune 20,20,20 -v 1

7970 has 2048 shaders, you can check shaders count in GPU-Z

you don't want to use exactly the same clocks ; )

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: dimke_yu on May 28, 2013, 02:48:57 PM
Thanks for settings I also can agree that I=20 works best for 7950, but for clock speeds you need to fine tune it for every single card, this is also a must when tweaking thread-concurrency. I would like to point out that is realy recommended to set your vddc as low as you can and the try to set up clocks. After that temps are going to be lower and your fan does not need 100%, I keep mine in range from 60%-85%.

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: DarkLight72 on May 28, 2013, 07:47:11 PM
Can I ask what might seem a really novice question? What is the litecoin.conf files purpose created in the app directory for litecoin mining? Does it allow access to that port or something totally different?


To the best of my knowledge, the .conf file for any altcoin should be in the data directory for the client, not in the app directory with the daemon/minerd/wallet.  I personally run the data directory as a sub-directory of the app directory and then manually point the wallet/miner/whatever at the data directory with the argument below (via a shortcut).

-datadir=<full path to the datadirectory>

That way I can run every altcoin from a subdirectory of a single directory on my drive, encrypt that drive, put EVERYTHING on a flash drive if I want, etc.

As far as the purpose of what goes into the .conf file, the most common configurations you will see are as follows:

# Sets the username for your miner when mining solo
# Sets the password for your miner when mining solo
# Tells your client what IP addresses to allow connections from
# Tells your client, when running in Server mode (see below) what port to listen on if not the default
# Tells the client to launch in server mode
# Tells the client to launch as a Daemon (don't know if this works in Windows or not...It does in Linux).
# The difference between a Daemon and Service is beyond scope.
# Instructs your client, when in server mode, not to generate coins.  The reason for this is that virtually
# EVERY miner out there runs something MUCH more efficient that bitcoind!
# Adds specific nodes to for your wallet/client to attempt to connect to at startup.  This can be helpful
# if you are having trouble finishing download of your blockchain or if a client update has taken place
# recently and your client is saying that your peers need to update.  If you can find a list of known good
# updated peers, you can get the most recently updated blockchain from them and keep on keeping on.

The official page of the bitcoin (and ultimately all the other altcoin) configuration file is at (, but I had to look up a couple of things to figure out what they meant.  For example, why wouldn't I want my client to generate coins?



Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: baros008 on May 28, 2013, 08:34:40 PM
I got same error on friendīs Radeon 7750 with clock speeds at default.
Installation of latest driver didnīt help, will try some kind of driver cleaner and clean installation of drivers.

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: howardb on June 04, 2013, 11:56:15 AM
The nonse problem is also caused when cgminer tries to use a pool for the wrong kernel, ie using bitcoin (phat) kernel instead of scrypt kernel on a litecoin pool

Title: Re: CGminer - Invalid Nonce - HW error
Post by: Snub on June 04, 2013, 12:55:47 PM
Just sounds like your card doesnt like your settings somewhere. Usually the thread concurrency is to blame.

In case you havent set this up in the command prompt first. Please go start -> run -> type "cmd" -> press enter. Than type:  setx GPU_MAX_ALLOC_PERCENT 100  and press enter.

Than try these specs.

--thread_concurrency 21712  or 16834
--gpu-engine 1100
--gpu-memclock 1500

If one doesnt work, than try the other. GL  ;)

If your looking for a good LTC pool. Checkout