Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: TheNerd on December 20, 2016, 11:46:28 AM

Title: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: TheNerd on December 20, 2016, 11:46:28 AM
Ubuntu, latest armory and bitcoin, just couple of days ago updated them and deleted the armory db because it was incompatible from the previous version.
It has made the new one well and was working fine for couple of starts.
Now it goes to 99% scan of transaction history and hangs there forever, left it overnight and it didn't finish.

Title: Re: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: goatpig on December 20, 2016, 02:00:03 PM
Post armorylog.txt and dbLog.txt

Title: Re: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: gangtraet on December 20, 2016, 10:00:54 PM
I have seen the same symptoms, but in that case it was solved by shutting down ArmoryQt and manually killing the ArmoryDB process, then restarting.

Title: Re: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: TheNerd on December 20, 2016, 10:37:23 PM
Post armorylog.txt and dbLog.txt

2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Loading Multisig Lockboxes
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Setting up networking...
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - setupUriRegistration
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/bitcoin/command
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/bitcoin
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Usermode: Expert
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Changing usermode:
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- -    From: Expert
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- -      To: Expert
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - startBitcoindIfNecessary
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: ['whereis', 'bitcoind']
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Found bitcoind in the following places:
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- -    /media/user/data/Misc/.armory/latestBitcoinInst/bitcoin-0.11.1/bin/bitcoind
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Using: /media/user/data/Misc/.armory/latestBitcoinInst/bitcoin-0.11.1/bin/bitcoind
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Reading bitcoin.conf file
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Called startBitcoind
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: [u'/media/user/data/Misc/.armory/latestBitcoinInst/bitcoin-0.11.1/bin/bitcoind', '-datadir=/media/user/data/Misc/.bitcoin']
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - PID of bitcoind: 3690
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - PID of armory:   3651
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: ['python', '/usr/lib/armory/', '3651', '3690']
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Creating proxy in SDM: host=, port=8332
2016-12-20 13:41 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to auto-InitSync
2016-12-20 13:45 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2016-12-20 13:45 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: ['/usr/bin/ArmoryDB', '--db-type="DB_FULL"', '--spawnId="E88kFTshha7C1Y5CGxWittt9ihkVLAqdVJLXZEnAgS3H"', '--satoshi-datadir="/media/user/data/Misc/.bitcoin/blocks"', '--datadir="/media/user/data/Misc/.armory"', '--dbdir="/media/user/data/Misc/.armory/databases"']
2016-12-20 13:45 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2016-12-20 13:45 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2016-12-20 13:45 (ERROR) -- - 4 attempts to load blockchain failed.  Remove mempool.bin.
2016-12-20 13:45 (ERROR) -- - File mempool.bin does not exist. Nothing deleted.
2016-12-20 13:45 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2016-12-20 13:45 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode
2016-12-20 23:54 (INFO) -- - BDM state is scanning -- force shutdown BDM
2016-12-20 23:54 (INFO) -- - Called stopBitcoind
2016-12-20 23:54 (INFO) -- - Attempting to close the main window!
2016-12-20 23:54 (INFO) -- - BDM state is scanning -- force shutdown BDM
2016-12-20 23:54 (INFO) -- - Called stopBitcoind
2016-12-20 23:54 (INFO) -- - ...but bitcoind is not running, to be able to stop
2016-12-20 23:54 (INFO) -- - Attempting to close the main window!
2016-12-20 23:54 (ERROR) -- Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/armory/", line 6296, in closeEvent
  File "/usr/bin/../lib/armory/", line 6387, in closeForReal
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/twisted/internet/", line 580, in stop
    "Can't stop reactor that isn't running.")
ReactorNotRunning: Can't stop reactor that isn't running.

-INFO  - 1482236815: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #393016 to #393744
-INFO  - 1482236833: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #393745 to #394447
-INFO  - 1482236853: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #394448 to #395247
-INFO  - 1482236874: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #395248 to #396064
-INFO  - 1482236894: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #396065 to #396823
-INFO  - 1482236915: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #396824 to #397587
-INFO  - 1482236934: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #397588 to #398406
-INFO  - 1482236996: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #398407 to #399150
-INFO  - 1482237039: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #444270 to #444270
-INFO  - 1482237048: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #399151 to #399790
-INFO  - 1482237070: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #399791 to #400475
-INFO  - 1482237090: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #400476 to #401068
-INFO  - 1482237110: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #401069 to #401826
-INFO  - 1482237185: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #444271 to #444271
-INFO  - 1482237190: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #401827 to #402635
-INFO  - 1482237210: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #402636 to #403402
-INFO  - 1482237230: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #403403 to #404182
-INFO  - 1482237248: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #404183 to #404964
-INFO  - 1482237274: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #404965 to #405669
-INFO  - 1482237298: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #405670 to #406400
-INFO  - 1482237318: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #406401 to #407167
-INFO  - 1482237344: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #407168 to #407898
-INFO  - 1482237367: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #407899 to #408633
-INFO  - 1482237391: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #408634 to #409288
-INFO  - 1482237417: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #409289 to #409999
-INFO  - 1482237438: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #410000 to #410766
-INFO  - 1482237460: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #410767 to #411528
-INFO  - 1482237480: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #411529 to #412179
-INFO  - 1482237502: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #412180 to #412792
-INFO  - 1482237525: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #412793 to #413516
-INFO  - 1482237554: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #413517 to #414156
-INFO  - 1482237574: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #414157 to #414787
-INFO  - 1482237594: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #414788 to #415526
-INFO  - 1482237613: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #415527 to #416185
-INFO  - 1482237633: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #416186 to #416757
-INFO  - 1482237662: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #416758 to #417409
-INFO  - 1482237686: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #417410 to #418010
-INFO  - 1482237706: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #418011 to #418702
-INFO  - 1482237726: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #418703 to #419443
-INFO  - 1482237748: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #419444 to #420185
-INFO  - 1482237768: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #420186 to #420854
-INFO  - 1482237788: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #420855 to #421568
-INFO  - 1482237811: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #421569 to #422203
-INFO  - 1482237831: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #422204 to #422805
-INFO  - 1482237863: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #422806 to #423447
-INFO  - 1482237884: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #423448 to #424187
-INFO  - 1482237904: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #424188 to #424824
-INFO  - 1482237927: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #424825 to #425526
-INFO  - 1482237947: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #425527 to #426216
-INFO  - 1482237970: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #426217 to #426891
-INFO  - 1482237990: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #426892 to #427610
-INFO  - 1482238024: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #427611 to #428332
-INFO  - 1482238044: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #428333 to #428973
-INFO  - 1482238066: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #428974 to #429740
-INFO  - 1482238088: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #429741 to #430457
-INFO  - 1482238109: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #430458 to #431150
-INFO  - 1482238130: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #431151 to #431924
-INFO  - 1482238151: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #431925 to #432605
-INFO  - 1482238181: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #432606 to #433258
-INFO  - 1482238201: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #433259 to #433921
-INFO  - 1482238222: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #433922 to #434552
-INFO  - 1482238241: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #434553 to #435163
-INFO  - 1482238265: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #435164 to #435810
-INFO  - 1482238284: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #435811 to #436397
-INFO  - 1482238310: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #436398 to #437075
-INFO  - 1482238334: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #437076 to #437731
-INFO  - 1482238354: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #437732 to #438352
-INFO  - 1482238382: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #438353 to #439043
-INFO  - 1482238403: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #439044 to #439659
-INFO  - 1482238424: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #439660 to #440241
-INFO  - 1482238444: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #440242 to #440659
-INFO  - 1482238459: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #440660 to #441141
-INFO  - 1482238474: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #441142 to #441598
-INFO  - 1482238486: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #441599 to #441837
-INFO  - 1482238496: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #441838 to #442213
-INFO  - 1482238511: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #442214 to #442653
-INFO  - 1482238555: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #444272 to #444272
-INFO  - 1482238588: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:650) scanned from height #442654 to #443334
-ERROR - 1482238628: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) -ERROR - 1482238628: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) -ERROR - 1482238628: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) -ERROR - 1482238628: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) raw data does not match expected block hash

raw data does not match expected block hash
-ERROR - 1482238628: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) -ERROR - 1482238628: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) -ERROR - 1482238628: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) -ERROR - 1482238628: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) raw data does not match expected block hash

raw data does not match expected block hash
raw data does not match expected block hash

Title: Re: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: goatpig on December 20, 2016, 10:51:16 PM
Last few blocks are damaged. You will have to:

1) Delete the last 5 or so files in your blockchain dir

2) Start BitcoinQt manually, let it do its thing

3) Delete Armory's DB and rebuild from scratch

Title: Re: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: TheNerd on December 21, 2016, 03:41:30 PM
Last few blocks are damaged. You will have to:

2) Start BitcoinQt manually, let it do its thing

Thank you! I'm almost 24 hours at this step. bitcoin-qt is on "Reindexing blocks no disk...." it got from 7 years to 45 weeks behind in those 24 hours and very slow now.
Is that to be expected?
Almost missing my christmas shopping, lol :)

Title: Re: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: goatpig on December 21, 2016, 03:45:51 PM
Verifying the blockchain is a taxing task. Unless you got a high end CPU/RAM/SSD combo, it will take tens of hours.

Title: Re: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: TheNerd on March 15, 2017, 08:46:50 PM
This happened again.
Is there a faster way to fix it? Or at least to prevent it from happening again.
My bitcoins are unaccessible for 24 hours at least.

Title: Re: Hanging forever at 99% of "Scan Transaction History"
Post by: goatpig on March 15, 2017, 09:08:57 PM
You should build and try 0.96 in the dev branch.