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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: sedrick on January 04, 2017, 03:01:36 AM

Title: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: sedrick on January 04, 2017, 03:01:36 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: coolcoinz on January 04, 2017, 03:17:56 AM
It's like trying to stop kamikaze. They will keep coming as long as they are alive and their country is at war. To terrorists, their religion is at war with the rest of the world, so the only way to deal with them would be to fight radicalism. There should be no tolerance towards any attempts of religious extremism and terrorism. NO tolerance means when an immigrant gets caught raping a woman or a child, or attempting a terrorist act, he should be thrown in the worst shithole possible. No, not a prison. The authorities should dig a deep hole in the ground and just throw them in, North Korea style. Let them create their own society of mud people or whatever.
The Americans knew how to deal with those guys at Guantanamo.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: inarakun on January 04, 2017, 03:24:28 AM
I don't believe it can be stopped at all.
I think the only way to lessen the problem is with education. Otherwise, I can only think that the only way to stop the attacks, sadly, is by joining them.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: NewBet on January 04, 2017, 03:28:55 AM
Terrorism can't be stop, impossible. Some of you might think removing religions from our world could stop Terrorism, but the answer still no. Terrorism is everywhere, almost everybody can be a terrorist, the reason could be money, religion, revenge and etc. Defeating a group of terrorists and another group will appear, just the matter of time. If there is a way to completely vanish Terrorism, Human would also need to be vanish.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: protokol on January 04, 2017, 03:42:36 AM
I don't believe it can be stopped at all.
I think the only way to lessen the problem is with education. Otherwise, I can only think that the only way to stop the attacks, sadly, is by joining them.

Exactly, there's no way from stopping crazy extremists from blowing themselves other than trying to educate them and show them that perhaps that's not the most productive thing they should be doing.

It doesn't matter how much security staff you employ, how many security measures you implement or how many people or vehicles you search - someone can always get through and blow themselves up.

And considering how unlikely it is to be the victim of a terrorist attack (at least in Western countries), the best thing to do is just to not worry about it. In the UK, you are more likely to die from a furniture accident than from a terrorist attack.

The media love a terrorist news story, because it's scary and gets loads of people reading it and riled up. Terrorists are a bit like internet trolls IMO, the best thing we can do is ignore them as much as possible - by publicising their attacks we are fueling the fire for more of them to get on the bandwagon, which is exactly what they want!

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: devthedev on January 04, 2017, 03:44:19 AM
The Americans knew how to deal with those guys at Guantanamo.

Yeah... Until the current administration started releasing all of the detainees back into their countries, with some even rumored to being released domestically. The detainees are extremely dangerous people and now many are free to collaborate with their extremist allies and wage jihād on developed countries, and non-believers.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: protokol on January 04, 2017, 03:46:14 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

It is a difficult problem to solve when you have 1.6 billion people following this ideology.

Ideology is the root cause of this problem, so you have to start there.

Expose this nonsense.  Sharia Law my ass.  This is a 21st century.

1.6 Billion people aren't following this ideology - if that was true then everyone would be dead from terrorist attacks.

What we need to do is understand why a small minority of people feel so angry and under-represented by society that they feel that terrorism is their best option.

We need to fight the underlying cause, not the symptom.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: devthedev on January 04, 2017, 03:55:24 AM
And considering how unlikely it is to be the victim of a terrorist attack (at least in Western countries), the best thing to do is just to not worry about it. In the UK, you are more likely to die from a furniture accident than from a terrorist attack.

That does not mean there is not an existential threat, a very large problem exists and we must figure out a solution to it. It can not be ignored. 50 people were killed and 53 were injured in an Islamic terrorist attack less than an hour away from where I live less than 6 months ago. There have been 48 acts of deadly Islamic terror and 490 people have been injured or killed in terrorist attacks in the United States since 9/11.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 04, 2017, 04:11:57 AM
The Americans knew how to deal with those guys at Guantanamo.

Yeah... Until the current administration started releasing all of the detainees back into their countries, with some even rumored to being released domestically. The detainees are extremely dangerous people and now many are free to collaborate with their extremist allies and wage jihād on developed countries, and non-believers.

I don't think that any of the detainees were released domestically, despite the efforts by Obama. The former detainees were dumped in third world nations such as Albania and Nauru, where they are engaging in Jihadi activity and creating trouble.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: zhangswujip on January 04, 2017, 04:15:03 AM
How to end the terrorism:
1 stop funding;
2 stop supplying weapons to them;
3 stop bombing innocent civilians;
If it's so simple, why does it exist forever?
It can last forever because they can get a lot of benefits from it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Tyrantt on January 04, 2017, 04:20:00 AM
Some things can not be solved with diplomacy, sometimes you just gotta kill some people. Somehow I have a feeling that both sides that are dealing with ISIS (East and West) and the terrorism at all, are kind of restraining and not doing their max, if both sides wanted to eradicate terrorists, they could do it quite easy.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Tyrantt on January 04, 2017, 04:23:41 AM
How to end the terrorism:
1 stop funding;
2 stop supplying weapons to them;
3 stop bombing innocent civilians;
If it's so simple, why does it exist forever?
It can last forever because they can get a lot of benefits from it.

Stop funding yes, but many of eastern terrorist groups are profiting from selling oil and buying cheap oil is a very nice opportunity.
Money is a great power.
Casualty or not, if they're getting themselves among the civilians it's kind of hard to eradicate them with ease.

And absolutely, cheap oil, profit from selling guns,... if they want to eradicate them, they could do it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 04, 2017, 04:27:18 AM
Stop funding yes, but many of eastern terrorist groups are profiting from selling oil and buying cheap oil is a very nice opportunity.
Money is a great power.

In fact, one of the reasons why the ISIS is on the retreat now is low oil prices. Also, Turkey has broken its ties with ISIS, after they found out that the profits from the illegal crude oil smuggling has been greatly reduced.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: protokol on January 04, 2017, 04:34:00 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

It is a difficult problem to solve when you have 1.6 billion people following this ideology.

Ideology is the root cause of this problem, so you have to start there.

Expose this nonsense.  Sharia Law my ass.  This is a 21st century.

1.6 Billion people aren't following this ideology - if that was true then everyone would be dead from terrorist attacks.

What we need to do is understand why a small minority of people feel so angry and under-represented by society that they feel that terrorism is their best option.

We need to fight the underlying cause, not the symptom.

The small minority is doing it, but the large minority is silently supporting it.

I think part of the problem is cultural.  Muslim countries have this "penis envy" when it comes to Western countries.  They do not understand why their societies are not progressing
as well as democracies elsewhere, despite (in their view) the best religion a man can have, the best legal system (Sharia Law) etc. they blame everyone but themselves.

Part of the problem is the US foreign policy, the establishment of the Israel in Palestine, but that is not the root cause.  It is an excuse to act.

The root cause IMHO is a lack of education and not acceptance of modern progressive values.  These values are incompatible with a 6th-century thinking.
So there is your conflict.  Rigid 6th-century, 'written by God'  ideology and the modern world.

We have three (3) Science Nobel Prize winners from Muslim countries (Egypt, Pakistan and Turkey).  That should tell you something.

Bolded by me. Possible, but I live in an area with a majority muslim population, and I've seen demonstrations by muslims condemning these sort of attacks, and spoken to muslims who totally disagree with them. Don't forget that from a media point of view, a story about a suicide bombing will have many more clicks than a story about muslims condemning suicide attacks, simply because it's a more interesting story to the general population and aligns with their preconceptions about muslims.

I agree with you on your point about US foreign policy, and western intervention - I think that it is making things worse. There is even a strong case to suggest a lot of this instability came about at the end of WW1, where arbitrary border lines were drawn by the West defining Middle Eastern countries as we know them today.

Another point worth mentioning is that what we are seeing is not "6th-century thinking". In fact, during the Middle Ages the Islamic world was at the forefront of science, critical thinking and the advance of knowledge and the scientific method. Even many of the scientific words we use today are derived from Arabic and the Islamic world - eg. Algebra, Alcohol, Algorithm, Alkali, Azimuth. And that's just the ones beginning with 'A' - These guys were doing mad science while most of the world was killing each other and rolling in their own shit.

The whole "Islamic Terrorism", especially suicide bombing, is an extremely recent phenomenon - It started in the mid 20th Century and was probably a result of events like the conflict in Afghanistan between the Soviets and the Mujahadeen, Al-Assad being armed in Syria (not the current one, his father), and the Islamic uprising in Iran and Syria. The US was heavily involved in these power struggles.

We only see this extremist ideology appearing after these balances of power occurred.

Don't think that I'm sympathising with the terrorist scum for a moment, I think that what they're doing is deplorable and has no place in modern society. I'm also not a fan of religion, whether it's Christian, Islam, Judaism or whatever. I just think people need to understand how much of a modern phenomenon this Islamic terrorism is, and that it's probably a result of Western intervention after winning the world wars.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: protokol on January 04, 2017, 04:41:37 AM
How to end the terrorism:
1 stop funding;
2 stop supplying weapons to them;
3 stop bombing innocent civilians;
If it's so simple, why does it exist forever?
It can last forever because they can get a lot of benefits from it.

Yeah exactly.

A couple of years ago, the UK was selling arms to Syrian rebels to try and overthrow Al-Assad and end the Syrian Civil war. Whoops, that didn't happen, Russia armed Al-Assad and stopped him being overthrown.

A few years later, the UK is now supporting al-Assad in the fight against "ISIS" - even though "ISIS" is probably still using some of the weapons we sold the rebels, because half of them ARE the rebels. And then you've got Russia just attacking ALL the rebels (not just ISIS) because they've been supporting al-Assad for years, and just want him in power.

The whole thing is a complicated mess, and our politicians are fucking hypocrites who sell weapons to the highest bidder and then moan about the consequences.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Hazir on January 04, 2017, 04:43:41 AM
I don't think that terrorism can be completely stopped at this point.  In the best case scenario the effects of terrorists attacks can be mitigated.
At this point, I think it is safe to say that great majority of terrorists attacks have religious/cultural background. This is what we get for mixing western and middle-eastern culture.
Look at the Europe as example - prior to recent cases of Muslim terrorism there wasn't any kind of organized mass scale killing crime in EU since IRA.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: digaran on January 04, 2017, 04:49:35 AM
Most of them are Sunni which being one means that they are not following their prophet's advises as he has said : anyone respect and believe in me and my God and acknowledges that I was sent by Him to guide you then should follow my son in law believe and respect him, but you know what they did? they killed his daughter and his son in law with the rest of their families.
Such respect and many followers and believers right? so do you really expect those following the same people that killed their prophet's family and descendants, not to kill innocent(modern) and normal people?

Or maybe US government should stop putting nose in every country's affairs?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: novemberwoah on January 04, 2017, 04:56:10 AM
Very difficult to stop terrorism because each destroyed a terrorist would certainly appear new. It is endless and will continue to exist, it is very difficult to stop. Maybe the steps that must be done by giving an understanding of the religion, unity, peace to the younger generation. Why should the younger generation? Because younger generation are an easy target for recruited into terrorist networks. In addition, because terrorism is very close to the young generation. So do not be surprised if they can easily poison the minds of the younger generation to understand the radical.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: friend666 on January 04, 2017, 07:26:48 AM
To solve the problem of terrorism in the discussion, we must strongly oppose any form of economic determinism. The emphasis on the economic factors in the problem of terrorism is the root of religious ideology, which is objective to downplay and conceal terrorism. Economic determinism will finally slid right capitulationist not to ruin, will finally take the redemption compromise policy directly or indirectly.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: deadsilent on January 04, 2017, 07:45:22 AM
No. Terrorism cant be stopped. Anyone would try to end this is just making things worst. Terrorist are crazy. to kill people and dont know what they are fighting for. They kill people for what? To catch some attention? US are the cause of these never ending terrorism. They interfering every nations affairs. Just like what they did to Syria.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Cactushrt on January 04, 2017, 09:23:17 AM
No one can stop terrorism. Terrorist is still a terrorist they train to harass or ruin our peacuful country and intimidate people even if the government wants the country to be unite still they want to do terrorism. One thing is for sure terrorism can stop if the terrorist lead our world or country

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: olushakes on January 04, 2017, 11:55:24 AM
I will only say that it cannot be stopped the only thing that can be done is government to find a way to protect the citizens from their attacks. Understanding the root of terrorism means its more than a movement and the worse thing that can happen to anyone is death in which they believe is even their rights so how we now kill someone who is already dead? I guess its impossible the only way around it is to weaken their ability to wreck more havoc.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: foruman on January 04, 2017, 12:14:46 PM
Simple ban islam, if you cant have a peaceful region then dont have one.

May sound bad but this is the fix.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Gasturcas on January 04, 2017, 12:53:57 PM
Stop Supporting the Dictators Who Fund Terrorists. Based from the Article that I have read. Saudi Arabia is the world’s largest sponsor of radical Islamic terrorists. If we stop supporting the House of Saudi and other Arab tyrannies, we’ll get a two-fold reduction in terror: A.) We’ll undermine the main terrorism supporters B.) We’ll take away one of the main motivations driving terrorists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: af_newbie on January 04, 2017, 01:26:32 PM
Simple ban islam, if you cant have a peaceful region then dont have one.

May sound bad but this is the fix.

They will go underground and it will be harder to spy on them.

You have to educate people in the Middle East as this is where this ideology originates.

There are similarities between Islamist terrorist networks and criminal gangs.  You probably can use
the same techniques to fight it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: saddampbuh on January 04, 2017, 01:56:23 PM
by sending muslims back to their countries

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Slow death on January 04, 2017, 02:56:20 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed.

Catholic religious persecution sent to the stake as heretics good people, hardworking, enterprising, just because they did not profess the same faith. He divided the extorted goods among his fellow-believers.

In the United States blacks were persecuted through an organization called Ku-Klux-Klan. They acted characteristically, to the socapa, burning houses, burning, hanging black people. This organization was and is recognized as a terrorist action.

If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

- To encourage democracy in Islamic states

- Reduce corruption

- Inspect the temples and compel him to pay taxes

- Promoting women's rights and human rights in Islamic states

- Promoting education in Islamic states

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: kryptqnick on January 04, 2017, 03:30:51 PM
Well, it easier to name the ways which won't stop it. First of all, terrorism can't be stopped by terrorism. Throwing bombs on the cities might make somebody weaker but it won't kill the cause of terrorism. It is just about trying to influence the effects. The cause must be something above terrorism, above matter. That is the ideology. People kill other people for some purpose and reason. We need to understand the reason and buit a good contra ideology.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Aikonio on January 04, 2017, 03:42:09 PM
Simple ban islam, if you cant have a peaceful region then dont have one.

May sound bad but this is the fix.

They will go underground and it will be harder to spy on them.

You have to educate people in the Middle East as this is where this ideology originates.

There are similarities between Islamist terrorist networks and criminal gangs.  You probably can use
the same techniques to fight it.
There is absolutely no similarity with the community thugs and thieves with a community of Muslim terrorists. Muslims have United on a religious basis and such communities are more difficult to implement agents.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Gyro on January 04, 2017, 03:58:51 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

I think we have 4 options.

1) Accept Sharia law world wide and everyone converts to islam.

2) Kill all muslims everywhere

3) Wait for the muslims to kill each other and deal with the terrorist attacks.

4) Do nothing to stop them but instead help them (liberal democratic solution)

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: chachaa on January 04, 2017, 04:09:05 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

I think we have 4 options.

1) Accept Sharia law world wide and everyone converts to islam.

2) Kill all muslims everywhere

3) Wait for the muslims to kill each other and deal with the terrorist attacks.

4) Do nothing to stop them but instead help them (liberal democratic solution)
I have to wait when they'll kill each other and fight terrorism on its territory. Not to pay attention to what Muslims are doing in life. I'm wary of attempts by all governments to limit citizens ' access to arms.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: gabmen on January 04, 2017, 04:16:11 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Well terrorism is terrorism and there's nothing moral and logical about it. It's different from any cultural or religious misunderstanding as terrorism doesn't have any other aim but to cause harm and chaos. There's really nothing much to it. And the bigger problem here is that with what's going on right now, with the way this is handled, a lot of people are actually being attracted for the wrong reasons.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: chachaa on January 04, 2017, 05:16:48 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Well terrorism is terrorism and there's nothing moral and logical about it. It's different from any cultural or religious misunderstanding as terrorism doesn't have any other aim but to cause harm and chaos. There's really nothing much to it. And the bigger problem here is that with what's going on right now, with the way this is handled, a lot of people are actually being attracted for the wrong reasons.
Putin provoked the crisis of exile in Europe, and all these terrorist acts are his bloody hands. He's trying to destroy the European Union to lift sanctions against Russia and to deny the unity of the EU.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: BADecker on January 05, 2017, 02:03:46 AM
Outside of a few philanthropist types in government, government only cares about two things: it's safety, and money.

Stop paying taxes, and the terrorists will evaporate. After all, they are hired by governments to fight other governments, but mostly to scare their own people into subjection. And who knows when your own government officials make secret deals with other governments to allow their terrorists in?

Don't be so shocked that you didn't think of this.


Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Tyrantt on January 05, 2017, 03:08:31 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Well terrorism is terrorism and there's nothing moral and logical about it. It's different from any cultural or religious misunderstanding as terrorism doesn't have any other aim but to cause harm and chaos. There's really nothing much to it. And the bigger problem here is that with what's going on right now, with the way this is handled, a lot of people are actually being attracted for the wrong reasons.
Putin provoked the crisis of exile in Europe, and all these terrorist acts are his bloody hands. He's trying to destroy the European Union to lift sanctions against Russia and to deny the unity of the EU.

european union is a leech system where rich countries give money to the poor ones, and the poor ones do siht with it. EU= 4th Reich, with Germany ruining Europe once again. Also european union should collapse.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: BADecker on January 05, 2017, 03:35:07 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Well terrorism is terrorism and there's nothing moral and logical about it. It's different from any cultural or religious misunderstanding as terrorism doesn't have any other aim but to cause harm and chaos. There's really nothing much to it. And the bigger problem here is that with what's going on right now, with the way this is handled, a lot of people are actually being attracted for the wrong reasons.
Putin provoked the crisis of exile in Europe, and all these terrorist acts are his bloody hands. He's trying to destroy the European Union to lift sanctions against Russia and to deny the unity of the EU.

european union is a leech system where rich countries give money to the poor ones, and the poor ones do siht with it. EU= 4th Reich, with Germany ruining Europe once again. Also european union should collapse.

Yes. But it isn't entirely Germany. Watch this video to see who is behind it:

Nazi Queen Of England Exposed (

If you become interested enough, watch the videos in the sidebar when you click the, above, link.


Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Xester on January 05, 2017, 06:00:35 AM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: sedrick on January 05, 2017, 02:29:29 PM
How to end the terrorism:
1 stop funding;
2 stop supplying weapons to them;
3 stop bombing innocent civilians;
If it's so simple, why does it exist forever?
It can last forever because they can get a lot of benefits from it.

Do you think that if you stop funding, supplying weapons will stop terrorism?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: wowanstrong on January 05, 2017, 02:44:44 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.
Or maybe you chose is not the right example? When the barbaric bombing of the city by Russian aircraft killed a lot more civilians than during the us bombing. It is their actions that have led to mass migration, among which in Europe are the terrorists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Spendulus on January 05, 2017, 03:59:29 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.

No to the above bolded.  Terrorism as we know it does not need a cause such as injustice.  Terrorism is a part of the Islam scheme for world domination.  Therefore if Islam exists, you will see terrorism without any cause except to promote the particular Islamic views of the terrorist.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bitcoinboy12 on January 05, 2017, 04:26:05 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.

No to the above bolded.  Terrorism as we know it does not need a cause such as injustice.  Terrorism is a part of the Islam scheme for world domination.  Therefore if Islam exists, you will see terrorism without any cause except to promote the particular Islamic views of the terrorist.

I guess I have to agree with this, Terrorism is an actual tool for a major plot - world domination. Divide and conquer, if you may. By funding terrorism, people from one country will fight with one another, thus making it easier for terrorists to conquer the land.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: sedrick on January 05, 2017, 06:31:11 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.

No to the above bolded.  Terrorism as we know it does not need a cause such as injustice.  Terrorism is a part of the Islam scheme for world domination.  Therefore if Islam exists, you will see terrorism without any cause except to promote the particular Islamic views of the terrorist.

That's wrong ... How you blame the entire Muslim community as only few Muslims are involved in terrorism.... There was Apj Abdul kalam who is Muslim but he was a terrorist but inspired many young people.... So there are many other ppl who ee point 👉 out that is not because of the religion.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Bitcoinsummoner on January 05, 2017, 06:45:38 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.

No to the above bolded.  Terrorism as we know it does not need a cause such as injustice.  Terrorism is a part of the Islam scheme for world domination.  Therefore if Islam exists, you will see terrorism without any cause except to promote the particular Islamic views of the terrorist.

I guess I have to agree with this, Terrorism is an actual tool for a major plot - world domination. Divide and conquer, if you may. By funding terrorism, people from one country will fight with one another, thus making it easier for terrorists to conquer the land.
I think there is other people who are controlling those terrorist i think connected from a government they are using terrorist for many illegal activities just like here in my country.. i thought that they have own beliefs but the truth they are just terrorist control by someone drug lord or any illegal.. that is why there is a part of place here in my country that no people can live there because of terrorist that i think almost all transaction drugs or illegal weapons from other country arrived..

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Mersedes on January 05, 2017, 07:20:35 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.

No to the above bolded.  Terrorism as we know it does not need a cause such as injustice.  Terrorism is a part of the Islam scheme for world domination.  Therefore if Islam exists, you will see terrorism without any cause except to promote the particular Islamic views of the terrorist.

I guess I have to agree with this, Terrorism is an actual tool for a major plot - world domination. Divide and conquer, if you may. By funding terrorism, people from one country will fight with one another, thus making it easier for terrorists to conquer the land.
I think there is other people who are controlling those terrorist i think connected from a government they are using terrorist for many illegal activities just like here in my country.. i thought that they have own beliefs but the truth they are just terrorist control by someone drug lord or any illegal.. that is why there is a part of place here in my country that no people can live there because of terrorist that i think almost all transaction drugs or illegal weapons from other country arrived..
Terrorist States in the world a lot. Almost all of them share a friendship with Russia. It is also a terrorist state, but unlike Muslims they do not commit terrorist attacks, and only sponsor. The performers are Muslims and it says that they are the most stupid.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bra4our on January 06, 2017, 11:36:10 PM
Only Jesus can stop terrorism, its very hard for Real Christians to commit acts that eventually will end someone's life. I for instance make sure that they way i live i dont want to spend eternity in hell.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: BADecker on January 06, 2017, 11:40:36 PM
Only Jesus can stop terrorism, its very hard for Real Christians to commit acts that eventually will end someone's life. I for instance make sure that they way i live i dont want to spend eternity in hell.


Jesus saved me. I owe Him everything. He asks me to be a nice guy. So, I'll do it because He asks.


Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bra4our on January 06, 2017, 11:45:25 PM
Mostly to avoid Hell thats my main priority. lol 8)

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Spendulus on January 07, 2017, 02:17:36 AM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.

No to the above bolded.  Terrorism as we know it does not need a cause such as injustice.  Terrorism is a part of the Islam scheme for world domination.  Therefore if Islam exists, you will see terrorism without any cause except to promote the particular Islamic views of the terrorist.

I guess I have to agree with this, Terrorism is an actual tool for a major plot - world domination. Divide and conquer, if you may. By funding terrorism, people from one country will fight with one another, thus making it easier for terrorists to conquer the land.

The way to stop terrorism is to make the cost of committing a terroristic act too high for anyone to consider doing such a thing.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: sedrick on January 07, 2017, 12:43:31 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

After reading all the replies from you guys I understand that there is nothing we can do to stop terrorism until the people who are involved in these activity must die or be killed... 

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Kvazimoda on January 07, 2017, 01:45:46 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

After reading all the replies from you guys I understand that there is nothing we can do to stop terrorism until the people who are involved in these activity must die or be killed... 
Terrorism is a disease of society. If to draw an analogy with the treatment of cancer, the disease we first need to isolate if it does not remove. Where the global isolation of the country involved in terrorism? Europe itself takes the metastases. This is a mistake.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 07, 2017, 02:08:45 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. As long as there are victims of war and criminality and hatred spurs and develop itself then it becomes a juice for terrorism. When America for example bombards a country because they said many terrorist are dwelling there they did not just killed terrorist but also thousands of innocent people. This innocent people hungry for justice and revenge are perfect humans to become terrorist.

Terrorism occurs when terror is spread and experienced by people. So both parties the terrorist and allied nations both throws terror on both sides thus they are all terrorist, the producer of terror.

No to the above bolded.  Terrorism as we know it does not need a cause such as injustice.  Terrorism is a part of the Islam scheme for world domination.  Therefore if Islam exists, you will see terrorism without any cause except to promote the particular Islamic views of the terrorist.

Naaaaaaaaaaah suuuuuuuuuuure.
No link between USA and Europe external policies and the creation of the worst terrorist movements of the world.
I mean it's not like the vast majority of terrorists are coming from countries we were bombing and are still bombing.
It's not like 99% of terrorism propaganda is simply telling the truth: West is destroying our home, let's destroy them
It's not like our politic of destabilization hadn't help the rise of extremist Islam by destroying the educational institutions (no link between education and religion by the way of course).

No it must be pure coincidence.

Oh and of course THEY are terrorists but our bombs are the ones of freedom. It's not because we kill more civilians in one day than them in on year that we're terrorists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 07, 2017, 02:11:37 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

After reading all the replies from you guys I understand that there is nothing we can do to stop terrorism until the people who are involved in these activity must die or be killed... 


As the whole USA Middle-East politics has shown us:
"If you didn't manage to end a problem with bombs, it's just that you didn't use enough bombs"  ::)

What about stopping killing them by thousands? Maybe they would come to kill 200 of us if we hadn't killed 200 000 of them before?
Nah. They're the bad guys clearly. Our bombs are very special they kill and destroy only the bad guys. So the poor people that lost their family should thank us. Clearly.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: tracktorr on January 08, 2017, 12:20:39 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

After reading all the replies from you guys I understand that there is nothing we can do to stop terrorism until the people who are involved in these activity must die or be killed... 


As the whole USA Middle-East politics has shown us:
"If you didn't manage to end a problem with bombs, it's just that you didn't use enough bombs"  ::)

What about stopping killing them by thousands? Maybe they would come to kill 200 of us if we hadn't killed 200 000 of them before?
Nah. They're the bad guys clearly. Our bombs are very special they kill and destroy only the bad guys. So the poor people that lost their family should thank us. Clearly.
And who determines civilians or not. We see few examples where civilians organize terrorist attacks? It seems to me that a world war is already underway. Just methods of warfare have changed. Trump on this background looks weak and stupid.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: iqlimasyadiqa on January 08, 2017, 12:41:06 PM
Make or build small communities that aims to campaign for peace and the beauty of diversity, the minimum starting with people in the neighborhood.  it is the easiest thing we can do. hopefully useful and produce something which we dream.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: ovvidiy on January 08, 2017, 12:49:55 PM
Make or build small communities that aims to campaign for peace and the beauty of diversity, the minimum starting with people in the neighborhood.  it is the easiest thing we can do. hopefully useful and produce something which we dream.
A small community will not be able to actively confront the terrorist threat. It seems to me that on the contrary we need to unite based on shared interests and to destroy all countries that are involved in terrorist activities.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 08, 2017, 12:56:23 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

After reading all the replies from you guys I understand that there is nothing we can do to stop terrorism until the people who are involved in these activity must die or be killed... 


As the whole USA Middle-East politics has shown us:
"If you didn't manage to end a problem with bombs, it's just that you didn't use enough bombs"  ::)

What about stopping killing them by thousands? Maybe they would come to kill 200 of us if we hadn't killed 200 000 of them before?
Nah. They're the bad guys clearly. Our bombs are very special they kill and destroy only the bad guys. So the poor people that lost their family should thank us. Clearly.

I would partially agree with you. The Western powers must stay away from the Middle East. During the last few years, the NATO has managed to overthrow most of the secular regimes in that region, and has managed to replace them with Islamist governments. It is ironic that Bashar al Assad is the last remaining secular head of state in the middle east. And now the NATO is trying to topple him as well.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 08, 2017, 01:01:01 PM
Make or build small communities that aims to campaign for peace and the beauty of diversity, the minimum starting with people in the neighborhood.  it is the easiest thing we can do. hopefully useful and produce something which we dream.
A small community will not be able to actively confront the terrorist threat. It seems to me that on the contrary we need to unite based on shared interests and to destroy all countries that are involved in terrorist activities.

Yeah, let's "destroy all countries that are involved in terrorist activities"
So where do we start? With USA and its subvention of terrorist groups? Russia and their trafic weapons? Europe and its role in multiple wars in Africa and Middle East? Or the whole western world for stealing every ounce of natural ressources available there?
Oh and do I really have to precise that the 5 most important countries that are also at the security counsel of United Nations are also the 5 first weapon producers? And that they sell those weapons around the world?

So where do we start? Might maybe start by killing yourself no?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 08, 2017, 01:03:47 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

After reading all the replies from you guys I understand that there is nothing we can do to stop terrorism until the people who are involved in these activity must die or be killed... 


As the whole USA Middle-East politics has shown us:
"If you didn't manage to end a problem with bombs, it's just that you didn't use enough bombs"  ::)

What about stopping killing them by thousands? Maybe they would come to kill 200 of us if we hadn't killed 200 000 of them before?
Nah. They're the bad guys clearly. Our bombs are very special they kill and destroy only the bad guys. So the poor people that lost their family should thank us. Clearly.

I would partially agree with you. The Western powers must stay away from the Middle East. During the last few years, the NATO has managed to overthrow most of the secular regimes in that region, and has managed to replace them with Islamist governments. It is ironic that Bashar al Assad is the last remaining secular head of state in the middle east. And now the NATO is trying to topple him as well.

They kill the old dictator for "freedom" then put in place another dictator even worse (because yes it's possible) but who won't give a fuck about the huge companies like Total invading their country to take out as much oil as possible.
We can't exactly pretend we're victims here. We're guilty, guilty as fuck. So we can go on killing and destroying everything on our path but stop acting like we're the one getting attacked for god sake. Terrorists are just a very normal and logical reaction to our international policies! 70 years ago we called such people resistance.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: flekkelek on January 08, 2017, 01:34:20 PM
This is the way terrorism can be stopped.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Spendulus on January 08, 2017, 02:08:14 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

After reading all the replies from you guys I understand that there is nothing we can do to stop terrorism until the people who are involved in these activity must die or be killed... 


As the whole USA Middle-East politics has shown us:
"If you didn't manage to end a problem with bombs, it's just that you didn't use enough bombs"  ::)

What about stopping killing them by thousands? Maybe they would come to kill 200 of us if we hadn't killed 200 000 of them before?
Nah. They're the bad guys clearly. Our bombs are very special they kill and destroy only the bad guys. So the poor people that lost their family should thank us. Clearly.

I would partially agree with you. The Western powers must stay away from the Middle East. During the last few years, the NATO has managed to overthrow most of the secular regimes in that region, and has managed to replace them with Islamist governments. It is ironic that Bashar al Assad is the last remaining secular head of state in the middle east. And now the NATO is trying to topple him as well.

They kill the old dictator for "freedom" then put in place another dictator even worse (because yes it's possible) but who won't give a fuck about the huge companies like Total invading their country to take out as much oil as possible.
We can't exactly pretend we're victims here. We're guilty, guilty as fuck. So we can go on killing and destroying everything on our path but stop acting like we're the one getting attacked for god sake. Terrorists are just a very normal and logical reaction to our international policies! 70 years ago we called such people resistance.

Not true.  A lot of the terrorism is local and regional conflicts completely unrelated to major powers combating terrorism.  Another fraction is unrelated to the movement or actions of major powers, it is simply a religious protest against "the West."  A third portion is anti-Israel and anti-Jew operations, done because "the Koran said for us to take those lands back."

Look for yourself.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 08, 2017, 02:23:57 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

After reading all the replies from you guys I understand that there is nothing we can do to stop terrorism until the people who are involved in these activity must die or be killed... 


As the whole USA Middle-East politics has shown us:
"If you didn't manage to end a problem with bombs, it's just that you didn't use enough bombs"  ::)

What about stopping killing them by thousands? Maybe they would come to kill 200 of us if we hadn't killed 200 000 of them before?
Nah. They're the bad guys clearly. Our bombs are very special they kill and destroy only the bad guys. So the poor people that lost their family should thank us. Clearly.

I would partially agree with you. The Western powers must stay away from the Middle East. During the last few years, the NATO has managed to overthrow most of the secular regimes in that region, and has managed to replace them with Islamist governments. It is ironic that Bashar al Assad is the last remaining secular head of state in the middle east. And now the NATO is trying to topple him as well.

They kill the old dictator for "freedom" then put in place another dictator even worse (because yes it's possible) but who won't give a fuck about the huge companies like Total invading their country to take out as much oil as possible.
We can't exactly pretend we're victims here. We're guilty, guilty as fuck. So we can go on killing and destroying everything on our path but stop acting like we're the one getting attacked for god sake. Terrorists are just a very normal and logical reaction to our international policies! 70 years ago we called such people resistance.

Not true.  A lot of the terrorism is local and regional conflicts completely unrelated to major powers combating terrorism.  Another fraction is unrelated to the movement or actions of major powers, it is simply a religious protest against "the West."  A third portion is anti-Israel and anti-Jew operations, done because "the Koran said for us to take those lands back."

Look for yourself.
No one was talking about local terrorism here.
And for the rest... Do you really believe they would find so many suicidal volunteers without the different wars and attacks?
You don't create terrorists only with religion. You create terrorism with poverty, despair, lack of education, destruction of institution, lack of political power...
It's not just Islam, it's Islam + the consequences of the numerous wars.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 08, 2017, 02:25:46 PM
This is the way terrorism can be stopped.

I would slightly enlarge the blast radius to include Turkey, Somalia and Pakistan. Perhaps Egypt as well. Although the GCC nations (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait.etc) are the main sponsors of terrorism around the world, Turkey also plays its part.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 08, 2017, 02:29:41 PM
This is the way terrorism can be stopped.

I would slightly enlarge the blast radius to include Turkey, Somalia and Pakistan. Perhaps Egypt as well. Although the GCC nations (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait.etc) are the main sponsors of terrorism around the world, Turkey also plays its part.
Sure. Let's all forget who benefits from this terrorism  ::)

Clearly just destroying this area of the world will be enough to get rid of all our problems.
Well it would also destroy our main benefit from all that: massive natural ressources, numerous low level workers and the contracts our companies get from rebuilding what we destroy.
We win at war: we sell the weapons for the wars and terrorism
We win after the war: We make the countries take loans for the reconstruction of what our bombs destroyed

And your problem is terrorism? xD

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Kemarit on January 08, 2017, 02:42:22 PM
I don't believe it can be stopped at all.
I think the only way to lessen the problem is with education. Otherwise, I can only think that the only way to stop the attacks, sadly, is by joining them.

Perhaps the better question is how terrorism can be prevented to prevent future attacks. I believed the US government or other countries for that matter should not in interfere in other countries issues. That's why lot of Muslims blamed USA and in turn become a terrorist.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: yuiyuga on January 08, 2017, 08:10:31 PM
I don't believe it can be stopped at all.
I think the only way to lessen the problem is with education. Otherwise, I can only think that the only way to stop the attacks, sadly, is by joining them.

Perhaps the better question is how terrorism can be prevented to prevent future attacks. I believed the US government or other countries for that matter should not in interfere in other countries issues. That's why lot of Muslims blamed USA and in turn become a terrorist.
It does not happen. The modern world is very close and in order to avoid problems within the country very often need to pursue their interests in other countries. For example, if in Iran will be organized training camps for terrorists that sit back and watch this because it's a different country?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: flekkelek on January 08, 2017, 10:52:29 PM
I don't believe it can be stopped at all.
I think the only way to lessen the problem is with education. Otherwise, I can only think that the only way to stop the attacks, sadly, is by joining them.

Perhaps the better question is how terrorism can be prevented to prevent future attacks. I believed the US government or other countries for that matter should not in interfere in other countries issues. That's why lot of Muslims blamed USA and in turn become a terrorist.
Do muslims need to blame someone in order to became terrorists? Or are they just blaming every single non-muslim man on the Earth...

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: adidas on January 09, 2017, 01:03:12 AM
I don't think anybody can stop terrorism because those that are the terrorists put themselves as fodder and do not care if they die for their cause.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: 13abyknight on January 09, 2017, 05:54:13 AM
Its literally impossible at this point of time unless everyone, every country, organisation takes a strong stand against terrorism and they decide to step it up to completely eradicate terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 09, 2017, 05:56:07 AM
I believed the US government or other countries for that matter should not in interfere in other countries issues. That's why lot of Muslims blamed USA and in turn become a terrorist.

What about the Islamist terror attacks in countries which had not interfered in the Middle East? Take Boko Haram in Nigeria as an example. How can the Muslims blame Nigeria, for all the terror which is happening there?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: shualingfa on January 09, 2017, 06:07:32 AM
Some countries in the world or the so-called great powers, their implementation and use of hegemony, national terrorism to treat the world, but also the catalyst for the proliferation of terrorism in the world today. In order to solve this problem, we must first find out the problem and solve the practical problems from the root

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Cactushrt on January 09, 2017, 07:47:22 AM
I don't think anybody can stop terrorism because those that are the terrorists put themselves as fodder and do not care if they die for their cause.
Yes no one can stop terrorism they were born to face death. They will do what they want they don't care about the innocent people who will be more affected I don't know what kind of mind they have.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bitcoinboy12 on January 09, 2017, 08:29:25 AM
I don't think anybody can stop terrorism because those that are the terrorists put themselves as fodder and do not care if they die for their cause.
Yes no one can stop terrorism they were born to face death. They will do what they want they don't care about the innocent people who will be more affected I don't know what kind of mind they have.
Makes me think about it and I guess have to agree with the both of you that terrorism can not actually be stopped nor prevented. It is in its actuality just as much as the true nature of evil as any other else. You can't stop terrorism as the reality of evil can not be discounted.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Reid on January 09, 2017, 08:34:00 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

That is really a hard question to answer. Can a civilian have something to do with that. When you are with the government then perhaps this could be answered. All we could do is just pray and somehow it might reach them.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Kemarit on January 09, 2017, 08:38:35 AM
I don't believe it can be stopped at all.
I think the only way to lessen the problem is with education. Otherwise, I can only think that the only way to stop the attacks, sadly, is by joining them.

Perhaps the better question is how terrorism can be prevented to prevent future attacks. I believed the US government or other countries for that matter should not in interfere in other countries issues. That's why lot of Muslims blamed USA and in turn become a terrorist.
Do muslims need to blame someone in order to became terrorists? Or are they just blaming every single non-muslim man on the Earth...

There are many Muslims around the world but only a few are terrorist, but a majority of them believed that the West particularly the US and the Jews is to blame for everything that is wrong with their lives.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 09, 2017, 09:05:15 AM
There are many Muslims around the world but only a few are terrorist

I would re-phrase your post a little bit. There are only a few terrorists in the world, but almost all of them are Muslim. And you can't say that they form only a small minority among the Muslim population.

Check this:

Hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world support terrorist attacks.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: yoseph on January 09, 2017, 10:10:01 AM
Why dont we build a wall where we thoroughly search everyone who wants to enter the country and a large scale surveillance. I believe preservation of human lives more important than personal privacy.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Perle on January 09, 2017, 10:38:13 AM
Why dont we build a wall where we thoroughly search everyone who wants to enter the country and a large scale surveillance. I believe preservation of human lives more important than personal privacy.
What do you think that migrants coming across the border with weapons? Do a search at the border? Nothing! They even teach children to terrorist attacks. Besides, now a lot of the attacks are done without the use of weapons.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: flekkelek on January 09, 2017, 11:24:50 AM
Why dont we build a wall where we thoroughly search everyone who wants to enter the country and a large scale surveillance. I believe preservation of human lives more important than personal privacy.
We did it, and whole Western-Europe attacked us, and now, after a few truck events they think pulling up a fence is not a bad idea to keep the poor rapefugees out.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Kemarit on January 09, 2017, 04:40:03 PM
I believed the US government or other countries for that matter should not in interfere in other countries issues. That's why lot of Muslims blamed USA and in turn become a terrorist.

What about the Islamist terror attacks in countries which had not interfered in the Middle East? Take Boko Haram in Nigeria as an example. How can the Muslims blame Nigeria, for all the terror which is happening there?

Nigeria was a under British Empire in the 1900's. Boko Haram which is usually translated as "Western education is forbidden" was founded because of the Muslims in Nigeria hatred to British rule as they believed that the British has imposed a Western and un-Islamic way of line on Muslims.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: SphynX18 on January 09, 2017, 06:07:08 PM
I agree that terrorism cannot be stop but we can all do our share to avoid it. It's hard to avoid it since every person has their own beliefs and way of act. We all don't on 1 or somethings. I think it would help if we cannot let our temper eat us. Or remove the hatred and violence in iur hearts and mind. We all should be more considerate and think as human. We should not generalize our thinking to everyone especially if we encountered a not so good experience. We should remove our hatred to each other especially when it comes to race, religion, gender or beliefsm. Equality and being human will avoid terrorism. This will help us to avoid hatred.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: DD-Lex on January 09, 2017, 06:17:05 PM
Why dont we build a wall where we thoroughly search everyone who wants to enter the country and a large scale surveillance. I believe preservation of human lives more important than personal privacy.
We did it, and whole Western-Europe attacked us, and now, after a few truck events they think pulling up a fence is not a bad idea to keep the poor rapefugees out.
So how did you find anything? I am sure that not found. How do you think the terrorists crossing the border hung with weapons and explosives? What are you going to find them? So you terrorists can't stop. Need other methods.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: trollercoaster on January 10, 2017, 08:19:29 AM
How to stop terrorism is simple, send them all back where they came from and leave them alone or genocide them.  :P

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 10, 2017, 08:41:35 AM
How to stop terrorism is simple, send them all back where they came from and leave them alone or genocide them.  :P

That is the best solution, but anyone pursuing it will be branded as a Nazi and psychopath by the ultra-left thugs. But this is the only solution that is going to end terrorism permanently.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: iamTom123 on January 10, 2017, 08:53:00 AM
We are dealing with a global terrorism threat that is emerging and evolving in intensity, form and aim. Years ago, terrorism may mean exploding bomb, firing guns and even chemical warfare but not anymore...the recent news in Germany where a truck was used as the instrument can be chilling to many. Anything can be a tool for terrorism.

I also believe that it can never be totally stopped. Yes, it can be intercepted through proper intelligence and can be pursued with a very good and effective police and military actions but eventually it can one day get through just like a running water from a flood. Terrorists can find the way and they are very creative in eluding the hunters.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: jseverson on January 10, 2017, 09:27:19 AM
For me no one can stop terrorism because they really want to destroy the peaceful world and they want to reign for them to prove that no one can beat them. I don't know what they are fighting for, The terrorist here in our country their claiming they own our country.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 10, 2017, 09:44:22 AM
I also believe that it can never be totally stopped.

No. It can be totally stopped.

Have you ever heard of any terrorist incidents occurring in countries such as Belarus or Moldova? Or in South Korea or Taiwan? Do you know the reason why terrorist attacks never occur in these countries? I'll give you a hint. Check this:

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: canah17 on January 10, 2017, 10:04:20 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

This one is really nice i really like this topic brings me some thing to talk about world peace :D so here is the possible things we can be peace in that situation so we really need to gather all the president from different countries to have a world wide meeting and the topic of it is to stop terrorist if we really need to work hard and team up we are unstoppable but we have pride in our self but then we need to secure our info from ones people who are visiting once country and to gather up soldiers in the forest so that no one can't escape if that happens like refugees they are free on board to travel with no visa they are illegal and we need to be secure that no refugees will go to once country un-notice and make a celebration world wide a day of the world and make peace to once country :D that's what i will do >.< but its a risk >.<

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bitbunnni on January 10, 2017, 11:22:38 AM
I also believe that it can never be totally stopped.

No. It can be totally stopped.

Have you ever heard of any terrorist incidents occurring in countries such as Belarus or Moldova? Or in South Korea or Taiwan? Do you know the reason why terrorist attacks never occur in these countries? I'll give you a hint. Check this:
And you've seen a lot of Muslims in Moldova and Belarus. It is the poor countries which do not attract these dependents. These pseudo Muslim refugees even in the Euro Union, not any country want to go. You have seen what is happening on the border with England?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bitcoinboy12 on January 10, 2017, 12:06:14 PM
I also believe that it can never be totally stopped.

No. It can be totally stopped.

Have you ever heard of any terrorist incidents occurring in countries such as Belarus or Moldova? Or in South Korea or Taiwan? Do you know the reason why terrorist attacks never occur in these countries? I'll give you a hint. Check this:
And you've seen a lot of Muslims in Moldova and Belarus. It is the poor countries which do not attract these dependents. These pseudo Muslim refugees even in the Euro Union, not any country want to go. You have seen what is happening on the border with England?

Good point how on "other countries" there are no terrorism because there are no interests for terrorists there. If you think about it, there are not much in Southeast Asian countries either.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: flekkelek on January 10, 2017, 12:21:35 PM
Why dont we build a wall where we thoroughly search everyone who wants to enter the country and a large scale surveillance. I believe preservation of human lives more important than personal privacy.
We did it, and whole Western-Europe attacked us, and now, after a few truck events they think pulling up a fence is not a bad idea to keep the poor rapefugees out.
So how did you find anything? I am sure that not found. How do you think the terrorists crossing the border hung with weapons and explosives? What are you going to find them? So you terrorists can't stop. Need other methods.
I don't really understand what you are saying, but yes, terrorists can be stopped this way. If there are no mulsims, there are no muslim terrorist attacks. It is that simple. And as you could have seen, there is no need for explosives at all to kill several people. A truck is enough...

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: DocGTR on January 10, 2017, 12:44:27 PM
Why dont we build a wall where we thoroughly search everyone who wants to enter the country and a large scale surveillance. I believe preservation of human lives more important than personal privacy.
We did it, and whole Western-Europe attacked us, and now, after a few truck events they think pulling up a fence is not a bad idea to keep the poor rapefugees out.
So how did you find anything? I am sure that not found. How do you think the terrorists crossing the border hung with weapons and explosives? What are you going to find them? So you terrorists can't stop. Need other methods.
I don't really understand what you are saying, but yes, terrorists can be stopped this way. If there are no mulsims, there are no muslim terrorist attacks. It is that simple. And as you could have seen, there is no need for explosives at all to kill several people. A truck is enough...
Terrorism cannot be defeated. It has great features and a terrorist can be anyone. Terrorism must deal with the consequences. You need to restrict the access of Muslims in civilized countries.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: flekkelek on January 10, 2017, 01:56:14 PM
Why dont we build a wall where we thoroughly search everyone who wants to enter the country and a large scale surveillance. I believe preservation of human lives more important than personal privacy.
We did it, and whole Western-Europe attacked us, and now, after a few truck events they think pulling up a fence is not a bad idea to keep the poor rapefugees out.
So how did you find anything? I am sure that not found. How do you think the terrorists crossing the border hung with weapons and explosives? What are you going to find them? So you terrorists can't stop. Need other methods.
I don't really understand what you are saying, but yes, terrorists can be stopped this way. If there are no mulsims, there are no muslim terrorist attacks. It is that simple. And as you could have seen, there is no need for explosives at all to kill several people. A truck is enough...
You need to restrict the access of Muslims in civilized countries.
That is what I am saying. In simplier form: no muslims, no problem.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: pepethefrog on January 10, 2017, 02:56:25 PM
Remove from central banks the ability to print money,
and stop paying taxes so that governments can't fund your own enslavement.

That, is the solution to how terrorism can be stopped.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Daniel91 on January 10, 2017, 03:52:37 PM
It's impossible to stop terrorism with force only.
Politicians have to be aware that terrorism is only result but without solving cause, terrorism will not die.
Many young Muslims in the Europe, for example, don't feel that they are accepted in society, don't have jobs, feel racial or religious discrimination, they feel lost of purpose in life etc.
Such, unhappy, young Muslim generation, can fall as victims of ISIS propaganda.
Social services in Western Europe should learn how to deal with such problems.
It's very complicate issue.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Cherry Girl on January 10, 2017, 04:30:55 PM
It's impossible to stop terrorism with force only.
Politicians have to be aware that terrorism is only result but without solving cause, terrorism will not die.
Many young Muslims in the Europe, for example, don't feel that they are accepted in society, don't have jobs, feel racial or religious discrimination, they feel lost of purpose in life etc.
Such, unhappy, young Muslim generation, can fall as victims of ISIS propaganda.
Social services in Western Europe should learn how to deal with such problems.
It's very complicate issue.

To expel them all from Europe. I still for some reason Muslims commit acts of terrorism. We must act radically. If anyone of the locals Muslims seen in the terrorism is to shoot them and to evict their families. As is done in Israel.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: DooMAD on January 10, 2017, 05:36:55 PM
It's peculiar how most people propose more aggression, when aggression will likely just create more terrorists.  I'm with those who believe there should be less meddling in the affairs of other countries.  Restricting access and movement is just nursing the symptoms rather than tackling the cause.  It might limit terrorism, but it won't stop it.  The root cause is nations serving their petty national interests by interfering in other nations.  Propping up despots, political assassinations, regime change, arms dealing, colonialism, politically motivated sanctions.  Then the resulting fallout when there's collateral damage and innocent people are harmed or killed  (but obviously, those who advocate more aggression and violence couldn't care less until it's their "own" people dying).  These are all things which cause provocation and ultimately lead to more terrorism.  Like petulant children who poked a wasp nest with a stick and wonder why they got stung.  Let's build a wall to keep wasps out.   ::)

Terrorism only ends when human beings stop being divisive, hate-filled creatures who would rather infiltrate, steal from, isolate, manipulate or conquer their neighbours than live peacefully with them.  Conflicts were fought hundreds of years ago over things like land, resources, or creed, yet somehow we still do it today, in what we like to pretend is a "modern" or "civilised" age.  Even though we rarely declare these conflicts in formal wars anymore, we do it via stealth and espionage, pulling strings behind the scenes.  It may be more subtle, but it's no less damaging over the long term.  As such we are constantly fighting.  We like to believe we "evolved" from our more primitive ancestors, but in reality, as proven by some of the people in this very thread, we haven't really come that far.  Things like science and technology might improve, but instinctively, some of us are still barbarians at our core.

Short answer, terrorism stops when human beings stop acting like backwards savages.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 10, 2017, 05:37:34 PM
There are many Muslims around the world but only a few are terrorist

I would re-phrase your post a little bit. There are only a few terrorists in the world, but almost all of them are Muslim. And you can't say that they form only a small minority among the Muslim population.

Check this:

Hundreds of millions of Muslims around the world support terrorist attacks.

Why don't we kill all the males then?
Because I don't say that all the males are terrorists, but clearly all the terrorists are male.

Do you see the absurdity of your words now?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 10, 2017, 05:44:08 PM
It's peculiar how most people propose more aggression, when aggression will likely just create more terrorists.
I agree this is simply unbelievable. It's like humans don't understand anything to history, like war ever managed to get rid of terrorism...

 I'm with those who believe there should be less meddling in the affairs of other countries.  Restricting access and movement is just nursing the symptoms rather than tackling the cause.  It might limit terrorism, but it won't stop it.  The root cause is nations serving their petty national interests by interfering in other nations.  Propping up despots, political assassinations, regime change, arms dealing, colonialism, politically motivated sanctions.
Thank you for having a brain. It's like all those people don't even realise everytime a terrorist blow himself up killing 30 people here, we have already politically destroyed his country, bombed his cities and put dictators at the head of his government while selling weapons to the terrorist group supporting him. Not excusing the terrorist but explaining where the problem comes from.

 Then the resulting fallout when there's collateral damage and innocent people are harmed or killed  (but obviously, those who advocate more aggression and violence couldn't care less until it's their "own" people dying).  These are all things which cause provocation and ultimately lead to more terrorism.  Like petulant children who poked a wasp nest with a stick and wonder why they got stung.  Let's build a wall to keep wasps out.   ::)
Best analogy ever. That's exactly that, we kill, torture, steal, enslave, bomb, threaten millions of people and then we act like victims when they come here to kill us...

Terrorism only ends when human beings stop being divisive, hate-filled creatures who would rather infiltrate, steal from, isolate, manipulate or conquer their neighbours than live peacefully with them.  Conflicts were fought hundreds of years ago over things like land, resources, or creed, yet somehow we still do it today, in what we like to pretend is a "modern" or "civilised" age.  Even though we rarely declare these conflicts in formal wars anymore, we do it via stealth and espionage, pulling strings behind the scenes.  It may be more subtle, but it's no less damaging over the long term.  As such we are constantly fighting.  We like to believe we "evolved" from our more primitive ancestors, but in reality, as proven by some of the people in this very thread, we haven't really come that far.  Things like science and technology might improve, but instinctively, some of us are still barbarians at our core.

Short answer, terrorism stops when human beings stop acting like backwards savages.

Exactly. Terrorism is just a symptom, the cause is the incredible greed our countries are showing by destroying attacking and stealing other countries. Terrorism is only a consequence of this disease: us. (us not USA, USA is only one actor, Europe is greatly responsible too).

Thank you for bringing at least a some logic and intelligence here. Sometimes when I read answers like "Why don't they go to Syria or Irak or other neighbour countries those stealer?" I get completely desperate...
But your keen is far too rare around here...

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Spendulus on January 11, 2017, 06:23:22 PM
It's peculiar how most people propose more aggression, when aggression will likely just create more terrorists.
I agree this is simply unbelievable. It's like humans don't understand anything to history, like war ever managed to get rid of terrorism...

 I'm with those who believe there should be less meddling in the affairs of other countries.  Restricting access and movement is just nursing the symptoms rather than tackling the cause.  It might limit terrorism, but it won't stop it.  The root cause is nations serving their petty national interests by interfering in other nations.  Propping up despots, political assassinations, regime change, arms dealing, colonialism, politically motivated sanctions.
Thank you for having a brain. It's like all those people don't even realise everytime a terrorist blow himself up killing 30 people here, we have already politically destroyed his country, bombed his cities and put dictators at the head of his government while selling weapons to the terrorist group supporting him. Not excusing the terrorist but explaining where the problem comes from....

Explaining wrongly.

Because you are leaving out the part about Islam bent on world domination, aren't you?

Let's start by being honest.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: DooMAD on January 11, 2017, 07:05:06 PM
Explaining wrongly.

Because you are leaving out the part about Team <insertcountryhere>: World Police, aren't you?

Let's start by being honest.


Religions are no more bent on world domination than various governments around the world.  Just because governments go about it in slightly more covert fashion, doesn't make it any less insidious.  Bottom line is human beings are basically cavemen, whether it be a religious or a national flag they wave while they're fucking the world up.  Some members of their religion hate your country, some members of your country hate their religion, so feel free to keep killing each other over it, but don't make out like they're any worse than you are.  You're just two sides of the same shit-smeared coin.  The death cycle continues until you both stop being dumb.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 11, 2017, 08:34:33 PM
It's peculiar how most people propose more aggression, when aggression will likely just create more terrorists.
I agree this is simply unbelievable. It's like humans don't understand anything to history, like war ever managed to get rid of terrorism...

I'm with those who believe there should be less meddling in the affairs of other countries.  Restricting access and movement is just nursing the symptoms rather than tackling the cause.  It might limit terrorism, but it won't stop it.  The root cause is nations serving their petty national interests by interfering in other nations.  Propping up despots, political assassinations, regime change, arms dealing, colonialism, politically motivated sanctions.
Thank you for having a brain. It's like all those people don't even realise everytime a terrorist blow himself up killing 30 people here, we have already politically destroyed his country, bombed his cities and put dictators at the head of his government while selling weapons to the terrorist group supporting him. Not excusing the terrorist but explaining where the problem comes from....

Explaining wrongly.

Because you are leaving out the part about Islam bent on world domination, aren't you?

Let's start by being honest.

Lol, reasoning wrong.

Because you are leaving out the part about every human being intelligent enough to be a bit more than mere pawn of a completely crazy dogma and religion, UNLESS they're striken by poverty, hunger, fear, war and destruction of both their country, their family and their institution. Exactly like the crusades of Urbain II where thousands of crazy peasants went to die attacking the arabs in suicidal attacks. Just because they were desperate, poor and without any education.

Let's start by being honest.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdamushi on January 11, 2017, 08:36:59 PM
Explaining wrongly.

Because you are leaving out the part about Team <insertcountryhere>: World Police, aren't you?

Let's start by being honest.


Religions are no more bent on world domination than various governments around the world.  Just because governments go about it in slightly more covert fashion, doesn't make it any less insidious.  Bottom line is human beings are basically cavemen, whether it be a religious or a national flag they wave while they're fucking the world up.  Some members of their religion hate your country, some members of your country hate their religion, so feel free to keep killing each other over it, but don't make out like they're any worse than you are.  You're just two sides of the same shit-smeared coin.  The death cycle continues until you both stop being dumb.

It's hard to have a logical debate with Spendulus because of his bad faith, and if you manage to corner him showing a blatant error or lie he just stops answering then goes on like nothing happens ^^

I just love how for him Islam is bent on world domination but that USA attacked first and destroyed entire countries killing thousands of civilians is okay. It's not being bent on world domination it's just doing what is right of course. And it is in no way the cause of the wave of terrorism we have. No link whatsoever.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Spendulus on January 11, 2017, 11:23:37 PM
It's peculiar how most people propose more aggression, when aggression will likely just create more terrorists.
I agree this is simply unbelievable. It's like humans don't understand anything to history, like war ever managed to get rid of terrorism...

I'm with those who believe there should be less meddling in the affairs of other countries.  Restricting access and movement is just nursing the symptoms rather than tackling the cause.  It might limit terrorism, but it won't stop it.  The root cause is nations serving their petty national interests by interfering in other nations.  Propping up despots, political assassinations, regime change, arms dealing, colonialism, politically motivated sanctions.
Thank you for having a brain. It's like all those people don't even realise everytime a terrorist blow himself up killing 30 people here, we have already politically destroyed his country, bombed his cities and put dictators at the head of his government while selling weapons to the terrorist group supporting him. Not excusing the terrorist but explaining where the problem comes from....

Explaining wrongly.

Because you are leaving out the part about Islam bent on world domination, aren't you?

Let's start by being honest.

Lol, reasoning wrong.

Because you are leaving out the part about every human being intelligent enough to be a bit more than mere pawn of a completely crazy dogma and religion, UNLESS they're striken by poverty, hunger, fear, war and destruction of both their country, their family and their institution. Exactly like the crusades of Urbain II where thousands of crazy peasants went to die attacking the arabs in suicidal attacks. Just because they were desperate, poor and without any education.

Let's start by being honest.

I don't think the facts support what you have alleged here.  We know that many suicide bombers come from middle class or better backgrounds.  In fact the evidence does seem to indicate that they are mere pawns of a completely crazy dogma and religion, period.

There is no relation between this and various suicide attacks in war, whether it is Urbain or Japanese banzaii attacks, or any of a variety of others that are historically known.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: firebird2490 on January 19, 2017, 08:52:04 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Well Terrorism cant be stopped but can be reduced by educating people or give weapons to every single individual which might reduce terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: GreenBits on January 20, 2017, 07:51:11 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Well Terrorism cant be stopped but can be reduced by educating people or give weapons to every single individual which might reduce terrorism.
Yeah thats right terrorism can not stoped easily but I dont agree the solution by giving weapons to individual .Every terrorist group have their own beliefs and faith but killing peoples is not the way to express it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 20, 2017, 11:20:35 AM
Well Terrorism cant be stopped but can be reduced by educating people or give weapons to every single individual which might reduce terrorism.

I always believe in the old saying "prevention is better than cure". Arming everyone is not practical. It will be insanely expensive, in addition to the social problems that such a measure is going to create. A better option is to ban the entry of Muslims.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Xester on January 20, 2017, 01:57:56 PM
Well Terrorism cant be stopped but can be reduced by educating people or give weapons to every single individual which might reduce terrorism.

I always believe in the old saying "prevention is better than cure". Arming everyone is not practical. It will be insanely expensive, in addition to the social problems that such a measure is going to create. A better option is to ban the entry of Muslims.

That is a very cruel and very descriminating to all muslims. Not all muslims are bad, not all muslim are terrorists. But I cannot blame you for hating them, bute hate is the main reason why they became terrorist. These hatred fuels their heart and make them perfect weapon for revenge in forms of terrorism. When terrorist attacks a certain area hundreds of people are killed but when the allied nation bombards the city where terrorists leaves thousands are dead including civilians. Those survivors are full of hatred and thirsty for vengeance will become terrorist so they can have justice for their dead loved ones.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: btvlGainer on January 20, 2017, 02:01:42 PM
Well Terrorism cant be stopped but can be reduced by educating people or give weapons to every single individual which might reduce terrorism.

I always believe in the old saying "prevention is better than cure". Arming everyone is not practical. It will be insanely expensive, in addition to the social problems that such a measure is going to create. A better option is to ban the entry of Muslims.
I agree with you. But a ban on entry little. Need to further restrict travel into their country already living in Europe Muslims. After all, many of them campaigning during trips to the middle East. This is also a problem.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: noel2123 on January 20, 2017, 03:05:24 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped, but for me, if terrorists and politicians or local governments will be participating for a plan, or meeting to hear the voice of one another, terrorism can stopped. Once they hear each both sides, or did communicate well to each other, terrorists can be stopped.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: wowanstrong on January 20, 2017, 03:14:17 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped, but for me, if terrorists and politicians or local governments will be participating for a plan, or meeting to hear the voice of one another, terrorism can stopped. Once they hear each both sides, or did communicate well to each other, terrorists can be stopped.
Terrorism can not be stopped by democratic means. They can either win or die. It is a war. The sooner people understand this the less victims of this war will be. For me all Muslims are terrorists and I don't trust anyone.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: DooMAD on January 20, 2017, 03:45:46 PM
For me all Muslims are terrorists and I don't trust anyone.

Then you are contributing directly to the root cause of terrorism.  Well done.  Enjoy the war which you helped cause with your discrimination, prejudice and bigotry (I suggest you look those three words up to understand their meaning).  You are literally no different to the terrorist who perceives everyone else as an infidel to be wiped out.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Daniel91 on January 21, 2017, 12:50:26 PM
For me all Muslims are terrorists and I don't trust anyone.

Then you are contributing directly to the root cause of terrorism.  Well done.  Enjoy the war which you helped cause with your discrimination, prejudice and bigotry (I suggest you look those three words up to understand their meaning).  You are literally no different to the terrorist who perceives everyone else as an infidel to be wiped out.

It's true that luck of trust between Muslims and Christians creates division between them and it's foundation for more conflict, hatred, more misunderstanding and it's one of cause why some young Muslims choose terrorism.
We have to work together with Muslim leaders in order to solve problems between Muslim and Christian community.
Muslims have to feel that they are equal, and accepted in our Western societies.
If they feel rejected, as second class citizens, they will turn toward violence, street criminal or worse (Terrorism).
It's very complex issue and politicians, religious leaders, social services, police and others should work together ion order to solve it.


Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Klima on January 21, 2017, 01:24:03 PM
For me all Muslims are terrorists and I don't trust anyone.

Then you are contributing directly to the root cause of terrorism.  Well done.  Enjoy the war which you helped cause with your discrimination, prejudice and bigotry (I suggest you look those three words up to understand their meaning).  You are literally no different to the terrorist who perceives everyone else as an infidel to be wiped out.

It's true that luck of trust between Muslims and Christians creates division between them and it's foundation for more conflict, hatred, more misunderstanding and it's one of cause why some young Muslims choose terrorism.
We have to work together with Muslim leaders in order to solve problems between Muslim and Christian community.
Muslims have to feel that they are equal, and accepted in our Western societies.
If they feel rejected, as second class citizens, they will turn toward violence, street criminal or worse (Terrorism).
It's very complex issue and politicians, religious leaders, social services, police and others should work together ion order to solve it.

You argue like a Democrat. It is not possible to fight terrorism by democratic means. It is a war. It is without any rules. We are talking about what is easier enemy to defeat than to agree with him.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Aleister Crowley on January 21, 2017, 10:03:37 PM
Well Terrorism cant be stopped but can be reduced by educating people or give weapons to every single individual which might reduce terrorism.

I always believe in the old saying "prevention is better than cure". Arming everyone is not practical. It will be insanely expensive, in addition to the social problems that such a measure is going to create. A better option is to ban the entry of Muslims.

That is a very cruel and very descriminating to all muslims. Not all muslims are bad, not all muslim are terrorists. But I cannot blame you for hating them, bute hate is the main reason why they became terrorist. These hatred fuels their heart and make them perfect weapon for revenge in forms of terrorism. When terrorist attacks a certain area hundreds of people are killed but when the allied nation bombards the city where terrorists leaves thousands are dead including civilians. Those survivors are full of hatred and thirsty for vengeance will become terrorist so they can have justice for their dead loved ones.

I think stopping the terrorists it was very difficult, because this relates to beliefs, why do humans die of suicide by bringing more lives other,,,? because they menyakini another thing behind it, but I agree, we can't blame the Muslims, not all Muslims are terrorists, to condemn muslim terrorists, in fact, ...Maybe I can say everyone should begin to provide insight into terrorists, prevention efforts need to start seriously, though it's hard, we tried it with tell a lot of people that it was a terrorist act of the damned, a lot of people who want to destroy the terrorists, the terrorist, it's a place of suicide, I hope, we all hope the terrorists completely destroyed

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: philggg on January 24, 2017, 05:52:55 PM
countries where terrorism are rampart should make sure they are serious with the stamping out of terrorist because some countries government do support terrorist, e.g the late president of Libya Gaddafi's is a supporter and do finance terrorist .so countries should abolished cleric who preach violence ,to stop such act because they are avenue of building terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: DrPepperJC on January 24, 2017, 06:02:49 PM
countries where terrorism are rampart should make sure they are serious with the stamping out of terrorist because some countries government do support terrorist, e.g the late president of Libya Gaddafi's is a supporter and do finance terrorist .so countries should abolished cleric who preach violence ,to stop such act because they are avenue of building terrorism.
To fight with terrorism only by force of ways. No convictions on religious fanatics do not apply. It is a pity that Muslims do not understand it themselves. Provocation of war on their territory significantly reduces the number of terrorists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Idrisu on January 24, 2017, 08:21:34 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
Terror can be stop by the act of love. In the bible in the book of Isaiah God has said on that day all the weapon of war shall be destroyed and the lion shall lead down together with sheep. This prophecy shall be fulfil one day. My pray is that one day shall come when humanity will learn the act of forgiveness, love and value for human life. Terrorists have no love, they being control by spirit of hates.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: mindrust on January 24, 2017, 08:41:16 PM
If you are really serious about stopping terrorism, you should check the countries that have none or only a few terrorist attacks in their history.Try to see which common points they share.

I'll save you from the trouble.

The common points are:

*They are not overpopulated.
*They are well educated. You won't find any people to be turned into a suicide bomber easily. You won't be able to trick them with money or religion.
*They are mostly wealthy. (This is not a certain fact because Russia ain't the richest country in the world yet you don't see terrorist attacks everyday on TV. I know, In Russia It happens every once in a while though, like it happened in Paris)
*They have little to none immigrants. Check Japan for example. It is almost impossible to own a Jap Passport for a foreigner even if he/she married to a Japanese. They don't give a shit about minority rights and there isn't any problems, because there isn't any minorities :D (being an immigrant is not a bad thing but if the hosting country fails to educate and assimilate the immigrants, things can get very messy)

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Gyro on January 24, 2017, 08:53:55 PM
If you want to stop terrorism then you first need to stop terrorizing the poor muslims. The USA has been dropping bombs on them now since 2001. When your bombed by another country for 16 years you too will get pissed off and become a terrorist.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: popcorn1 on January 24, 2017, 08:59:04 PM
If you are really serious about stopping terrorism, you should check the countries that have none or only a few terrorist attacks in their history.Try to see which common points they share.

I'll save you from the trouble.

The common points are:

*They are not overpopulated.
*They are well educated. You won't find any people to be turned into a suicide bomber easily. You won't be able to trick them with money or religion.
*They are mostly wealthy. (This is not a certain fact because Russia ain't the richest country in the world yet you don't see terrorist attacks everyday on TV. I know, In Russia It happens every once in a while though, like it happened in Paris)
*They have little to none immigrants. Check Japan for example. It is almost impossible to own a Jap Passport for a foreigner even if he/she married to a Japanese. They don't give a shit about minority rights and there isn't any problems, because there isn't any minorities :D (being an immigrant is not a bad thing but if the hosting country fails to educate and assimilate the immigrants, things can get very messy)

Chechnya: Republic Of Contrasts (RT Documentary) - YouTube
Video for chechnya▶ 26:01

Russia will be a muslim nation very soon ;)..Then the world will be in trouble :D :D..BOOOOOOOM

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: popcorn1 on January 24, 2017, 09:04:34 PM
If you want to stop terrorism then you first need to stop terrorizing the poor muslims. The USA has been dropping bombs on them now since 2001. When your bombed by another country for 16 years you too will get pissed off and become a terrorist.

Muslims been fighting for  ::)

The Crusades were started by the Muslims in the year 630 A.D. when Muhammad invaded and conquered Mecca. Later on, Muslims invaded Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem, Iran, Egypt, Africa, Spain, Italy, France, etc. The Western Crusades started around 1095 to try to stop the Islamic aggressive invasions ..

And the muslims are still at it..Christians stopped many many years ago ;)..

Assad started the Bombing..

I do agree we should pull out and let the Muslims fight each other and we should move away from oil..

But we west must keep our eyes on you in case you build a nuke..Then if you try we should bomb the shit out your nation..

Muslims believe this life is the shit 1 ;)..Not good if people think like this and have NUKES..

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: mindrust on January 24, 2017, 09:26:31 PM
If you want to stop terrorism then you first need to stop terrorizing the poor muslims. The USA has been dropping bombs on them now since 2001. When your bombed by another country for 16 years you too will get pissed off and become a terrorist.

Muslims been fighting for  ::)

The Crusades were started by the Muslims in the year 630 A.D. when Muhammad invaded and conquered Mecca. Later on, Muslims invaded Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem, Iran, Egypt, Africa, Spain, Italy, France, etc. The Western Crusades started around 1095 to try to stop the Islamic aggressive invasions ..

And the muslims are still at it..Christians stopped many many years ago ;)..

Assad started the Bombing..

I do agree we should pull out and let the Muslims fight each other and we should move away from oil..

But we west must keep our eyes on you in case you build a nuke..Then if you try we should bomb the shit out your nation..

Muslims believe this life is the shit 1 ;)..Not good if people think like this and have NUKES..

Stop with your bullshit.

Iran already built Nuclear warheads and they are ready to go. Iran detained US marines and showed their sorry ass to the whole world.
What a huge shame.

What did USA do? Nothing. Why? Because they couldn't.

Unprepared countries like Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Afganistan, Lebanon, Libya all got fucked by the USA.

Iran survived. It's because they had warheads, and the USA was asleep when they were building them. :D

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: popcorn1 on January 24, 2017, 09:34:38 PM
If you want to stop terrorism then you first need to stop terrorizing the poor muslims. The USA has been dropping bombs on them now since 2001. When your bombed by another country for 16 years you too will get pissed off and become a terrorist.

Muslims been fighting for  ::)

The Crusades were started by the Muslims in the year 630 A.D. when Muhammad invaded and conquered Mecca. Later on, Muslims invaded Syria, Iraq, Jerusalem, Iran, Egypt, Africa, Spain, Italy, France, etc. The Western Crusades started around 1095 to try to stop the Islamic aggressive invasions ..

And the muslims are still at it..Christians stopped many many years ago ;)..

Assad started the Bombing..

I do agree we should pull out and let the Muslims fight each other and we should move away from oil..

But we west must keep our eyes on you in case you build a nuke..Then if you try we should bomb the shit out your nation..

Muslims believe this life is the shit 1 ;)..Not good if people think like this and have NUKES..

Stop with your bullshit.

Iran already built Nuclear warheads and they are ready to go. Iran detained US marines and showed their sorry ass to the whole world.
What a huge shame.

What did USA do? Nothing. Why? Because they couldn't.

Unprepared countries like Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Pakistan, Afganistan, Lebanon, Libya all got fucked by the USA.

Iran survived. It's because they had warheads, and the USA was asleep when they were building them. :D
The Muslim as gone from the white house ;D.. Back to business  ;)..

Trump to Obama on his way out..

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: btcmylove on January 25, 2017, 03:39:01 AM
For terrorism, the government should not only introduce stringent measures, but also to the people's livelihood and public opinion to be reasonable governance and policy. The light will not fight terrorism uprooted, will only let the terrorists have a new reason and blind revenge. The social welfare system and common prosperity is the solution, if it is unmoved, those ethnic extremism and terrorism will stir up enmity. .

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 25, 2017, 03:44:48 AM
The Muslim as gone from the white house ;D.. Back to business  ;)..

Trump to Obama on his way out..

It doesn't matter whether Obama was a Muslim or not. His father was a religious Muslim. He had a soft-corner for Islam (especially for the Salafist stream). His bias is very evident from the refugee admission from Syria. He didn't admitted any from the most persecuted groups such as Yazidis and Assyrians. More than 99% of the Syrians who were accepted in to the US were Sunni Muslims.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: popcorn1 on January 25, 2017, 04:02:03 AM
The Muslim as gone from the white house ;D.. Back to business  ;)..

Trump to Obama on his way out..

It doesn't matter whether Obama was a Muslim or not. His father was a religious Muslim. He had a soft-corner for Islam (especially for the Salafist stream). His bias is very evident from the refugee admission from Syria. He didn't admitted any from the most persecuted groups such as Yazidis and Assyrians. More than 99% of the Syrians who were accepted in to the US were Sunni Muslims.
Yes but the Moonni muslims don't like the Sunni muslims.

He had a soft-corner for Islam..Yes to fucking soft ;)

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: artows21 on February 14, 2017, 04:55:02 PM
I think it will be too hard to stop them, how can you stop people that are hiding before striking?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Alfa123 on February 14, 2017, 06:23:29 PM
I think it will be too hard to stop them, how can you stop people that are hiding before striking?
It is not possible to stop the terrorists by democratic means. It is a war. Have you seen the democracy during the war? Look how Russia is now fighting. Soldiers hide behind civilians and it is not possible to fight them.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: coolcoinz on February 14, 2017, 06:40:44 PM
I think it will be too hard to stop them, how can you stop people that are hiding before striking?
It's easier than you think. Ninjas were stopped, right? The IRA was mostly stopped too. Now how did that happen? They were hiding before striking as well!
Times change, sometimes it's no longer worth fighting for something that stupid. IMO countries that fear terrorism should tighten their border security. The muslim terrorists who struck in Europe weren't born there. They also procured automatic weapons and explosives somehow.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Podgor on February 14, 2017, 06:47:05 PM
With love.
If that doesn't work use bulltes.
Protect your borders.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: pseexh on February 14, 2017, 06:56:59 PM
I think it will be too hard to stop them, how can you stop people that are hiding before striking?
It's easier than you think. Ninjas were stopped, right? The IRA was mostly stopped too. Now how did that happen? They were hiding before striking as well!
Times change, sometimes it's no longer worth fighting for something that stupid. IMO countries that fear terrorism should tighten their border security. The muslim terrorists who struck in Europe weren't born there. They also procured automatic weapons and explosives somehow.

Wrong. Among the Muslim terrorists there are those who are born in Europe. I'm not talking about those who helps them in their attacks. Unfortunately money opens all doors. Even if you do not let the Muslim terrorist attacks will not stop.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Stavri on February 14, 2017, 07:19:54 PM
Terrorism, by its definition, "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes." To stop it, we should first understand who uses the violence and threats. Who has benefits from terrorism? Countries itselves? Dictators? Religious Groups? We should focus to understand the origin of terrorism and we should all stay strictly like a stone against them. We shouldnt forget that the ones who keeps silence are also as much guilty as the ones who use the violence.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Prohodimec on February 14, 2017, 07:58:36 PM
Terrorism, by its definition, "the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes." To stop it, we should first understand who uses the violence and threats. Who has benefits from terrorism? Countries itselves? Dictators? Religious Groups? We should focus to understand the origin of terrorism and we should all stay strictly like a stone against them. We shouldnt forget that the ones who keeps silence are also as much guilty as the ones who use the violence.
Unfortunately it seems to me that terrorism is beneficial to all. Muslims earn money for the execution of terrorist attacks, and some countries get the chance to fight in any country of the world for the sake of combating terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Losvienleg on February 14, 2017, 08:09:16 PM
Terrorism can be erased easily : death penalty for people that went to Jihad and come back, constant bombing of ISIS positions, stop all refugees coming and maybe ban Islam.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: sergeyzol on February 14, 2017, 08:13:59 PM
Terrorism can be erased easily : death penalty for people that went to Jihad and come back, constant bombing of ISIS positions, stop all refugees coming and maybe ban Islam.
Unfortunately this will not stop the attacks. In Israel, if it turns out that the person was a terrorist that are destroying his house and deport his family. I think the same should be done with Muslims in Europe.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Spendulus on February 14, 2017, 11:57:43 PM
Terrorism can be erased easily : death penalty for people that went to Jihad and come back, constant bombing of ISIS positions, stop all refugees coming and maybe ban Islam.
Unfortunately this will not stop the attacks. In Israel, if it turns out that the person was a terrorist that are destroying his house and deport his family. I think the same should be done with Muslims in Europe.

It's been said many times.

The largest state sponsor of terrorism is Iran.

Yes they were at work in the USA with Valerie Jerret and Huma Abedin.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: squatz1 on February 15, 2017, 12:40:39 AM
Terrorism can be erased easily : death penalty for people that went to Jihad and come back, constant bombing of ISIS positions, stop all refugees coming and maybe ban Islam.

Banning a religion like Islam is just going to cause public outrage and probably enable terrorist organizations to use that as propaganda against the U.S and other countries saying "Look, they really do hate us" So that's not going to work in the least, the death penalty isn't going to work because these people are probably just going to resort to that through a suicide bomb.

Best bet is going to be to hurt people where it hurts, their family, it's sad to have to use innocent people but these people have no morals at all and it's a must.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: diegz on February 15, 2017, 02:33:08 AM

Banning a religion like Islam is just going to cause public outrage and probably enable terrorist organizations to use that as propaganda against the U.S and other countries saying "Look, they really do hate us" So that's not going to work in the least, the death penalty isn't going to work because these people are probably just going to resort to that through a suicide bomb.

Best bet is going to be to hurt people where it hurts, their family, it's sad to have to use innocent people but these people have no morals at all and it's a must.

They've always been using that reason all over again. Same reason all over again and yet they still not stopping their way of killing people and suicide bombings that hurts innocents.

In fact when governments are soft in dealing with terrorists probably they are laughing at our government and just gives them an idea to push more and more. The best is to kill all those terrorist once and for all so the problem is gone.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: novemberwoah on February 15, 2017, 06:25:12 AM

Banning a religion like Islam is just going to cause public outrage and probably enable terrorist organizations to use that as propaganda against the U.S and other countries saying "Look, they really do hate us" So that's not going to work in the least, the death penalty isn't going to work because these people are probably just going to resort to that through a suicide bomb.

Best bet is going to be to hurt people where it hurts, their family, it's sad to have to use innocent people but these people have no morals at all and it's a must.

They've always been using that reason all over again. Same reason all over again and yet they still not stopping their way of killing people and suicide bombings that hurts innocents.

In fact when governments are soft in dealing with terrorists probably they are laughing at our government and just gives them an idea to push more and more. The best is to kill all those terrorist once and for all so the problem is gone.
Yes you're right, directly hunt down and kill the terrorists it is the appropriate action to stop a terrorist act. But it is not easy as it, they were able to masquerade as ordinary people so it is very difficult to detect its presence. Although kill terrorists, but it will not make lost but it will at least be reduced because every terrorist killed will definitely grow a new one. Rather than banned Islam I think it is not appropriate because Islam is not a terrorist so that it would curb freedom of religion.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on February 15, 2017, 06:35:38 AM
Rather than banned Islam I think it is not appropriate because Islam is not a terrorist so that it would curb freedom of religion.

Islam may not be equivalent to terrorism, but Islam is an ideology which encourages terrorist acts. Do you know the reason why there are no terror attacks in countries such as Moldova and Belarus? The reason is that there are very few Muslims in these nations.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Mr. Big on February 15, 2017, 06:45:39 AM
Rather than banned Islam I think it is not appropriate because Islam is not a terrorist so that it would curb freedom of religion.

Islam may not be equivalent to terrorism, but Islam is an ideology which encourages terrorist acts. Do you know the reason why there are no terror attacks in countries such as Moldova and Belarus? The reason is that there are very few Muslims in these nations.

All I can say is, most of the time, if a country has no Muslims in it there is a less chance that there will be a terrorist.. Usually those Muslims that migrate from their origin to other countries are the one creating chaos when they are already a bigger group, and they are always thinking that they are oppressed by Christians... I am not saying that all those Muslims are like that, and I am not condemning them, but in what I see and read, that's how it always happens... 

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Aikonio on February 15, 2017, 08:25:48 PM
Rather than banned Islam I think it is not appropriate because Islam is not a terrorist so that it would curb freedom of religion.

Islam may not be equivalent to terrorism, but Islam is an ideology which encourages terrorist acts. Do you know the reason why there are no terror attacks in countries such as Moldova and Belarus? The reason is that there are very few Muslims in these nations.
It's not because there are few Muslims. This is because these countries are not included in the sphere of interests of the Islamic countries. For the fact there are so many terrorists from Russia. In Moldova's Transnistria, Belarus is only now beginning to conflict.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: novemberwoah on February 16, 2017, 05:31:23 AM
Rather than banned Islam I think it is not appropriate because Islam is not a terrorist so that it would curb freedom of religion.

Islam may not be equivalent to terrorism, but Islam is an ideology which encourages terrorist acts. Do you know the reason why there are no terror attacks in countries such as Moldova and Belarus? The reason is that there are very few Muslims in these nations.
Yes you're right, maybe not only Islamic religion, but all religions have teachings / ideology that could encourage terrorist acts because religion is open to multiple interpretations. Why did it happen to islam? The doctrines of antiquity used and interpreted differently by some terrorist groups. The doctrine of every society to religion would be the main motive of human behavior in the reality of international relations, and it can be used as justification for any acts of terror backgrounds religious motives. It could be used to destroy Islam itself. In the middle east many civil war that fellow Muslims kill each other, there is a conspiracy to bring down Islam. Terrorists in religious motives is hard to stop, but someday surely all will know who is right and wrong. And a lot or a little of Muslims in a country does not affect the number of terrorist acts because like Malaysia, Singapore, Saudi Arabia found many Muslims they still include a safe country.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on February 16, 2017, 08:33:09 AM
Rather than banned Islam I think it is not appropriate because Islam is not a terrorist so that it would curb freedom of religion.

Islam may not be equivalent to terrorism, but Islam is an ideology which encourages terrorist acts. Do you know the reason why there are no terror attacks in countries such as Moldova and Belarus? The reason is that there are very few Muslims in these nations.
It's not because there are few Muslims. This is because these countries are not included in the sphere of interests of the Islamic countries. For the fact there are so many terrorists from Russia. In Moldova's Transnistria, Belarus is only now beginning to conflict.

There were a lot of terrorists in Russia, but most of them either immigrated to Syria, or were killed by the Russian anti-terrorism squad. And I am sure that if Muslims immigrate to Belarus, that country will also witness terrorist attacks.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: sergeyzol on February 16, 2017, 01:49:25 PM
Rather than banned Islam I think it is not appropriate because Islam is not a terrorist so that it would curb freedom of religion.

Islam may not be equivalent to terrorism, but Islam is an ideology which encourages terrorist acts. Do you know the reason why there are no terror attacks in countries such as Moldova and Belarus? The reason is that there are very few Muslims in these nations.
It's not because there are few Muslims. This is because these countries are not included in the sphere of interests of the Islamic countries. For the fact there are so many terrorists from Russia. In Moldova's Transnistria, Belarus is only now beginning to conflict.

There were a lot of terrorists in Russia, but most of them either immigrated to Syria, or were killed by the Russian anti-terrorism squad. And I am sure that if Muslims immigrate to Belarus, that country will also witness terrorist attacks.
Belarus is not included into sphere of interests of Muslims. Russia staged the war in Chechnya and in Syria so the Muslim terrorists have interests revenge for their territory. I do not think that Belarus is threatened by Muslim terrorism. Rather, it is a problem of Russian.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Miner99HG on March 19, 2017, 05:10:24 PM
Everywhere there is that unfavorable environment from where conditions for terrorism are created, the same religious communities that push people to such actions. It is necessary from the very childhood to teach children what is good and what is bad, to improve the economic situation in the country.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 19, 2017, 05:18:24 PM
Belarus is not included into sphere of interests of Muslims. Russia staged the war in Chechnya and in Syria so the Muslim terrorists have interests revenge for their territory. I do not think that Belarus is threatened by Muslim terrorism. Rather, it is a problem of Russian.

Belarus is neither threatened by Muslim immigration, nor by any Russian invasion. Belarus is a part of the Eurasian Economic Union, which is headed by Russia. Therefore they enjoy good relations with Russia, unlike Ukraine.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Casanova18 on March 19, 2017, 07:45:16 PM
Belarus is not included into sphere of interests of Muslims. Russia staged the war in Chechnya and in Syria so the Muslim terrorists have interests revenge for their territory. I do not think that Belarus is threatened by Muslim terrorism. Rather, it is a problem of Russian.

Belarus is neither threatened by Muslim immigration, nor by any Russian invasion. Belarus is a part of the Eurasian Economic Union, which is headed by Russia. Therefore they enjoy good relations with Russia, unlike Ukraine.
Belarus was the first contender to exit from the Euro Asian economic Union. Russia just conquered this Union the economies of all countries which he entered. This Union long will not exist. After its collapse it is to admit the conflict between Belarus and Russia.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: numismatist on March 19, 2017, 07:49:42 PM
Everywhere there is that unfavorable environment from where conditions for terrorism are created, the same religious communities that push people to such actions. It is necessary from the very childhood to teach children what is good and what is bad, to improve the economic situation in the country.
There is a correlation between local situation and believe systems manifesting at those places. Hinduism has been linked to powerty, too, but developped in a different way.
The narrow focus on religion seems to rule out any solutions. In middle east it's more related to energy supply than muslimism in my mind. So a valid attack angle would be solar power, as unrelated as it seems on first glance.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Marcus_2017 on March 19, 2017, 07:54:48 PM
Everywhere there is that unfavorable environment from where conditions for terrorism are created, the same religious communities that push people to such actions. It is necessary from the very childhood to teach children what is good and what is bad, to improve the economic situation in the country.
There is a correlation between local situation and believe systems manifesting at those places. Hinduism has been linked to powerty, too, but developped in a different way.
The narrow focus on religion seems to rule out any solutions. In middle east it's more related to energy supply than muslimism in my mind. So a valid attack angle would be solar power, as unrelated as it seems on first glance.
It seems to me that existing technology is the inability to meet the needs of the economy with solar energy. No I think that source of energy will be some substance from outer space.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: darkseid1199 on March 19, 2017, 08:29:08 PM
They should just build a tall war across their boundaries this will certainly deter them from committing their atrocious acts. Its certainly working in Israel.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: frankbit on March 19, 2017, 08:33:17 PM
They should just build a tall war across their boundaries this will certainly deter them from committing their atrocious acts. Its certainly working in Israel.
No wall can stop terrorism. Even if you ban the entry of Muslims into your country, they are already there. Besides, I assure you that, if necessary, will find many of your compatriots are willing for money to commit a terrorist act.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: FlightyPouch on March 19, 2017, 08:36:42 PM
They should just build a tall war across their boundaries this will certainly deter them from committing their atrocious acts. Its certainly working in Israel.

This is not a good way to stop terrorism, and in my opinion, terrorism can't be stopped, as long as they have their own principles and the government, they will not stop.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Alexzap on March 19, 2017, 08:43:09 PM
Terrorism, too, is different. If the terrorists commit murder on religious grounds then you need to deal with the source of this religion, and if the economic motives of terrorist attacks then there is a completely other ways. In fact, I think that, especially intelligence agencies periodically inactive.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: RJX on March 19, 2017, 09:01:47 PM
Terrorism will end on the day everyone on earth is satisfied with what they have, or don't have. this way the need to rob thy neighbour will cease to exist and everybody will happy.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Lancusters on March 19, 2017, 10:28:35 PM
Terrorism will end on the day everyone on earth is satisfied with what they have, or don't have. this way the need to rob thy neighbour will cease to exist and everybody will happy.
Unfortunately always on earth there are people who don't want to work and will try to live at the expense of others. Humanity will always live in shit, but dream of a better.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: s1lverbox on March 19, 2017, 10:33:07 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

You do realise most of these sick fuckers are made up by different gov trying to control own citizens/people or other countries for oil etc.
How many of usa attacks been stopped? None! How much they spending for new tech/airport checks and so on?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Lieldoryn on March 19, 2017, 10:42:27 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

You do realise most of these sick fuckers are made up by different gov trying to control own citizens/people or other countries for oil etc.
How many of usa attacks been stopped? None! How much they spending for new tech/airport checks and so on?

It seems to me that very many of the attacks could have been prevented. Just politics is very dirty linen. When politicians pursue their goals they do not consider the lives of others. They are always the end justifies the means.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: GreenBits on March 20, 2017, 02:43:26 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

You do realise most of these sick fuckers are made up by different gov trying to control own citizens/people or other countries for oil etc.
How many of usa attacks been stopped? None! How much they spending for new tech/airport checks and so on?

It seems to me that very many of the attacks could have been prevented. Just politics is very dirty linen. When politicians pursue their goals they do not consider the lives of others. They are always the end justifies the means.

They are great at preventing attaxks, just ones that they help cook up. The FBI has caught a few radicals since Trump has been in office an we have taken our 'hard line against terrorism'. But they aren't really parading these guys around because the cases against them are so clearly manufactured. They had one guy they recently got that couldn't even afford the bomb supplies they asked him to contribute, in order to entrap him. Another guy they had to ask for multiple years, and finally offer a financial incentive, before he decided to participate..

But every story like this is a win for them, because it gives another excuse to usurp civil liberties in the name of 'security'. The current administration seems to be using the strategy to great effect  ;D

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: jems on March 20, 2017, 01:30:38 PM
no one can stop terrorism because terrorism like a religion    and their own  belief killing people the government many times take down a terrorism  but  see nothing can break Terrorism because They have control . the solution if happen terrorism  surrender all.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: StarCitizen999 on March 20, 2017, 01:41:24 PM
Terrorism is extremely difficult to stop, because it is impossible to eliminate all the causes of its appearance in the modern world. To begin with, it is necessary to improve the standard of living and education, but this requires large financial costs.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: RedX on March 23, 2017, 11:40:32 PM
I hate to admit it but it won't happen. Terrorism is just like a war which is part of our existence. History keeps on repeating itself. People, communities and countries that has different ideas sometimes trigger conflicts. Humans are made to be that way even if we dont want it to be.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: yellow1 on March 24, 2017, 01:35:29 AM
On my opinion the way to stop terrorist is our leader must  stop arming terrorists groups,respect other cultures, maybe wrong interpretation of religions,and also poverty,lack of deliberation and or political communication, So they need attention and if not ,so they became rebels.Unite is very important so that no more war and terrorist will happen.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: youdacapt on March 24, 2017, 03:01:24 AM
Terrorism came after massive embargo against groups and families in a country. From there appears endless hatred, what I wonder is there's always supply of arms that never runs out. It's like just a playing field to show off the strength of certain countries.

If you have destroyed the regime, should also be responsible to mediating manufacture of MOU for peace, it isn't considered as an intervention.

Interventions have been made since the beginning of war, so that after being destroyed should not go unpunished, only lead to a prolonged civil war. Not easy to rebuild countries whose governments have been destroyed without memorandum of understanding, UN doesn't care about these things.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: SirPol85 on March 24, 2017, 04:25:50 AM
Terrorism came after massive embargo against groups and families in a country. From there appears endless hatred, what I wonder is there's always supply of arms that never runs out. It's like just a playing field to show off the strength of certain countries.

If you have destroyed the regime, should also be responsible to mediating manufacture of MOU for peace, it isn't considered as an intervention.

Interventions have been made since the beginning of war, so that after being destroyed should not go unpunished, only lead to a prolonged civil war. Not easy to rebuild countries whose governments have been destroyed without memorandum of understanding, UN doesn't care about these things.
Terrorism is beneficial not for the common people, but for certain groups that use terror and ordinary Muslims to achieve their goals. I understand that Muslims are deceived and play on their faith. Therefore, some fanatics do such bad things.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: mastermold on March 24, 2017, 04:49:45 AM
I dont know how at the mass level. But as an individual Stop thinking and fearing about it.

Terrorism = Terror, Intimidation.

It’s a common saying that “this is what they want us to feel”.

Terrorists have no legitimacy to work as long as they can’t deliver their message. Just don’t listen. Sadly, the media makes a lot of profit from promoting terrorist by reporting and discussing it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 24, 2017, 08:39:45 AM
On my opinion the way to stop terrorist is our leader must  stop arming terrorists groups,respect other cultures, maybe wrong interpretation of religions,and also poverty,lack of deliberation and or political communication, So they need attention and if not ,so they became rebels.Unite is very important so that no more war and terrorist will happen.

Ideally, governments which are arming radical groups must be put under sanctions and embargoes. But this is never practical, as even the superpowers are afraid of countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who are sponsoring all these terror outfits.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: evilgreed on March 24, 2017, 02:42:43 PM
Sadly terrorism has a lot of reasons and one of it is because of different ideals and beliefs, I sure hoped that education also can solve but nah i think its  a bit difficult to encourage it

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: gabmen on March 24, 2017, 03:05:22 PM
Sadly terrorism has a lot of reasons and one of it is because of different ideals and beliefs, I sure hoped that education also can solve but nah i think its  a bit difficult to encourage it

You're right. Education i think is the best way to make people understand that terrorism is not what some people needs to justify and enforce their beliefs. Violence would only breed more violence and I think we are all witness to that already with how ISIS grew in power in such a short time. I

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: AT-N-T101 on March 24, 2017, 05:24:07 PM
Sadly terrorism has a lot of reasons and one of it is because of different ideals and beliefs, I sure hoped that education also can solve but nah i think its  a bit difficult to encourage it

You're right. Education i think is the best way to make people understand that terrorism is not what some people needs to justify and enforce their beliefs. Violence would only breed more violence and I think we are all witness to that already with how ISIS grew in power in such a short time. I
Basically, terrorism is bad, but there are situations where ordinary people resort to violence in order to attract attention, and simply to prove their opinion. Therefore, it is from despair that people get to go to cardinal actions.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: audaciousbeing on March 24, 2017, 06:24:07 PM
The way I see the issue of Terrorism, is a fundamental issue if its going to be tackled and solved then it has to come from the teachers of the word that radicalises the followers because if it comes from government, it will be seen as enforcing strange belief on them. And if its going to be tackled successfully. it has to go to the root of those teachings without that, when someone is radicalised, death becomes a mercy and what punishment can be given to someone who is ready to die?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bra4our on March 26, 2017, 02:52:12 PM
Most of these terrorist are caused by moslems who have been brainwashed by islamic clerics about jihad, killing of infidels that is westerners and non believers so that they can go to Heaven, In order to stop terrorism, it should be tackled at the grass roots. Respected Islamic clerics and scholars should stand up and condemn those teaching that non believers should be killed as a way to pave way for them and their families to go to Heaven which is very absurd.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Kotone on March 26, 2017, 04:03:37 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
You can't please everyone to stop making terror attacked there are always people who loved making shit and stupid thing in life they wanted to kill and kill people like a suicide and useless people believing that they will live again in next life you can't stop terrorist and bad guys in this world

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: lexing on March 26, 2017, 05:36:19 PM
Give them what they want and they will stop.
Gave them girls = not contented, keep on killing people.
Gave them money = bought new weapon.
Gave them everything = wants the moon and sun. ::)

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: PancherBitCoin on March 26, 2017, 05:44:45 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
You can't please everyone to stop making terror attacked there are always people who loved making shit and stupid thing in life they wanted to kill and kill people like a suicide and useless people believing that they will live again in next life you can't stop terrorist and bad guys in this world
Some try to achieve their goals in various ways, even massacres, while others as slaves are driven by those who use them and stupidly perform dirty work without thinking about the consequences. Terrorism is not a solution, it's a terrible crime.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: rokkiBalboa on March 26, 2017, 05:45:35 PM
Give them what they want and they will stop.
Gave them girls = not contented, keep on killing people.
Gave them money = bought new weapon.
Gave them everything = wants the moon and sun. ::)

They will not stop, but will continue with new forces. Because people do not get pleasure from desires, when they get what they want, they want more. The destruction of terrorists is by far the only effective means of struggle.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Discovery 17 on March 26, 2017, 06:00:02 PM
Give them what they want and they will stop.
Gave them girls = not contented, keep on killing people.
Gave them money = bought new weapon.
Gave them everything = wants the moon and sun. ::)

They will not stop, but will continue with new forces. Because people do not get pleasure from desires, when they get what they want, they want more. The destruction of terrorists is by far the only effective means of struggle.
The problem is that the terrorists are not written, they are terrorists. They are ordinary people. To destroy them in advance will not work, and after the attack they usually destroy.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bryant.coleman on March 26, 2017, 07:08:49 PM
Give them what they want and they will stop.
Gave them girls = not contented, keep on killing people.
Gave them money = bought new weapon.
Gave them everything = wants the moon and sun. ::)

This is why I keep saying that appeasement never works. Look at the countries such as France, Belgium and the United Kingdom. These countries do engage in appeasement of Islamic terrorists, and as a result the residents of these countries are increasingly coming under attack from the radical Islamists. On the other hand, look at countries such as Russia and Israel. These nations use heavy handed tactics against the Islamists. And as a result, the number of terrorist incidents is going down.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: xvids on March 26, 2017, 08:32:48 PM
I don't know if terrorism can be stopped,
It seems so impossible there are tons of terrorist out there,
And they have their own opinion on something that they would fight for.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: BADecker on March 26, 2017, 09:21:34 PM
There are two things needed to stop terrorism:
1. Everybody obey the Bible New Testament;
2. Everybody open carry guns, bigger guns, and lots of ammo.


Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Jannn on March 27, 2017, 12:08:44 AM
I don't know if terrorism can be stopped,
We cant stop terrorism even we offered something to them.
We have own beliefs and faith that we fighting for and im think terrorist have too

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: numismatist on March 27, 2017, 01:34:37 AM
We cant stop terrorism even we offered something to them.
We have own beliefs and faith that we fighting for and im think terrorist have too
To me they seem to be somehow dropouts from former "stable roaming spaces", choosen a broad descriptive term on purpose.

You can fall out of an economy.
The area you have been living a normal live before has fallen prey to war. War is a bussiness in our modern times. This can hit any area.
You can loose your former believes, falling for some loosely religiously envoven embasslement. Come on, dying for allah is a deathtrap. Only people hinged in utterly loose can take that "chance".

What to offer them? Some sort of structure would be required, a perspective leading onwards into some sort of future. That requires less shooting in their living area, which is vicious circle not so easy to break open once it has been started.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 27, 2017, 01:44:22 AM
There are two things needed to stop terrorism:
1. Everybody obey the Bible New Testament;
2. Everybody open carry guns, bigger guns, and lots of ammo.


Well, I have an even better solution. Just ban the entry of Muslims to your country. Have you ever heard about terrorist incidents in countries such as Belarus and Bhutan, where there are very few Muslims?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Mometaskers on March 27, 2017, 02:01:15 AM
I would say that it would be best to ensure they don't have any support from the public but then again even in the most secular countries which never made any perceived aggression against Islam. I guess there can only be prevention. Show the consequences for people who gave up their comfortable lives for this madness, monitor foreign travel of vulnerable groups and monitor suspected hotbeds for radicalization.

There are two things needed to stop terrorism:
1. Everybody obey the Bible New Testament;
2. Everybody open carry guns, bigger guns, and lots of ammo.


Well, I have an even better solution. Just ban the entry of Muslims to your country. Have you ever heard about terrorist incidents in countries such as Belarus and Bhutan, where there are very few Muslims?

I don't know Belarus' policies but I remember reading Bhutan have a no proselytizing policy despite ensuring freedom of religion. Bhutan probably only got off because it's so way off. I don't think those freeloaders would bother going up to the Himalayas to invade a country that won't give them welfare and probably fight them off. Otherwise they'd be "They're forbidding the entry of the religion of peace! There's only one way that they'd be Dar as-Salam!".

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: BADecker on March 27, 2017, 03:02:00 AM
There are two things needed to stop terrorism:
1. Everybody obey the Bible New Testament;
2. Everybody open carry guns, bigger guns, and lots of ammo.


Well, I have an even better solution. Just ban the entry of Muslims to your country. Have you ever heard about terrorist incidents in countries such as Belarus and Bhutan, where there are very few Muslims?

If you ban obedience to the Bible New Testament, you won't need Muslims to terrorize you. Terrorists will rise up right among your own people to terrorize you.


Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: PeterTheGrape on March 27, 2017, 03:08:23 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Step one is always to define something accurately.

If you look at any of the places that are hotbeds of "terrorism", usually you will find the terrorists are a minority group that is denied some basic rights under the majority.

It can be overt like Bahrain
Google "bahrain terrorists"
Then Google "bahrain protests"

Or it can be subtle, as when a superpower manages the perception of terror for economic reasons.
Google ken saro wiwa

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: prince V on March 27, 2017, 04:32:53 AM
we should burn islam which teaches and is a reason for spread of terrorism.
proved in this topic and many links(discussions in topic) showing how is islam reason for spread of terrorism.
The holy book of islam should be burnt and no one should be allowed to follow it.If done then in long run terrorism will end.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 27, 2017, 04:36:28 AM
I don't know Belarus' policies but I remember reading Bhutan have a no proselytizing policy despite ensuring freedom of religion. Bhutan probably only got off because it's so way off. I don't think those freeloaders would bother going up to the Himalayas to invade a country that won't give them welfare and probably fight them off. Otherwise they'd be "They're forbidding the entry of the religion of peace! There's only one way that they'd be Dar as-Salam!".

Somewhere I read that Bhutan is the last remaining Buddhist monarchy in the world (there are some other countries such as Thailand, but they are not absolute monarchies). And as far as I know, they have an extremely strict immigration policy.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: crwth on March 27, 2017, 05:27:27 AM
In my honest opinion, you can never stop it. There would be a person or group of individuals that would defy your beliefs. It's just how the psychological behavior of humans are. You could do some necessary laws or preventions to lessen that from happening and prevent future disasters. Something like that probably.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: chixka000 on March 27, 2017, 05:36:00 AM
IT can never be stopped. I think that terrorism is much way makes the community healthy(I am not saying a too much terrorism tho

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: PeterTheGrape on March 27, 2017, 07:40:30 AM
Somewhere I read that Bhutan is the last remaining Buddhist monarchy in the world (there are some other countries such as Thailand, but they are not absolute monarchies). And as far as I know, they have an extremely strict immigration policy.

Their immigration policy is that they will let you in as long as you have a lot of money.  No riff raff there.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Mometaskers on March 28, 2017, 02:43:24 AM
I don't know Belarus' policies but I remember reading Bhutan have a no proselytizing policy despite ensuring freedom of religion. Bhutan probably only got off because it's so way off. I don't think those freeloaders would bother going up to the Himalayas to invade a country that won't give them welfare and probably fight them off. Otherwise they'd be "They're forbidding the entry of the religion of peace! There's only one way that they'd be Dar as-Salam!".

Somewhere I read that Bhutan is the last remaining Buddhist monarchy in the world (there are some other countries such as Thailand, but they are not absolute monarchies). And as far as I know, they have an extremely strict immigration policy.

True. Buddhism is officially the state religion and so is granted some protection and privileges other religions don't enjoy. I'm not sure if they allow other religions to build places of worship or worship have to be in private. Haven't heard about their immigration policy but they seem to be OK with people going in as tourists. I guess it's unlikely that terrorists would come in as tourists and overstay and hide since they don't seem to have very large cities there.

I feel it's like Japan but isolated by mountains rather than water.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 28, 2017, 06:55:04 AM
I don't know Belarus' policies but I remember reading Bhutan have a no proselytizing policy despite ensuring freedom of religion. Bhutan probably only got off because it's so way off. I don't think those freeloaders would bother going up to the Himalayas to invade a country that won't give them welfare and probably fight them off. Otherwise they'd be "They're forbidding the entry of the religion of peace! There's only one way that they'd be Dar as-Salam!".

Somewhere I read that Bhutan is the last remaining Buddhist monarchy in the world (there are some other countries such as Thailand, but they are not absolute monarchies). And as far as I know, they have an extremely strict immigration policy.

True. Buddhism is officially the state religion and so is granted some protection and privileges other religions don't enjoy. I'm not sure if they allow other religions to build places of worship or worship have to be in private. Haven't heard about their immigration policy but they seem to be OK with people going in as tourists. I guess it's unlikely that terrorists would come in as tourists and overstay and hide since they don't seem to have very large cities there.

I feel it's like Japan but isolated by mountains rather than water.

Around 25% of the population in Bhutan is non-Buddhist (almost entirely Hindu), so I assume that they may be having some non-Buddhist places of worship as well. During the 1980s, a majority of the population was Hindu, but the king ordered large number of Hindus to evacuate the country. Those who refused were forcibly deported to Nepal.

It is a very isolated country, surrounded by the Himalayan mountains. The ruling ethnic group is very similar to the Tibetans.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Masha Sha on March 28, 2017, 07:16:29 AM
Never it is a strategy. You can't kill a strategy. Furthermore you can't kill an ideology but only reduce the population believing it to such a point that they renonce it. For example nagasaki, hiroshima, tokyo, dresde, berlin or cartage. Or like the khan men said often, it s too greasy we have to burn it down.

If you nuke makka, rihad, martime warfare on jeddha, invade barhein, take over all energy fields of shia and sunni tribes, wipe yemen, and reduce the shariasists to few thousands worldwide, this form of terrorism will be over.

All the rest are only appeasment, and will lead to your future status of dihmis or your enslavement.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: signature200 on March 28, 2017, 10:02:20 AM
There are two things needed to stop terrorism:
1. Everybody obey the Bible New Testament;
2. Everybody open carry guns, bigger guns, and lots of ammo.


Well, I have an even better solution. Just ban the entry of Muslims to your country. Have you ever heard about terrorist incidents in countries such as Belarus and Bhutan, where there are very few Muslims?
Ban entry of Muslims will not give the desired effect. Muslims are already very much living in different countries. I think that it is easier to keep track of entering Muslims with the help of electronic bracelets and the first violation of the law to be deported without the right of entry into the country.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Roger Burton on March 28, 2017, 10:53:55 AM
I know it's the worst but it must begin the WW3. In that way many people will die including terrorists. Also I know that none of you wanna die, but I can really see any other way. A few days ago I saw a kid with a bomb covers his body and try to suicide himself and also die many people with him. He is only 5 years old.  Lucky for the child a man took off the bomb from him. Can you imagine how many kids are dead like that? I really can't see any other way. If you do please let me know.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Marcus_2017 on March 28, 2017, 11:12:30 AM
I know it's the worst but it must begin the WW3. In that way many people will die including terrorists. Also I know that none of you wanna die, but I can really see any other way. A few days ago I saw a kid with a bomb covers his body and try to suicide himself and also die many people with him. He is only 5 years old.  Lucky for the child a man took off the bomb from him. Can you imagine how many kids are dead like that? I really can't see any other way. If you do please let me know.
In fact, the third world war is already underway. Look at the events in Syria, Ukraine, Georgia. Just now everything depends on America. If she really decides to restore order in the world , it will end. While I can see that America has no such desire. Americans are afraid.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: gabmen on March 28, 2017, 12:10:47 PM
I know it's the worst but it must begin the WW3. In that way many people will die including terrorists. Also I know that none of you wanna die, but I can really see any other way. A few days ago I saw a kid with a bomb covers his body and try to suicide himself and also die many people with him. He is only 5 years old.  Lucky for the child a man took off the bomb from him. Can you imagine how many kids are dead like that? I really can't see any other way. If you do please let me know.
In fact, the third world war is already underway. Look at the events in Syria, Ukraine, Georgia. Just now everything depends on America. If she really decides to restore order in the world , it will end. While I can see that America has no such desire. Americans are afraid.

I think it's even more than that. Strings are being pulled from the shadows here. I agree that if the US wanted the terrorists in syria wiped out, they have the capability to do that is less than a year but it seems that it's taking a longer time even with the help of other countries. The longer these terrorists play out heir game, they become more and more powerful so i think it's important to step down on them once and for all

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: hrgo99 on December 26, 2017, 09:41:54 AM
Dont talk about them and you will never see them.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Jingjess on December 26, 2017, 10:02:55 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
I don't think that terrorism will will never be happen because there are many evil people in this world,no one can stop them..The only thing we can do is pray so that we cannot involve in any terrorist act.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: West0813 on December 26, 2017, 01:20:59 PM
I can't think a way on how terrorism can be stopped. This terrorist are insane. They kill anybody whether young ones or old. Even themselves, they do suicide bombings. We cannot stop terrorism so we need to be vigilant and take care always.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Snub on December 29, 2017, 09:16:33 AM
Terrorism can not be stopped. We can not influence in any way that it completely disappears. People will always be divided into two categories: good and bad. And it's very terrible.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bernashka on December 29, 2017, 10:02:55 AM
First, you need to monitor the economies of countries, maintain a sufficient level of living. Secondly, any terrorism extends from law enforcement agencies, the sale to the left of military weapons, armored vehicles, state-authorized spy equipment, beacons, bugs, satellites. . Everywhere there is that unfavorable field from which conditions for terrorism are created, the same religious communities that push people to such actions. There must be culture in the army !! !! So then do not be surprised why we have "werewolves in uniform" working in the police.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Iyanuoluwa on December 29, 2017, 10:43:06 AM
Terrorism can't be stopped but it can be reduced when we stop supporting the dictators who fund terrorists, stop arming terrorists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on December 29, 2017, 10:53:42 AM
Terrorism can't be stopped but it can be reduced when we stop supporting the dictators who fund terrorists, stop arming terrorists.

In that case, first you need to stop supporting Trump and the rest of the American officials. Because no one in the world has given support for so many terrorist organizations as did the Americans. If you remember, it was the CIA which created the Taliban in 1979, to fight the Soviet forces in Afghanistan. And at least during the initial stages, they supported the ISIS in Syria.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: ishaiq on December 29, 2017, 11:41:57 AM
its simple countries should stop funding terrorist organizations

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Jaydis on December 29, 2017, 11:59:40 AM
very difficult to do that, why? How can stop them if the some of the member in the government is the one that is operating this group or sometimes the government itself. So very impossible.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: xena2 on December 29, 2017, 12:39:10 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
It won't stop.
It will not stop. It will continue because us human are so self centered that some terrorist that they are in the upper society, frightening and has power. That they are powerdul for killing others.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: hugoworld on December 29, 2017, 01:52:12 PM
I don't believe it can be stopped at all.
I think the only way to lessen the problem is with education. Otherwise, I can only think that the only way to stop the attacks, sadly, is by joining them.

I totally agree with your ideas. Terrorism cannot be stopped and even This horribble stuff is getting worse and worse day by day. Maybe, education is the only solution to decrease terrorist attacks but this is not the exact solutiion for sure.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: amaldubai1 on December 29, 2017, 03:06:05 PM
It is not possible to stop the terrorists by democratic means. It is a war. Have you seen the democracy during the war? Look how Russia is now fighting. Soldiers hide behind civilians and it is not possible to fight them.Unfortunately it seems to me that terrorism is beneficial to all. Muslims earn money for the execution of terrorist attacks, and some countries get the chance to fight in any country of the world for the sake of combating terrorism.So how did you find anything? I am sure that not found. How do you think the terrorists crossing the border hung with weapons and explosives? What are you going to find them? So you terrorists can't stop. Need other methods.Terrorism cannot be defeated. It has great features and a terrorist can be anyone. Terrorism must deal with the consequences. You need to restrict the access of Muslims in civilized countries.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: princesspoppy on December 29, 2017, 03:26:38 PM
I don't think it is possible to stop terrorism, as long as people have their own opinion and perspective they want to approach and as long as they want it to happen, there will always be terrorism in every part of the world. They will always want to spread terror and war in every country until they get what they wanted.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: ekateriinae on December 29, 2017, 03:46:32 PM
it was human true nature. if we stop that..another will pop again and again. it will be never end because that was our true nature to be a human...

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: NashAmajh on December 29, 2017, 04:17:46 PM
Terrorism is a serious crime that interrupted our social life.It should be eradicate immediately.General people should be aware,government should take proper steps and strict law should be imposed to eradicate terroris

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Aba on December 29, 2017, 04:38:08 PM
The issue of terrorism must be handled together between the government and the community, without the active role of community it is impossible for the government to handle and prevent acts of terrorism, actions that must be taken by the community in supporting the government to eliminate terrorism such as ;provide information to the government or law enforcer  if there are activities that are not common in their neighborhood, prevent the entry of radicalism in the community to stop recruiting terrorist volunteers who have been brainwashed with a radical understanding. Maybe with the actions such a society would prevent terrorists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: reymartH on December 29, 2017, 11:47:05 PM
We could allow the state to round up and lock away anyone even remotely suspected of violent, extremist tendencies; anyone who has ever accessed a suspicious website or attended a dubious lecture. We'd have to lock those people up for a very long time, of course, because if there's one thing that nudges people from a passing interest in anti-state violence into full on fanaticism, it's active state oppression.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: salamyman on December 30, 2017, 12:11:16 AM
Most of the people which we call terrorists are not. They have an agenda and interests (or maybe are hired) to achieve certain objectives. So no, because there will always be people willing to do anything to get what they want.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: zedkiel08 on December 30, 2017, 12:51:00 AM
Terrorism can only be stopped if all nations in the world will be as one and will cooperate with each other. Terrorist are made by those people who are have the power to make the world suffer. Those who have the money to supports all the activities  , weapons of terrorists. If only the worlds nations help each other to stop and demolish all the terrorist , this world will be a fine world to live in until the next generations.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: 2Godbdglory on December 30, 2017, 02:16:15 AM
This is global problem. Terrorist can only b stopped if all the nation can speak with one mine and having one goal in fighting terrorist. Every nation must kick again it, then they will not find a resting place

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: CryptoKyddie on December 30, 2017, 02:56:25 AM
Im not sure it can be stopped totally, and even if it could be stopped 100% there would be terrible implications for freedom and civil liberties. Focus should be more in reduction and prevention of terrorism. This can be done through intelligence - human and other, voice analysis, tipoffs, monitoring, and many other methods.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on December 30, 2017, 06:11:24 AM
This is global problem. Terrorist can only b stopped if all the nation can speak with one mine and having one goal in fighting terrorist. Every nation must kick again it, then they will not find a resting place

It is never going to happen, because some of the organizations which are recognized as terrorist outfits by one country may be considered as freedom fighters by some other country. The best example is that of the FARC. Before the ceasefire agreement was signed, Colombia considered them as a terrorist organization. But Venezuela was considering them as freedom fighters.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: kinilawnabakulaw on December 30, 2017, 07:45:37 AM
Terrorrism will stop if we learn to respect, love and give importance to others. To settle our differences or at least be respectful of each other's beliefs even if you don't agree with it. We should also learn to forgive others and ourselves for the past mistakes. Only then can we have peace.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: akishang on December 30, 2017, 08:48:23 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
In my opinion, no one can really stop terrorism. Some people are just born EVIL and there's nothing we can do about. There are people who are benefitting on wars so they will everything in their power to start war. Others just want violence and killing people. There is no formula or a way to stop war because of those EVIL people - terrorist.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: nagatraju on December 30, 2017, 09:27:25 AM
Terrorism can not be stopped so simply. I do not believe that even after 30-40 years him will not be completely. People can not fight it, and it's terrible.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: unlostv on December 30, 2017, 10:03:50 AM
 By destroying the countries that are helping them or that they created them

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: siddu1 on December 30, 2017, 10:45:45 AM
Terrorism can be stopped in some certain way.Firstly we have to made people aware of terrorism.Secondly government has to taken proper steps.After that we will be able to stop terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: shiki3226 on December 30, 2017, 09:07:35 PM
We can stop terrorism if we can promote respect and understanding to people who have different views, culture, tradition and faith than us. If we try to understand each other and not quarrel then there would be peace for everyone.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: scorilo on December 30, 2017, 09:37:18 PM
there should be real peace talks with them and in their countries since most of them are from countries at war. Also the world leaders should really try to find out who finances them and how. If they stop the war and financing I'm sure the terrorism rate will drop a lot

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Henz022 on December 30, 2017, 09:59:59 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

i think its hard to stop terrorism because they have Own beliefs and own Religion

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: TerminalBB on December 30, 2017, 10:00:32 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
Terrorism is terrible and is a kind of manifestation of the catastrophe of our planet, so we need to minimize the level of manifestations of such actions, no matter how hard it was

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Malsetid on December 31, 2017, 06:03:34 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
Terrorism is terrible and is a kind of manifestation of the catastrophe of our planet, so we need to minimize the level of manifestations of such actions, no matter how hard it was

That's a givem point already. The more difficult question is how. I don't think it can entirely be removed since all people have varying beliefs and terrorists are backed as well with powerful people who share the same ideas as them. These are people who have a closed mind already and cannot be swayed by reasonable talks

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: PeterTheGrape on December 31, 2017, 06:09:13 AM
In my opinion, no one can really stop terrorism. Some people are just born EVIL and there's nothing we can do about. There are people who are benefitting on wars so they will everything in their power to start war. Others just want violence and killing people. There is no formula or a way to stop war because of those EVIL people - terrorist.

Everybody is stupid until they are smart. You can complain that a child does not know how to read or write, but what do you get by complaining? Drone strikes actually eliminate ignorance, so they eliminate what follows as well.

Also worth noting that there is only one sure way to identify a dangerous terrorist. He or she is somebody who is looking for dangerous terrorists. So if you see somebody looking for dangerous terrorists, they will get you eventually if they don't get somebody else first.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on December 31, 2017, 06:12:19 AM
there should be real peace talks with them and in their countries since most of them are from countries at war. Also the world leaders should really try to find out who finances them and how. If they stop the war and financing I'm sure the terrorism rate will drop a lot

There should not be any peace talks with the terrorists, because they don't understand the language of peace. They only understand the language of war and violence. They must be given a chance to surrender, and if they don't do that then they must be exterminated with all the available force. Making deals with terrorists will never work.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: PeterTheGrape on December 31, 2017, 06:31:34 AM
there should be real peace talks with them and in their countries since most of them are from countries at war. Also the world leaders should really try to find out who finances them and how. If they stop the war and financing I'm sure the terrorism rate will drop a lot

There should not be any peace talks with the terrorists, because they don't understand the language of peace. They only understand the language of war and violence. They must be given a chance to surrender, and if they don't do that then they must be exterminated with all the available force. Making deals with terrorists will never work.

Which side are you giving advice to?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Makingmoney2018 on December 31, 2017, 12:39:12 PM
I don't believe it can be stopped at all.
I think the only way to lessen the problem is with education. Otherwise, I can only think that the only way to stop the attacks, sadly, is by joining them.
Terrorism may be well considered one of the most controversial topics today. One way to stop terrorism is to stop engaging in it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 01, 2018, 04:56:38 AM
there should be real peace talks with them and in their countries since most of them are from countries at war. Also the world leaders should really try to find out who finances them and how. If they stop the war and financing I'm sure the terrorism rate will drop a lot

There should not be any peace talks with the terrorists, because they don't understand the language of peace. They only understand the language of war and violence. They must be given a chance to surrender, and if they don't do that then they must be exterminated with all the available force. Making deals with terrorists will never work.

Which side are you giving advice to?

To the governments. They should never try to make deals with the terrorists. Look at what has happened in countries such as Iraq, Nigeria, Afghanistan and Syria. The governments there tried to make deals with the terrorist groups, but nothing worked out. The deals on the other hand made these terror outfits more bold and aggressive.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: novansantoso on January 01, 2018, 06:02:24 AM
I think combating terrorism is to Enforce the law, the sharing of information and intelligence data, with effective control over the area of the border, to prevent terrorist networks in the use of technology siber including share global information through interpol.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: titsonfireyo on January 02, 2018, 04:19:49 AM
I think it's because of their trust, terrorism think that the more people they kill the more powerful they will be.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: andrino on January 02, 2018, 05:58:07 AM
I think to stop it is to create a one world one leader one government. Maybe this is the perfect things to do. To lessen terrorist little by little. To stop it the leader of one world government must have an iron hand.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: agus_sna on January 02, 2018, 06:02:50 AM
I think that is how to spread the security in each country so as not to form an organization that challenges the government, because if it has been against the government will arise big problems ,,

example: such as murder, terosisme, etc.

Thank you

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: MairaObergh on January 02, 2018, 06:21:17 AM
There has always been terrorism (people killing people), that's not going to change. New babies are born everyday, and some of them will be killers.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Riddikulo on January 02, 2018, 08:33:46 PM
This is global problem. Terrorist can only b stopped if all the nation can speak with one mine and having one goal in fighting terrorist. Every nation must kick again it, then they will not find a resting place

I very much doubt that terrorism can be stopped. But it is necessary to struggle with it constantly and very rigidly. Only force will stop terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: NotANoCoiner on January 02, 2018, 10:02:40 PM
Thats a really hard question. I think education could help to let people don't even get radicalized.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: ToLiZ on January 02, 2018, 10:18:05 PM
There are more factors involved here, but I think it's a thing of believe, religion.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 03, 2018, 08:12:39 AM
If you want to stop the incidents of terrorism, then you need to look in to the root causes. A lot many of the terrorist outfits are formed as a result of the religious brainwashing, such as the ISIS and the Al Qaeda. But there are also some outfits, whose cause can be justified. A few examples of such organizations are the ETA (Spain) and ELN (Colombia). These organizations were formed to fight social, ethnic or religious discrimination.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: spongegar on January 03, 2018, 08:21:35 AM
I think with terrorism, the main focus of it is to give out terror among a population. If all the individuals in this population isn't affected by the acts of terrorism and would rather fight them than to actually move out their way then it will stop. There is also a side of it that we should remove the funding of these terrorists, no money then no acts of terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: lodi123 on January 03, 2018, 08:44:12 AM
By hacking there system and by arresting there leader

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: marinomario on January 03, 2018, 09:27:53 AM
Stopping terrorism can not be only partially and sporadically, but must be thorough by stopping all causes.

terrorists must be punished after being proven in an honest and open court so as not to punish people wrong. I think terrorism as a form of crime must be dealt with by common forces rather than individuals.

because terrorism can arise with a number of causes such as injustice, powerlessness and tyranny of power. terrorism can also emerge as a reaction to state terror against humanity.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: IL.Guerreiro on January 03, 2018, 10:31:43 AM
Maybe if all extremists Muslims will gone and I'm hoping that those things will happen. Second if all non-Muslims nations can send the all Muslims back into their own land and never permitt to live or visit in a non-Muslims nations.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: RedzoneASE on January 03, 2018, 12:20:45 PM
I think there's no way to stop terrorism.  As long as there is great supporter in their back terrorism will still stir fear in humanity in different side of world. As long as there is inequality terrorist will exist. 

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: AyaYotoko on January 03, 2018, 01:20:33 PM
I think the best way is to increase education. Nothing perpetrates terrorism as much as incorrect or incomplete guidance. Education first involves basic literacy, then progresses towards proper understanding of a person's own religion, then towards tolerance and understanding of other faiths and so on and so forth.

It is not a co-incidence that the rate of crime in poorer neighborhoods tend to be higher than those in richer ones. Perhaps access to larger sums of money links back to access to better education itself, or maybe it's the wealth gap itself that encourages crime. There are two kinds of poor people - ones that decide to die if they have no food, and others that decide to steal it from those that have way more than they need to survive. I've used food as an example but this basic principle applies to many more wealth related commodities.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Saksham on January 03, 2018, 01:28:18 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
In the capitalist world something to exist most have financial help so cut the financing and terrorism will vanish. It could be so simple.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: 2Godbdglory on January 03, 2018, 02:00:56 PM
How can terrorist be stopped, so many innocent people has died during terrorist attach. The painful thing is that innocent people are dying uncontiously. It can b stop in these ways:
Religion crisis should b stopped
Peace should be propagates I

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Xerox101 on January 03, 2018, 04:40:46 PM
as long as there are people who are greedy , Terrorism can't be stop unless end of the world. Terrorism are greedy and sinful,which they don't care other people and only care for themselves. Only thing to do is to Pray that someday this world would be Peaceful and remain from their heart is only "LOVE".

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Rozcobs on January 03, 2018, 05:06:44 PM
Terrorism can be stopped by the humans itself. I mean the people that are involve in this activity. That even their families must play role to stop the madness. It is inhumane and unethical. We cannot live in this world just to plant fear on others and harm them. I think some steps we can consider. The government must be strong to implement justice and law that prohibits any groups to operates. Medias play role to spread the awareness that being in the group are only for destruction. Next is the political leaders to act as one with the people to fight against it peacefully. Then in the schools through education that children must be taught that being involve not only risk their lives but to the family. There's no good it will bring only misery. Not any religion can allow to end one human life. So there are many ways we can minimize and end this no good activity but to share the world with each nationality that the world is a place to live by until the end of our lives.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: vkwame30 on January 03, 2018, 05:23:51 PM
Arms producers and suppliers if stop their business is the main factor to reduce terrorism . United Nations should find education and sensitization program for those already involve in. Is hard to stop but with pragmatic solutions,it can stop

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Isaak Bitcoin on January 03, 2018, 05:40:48 PM
You can not overcome terrorism with the help of violence. It is necessary to create conditions under which terrorists will not have the motivation to commit unlawful acts.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: shaun98 on January 04, 2018, 12:18:09 AM
Uh first, radicals need to be removed. Be it Muslim, Christian, Jew and more. Then, funding to terrorist groups need to be curbed, which will eventually cause most terrorist to leave their groups as many are just there for monetary gain.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: daniel08 on January 04, 2018, 12:25:48 AM
Terrorism can be stopped if all the countries in the world unite as one to fully eradicate those cold blooded terrorists that kills no mercy . And if the supporters of the terrorists groups will stopped to give weapons and money to them. Terrorism is a big problem that a world has. Many innocents lives are being taken away because of terrorist attacks.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: pombur on January 11, 2018, 06:20:36 AM
Terrorism is global in scale, "flawed" by nature, ruthless enemies and seeks to control all spheres of life and thought. This is the most terrible crime against humanity, this evil, which has no place in our lives. This is a direct threat to the individual, society, state.
The whole world confronts the threat of terrorism. People hold rallies, benefit concerts, together in various groups and organizations leading the fight against this scourge. In our country, September 3 is the Day of solidarity in fight against terrorism:

Let's all come together

Around the issue of terrorism!

United will be in my thoughts, in fact,

After all, we are stronger indeed!

I urge everyone to take the first step and say loudly and confidently:

"I vote for peace on my Land, in my country, in my village, in my

the street, in my house. I'm talking terror: "No!"

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: LadyBB on January 11, 2018, 07:06:21 AM
To start with, Terrorism is a great phenomenon  encounter  by every continent  of the world. Terrorism is deadly and can not easily subdue.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: wahldo on January 11, 2018, 07:38:42 AM
It's just a (political) business. Terrorism financing by influential people who is near (or in) the governments that are fighting against terror.
Sad, but true.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Haywhy1 on January 11, 2018, 07:57:17 AM
Terrorism can be stop if the government been transparency to the citizens and stop been corrupted

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: tiar4dewie on January 11, 2018, 08:04:07 AM
It may start from improving their way of thinking, even if they can. Sometimes catching them is difficult, let alone affect their minds. :P

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Mmball2018 on January 11, 2018, 08:32:14 AM
Cut the roots first not the branches..

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: mydreamforever on January 11, 2018, 09:15:56 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
I don't think we can solve that but the goverments  can do that  . The things we need is to protect yourself and the people around us  .
And stay away from dangerous places

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: acener on January 11, 2018, 09:50:56 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

I think to stop terrorism we must all reevaluate how we fully understand our respective religions. The problem is whenever I hear the word terrorism, religion is always incorporated with it. We must be contented that people respect our own beliefs and if not they should be the one who should be punished not ourselves.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: kallen11 on January 11, 2018, 10:34:40 AM
sad to say but terrorism cannot be stop. maybe terrorism is part of life in every country.but lets hope that one day terrorism will be end.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: vladbakshoo on January 11, 2018, 10:38:58 AM
through education and ban the religion

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: on January 11, 2018, 11:11:50 AM
You have to stop all war. Terrorism is a result of past conflict which has helped radicalise individuals. Once all war is over then you must provide everyone on the planet with a good home and place to live. Ten they will have no reason to hate as they can enjoy their life with their family.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Xising on January 11, 2018, 01:07:29 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

I think the only way to stop terrorism is to truly hear them out about what they want to imply and what they demand. It could be possible that what they demand is not really possible to do, still hearing them out matters to them. It means that they are not just some destructive force, but a voice that wants to truly be heard.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: vendorLazy on January 11, 2018, 04:36:10 PM
As I believe most of the attacks of that kind is made by the government itself to have a reason for a strong control of the civilians.

You have to stop all war. Terrorism is a result of past conflict which has helped radicalise individuals. Once all war is over then you must provide everyone on the planet with a good home and place to live. Ten they will have no reason to hate as they can enjoy their life with their family.

There is a little common between terrorists and the war, you're telling wrong things.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Goldwin27 on January 13, 2018, 03:32:18 PM
the whole world needs to unite with the terrorist killings and destruction, as peace talks do not have the same significance. terrorist is a terrorist.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: zwiggel on January 14, 2018, 12:07:59 PM
terrorism is currently developing very strong.Therefore to prevent terrorism need coordination between countries.especially the countries with strong military such as USA, ...

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: joebrook on January 14, 2018, 01:08:03 PM
terrorism is currently developing very strong.Therefore to prevent terrorism need coordination between countries.especially the countries with strong military such as USA, ...
First and foremost we need to find those who incite and use religious material to brainwash others into taking up arms and killing people whether innocent or not. These clerics are the root cause of the problems. I doubt anyone would plant bombs when the religious leaders that they love and respect tell them its sinful in the EYES OF GOD.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: seba7 on January 14, 2018, 04:26:03 PM
We have a religion which has not reformed yet like christianity has.

Islam today has to reform or it must go. What other way?

However. There are countries that have made great policies in order to prevent radicals from emerging to begin with.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: josephine85 on January 15, 2018, 12:14:35 AM
I think terrorism cannot be stopped. It is already in our system. People tend to commit this act of terror because of some ideology and self interest. But, in order to give a warning to those who will try the government should have an iron fist to punish those who will be caught committing such evil act.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: charmaine08 on January 15, 2018, 04:34:31 AM
Actually we can't stop terrorism until some people don't know what their are doing terrorist are their. Terrorist are people who have the desire to make a war against government .they don't support the government campaign so they make some love to stop it .

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: oneofthecgh on January 15, 2018, 01:27:10 PM
Youre chance to die in the act of terrorism is less than 0.00002 %. People die in the car accident or felt from the stairs more often. Mass media increase this problem

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Tonakai on January 17, 2018, 11:52:07 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

We should send them Mars for peacefully. No more killing people. No more religious war.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 17, 2018, 11:54:50 AM
Youre chance to die in the act of terrorism is less than 0.00002 %. People die in the car accident or felt from the stairs more often. Mass media increase this problem

You are trying to downplay the curse of terrorist attacks, and I can't agree with you on it. The difference between deaths from traffic accidents and terrorism is that you can avoid accidents if you follow the traffic rules and drive carefully. But what sort of precautions can you take against a terrorist attack?

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Isotopes on January 17, 2018, 12:15:26 PM
It can be stop by imbibing the fear of God and love of  other people into our heart, this must start from individuals home, everyone's should try to teach how to love his/ her neighbours, I think by these, we can show these to other society we may find ourselves in the future

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Karapul769 on January 17, 2018, 12:28:43 PM
I don't think that terrorism can be stopped till it is profitable for someone to sell weapons to terrorists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: madushani12 on January 17, 2018, 02:35:04 PM
The main reason behind the world terrorism is that the less of understanding between nationalities. Giving the education about other nationalities will reduce this problem. Other than that this a political game.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: BADecker on January 17, 2018, 04:32:06 PM
How can terrorism be stopped?

The answer in two words: reform government.

Two other words: localize government.

Four words: get rid of government.

Seven words: get rid of the world banking system.


Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Chint_82 on January 18, 2018, 03:20:50 AM
We must strive to work together to maintain the stability of security in our country of society, with a peaceful, respectful and loving relationship, I think it is difficult for terrorism to flourish and destroy us,

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 18, 2018, 03:52:33 AM
It is necessary for the countries of the world to unite to fight against terrorism so as to truly eliminate terrorism.

It is easier said than done. Many of the organizations which are recognized as terrorist outfits in a particular country may be recognized as legal political organizations in some other nations. For example, take the case of Syrian militias such as Tahrir al-Sham and Jaysh al-Islam. They are considered as terrorist organizations by the Syrian government. But countries such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia supports them.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: QuadeBarrier on January 18, 2018, 05:50:11 AM
I think the biggest thing to prevent terrorism is to eliminate things of worship. Weather it's people obsessing over a religion, or like a timothy McVeigh, obsessing over ideology, or how he thinks things should be.

For such weak minded people, point them towards something safer that they can obsesses over in a life and death kind of way where they feel they are part of something, such as following a sports team.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: koyo12 on January 18, 2018, 10:51:57 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
I don't know if there's a way stop terrorism, I wish there is. Terrorism doesn't start in religion, nationalities? no, it's not. terrorism starts in personal interest. terrorism doesn't have religion.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Mike1992 on January 19, 2018, 03:30:05 AM
Fighting terrorism may seem like an overwhelming concept, but every private citizen can do their part to help. Be aware of potential threats, and alert to different forms of extremism. Report suspicious activity to local authorities, or make online reports to the federal authorities.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on January 19, 2018, 03:45:48 AM
Fighting terrorism may seem like an overwhelming concept, but every private citizen can do their part to help. Be aware of potential threats, and alert to different forms of extremism. Report suspicious activity to local authorities, or make online reports to the federal authorities.

There is not much that ordinary citizens can do about it. Here in India, some of the political parties even support terrorist organizations for their own short-term benefit. What can the ordinary civilians do in such cases? If we raise our voice, then we will be victimized.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: amin1990 on February 05, 2018, 05:42:53 AM

Enforcing the law, sharing information and intelligence data, effective control of border areas, preventing terrorist networks from using cyber technology including sharing of global information through interpol.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Longfellow27 on February 05, 2018, 06:00:13 AM
Terrorism is connected to wrong ideologies being set up by people who doesn't seem to care about peace and neither have love for another but ones self. Brought up by Selfishness and greed, they thought the world was only for themselves who are righteous and just as the way they are thinking about themselves. To stop it is to instill in their minds how wrong they are, fill their empty heart with love and taught them real justice and not just the way they see it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: balintong15 on February 05, 2018, 06:26:45 AM
terrorism i guess is an act that is dependent on the doings of evil. it will destroy the place where they are fighting and making a war. sometimes the cause is that they do not want the government or they are asking for something that the government can not give to them. terrorism can be stopped i guess if they will surrender and change for a better life and they will do good things that will help their country to prosper.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: DeanSEng on February 05, 2018, 06:38:04 AM
in terrorism many people was die for nothing, to stopped this we need a powerful president like the president of North Korea.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: West0813 on February 07, 2018, 01:02:52 PM
To stop terrorism all leaders in the world should unite in fighting terrorism. The ideology of a terrorist is to kill people. And most people that killed by this terrorist are innocent. We need everyone to stopped this terrorist.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on February 07, 2018, 01:47:03 PM
To stop terrorism all leaders in the world should unite in fighting terrorism. The ideology of a terrorist is to kill people. And most people that killed by this terrorist are innocent. We need everyone to stopped this terrorist.

The leaders will never unite, because some of them are supporting these terrorists. For example, the rebel groups in Syria (such as the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham) are supported by the Sunni Muslim nations such as Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. They claim that these groups are not terrorists. And this is not a rarity. Similar examples can be found all around the world.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Chederella26 on February 07, 2018, 02:06:24 PM
I think the terrorism can be stopped when all the people have one vision, one belief and one desire. But unfortunately it is impossible because all people has their own opinion, own belief and own desire sometimes its for their own good and sometimes they are not concern with the sake all the people and the community.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: qwertylolxd on February 07, 2018, 06:36:14 PM
No way, I think it can only go by itself, it's unlikely that it will stop it, it's sad that people kill people only because of their views on life.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: kamenix on February 07, 2018, 06:47:07 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

It is sad every time an innocent person dies. Such is life. We can suppress them and be as cautious as we can be. Example in Germany you can't buy a phone number without having a video call where you have to show your ID. We can order more police patrols. But they have the advantage. Can strike at any time anywhere. I think the best approach would be if people could understand the other. Than there would less violence in the world.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Jeremiesaranza on February 07, 2018, 08:59:44 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
Its very hard to stop terrorism because  they are everywhere their are many innocent people who are killed by them they attack everywhere

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Adeolawu on February 08, 2018, 07:20:21 AM
But every private citizen can do their part to help

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: jamesweb on February 08, 2018, 07:30:11 AM
i dont think it can be stop unless youll able to find the root source specially all the players planning and playing the scenarios.... remember not all are act of terrorism, it can be diversion or anything else.. so from that we can say its too difficult like finding a needle in a haystack   :)

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Rsocks on February 08, 2018, 07:50:55 AM
when most people will understand that terrorism does not exist, it is an illusion for the control of the masses. this show is for intimidation. behind this are the world elites and special services of ALL countries.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Strongball on February 08, 2018, 03:46:47 PM
It's quite a complicated process stopping or even preventing terrorism. Throughout history
conflicts, war and bloodshed were the forms of terrorism that people knew. Some might say
that they were preventable but others were inevitable. History teaches us that. Modern terrorism
is a terrible horror and could only lead to tragedy for innocents. For whatever ideology, beliefs, causes
and reasons they might have to resort to such violence and senseless methods, it's a sad and endless cycle.
Peace talks and unity among races, religion, nations, governments and people would help ease and hopefully prevent
further blood shed and sorrow.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: kuyaJ on February 08, 2018, 04:41:41 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Unity, equality, speak, and also listen, if these words were gonna go it can be a chance to stop terrorism.  If we gonna help them from poverty or any reason, it can cause unity and stop from what they want.  Equality, they need to be fair, fair from anything and government need to sustain what they are and where the country they belong. Speak and listen, if they want to say about anything, the government need to listen what they want to speak and what they want to introduce, feel and opinions. In this thing you can see that it can.  They do that for some reason, not for just kidding.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: KorakPawon on February 08, 2018, 04:48:33 PM
The recommended steps to apply contain 4 points:

1. Enforcing the law, sharing information and intelligence data, effective control of border areas, preventing terrorist networks from using cyber technology including sharing of global information through interpol

2. Encouraging the UN to take a leadership position and play a more significant role in overcoming acts of terrorism, including finding a root cause solution

3. Continuing the finalization of a comprehensive convention on international terrorism which will become the legal basis for overcoming international acts of terrorism

4. Strengthening the center of deradicalization already in the region

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: kit1971 on February 08, 2018, 10:35:49 PM
I think it won't go away any time soon, if at all. Too much hatred and bigotry in the world and someone is always pissed of with someone else. The sad thing is that it is the innocents that suffer the most.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: sotoshihero on February 08, 2018, 10:39:50 PM
The recommended steps to apply contain 4 points:

1. Enforcing the law, sharing information and intelligence data, effective control of border areas, preventing terrorist networks from using cyber technology including sharing of global information through interpol

2. Encouraging the UN to take a leadership position and play a more significant role in overcoming acts of terrorism, including finding a root cause solution

3. Continuing the finalization of a comprehensive convention on international terrorism which will become the legal basis for overcoming international acts of terrorism

4. Strengthening the center of deradicalization already in the region

And may I add, if we all people help give the info to our intel personnel. It is also the help of community's participation that is very crucial. It is every bodies responsibility. Any suspecting movements should be reported.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: patarfweefwee on February 08, 2018, 10:41:23 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Understand each other. That's it, you just have to come into the fact that there are different people living in this planet with different perspective and views than you are. These perspective may clash with yours you can talk about it but you should really listen and not just to find a hole in their argument. Terrorists' aim is to spread their agenda unto people, by doing so making a rift between people of different races and religion. We just hope we come into understanding move forward

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: yoseph on February 08, 2018, 11:44:13 PM
I think it won't go away any time soon, if at all. Too much hatred and bigotry in the world and someone is always pissed of with someone else. The sad thing is that it is the innocents that suffer the most.
And it doesn't seem to be stopping at all, nowadays people are just easily offended by anything that people say or do and this kind of things give rise to hatred among people and from hatred, terrorism rises.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: totieimbang on February 09, 2018, 12:16:21 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
I think terrorism will stop if all people will unite one beliefs no discrimanation sufficient food good government.especially communication to every human  respect the right of everyone .

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Nakedbitcoin on February 09, 2018, 02:05:25 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

If there is a unity and cooperation to all people the terrorist connot penetrate. Any malicious people found in thier community must be immidiatetly report  to the law inforcement agency unit.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: ranz1123 on February 09, 2018, 03:01:27 AM
i think terrorist will just stop if they have decent job they can buy themselves food and they will be treated fair by the goverment sad to say that many innocent people dying because of terrorism it is a really big problem and im praying and hoping that innocent people will be safe

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: aleenoe335 on February 09, 2018, 03:11:32 AM
The recommended steps to dismiss terrorists, namely;
1. Enforcing the law, sharing information and intelligence data, effective control of border areas, preventing terrorist networks from using cyber technology including sharing of global information through interpol
2. Encouraging the UN to take a leadership position and play a more significant role in overcoming acts of terrorism, including finding a root cause solution
3. Continuing the finalization of a comprehensive convention on international terrorism which will become the legal basis for overcoming international acts of terrorism
4. Strengthening the center of deradicalization already in the region

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: kmlhsan on February 09, 2018, 03:43:28 AM
Political, economic and personal frustrations lead to terrorism. Various activities should be conducted to stop terrorism.
1) Hunger, lack, poverty will be removed.
2) The rate of education will be increased, and the purpose of education will be to create humanity.
3) Corruption and unemployment will be eliminated.
4) It is necessary to ensure that politics and religion are not used as terror hatchery.
5) Everyone has to give correct ideas to the harmful effects of global terrorism.
6) To make strict laws against terrorism.
7) People will have to come forward united against terrorism.
If we all try to stop terrorism, then terrorism will be stopped.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on February 09, 2018, 04:31:47 AM
1; Capture or kill a leader.
2; The use of force to crush terrorism.
3; To a legitimate political process.
4. Internal collapse and loss of popular support.

Only #2 and #4 seems viable for me. For example, take the case of the Islamic State (ISIS). They have proved that the death of their leaders don't have an impact on their fighting capabilities. Also, it is impossible to integrate them in to a political process, as their views are just too extreme.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Bitbitmaker on February 09, 2018, 04:40:26 AM
I think the terrorism can be stopped when all the people have one vision, one belief and one desire. But, unfortunately, this is impossible.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Mike0222 on February 09, 2018, 09:39:27 AM
We can stop terrorism by simply starting to be more vigilant.. Fighting terrorism may seem like an overwhelming concept, but every private citizen can do their part to help. Be aware of potential threats, and alert to different forms of extremism. Report suspicious activity to local authorities, or make online reports to the federal authorities,Donate to charities that fight global poverty, and help to prevent local terrorism by fostering better social conditions like inclusion and tolerance.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: stephylarde on February 09, 2018, 12:57:42 PM
Terrorism can't be stop, impossible. Some of you might think removing religions from our world could stop Terrorism, but the answer still no. Terrorism is everywhere, almost everybody can be a terrorist, the reason could be money, religion, revenge and etc. Defeating a group of terrorists and another group will appear, just the matter of time. If there is a way to completely vanish Terrorism, Human would also need to be vanish.
The government is doing everything it can to prevent a terrorist attack. Please see, In this way, it is possible to stop radicalisation in time and prevent it from leading to terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Jr.Sasha0209 on February 09, 2018, 01:55:44 PM

It's sad, but terrorism can not be stopped, because all this has been paid by big uncles to undermine the reputation of their competitors and only, does anyone think that there are such fools who will blow themselves up with nothing better to do))) At once people are led into poverty and hopelessness, and then they are not being pushed by terrorists! Do not try to look for the truth or the way out, it's just not there!

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: afluence on February 26, 2018, 04:27:43 PM
It is difficult to answer because there are many forms of terrorism and also with different motives. What we have to concern on fighting against terrorism are the root causes that made terrorism happen. Unfortunatelly the root causes of terrorism are many and must be approached by different ways according to particular root cause that motivated people doing terror activities.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: friera on February 26, 2018, 04:30:52 PM
to be honest... It is not then difficult... If you want to kill terrorism you only need to kill the idea of GOD... All of them... Once everybody understands that they are killing in the name of something unreal, only then, this problem will be over

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: jackjones53 on February 26, 2018, 05:06:10 PM
So, the main purpose of terrorist attacks is the interest of the media. So why are they artificially to deprive the public outcry? Moreover, without this resonance, terrorist attacks, as well as any PR-actions completely lose their meaning. Thus, the easiest and surest way to defeat terrorism is to stop talking about terrorist attacks on television, radio and in Newspapers.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: maxman190 on February 26, 2018, 05:09:44 PM
The main force in countering global terrorism is Western civilization, which almost automatically means representatives of the white race.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: jcumins on February 26, 2018, 05:11:31 PM
The only real protection - operational work where the most dangerous. But, on politically correct logic, it is “profiling”, and at police hands are connected. And it is not necessary to count on the Muslim community to stop its extremists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: greenchy on February 26, 2018, 05:18:57 PM
It seems to me that it is impossible to stop all terrorism completely. To reduce attacks, the state should increase the number of police officers. The installation of cameras in public places will also help.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: dongyi17 on March 03, 2018, 05:17:56 AM
To eliminate terrorism is hard because its embedded in their heart and mind they are brainwashed- what they were fighting for, the ideology, the philosophy, the belief and all that in the  name of the religion and the people they defend with and it associated with politics people whose motive is for selfish gain and money that these people succumb to their wishes and desire.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Tosin12 on March 03, 2018, 06:53:55 AM
For me the only way is to eradicate poverty on the face of the earth and global reorientation

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 03, 2018, 07:43:01 AM
For me the only way is to eradicate poverty on the face of the earth and global reorientation

Your statement makes no sense. Because the richest country on earth (Qatar) is having one of the highest recruitment rates for ISIS. And extremely poor nations such as Moldova and Nepal have never witnessed any form of terrorism in their recorded history.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Chint_82 on March 03, 2018, 08:53:42 AM
always cling to religion, maintain harmony among religious people, and always be active in community organizations that combat and combat terrorism, end up providing counseling and information about the dangers of terrorism to families, communities and organizations, that little can be done to keep a life away of terrorism

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Mishad on March 03, 2018, 09:42:44 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Terrorism is now a common problem in many countries. I think it's not easy to stop. But it can if we want. Unfortunately Some big leaders are joined with them.
To stop terrorism firstly we have to stop supplying there defense power like machines,guns,bomb shells, etc. Some people deals with them and
help them with money. That should be stop. Beside these, we should be aware from terrorism .

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: onereous on March 10, 2018, 03:06:12 PM
Terrorist organizations are extremely diverse which makes generalizations even more difficult. Finally, while researchers are making great progress in developing a framework for the scientific study of terrorism, the study of counter terrorism is still in its infancy. While it is difficult to get an accurate grasp of terrorist threats, it is even harder to evaluate the strategies used by governments to counter terrorism

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: thongsbe on March 13, 2018, 12:58:35 AM
No way to stop them we can only resist their growth to an extent not fully and for that we need to have a tit for tat policy

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: hoaryaltitudev on March 13, 2018, 02:45:28 AM
This is something unimaginable. It will be very difficult to stop terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Ethreyes on March 13, 2018, 03:06:18 AM
We should promote peace to each other..  We need to think that terrorism and war has no good affect to us the only effects of it chaos..  It will ruin a lots of lives and this terrorism can never help our counrty to developed..

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 13, 2018, 03:24:06 AM
This is something unimaginable. It will be very difficult to stop terrorism.

It is possible to eradicate terrorism, if a country is blessed with a strong and intelligent leader. Look at Russia. During the late 90s, the Chechens were terrorizing ordinary Russians and every day there used to be terrorist incidents. But Putin crushed the insurgency in a matter of few years and now Grozny (the capital of Chechenya) is as peaceful as any other city in Europe.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: junkievanillae on March 13, 2018, 04:24:14 AM
No, it can clearly be stopped but it will take few years for it to stop.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: bit1_ts2 on March 13, 2018, 04:48:24 AM
I think terrorism will never end, because there are two kind of terrorist. the first one is some one is really bad guy and make a terror, I think this kind of terrorist could be stopped. the second one is some political conspiracy who create a terrorist to gain benefit from the chaos situation, I think this kind of terrorism not easily being eliminated. the second kind of terrorism is the majority one.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: diegz on March 13, 2018, 05:32:22 AM
I think terrorism will never end, because there are two kind of terrorist. the first one is some one is really bad guy and make a terror, I think this kind of terrorist could be stopped. the second one is some political conspiracy who create a terrorist to gain benefit from the chaos situation, I think this kind of terrorism not easily being eliminated. the second kind of terrorism is the majority one.

The result of both is the same. If other countries could do something to at least suppress them, then everyone could. Two things, it's either you fight them or you negotiate with them and eliminate them little by little.

Now, terrorists have a reason, they don't just kill or terrorize people because they want to,  but mostly it is political, they have some grudges to the government that can't be solved and fueled by politicians who will use the emotions of the leaders of these terrorists then there you go.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: corat coret on March 13, 2018, 06:10:19 AM
the way it is done is to reduce the provocation people and respect.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: CryptotechWorld on March 13, 2018, 01:05:33 PM
it could be stopped, when the us will stop sponsor the isis and etc. after the war in afganistan, this country became the biggest exportier of the heroin. and do you remember who was the last to invade afghanistan, yes, USA. now they make uncountabble amount of money on those drugs, the same with terrorism.(ussr had lost the war in afghanistan)

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: olyolali on March 13, 2018, 02:54:10 PM
understanding science properly, minimizing social inequalities, maintaining unity and unity, supporting peace actions, filtering information gained, understanding the rules of religion and the state
terrorism arises because of a lack of understanding of religion and does not accept the changes that occur

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: mmfiore on March 13, 2018, 05:46:50 PM
If western country could stop getting involved in foreign countries policies ...

I only see terrorism as symptoms of retaliation.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Pemburu1 on March 13, 2018, 06:38:13 PM
I think terrorists can be stopped by all countries willing to cooperate and join forces to destroy such groups. and strictly sanctions the state that supports terrorist groups, in this way I think terrorists can be stopped all over the world if all countries are willing to cooperate.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: abortive on March 13, 2018, 06:39:16 PM
To truly be vigilant and observant of suspicious behaviour, avoid narrowing your scope to a specific demographic or profile of terrorism. Violent extremism is not unique to any one social group or religious belief system, and should not be regarded as such.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Bous on March 15, 2018, 05:06:57 PM
Terrorism cannot be stopped. The reason why is because we don't have anything to scare them. They are ready to take their own life for their activities, not us. So they have an advantage. The least that governments can do is having a high control and security to prevent every potential attack.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: R.Hasan on March 15, 2018, 05:22:56 PM
The answers lie within the very basic roots of terrorism, most of the terrorists are either unemployed or uneducated. Steps should be taken to provide adequate education and gainful employment to all without discriminating against them in any field. And:

I. By enlightening people rather than having faith in a religious myths, thoughts, education with good beliefs we can change their mind set. Power of word is much greater than using weapons, killing the terrorist won’t end terrorism; it will only help ignite it even more

II. Stop supporting the Dictators who fund Terrorists

III. Stop drone assassinations of innocent civilians

V.  Stop torture

VI. And yes it’s time to talk about Prevention of Weapons as a way to stop terrorism

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: PravinS1857 on March 15, 2018, 05:26:05 PM
 This is impossible....

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: SoundChariGrabs on March 16, 2018, 03:47:11 PM
There are certain things that cannot be stopped or changed and terrorism is one of them.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: WorldBiz project on March 16, 2018, 10:41:25 PM
It is necessary to raise the standard of living of the inhabitants of the Middle East, to provide support that will help improve the situation in society. To ensure that young people are not inclined towards radical views, it is necessary to develop an industry that will provide jobs to the growing population. Japan, which depends on imports of Middle Eastern oil, should play an active role in this matter.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: hygroscopicgymnasium3 on March 16, 2018, 11:48:42 PM
Terrorists are powerful due to their unity and so we need to have a global unity too to resist their growth

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: callingbubblyH on March 18, 2018, 06:13:06 AM
It will be stopped but it will take some time for it to disappear completely.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: redshiftexpensive on March 18, 2018, 05:29:26 PM
Completely stopping the terrorism is too ambitious as it is just increasing.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: volleyballslenderF on March 18, 2018, 05:44:17 PM
Just killing the one whose religion is to kill, is the way to stop terrorism

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: algerianimminent5 on March 19, 2018, 02:11:25 AM
Terrorism is increasing as per the passing year and there is nothing we can do it about it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: uwr on March 19, 2018, 02:21:23 AM
terrorism is a form of revolution, and if there is a revolution means there is a problem with current system.
in simple words our own governments are the reason of terrorism!!!
to solve this we should support UNIFY World Revolution to eliminate current world leaders and unify the world!

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 19, 2018, 03:39:23 AM
Terrorism is increasing as per the passing year and there is nothing we can do it about it.

Terrorism is becoming more and more common in the west, thanks to the stupid immigration policies. Rather than getting educated immigrants from countries such as China, India and the Philippines, the western governments are importing immigrants from nations such as Turkey, Somalia and Afghanistan. Let them suffer.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Marjo04 on March 19, 2018, 01:11:40 PM
Terrorist have own beliefs.instead of decreasing terrorism its more.increasing .they have unity and its really hard to stop them.maybe they will.stop if what they fight for will achieved.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: mashedtasks6 on March 19, 2018, 11:13:48 PM
It is just going to increase if someone doesn’t put any sense in them.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: antliafightingR on March 19, 2018, 11:49:30 PM
The best way to stop terrorism is to stop believing in any religion.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: HelperAdvisorsLLP on March 20, 2018, 12:00:07 AM
I think it has to be destroyed

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Muwatti on March 20, 2018, 01:34:51 AM
Everyone should need to be educate about the cause and effect of terrorism... Every person should need to know the problem that the terrorism will bring to us... Everyone should need to read history book because it will help them to realize the effects of it in one country and for them also to know what are the mistakes happened before that every one should not need to repeat...

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: concatmedial8 on March 21, 2018, 01:08:20 AM
Religion is the main reason these days for any kind of terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: squog on March 21, 2018, 01:15:52 AM
In my opinion. Terrorism arised simply because of an idea. Amd idea that comes from oppression from their betters. This oppression may come from simple bullying and misunderstanding. Some terrorists cloak it in a shroud of religion and piousness to attract followers and making it easier to make their followers do their bidding without question. If you're going to believe the conspiracy theories, then terrorists will be stopped if no one is actually financing it for personal gain. Bottom line is, treat people better and don't be greedy.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Izalcomax on March 21, 2018, 11:53:00 AM
Education and morality i think.. many terorrists are being brainwashed by those radicalist as*h*le
when you become a religious person without using your brain and common sense, that is the main cause of radicalism!

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Zack14 on March 21, 2018, 12:38:34 PM
it seems impossible to stop terrorism in the world. they have been overwhelmed by anger and greed. they are no longer able to understand the innocent people. they have no heart and know how to feel when they hurt people, . as long as they know they are right, even if they not , they will not listen to you .so. I see that it is no longer or difficult to actually stop terrorism from our world

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: BlinkLifeHippo on March 21, 2018, 11:06:04 PM
Teaching good things in the religion and chaining the religious beliefs might help.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sulwan2612 on March 21, 2018, 11:40:28 PM
Simple...  Just stop what they want to stop

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Edfeilbartolome on March 22, 2018, 12:16:29 AM
Terrorism stop if  the government is give all need by the terrorist to stop

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: automail on March 22, 2018, 12:26:45 AM
I think the government is not learning their lesson. Terrorism exist because of the weapon suppliers. They are the one creating the war between two parties. Imagine if they were able to stop those arms dealers, the terrorist will not be able to fight back and just surrender. Others will still fight but they can easily defeat them. Kill the source and others will follow.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: BADecker on March 22, 2018, 12:36:27 AM
Arm all the average citizens, and they will stop the terrorists.


Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: ayaayapotpot on March 22, 2018, 12:57:36 AM
It’s difficult to stop. But let’s pray that every country, every religion will unite someday. Different country and different religion have different idealism and belief maybe that’s the reason why terrorism is still here. If the people will let other people to believe what they believing maybe it will stop. The equality of everyone is really important even if your a Muslim, Catholic, Jew etc.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: orangeibmportD on March 22, 2018, 01:31:37 AM
to stop terrorism we need to follow tit for tat policy i.e, we need to kill them just like as they kill us, roughly :(

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: merchantmafnchester778f on March 22, 2018, 02:24:16 AM
One should stop believing in religion to stop terrorism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: illbaker4 on March 22, 2018, 04:05:04 AM
Powers like Russia, USA and others can easily wipe out terrorism but for the sake of humanism they aren't doing mass assassination

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: argonresonates3 on March 22, 2018, 04:26:57 AM
There are no ways to stop terrorism as it will only increase with time.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: tentara pelajar on March 22, 2018, 04:40:09 AM
There is no other way besides killing them and all members of the existing therein. then, in my opinion, it will not be enough because of course understand their terrorist hell will remain on individual members.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Sithara007 on March 22, 2018, 05:19:31 AM
Powers like Russia, USA and others can easily wipe out terrorism but for the sake of humanism they aren't doing mass assassination

What an irony? These super-powers are the ones who are supporting and sponsoring terrorist organizations all around the world. Take Syria as an example. The Americans have been supplying weapons to hardline groups such as the Jaish al-Tahrir and Jaysh al-Mujahideen since 2011.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: secondhandlark5 on March 22, 2018, 05:53:58 AM
They are plainly brainwashers washing the brains of young minds to get diverted into terrorists  we cant do anything in it 

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: hefjor on March 22, 2018, 09:12:25 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

Terrorism is a business of those countries who manipulated them,only  china and russia did not attack the terrorism. The question is why? In order to avoid terorism we must vigilant any suspiciuos people that we seen. We report it.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: djBeatcoin on March 22, 2018, 09:26:35 AM
Terrorism cannot be completely stopped because it's an answer of the oppressed/unsatisfied. Hopefully, in the future people will find more civilized methods to express their dissatisfaction, but I'm afraid terrorism is here to stay because frustration is on the rise on our planet.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Wasaisisi on March 22, 2018, 09:44:04 AM
I hate to admit it but it won't happen. Terrorism is just like a war which is part of our existence. History keeps on repeating itself. People, communities and countries that has different ideas sometimes trigger conflicts. Humans are made to be that way even if we dont want it to be.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: faultunfmuzzled8 on March 22, 2018, 09:59:07 PM
I think we cant cope terrorism. we have to come to a mutual understanding between the terrorist and govt.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Cryptodetails on March 22, 2018, 10:12:36 PM
Terrorism can't be stop, impossible. Some of you might think removing religions from our world could stop Terrorism, but the answer still no. Terrorism is everywhere, almost everybody can be a terrorist, the reason could be money, religion, revenge and etc. Defeating a group of terrorists and another group will appear, just the matter of time. If there is a way to completely vanish Terrorism, Human would also need to be vanish.
Yes!!!  :) Terrorism must be fought mercilessly and cruelly.  ;) Rosa Brooks does not understand that in a number of regions of the world people continue to maintain medieval thinking and quite use the "iPhones" and modern weapons. These people (terrorists) respect only the strength and readiness of the opposite side to kill. You can not get rid of palliatives here. ;)

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: akalanka on March 22, 2018, 10:19:01 PM
There is no way to entirely “end terrorism” We can only do our best to defend against terrorist attacks.

“Terrorism”, as opposed to conventional warfare, is defined by attacks deliberately targeted specifically against innocent non-combatant civilians in order to intimidate others into compliance with the terrorists’ agenda, is as old as the human species and probably much older. Our closest living relative to our species is the common Chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, and chimps terrorize neighboring troops in order to protect their troop’s territory or conquer territory from other troops. A group of adult males will gather together and move off, very quietly and stealthily towards the neighboring troop’s territory, then attack and kill chimps who have become separated from the other troop. If they find a female in estrus they will force her to accompany them back to their troop, sometimes. (Sound familiar?)

Terrorism is a behavior hardwired, genetically, into the human genome. Terrorists may believe they are motivated by religion, nationalism, revenge or injustice but anthropologists, historians, archaeologists, and sociologists have very convincingly correlated periods of violent human upheavals, mass migrations, civil wars, revolutions, and regional and international wars to crises in resources brought about by periods of climate extremes like droughts and cold periods like Europe’s” little ice age”.

At this time in history we are dealing with Islamist terrorism and ME/NA religious, civil and tribal wars that the most respected scholars and scientists who study the causes of human conflicts say are the result of the ME/NA being hit by the “terrible trifecta” of (1) climate change (years of drought), (2) a population explosion, and (3) the fact that the ME/NA population explosion consists of a demographic “youth bulge”, meaning that a huge proportion of the population of the ME/NA are younger people. A “youth bulge” has long been known to cause social instability, especially when too many young people are poor; faced with scarce or too-expensive resources and few opportunities to better their lives.

While the human genome will always produce aggressive psychopathic megalomaniacs like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, OBL and al Baghdadi, these individuals would not be able to gain enough followers sufficient to carry out their ambitions on a large scale unless there are enough angry, frustrated people who feel they have little to lose and are vulnerable to being motivated by religion, bigotry, injustice, nationalism, or revenge or some combination of all-of-the-above.

Terrorism can be used along with the tactics of conventional warfare, but if an aggressor does not have the ability or capacity to wage conventional war, terrorism may be the only tactic they can use. ISIS uses both conventional warfare and terrorist attacks but OBL used only terrorism in his attempt to achieve his ambitions. As ISIS becomes weaker, ISIS is using more terrorist attacks.

Humanitarians and pacifists have the deep conviction that if we can get to a point where everyone’s needs are met, both conventional and terrorist wars could end. I doubt this because there will always be subset of people who will always want more power, more wealth, more territory, more of everything and have no moral constraints about taking what they want from others by violence. Their leaders may be adult males like Pol Pot or al-Baghdadi, but their footsoldiers are composed primarily of young, frustrated, aggressive thrill-seeking men who have sociopathic tendencies and are still too young to have the full use of their pre-frontal cortex, which when fully mature moderates impulsivity and aggression and enhances the ability to judge risks vs. benefits. That’s why young men are referred to as “cannon fodder”.

Albert Einstein: “Older men make war but younger men fight them”.

War, fought conventionally and fought with terrorism or with a combination of both methods will always, always be with us.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: tagsgay on March 23, 2018, 12:06:21 AM
Everyone has their own individual reasons for doing anything wrong

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: WolkGold on March 23, 2018, 04:31:03 AM
It is the responsibility of the Government in the guarantee. every citizen should consciously and self-belief when there is a call from the Government to restrict the reactionary.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Hans17 on March 23, 2018, 04:55:51 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....

For me there are 5 steps we must take to have peaceful in our world and take away all the terrorism.
1. Good Governance
2. Equality or Equal rights
3. Strong communication
4. Strengthen all the policies ,laws,rules and regulations
5. Spread the love

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: radiationaggravated9 on March 24, 2018, 02:15:06 AM
There are many ways to stop terrorism. Education being one of them.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: China8888 on March 24, 2018, 05:13:01 AM
Whilst I dont like terrorist, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: crazydave on March 24, 2018, 05:53:07 AM
We must know who’s the real terrorists then we’ Be able to stop them
The problem is that most of the people are blinded
Some people keep hiding the truth because that serves their purposes

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: lesam0urai44 on March 24, 2018, 06:46:22 AM
I think education is the main way to stop the terrorism, people with well-know won't  do the terrorism at all .

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: stely on March 24, 2018, 07:23:34 AM
I think education is the main way to stop the terrorism, people with well-know won't  do the terrorism at all .
Fighting terrorism may seem like an overwhelming concept, but every private citizen can do their part to help. Be aware of potential threats, and alert to different forms of extremism.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: UzumakiSakuragi on March 24, 2018, 07:47:22 AM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
    Unity anong the community can stop elegal activities of terrorism.we may not attained full control of their act but at least we can save alot of life by being vegilant..

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Oloop.io48 on March 24, 2018, 08:52:00 AM
They store a lot of btc

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Shiidoshen1997 on March 24, 2018, 09:17:58 AM
There should be no tolerance towards any attempts of religious extremism and terrorism. No tolerance means when an immigrant gets caught raping a woman or a child, or attempting a terrorist act, he should be thrown in the worst scenario possible. The problem is that most of the people are blinded
Some people keep hiding the truth because that serves their purposes and they are afraid to stand in truth .

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: udroxz on March 24, 2018, 09:35:40 AM
Government can stop the terrorism we cant but we can do one thing we can reject the money funding resources of the terrorists.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Fk.poo01 on March 24, 2018, 09:51:53 AM
Government can stop the terrorism we cant but we can do one thing we can reject the money funding resources of the terrorists.
yes,I agree with your opinion.Believe the government.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: miam7374 on March 24, 2018, 11:44:09 AM
Terrorists, especially in developing and corrupt countries sometimes appear as necessary to divert issues that lead to their poor performance. In some sessions the security forces seemed to give a roar before being caught. With their style of success it seemed as if the work of the government was closed and turned to the tense issue and resulted in the achievement of the arrest.
But as the common people with the emergence of acts of terror is of course very disturbing, and expect terrorists to disappear from the face of the earth

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Papado on March 25, 2018, 04:47:46 PM
I think it's impossible to stop terrorism now. Now it's probably not that hard to get components for explosives.
It is necessary to educate people properly and to check foreigners more thoroughly

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: Goethe on March 25, 2018, 09:19:47 PM
The only way for to stop the terrorism is making better policy.

Title: Re: How can terrorism be stopped
Post by: #davidnugroho on March 25, 2018, 10:28:13 PM
Due to terrorist attacks there are many innocent people who are killed. If we need to have a peace full life what are the steps we must take....
this is so serious the terrorists have killed so many innocent people it's so wrong they can not think of anyone innocent. they are selfish only their satisfaction and their belief is very bad. You are wrong there needs to be legal action. we love peace without violence let alone murder and hate each other.