Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: calkob on December 28, 2016, 04:39:55 PM

Title: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: calkob on December 28, 2016, 04:39:55 PM
1st off she talks like a robot, and she must have been programmed by one of the DASH developers to run down bitcoin and big up dash.  Like seriously just watched this on Youtube, so full off nonsense.

your thoughts please.

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: newIndia on December 28, 2016, 05:18:32 PM
She looks like a doll, not robot. :P

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: Carlton Banks on December 28, 2016, 05:19:12 PM
Part of the celebrity/libertarian contingent, many of whom ended up offering either overt or tacit support to the Trump campaign. I think the idea is that we should care about what she thinks because she's young and good looking. No style or substance IMO, waste of a propagandist

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: alyssa85 on December 28, 2016, 05:31:11 PM
She's not a bot. Here is a picture of her with one of her colleagues, Peter Eyre:

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: calkob on December 28, 2016, 05:36:20 PM
I used to like the girl on Daily Decrypt but she is a complete DASH propagandist now, and i dont think she even knows it.  she says at 20.44 in the video she says she is paid from the DASH treasury and that means 3rd party sponsors have no influence, "yeah but Amanda love, that means you have to tow the dash party line or find employment elsewhere, its in your interest to run bitcoin down and promote dash"

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: franky1 on December 28, 2016, 06:35:25 PM
though i only watched 2 minutes of it because by that point i counted 6 facepalms of mistakes she made. i also started thinking. she is obviously of russian ancestry, while trying to sound american but trying to use subtle canadian terms. im thinking she is trying too hard to think of the right basic words to say rather than actually getting the right message/point across

as for the facepalm
1) she talks of economics but seems to not understand the basics

2) there is not a grand total of $12-$13billion invested.. there is a grand total of a few million that has pushed the price of a few thousand coins on an exchange. which then has made a vapour VALUATION cap of $12-$13billion.. but that does not mean every coin in existence was paid for at that calculation.

3) currency is anything. money is a subset of currency that is more of a recognised and utilised medium of exchange. so she would have been better off saying how bitcoin is not as common as money. rather than saying bitcoin is not currency

4) there is not $12-$13billion 'making a bet' either.

5) paypal is not a currency.. its a service.. should we start calling bitstamp a currency, using her logic.. um no

i may listen to the rest. but im wondering if it was her looks that got her a speaking spot. because it doesnt seem she knows much of economics

edit i watched a bit more.. and now laughing at the fake advertising of dash..
um.. dash is not used by 300,000+ merchants.. bitcoin is.. so dash is not 'the only' crypto she see's where people are holding for its utility.
dash's utility is way way way down compared to bitcoin.

ok i watched it all..

middle of video she is right that the devs have been drawn to the darkside of corporate sponsorship that want to take bitcoin into commercial services such as LN to rake in fee's to repay their investors.

end note
dash is like bitcoin 2011.. no localbitcoin.. only 60 merchants... but coming soon
dash will have a local bitcoin and a competitor..

overall.. boring

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: Tanic on December 28, 2016, 06:50:34 PM
She has too active mimic to be a robot.

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: Yakamoto on December 28, 2016, 06:55:09 PM
Doubtful she's a robot, just someone who either doesn't know what it is she's talking about very well, or someone who has lost the script and is just saying things to try and come off as intelligent.

I haven't seen that many cases like this over the years, but it's almost something I'd laugh at if I was in the mood for it.

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: JasonXG on December 29, 2016, 04:02:28 PM
Omg ! What the hell is she even talking about ? Does she even know ? I closed the window down after like 2 minutes it just got so annoying. She was speaking but saying nothing. What an annoying woman.

Does anyone here even understand a thing she said ! I just hear blah blah blah blah.

Oh and guys the OP doesnt lytrally mean a robot *facepalm*

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on December 29, 2016, 04:08:49 PM
Wow, look at the size of that mouth. She could tea bag the shit out of you without even opening all the way.

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: cr1776 on December 29, 2016, 04:40:04 PM
Wow, look at the size of that mouth. She could tea bag the shit out of you without even opening all the way.

Just look at her initials (per OP). A B J.

Had to stop after she said all the money was making a bet and none were being used. 

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: jaoo on December 29, 2016, 04:57:51 PM
1st off she talks like a robot, and she must have been programmed by one of the DASH developers to run down bitcoin and big up dash.  Like seriously just watched this on Youtube, so full off nonsense.

your thoughts please.

lol why would they need a robot to do that

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: QuestionAuthority on December 29, 2016, 05:12:01 PM
Wow, look at the size of that mouth. She could tea bag the shit out of you without even opening all the way.

Just look at her initials (per OP). A B J.

Had to stop after she said all the money was making a bet and none were being used. 

Oh yeah, I guess she's ready to roll. LOL

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: calkob on December 29, 2016, 05:32:33 PM

Oh and guys the OP doesnt lytrally mean a robot *facepalm*

I didnt think that needed explained Jason but obviously i was wrong, thanks lol  ;D

Title: Re: is Amanda B Johnson a robot ?
Post by: Velkro on December 29, 2016, 05:36:28 PM
as for the facepalm
1) she talks of economics but seems to not understand the basics
2) there is not a grand total of $12-$13billion invested.. there is a grand total of a few million that has pushed the price of a few thousand coins on an exchange. which then has made a vapour VALUATION cap of $12-$13billion.. but that does not mean every coin in existence was paid for at that calculation.
3) currency is anything. money is a subset of currency that is more of a recognised and utilised medium of exchange. so she would have been better off saying how bitcoin is not as common as money. rather than saying bitcoin is not currency
4) there is not $12-$13billion 'making a bet' either.
5) paypal is not a currency.. its a service.. should we start calling bitstamp a currency, using her logic.. um no
Only because of above points, noone should listen to this. Stop making stupid people famous.
Just like that, someone is lacking basic knowledge and trying to explain anything? omg.