Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: roldpescuela on December 30, 2016, 02:23:48 AM

Title: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: roldpescuela on December 30, 2016, 02:23:48 AM
I can't make my mind just yet  ;D . Who will be yours?

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: mprep on December 30, 2016, 04:01:41 AM
I'd be myself and continue to spend countless hours on the Internet.

I'm real fun at parties.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: ApplePanPine on March 11, 2017, 02:13:56 PM
I can not decide - I would like to try myself in the role of a large cat, for example, cheetah or leopard, as well as a bird. It's incredibly interesting to understand how to fly into the sky, fly where you want, sit on trees, see everything down.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: Holly-Dolly on March 11, 2017, 06:15:28 PM
I can not decide - I would like to try myself in the role of a large cat, for example, cheetah or leopard, as well as a bird. It's incredibly interesting to understand how to fly into the sky, fly where you want, sit on trees, see everything down.
If the question has only another kind in mind, such as an animal or a bird, then this is understandable. And if a man, but only with other abilities, or mental or physical or professional. I would rather choose the chance to spend a day in the court robes. I would thus have managed to change the lives of many people. It always interested me.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: MioTaiHeo on March 20, 2017, 06:52:08 PM
I would have become God and punished all sinners, and those who behaved themselves well would reward all earthly blessings.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: High Plains Drifter on March 20, 2017, 07:00:09 PM
There you go, I like that.  Me personally I would be Jessica Simpson.  What a wild night that would be

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: cryptomartin on May 25, 2017, 08:34:56 PM
I would be pornstar :D

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: Lancusters on May 25, 2017, 09:46:16 PM
I would like to be President of my country and purify it from corruption. Even in one day you can make several decisions which can change the situation in the country for many years to come. It seems to me that presidents don't do it only because they care about their future. The smaller the period the less opportunity to make money by corruption and the more willing to pass laws that will help earn money honestly.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: mprep on May 25, 2017, 10:22:48 PM
I would like to be President of my country and purify it from corruption. Even in one day you can make several decisions which can change the situation in the country for many years to come. It seems to me that presidents don't do it only because they care about their future. The smaller the period the less opportunity to make money by corruption and the more willing to pass laws that will help earn money honestly.
I think there's quite a few flaws with your idea of what a president can and / or should do.

I would like to be President of my country and purify it from corruption.
Unless you redesign the entire political system (which takes hundreds to thousands of years to actually get adopted and practiced) with a variant that solves all the current issues with modern democracy (the best we currently have) or the societal mindset changes immensely (as in each and every politician that gets elected, has an unbreakable respect for laws, stronger than the temptation of massive amounts of money; highly unlikely to happen within the next thousand years), completely eliminating corruption is, if not impossible, at least extremely temporary. Unless the system itself directly (rather than via fines, jail time, etc.) deincentivises corruption (via some still undiscovered method; e.g. not breaking the rules always nets you more both in the short and long term), it'll continue to happen as generally humans tend to take the path of least resistance while attempting to reach their goals (e.g. becoming prosperous).

Even in one day you can make several decisions which can change the situation in the country for many years to come.
Indeed, that's why politicians often spend days to sometimes years on end deciding on issues. Not only do you have to properly predict what your descision will impact for years if not decades to come but also have to do so in an enviroment where there might be 5 people criticising your descision for each one that agrees.

It seems to me that presidents don't do it only because they care about their future.
Yes, as, unlike dictators who can carve out their private paradise, they more or less will have to live within the society they affected during their term.

The smaller the period the less opportunity to make money by corruption and the more willing to pass laws that will help earn money honestly.
While it can't be denied that power, money and political pressure will and usually does affect descisions made by politicians, as they say "the road to hell is paved with good intentions". Without an extensive understanding of the current political, economic and societal landscape, good intentions can translate into horrendous laws that merely cause more trouble (see: (

Also, I'm not quite sure what sort of political system is in your country, but presidents, in most cases, don't really have that much power. They represent the nation to the outside world, handle diplomatic relations and merely attempt to push the rest of the government towards a direction they think is right. If you had a single day, you'd maybe make a single descision that'll either get reverted or denied the second you're out of office.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: cybersofts on May 25, 2017, 11:05:06 PM
Elon Musk :)

He's my role model!

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: tikboyhere on May 26, 2017, 04:43:06 AM
If I would be somebody for just a day, I would like to be one of the powerful leaders in the world. In that case, I can be able to do all the things that I want and appropriate. I can be able to help most of the people who are in need for them to be able to have better living. I would also like to promote world peace by communicating with other leaders in this world. I will also give punishment to all the criminals especially those who killed a person and I will stop the corruption in the government by removing all the officials who are involved. I know that these will not be done in just a day only but Ill see to it that I can be able to atleast relay the message and have the goal.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: Tribizz on May 26, 2017, 10:26:40 AM
I will be me, myself and I no matte what

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: KroFly on May 26, 2017, 10:47:21 AM
I'd be myself and continue to spend countless hours on the Internet.

I'm real fun at parties.

Yes, it's better to be more than spend your life in a foreign body. From this, there will be no use.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: QueenOf on May 26, 2017, 12:33:08 PM
wanna be actress maybe  ;D

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: otrkid70 on May 26, 2017, 01:05:01 PM
I would be Mark Zuckerberg and shut down Facebook for good

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: aeternus on May 27, 2017, 02:01:28 AM
I will be Tom Brady in the super bowl, so he finally plays a terrible super bowl.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: otrkid70 on May 27, 2017, 02:06:29 AM
I will be Tom Brady in the super bowl, so he finally plays a terrible super bowl.

I hate Tom Brady.....Go Steelers!

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: ustradebitcoin on May 27, 2017, 09:04:10 AM
what the world needs now is love.i would be God to stop the war in this world.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: DarkKnight68 on May 27, 2017, 03:56:43 PM
Gaben Newell of course. I will start a huge steam sale for a day and watch how many kids and people goes crazy buying all the games and eat ice cream while all that happens

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: iram3130 on May 27, 2017, 06:43:37 PM
There is an old saying that if you can't do anything good for others then just be neutral.
So I would wanna become Trump and resign.  :D

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: vinipoars on May 28, 2017, 01:26:49 PM
Sinatra in the 50's... And I would just have a little fun with my friends and my women.

Title: Re: If you could be somebody for one day, who would it be, and what will you do?
Post by: Boseda on May 28, 2017, 01:54:05 PM
I would like to be an animal or a plant, a different living being.