Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Digital goods => Topic started by: R00TC0IN on January 08, 2017, 07:11:19 PM

Title: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 08, 2017, 07:11:19 PM

Poloniex Python Lending Script!

The bot has automatic lending on the exchange at Poloniex.

It can automatically lend all suitable crypto currencies found in your lending account, Or you can specify your own configuration!

It uses an advanced lending strategy which will spread offers across the lend book to take advantage of possible spikes in lending rates.

I also have a trading guide full of trading information and how to guides for new and advanced traders.


    Automatically lend your coins on Poloniex at the highest possible rates, 24 hours a day.

    Configure your own lending strategy via the simple config file the bot generates.

    Be aggressive, hold out for a great rate or be conservative and lend often but at a lower rate, your choice!

    Ability to spread your offers across the lending board to take advantage of spikes in the lending rate.

    Withhold lending a percentage of your coins until the going rate reaches a certain threshold!

    Lock in a high daily rate for a longer period of time period of up to sixty days, Fully configurable client side.

    Run multiple instances of the bot for multiple accounts to maximize profits


Simple configuration file


apikey = API Key Here
secret =  Secret Here

#Sleeps between active iterations, time in seconds (1-3600)
sleeptimeactive = 5

#Sleeps between inactive iterations, time in seconds (1-3600)
#Set to the same value as sleeptimeactive to disable
sleeptimeinactive = 20

#Minimum daily lend rate in percent (0.0031-5)
#Setting to 0.0031 is about 1% a year, not worth it.
mindailyrate = 0.003

#Maximum lending rate. 2% is good choice because it's default at margin trader interface.
#5% is the maximum rate accepted by the exchange (0.003-5)
maxdailyrate = 5

#The number of offers to split the available balance across the [gaptop, gapbottom] range. (1-20)
spreadlend = 3

#The depth of lendbook (in percent of lendable balance) to move through
#before placing the first (gapbottom) and last (gaptop) offer.
#If gapbottom is set to 0, the first offer will be at the lowest possible rate.
#However some low value is recommended (say 10%) to skip dust offers.
gapbottom = 10
gaptop = 200

#Daily lend rate threshold after which we offer lends for x days as opposed to 2.
#If set to 0 all offers will be placed for a 2 day period (0.003-5)
xdaythreshold = 0.2
xdays = 60

#Auto-transfer of funds from exchange to lending balance.
#Enter ALL to transfer all coins, enter ACTIVE to transfer any coins you have in your lending account when the bot starts, these can be mixed.
#The currencies you enter below (comment it out to disable entirely, just leaving empty will result in an error) will be automatically transferred from your exchange balance to your lending balance whenever you deposit them.

#Minimum loan size, the minimum size of offers to make, bigger values prevent the bot from loaning small available amounts but reduce loan fragmentation.
minloansize = 0.001

#Keep Stuck Orders - Sometimes an order gets partially filled. When this happens it may leave the remainder of your coin under the set minloansize.
#If this happens, KeepStuckOrders will keep your order where it is so maybe it can be filled. Otherwise it will be canceled and held until orders expire.
keepstuckorders = True

#Hide coins - Instead of keeping your coins lent out at minlendrate when it is not met, the bot will hold them and wait for the rate to surpass it.
hideCoins = True

#End date for lending, bot will try to make sure all your loans are done by this date so you can withdraw or do whatever you need.
#Uncomment to enable.
#endDate = 2016,12,25

#Raw maximum amount to lend if under maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will check for maxpercenttolend.(0+)
#maxtolend = 0

#Maximum percent to lend if under maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will lend 100% of your balance regardless of rate. (0-100)
#maxpercenttolend = 0

#Max to lend conditional rate.
#If set to more than 0: the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend will be used when the rate is less than or equal to the maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will use the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend all the time. (0.0031-5)
#maxtolendrate = 0

# Local Market Analysis: Choose which coins to record the market of in order to analyse them and compute a recommended lending rate.
# Enter ALL to analyse all coins, enter ACTIVE to analyse the markets of any coins you have in your lending account when the bot starts, these can be mixed.
# Choose how long to keep market data. (In days) (1-365)
#analyseMaxAge = 20
# Choose how often to record a market's rate. (In seconds.) (10-3600)
#analyseUpdateInterval = 20
# Choose how aggressive to lend at based on a market's performance. (As a percentile of the market's rate.) (1-99)
# Recommendations: Conservative = 50, Moderate = 75, Aggressive = 90, Very Aggressive = 99
#lendingStyle = 75

#Syntax: ["COIN:mindailyrate:maxactiveamount:maxtolend:maxpercenttolend:maxtolendrate",...]
#If maxactive amount is 0: stop lending this coin. in the future you'll be able to limit amount to be lent.
#If maxtolend is 0: check for maxpercenttolend.
#If maxpercenttolend is 0: 100% is going to be lent.
#If maxtolendrate is set to more than 0: the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend will be used when then rate is less or equal to the maxtolendrate. if set to 0 the bot will use the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend all the time.
#coinconfig = ["BTC:0.18:1:0:0:0","CLAM:0.6:1:0:0:0"]

#This option creates a json log file instead of console output which includes the most recent status.
#Uncomment both jsonfile and jsonlogsize to enable.
#Keep this in the default location if you want to use the webserver.
#jsonfile = www/botlog.json

#Limits the amount of log lines to save.
#jsonlogsize = 200

#Enables a webserver for the www folder, in order to easily use the lendingbot.html with the .json log.
#startWebServer = true

#Customize the IP and port that the webserver is hosted on. Defaults to
# will point to your default IP (Local IP on LAN as well as localhost), set to if you want it to be only accessible by host computer.
#Do not set to a reserved port
#Advanced users only.
#customWebServerAddress =

#The currency that the HTML Overview will present the earnings summary in.
#Options are BTC, USDT, ETH or anything as long as it has a direct BTC market. The default is BTC.
#outputCurrency = BTC


currencies_to_analyse = []
open_files = {}
max_age = 0
update_interval = 0
api = None
Data = None
lending_style = 0

def init(config, api1, data1):
    global currencies_to_analyse, open_files, max_age, update_interval, api, Data, lending_style
    currencies_to_analyse = config.get_currencies_list('analyseCurrencies')
    max_age = int(config.get('BOT', 'analyseMaxAge', 30, 1, 365))
    update_interval = int(config.get('BOT', 'analyseUpdateInterval', 60, 10, 3600))
    lending_style = int(config.get('BOT', 'lendingStyle', 50, 1, 99))
    api = api1
    Data = data1
    if len(currencies_to_analyse) != 0:
        for currency in currencies_to_analyse:

def get_rate_suggestion(cur, percentile=lending_style):
    if cur not in open_files:
        return 0
    rates = get_rate_list(cur)
    if use_numpy:
        result = numpy.percentile(rates, int(percentile), interpolation='linear')
        index = int(percentile * len(rates))
        result = rates[index]
    result = float(int(result * 1000000) / 1000000.0)
    return result

Bot running from command line.
Checking rate, Setting loans making percentile loans

Some micro trades and exchanges,

Balance pages


Clam Lending

2017-01-09 20:19:43 Placing 0.10308947 BTC at 0.0268% for 60 days... Loan order placed. 
2017-01-09 20:20:16 Placing 0.00132566 BTC at 0.0264% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:20:17 Placing 0.00132565 BTC at 0.026499% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:21:40 Placing 0.10769074 BTC at 0.0254% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:23:22 Placing 0.00769075 BTC at 0.025499% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:26:44 Placing 0.00512717 BTC at 0.023799% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:26:44 Placing 0.00256359 BTC at 0.0239% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:27:49 Placing 0.00256360 BTC at 0.0239% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:30:14 Placing 1.11051219 LTC at 0.0068% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:31:50 Placing 1.11051219 LTC at 0.00654% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:32:23 Placing 0.00102984 BTC at 0.027399% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:32:23 Placing 0.00205968 BTC at 0.0276% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:33:09 Placing 0.00308954 BTC at 0.0278% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:31:50 Placing 1.11051219 LTC at 0.00654% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:32:23 Placing 0.10102984 BTC at 0.027399% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:32:23 Placing 0.00205968 BTC at 0.0276% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:33:09 Placing 0.00308954 BTC at 0.0278% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:48:34 Placing 1.11051289 LTC at 0.00653% for 60 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 20:59:17 Placing 0.10308956 BTC at 0.0294% for 60 days... Loan order placed.

I accept almost any crypto currency as payment for this trading bot
Price is $5 for the Python Lending Bot

Sales and Support online!


Starting Parameters

    Minimum spread %: How far off the mean price you would like to place your buy and sell marks. This is the minimum amount the adaptive algorithm will allow. For extremely volatile markets you will need to increase this to remain positive. In less volatile you would need to lower this value.

    Maximum spread %: How far off the mean price you would like to place your buy and sell marks. This is the maximum amount the adaptive algorithm will allow. For extremely volatile markets you will need to increase this to remain positive. In less volatile you would need to lower this value.

    Exposure % - This is the percentage of currency or assets you are willing to trade in any given trade. If you would always like to full assets or full currency, then this would need to be 100%.

    Order Timeout (in ticks) - This is the number of ticks the order will remain active on the order book. If the trade is not filled before time is up, those trades are automatically cancelled. Lowering this value will increase order cancellations.

    Adaptive Period (in ticks) - This is the number of ticks evaluated when calculating the adaptive spread.

    Maximum Trade Currency - This is the total maximum value for any trade you make (after Exposure % is applied). For instance, if you have $10,000 and you only ever want to transact less than $1,000 in a single trade, then you would set this to 1000 (if trading in USD). If you are trading in BTC and you only ever want to trade up to 1 BTC, then you would set this value to 1. If you would like to use your full funds every time, then set this to an extremely high value (ex: 10000000).

Notes as a trader:

Trading whether algorithmic or discrete is challenging, there will be ups and downs. String of winners and losers is part of trading, not outliers. Therefore, performance should be evaluated with enough sample size with a variety of market conditions to determine its quality. I recommend giving this bot a sample size that you are comfortable with before joining or leaving.


Price 0.03850 BTC

Or PM me direct to buy on the forum

Accepted Payment Methods.

AMP    Synereo AMP    
ARDR Ardor    
BBR    Boolberry    
BCN    Bytecoin    
BCY    BitCrystals
BELA    BellaCoin
BITS    Bitstar    
BLK    BlackCoin    
BTC    Bitcoin    
BTCD BitcoinDark    
BTM    Bitmark    
BTS    BitShares    
BURST Burst    
CURE Curecoin    
DASH Dash    
DCR    Decred    
DGB    DigiByte    
DOGE Dogecoin    
EMC2 Einsteinium    
ETC    Ethereum Classic    
ETH    Ethereum
EXP    Expanse    
FLDC    FoldingCoin    
FLO    Florincoin    
GAME GameCredits    
GRC    Gridcoin Research    
HUC    Huntercoin
HZ    Horizon    
IOC    IO Digital Currency    
LBC    LBRY Credits    
LSK    Lisk    
LTC    Litecoin    
MAID MaidSafeCoin    
MYR    Myriadcoin
NAUT Nautiluscoin    
NAV    NAVCoin    
NEOS Neoscoin    
NMC    Namecoin    
NOBL NobleCoin    
NOTE DNotes    
NSR    NuShares    
NXC    Nexium    
OMNI Omni    
PINK    Pinkcoin    
POT    PotCoin    
PPC    Peercoin    
QBK    Qibuck    
QORA Qora    
QTL    Quatloo    
RADS Radium    
RBY    Rubycoin    
REP    Augur    
RIC    Riecoin    
SBD    Steem Dollars    
SC    Siacoin    
SDC    Shadow    
SJCX    Storjcoin X    
STR    Stellar    
STRAT Stratis    
SYS    Syscoin    
UNITY SuperNET    
USDT Tether USD    
VIA    Viacoin    
VOX    Voxels    
VRC    VeriCoin    
VTC    Vertcoin    
XCP    Counterparty    
XEM    NEM    
XMG    Magi    
XMR    Monero    
XPM    Primecoin
XRP    Ripple    
XVC    Vcash    
ZEC    Zcash

Post by: klendor on January 08, 2017, 07:14:40 PM
Vouch copy?

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 08, 2017, 07:25:31 PM
Vouch copy?

Vouch Copy Sent.

Any Issues please just ask!


Post by: hacktek on January 08, 2017, 08:29:52 PM
What sorts of profits have you achieved with this? Any proof?

Post by: eddie13 on January 08, 2017, 08:38:52 PM
Sounds great, I could really use one and would love a vouch or maybe even buy one but..

It sounds like an excellent way to install something onto my computer to steal all of my BTC..

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 08, 2017, 08:40:46 PM
What sorts of profits have you achieved with this? Any proof?

Today's trades

Last 7 days $300 Profit - Was a lot to do with the movement of bitcoin.
On micro trades $33.80 Profit - Based on a lot of what you see in the screen shot above.

All depends how you want to use it.

With regards to installing anything there is nothing to install on your machine from the code. it runs live with python.
The also a lot of the code is build from other popular open source trading bots only with some additional features added inspired by MarginBot and Bitfinex LendingBot.

Post by: eddie13 on January 08, 2017, 08:45:08 PM
What sorts of profits have you achieved with this? Any proof?

Today's trades

Last 7 days $300 Profit - Was a lot to do with the movement of bitcoin.
On micro trades $33.80 Profit - Based on a lot of what you see in the screen shot above.

All depends how you want to use it.

With regards to installing anything there is nothing to install on your machine from the code. it runs live with python.
The also a lot of the code is build from other popular open source trading bots only with some additional features added.

Those are not loan earnings..
Is this proof of your trading strategy or lending bot?

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 08, 2017, 08:54:13 PM
Please bear with my slow reply's there seems to be some crazy time limit for me to reply to your comments.

The image above is the trades for today. We don't lend everyday with the bot. Right now the money to be made is in exchange in the guide we will show you ways to spot trend's in the market to make successful trades.

The lending bot is another way to maximize on lending on poloniex, The trading bot works on the premises of the following config.


apikey = API Key Here
secret =  Secret Here

#Sleeps between active iterations, time in seconds (1-3600)
sleeptimeactive = 5

#Sleeps between inactive iterations, time in seconds (1-3600)
#Set to the same value as sleeptimeactive to disable
sleeptimeinactive = 20

#Minimum daily lend rate in percent (0.0031-5)
#Setting to 0.0031 is about 1% a year, not worth it.
mindailyrate = 0.003

#Maximum lending rate. 2% is good choice because it's default at margin trader interface.
#5% is the maximum rate accepted by the exchange (0.003-5)
maxdailyrate = 5

#The number of offers to split the available balance across the [gaptop, gapbottom] range. (1-20)
spreadlend = 3

#The depth of lendbook (in percent of lendable balance) to move through
#before placing the first (gapbottom) and last (gaptop) offer.
#If gapbottom is set to 0, the first offer will be at the lowest possible rate.
#However some low value is recommended (say 10%) to skip dust offers.
gapbottom = 10
gaptop = 200

#Daily lend rate threshold after which we offer lends for x days as opposed to 2.
#If set to 0 all offers will be placed for a 2 day period (0.003-5)
xdaythreshold = 0.2
xdays = 60

#Auto-transfer of funds from exchange to lending balance.
#Enter ALL to transfer all coins, enter ACTIVE to transfer any coins you have in your lending account when the bot starts, these can be mixed.
#The currencies you enter below (comment it out to disable entirely, just leaving empty will result in an error) will be automatically transferred from your exchange balance to your lending balance whenever you deposit them.

#Minimum loan size, the minimum size of offers to make, bigger values prevent the bot from loaning small available amounts but reduce loan fragmentation.
minloansize = 0.001

#Keep Stuck Orders - Sometimes an order gets partially filled. When this happens it may leave the remainder of your coin under the set minloansize.
#If this happens, KeepStuckOrders will keep your order where it is so maybe it can be filled. Otherwise it will be canceled and held until orders expire.
keepstuckorders = True

#Hide coins - Instead of keeping your coins lent out at minlendrate when it is not met, the bot will hold them and wait for the rate to surpass it.
hideCoins = True

#End date for lending, bot will try to make sure all your loans are done by this date so you can withdraw or do whatever you need.
#Uncomment to enable.
#endDate = 2016,12,25

#Raw maximum amount to lend if under maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will check for maxpercenttolend.(0+)
#maxtolend = 0

#Maximum percent to lend if under maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will lend 100% of your balance regardless of rate. (0-100)
#maxpercenttolend = 0

#Max to lend conditional rate.
#If set to more than 0: the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend will be used when the rate is less than or equal to the maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will use the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend all the time. (0.0031-5)
#maxtolendrate = 0

# Local Market Analysis: Choose which coins to record the market of in order to analyse them and compute a recommended lending rate.
# Enter ALL to analyse all coins, enter ACTIVE to analyse the markets of any coins you have in your lending account when the bot starts, these can be mixed.
# Choose how long to keep market data. (In days) (1-365)
#analyseMaxAge = 20
# Choose how often to record a market's rate. (In seconds.) (10-3600)
#analyseUpdateInterval = 20
# Choose how aggressive to lend at based on a market's performance. (As a percentile of the market's rate.) (1-99)
# Recommendations: Conservative = 50, Moderate = 75, Aggressive = 90, Very Aggressive = 99
#lendingStyle = 75

#Syntax: ["COIN:mindailyrate:maxactiveamount:maxtolend:maxpercenttolend:maxtolendrate",...]
#If maxactive amount is 0: stop lending this coin. in the future you'll be able to limit amount to be lent.
#If maxtolend is 0: check for maxpercenttolend.
#If maxpercenttolend is 0: 100% is going to be lent.
#If maxtolendrate is set to more than 0: the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend will be used when then rate is less or equal to the maxtolendrate. if set to 0 the bot will use the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend all the time.
#coinconfig = ["BTC:0.18:1:0:0:0","CLAM:0.6:1:0:0:0"]

#This option creates a json log file instead of console output which includes the most recent status.
#Uncomment both jsonfile and jsonlogsize to enable.
#Keep this in the default location if you want to use the webserver.
#jsonfile = www/botlog.json

#Limits the amount of log lines to save.
#jsonlogsize = 200

#Enables a webserver for the www folder, in order to easily use the lendingbot.html with the .json log.
#startWebServer = true

#Customize the IP and port that the webserver is hosted on. Defaults to
# will point to your default IP (Local IP on LAN as well as localhost), set to if you want it to be only accessible by host computer.
#Do not set to a reserved port
#Advanced users only.
#customWebServerAddress =

#The currency that the HTML Overview will present the earnings summary in.
#Options are BTC, USDT, ETH or anything as long as it has a direct BTC market. The default is BTC.
#outputCurrency = BTC

It has modules that analize market data and make percentile lending based on the market data at that time.
Via the following module.

currencies_to_analyse = []
open_files = {}
max_age = 0
update_interval = 0
api = None
Data = None
lending_style = 0

def init(config, api1, data1):
    global currencies_to_analyse, open_files, max_age, update_interval, api, Data, lending_style
    currencies_to_analyse = config.get_currencies_list('analyseCurrencies')
    max_age = int(config.get('BOT', 'analyseMaxAge', 30, 1, 365))
    update_interval = int(config.get('BOT', 'analyseUpdateInterval', 60, 10, 3600))
    lending_style = int(config.get('BOT', 'lendingStyle', 50, 1, 99))
    api = api1
    Data = data1
    if len(currencies_to_analyse) != 0:
        for currency in currencies_to_analyse:

                api.api_query("returnLoanOrders", {'currency': currency, 'limit': '5'})
            except Exception as cur_ex:
                print "Error: You entered an incorrect currency: '" + currency + \
                      "' to analyse the market of, please check your settings. Error message: " + str(cur_ex)

                path = "market_data/" + currency + "_market_data.csv"
                open_files[currency] = path

        thread = threading.Thread(target=update_market_loop)
        thread.deamon = True

def update_market_loop():
    while True:

def update_markets():
    for cur in open_files:
        with open(open_files[cur], 'a') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
            raw_data = api.return_loan_orders(cur, 5)['offers'][0]
            market_data = [Data.timestamp(), raw_data['rate']]

def delete_old_data():
    for cur in open_files:
        with open(open_files[cur], 'rb') as file_a:
            new_a_buf = StringIO()
            writer = csv.writer(new_a_buf)
            reader2 = csv.reader(file_a)
            for row in reader2:
                if get_day_difference(row[0]) < max_age:

        # At this point, the contents (new_a_buf) exist in memory
        with open(open_files[cur], 'wb') as file_b:

def get_day_difference(date_time):  # Will be in format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    date1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    now =
    diff_days = (now - date1).days
    return diff_days

def get_rate_list(cur='all'):
    if cur == 'all':
        all_rates = {}
        for cur in open_files:
            with open(open_files[cur], 'r') as f:
                reader = csv.reader(f)
                rates = []
                for row in reader:
                rates = map(float, rates)
                all_rates[cur] = rates
        return all_rates

        if cur not in open_files:
            return []
        with open(open_files[cur], 'r') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            rates = []
            for row in reader:
            rates = map(float, rates)
        return rates

def get_rate_suggestion(cur, percentile=lending_style):
    if cur not in open_files:
        return 0
    rates = get_rate_list(cur)
    if use_numpy:
        result = numpy.percentile(rates, int(percentile), interpolation='linear')
        index = int(percentile * len(rates))
        result = rates[index]
    result = float(int(result * 1000000) / 1000000.0)
    return result

Post by: hacktek on January 08, 2017, 09:23:44 PM
I'm a bit confused.

So the bot will only automatically lend and not trade but the guide covers trading? Is that it?

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 08, 2017, 09:27:16 PM
I'm a bit confused.

So the bot will only automatically lend and not trade but the guide covers trading? Is that it?

Correct. Its a trading guide and a lending bot.

Two separate types of investing and trading.

Used together can be quite a powerful tool.

Post by: icet208 on January 08, 2017, 11:25:30 PM
Willing to offer a review after testing if you offer a vouch copy.

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 08, 2017, 11:31:11 PM
Willing to offer a review after testing if you offer a vouch copy.

Send me your email I will send you the download link via wetransfer


Post by: blg42598 on January 08, 2017, 11:38:30 PM
Can you post screenshots of the bot in action? I'm interested but I'd like to see more.

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 12:15:57 AM
Vouch Copy's Sent.

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 12:26:10 AM
Can you post screenshots of the bot in action? I'm interested but I'd like to see more.

Bot in action from the command line submitting loans. checking rate's ect.

I would post better images but seems like this place has rules on posting images too. And posting quicker that 320 seconds!


Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 01:45:58 AM
First Customer [ ]

Placing loans :

2017-01-09 00:07:16 Placing 0.00408267 BTC at 0.020699% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 00:08:20 Placing 0.00136089 BTC at 0.020498% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 00:08:21 Placing 0.00272177 BTC at 0.020598% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 01:32:31 Placing 0.00769066 BTC at 0.0213% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 01:40:14 Placing 0.00512711 BTC at 0.0211% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 01:40:14 Placing 0.00256356 BTC at 0.021199% for 2 days... Loan order placed.

Post by: mindtrip on January 09, 2017, 01:57:26 AM
I am interested in testing your bot. If your willing to send me a vouch copy I will test it and leave my feedback as well as some trust feedback for you. My contact info is listed in my profile

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 02:02:05 AM
I am interested in testing your bot. If your willing to send me a vouch copy I will test it and leave my feedback as well as some trust feedback for you. My contact info is listed in my profile


I have sent out a number of vouch copy's to the first few people who have asked.

Let me know if you would like to buy it. Its a low investment for a fantastic way to trade via the API system,

Thanks RootCoin

Post by: blg42598 on January 09, 2017, 02:12:38 AM
How much does I try to make per trade? What % profit should be expect every one or two days?

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 02:18:40 AM
How much does I try to make per trade? What % profit should be expect every one or two days?

Have a read at the configuration file.

This is where you set up your parameters for bot. Every setting tell's you exactly its function.

It all depends on what you trade and loan.

I trade in almost everything on poloniex each day I make around $13-18 on micro trades and depending on the loan values you set in the program and what your trading balance will allow some weeks I have seen profits of $400+ past week or two has been good dew to bitcoin surge in price so was a good time to trade and loan.

apikey = API Key Here
secret =  Secret Here

#Sleeps between active iterations, time in seconds (1-3600)
sleeptimeactive = 5

#Sleeps between inactive iterations, time in seconds (1-3600)
#Set to the same value as sleeptimeactive to disable
sleeptimeinactive = 20

#Minimum daily lend rate in percent (0.0031-5)
#Setting to 0.0031 is about 1% a year, not worth it.
mindailyrate = 0.003

#Maximum lending rate. 2% is good choice because it's default at margin trader interface.
#5% is the maximum rate accepted by the exchange (0.003-5)
maxdailyrate = 5

#The number of offers to split the available balance across the [gaptop, gapbottom] range. (1-20)
spreadlend = 3

#The depth of lendbook (in percent of lendable balance) to move through
#before placing the first (gapbottom) and last (gaptop) offer.
#If gapbottom is set to 0, the first offer will be at the lowest possible rate.
#However some low value is recommended (say 10%) to skip dust offers.
gapbottom = 10
gaptop = 200

#Daily lend rate threshold after which we offer lends for x days as opposed to 2.
#If set to 0 all offers will be placed for a 2 day period (0.003-5)
xdaythreshold = 0.2
xdays = 60

#Auto-transfer of funds from exchange to lending balance.
#Enter ALL to transfer all coins, enter ACTIVE to transfer any coins you have in your lending account when the bot starts, these can be mixed.
#The currencies you enter below (comment it out to disable entirely, just leaving empty will result in an error) will be automatically transferred from your exchange balance to your lending balance whenever you deposit them.

#Minimum loan size, the minimum size of offers to make, bigger values prevent the bot from loaning small available amounts but reduce loan fragmentation.
minloansize = 0.001

#Keep Stuck Orders - Sometimes an order gets partially filled. When this happens it may leave the remainder of your coin under the set minloansize.
#If this happens, KeepStuckOrders will keep your order where it is so maybe it can be filled. Otherwise it will be canceled and held until orders expire.
keepstuckorders = True

#Hide coins - Instead of keeping your coins lent out at minlendrate when it is not met, the bot will hold them and wait for the rate to surpass it.
hideCoins = True

#End date for lending, bot will try to make sure all your loans are done by this date so you can withdraw or do whatever you need.
#Uncomment to enable.
#endDate = 2017,12,25

#Raw maximum amount to lend if under maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will check for maxpercenttolend.(0+)
#maxtolend = 0

#Maximum percent to lend if under maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will lend 100% of your balance regardless of rate. (0-100)
#maxpercenttolend = 0

#Max to lend conditional rate.
#If set to more than 0: the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend will be used when the rate is less than or equal to the maxtolendrate.
#If set to 0 or commented: the bot will use the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend all the time. (0.0031-5)
#maxtolendrate = 0

# Local Market Analysis: Choose which coins to record the market of in order to analyse them and compute a recommended lending rate.
# Enter ALL to analyse all coins, enter ACTIVE to analyse the markets of any coins you have in your lending account when the bot starts, these can be mixed.
# Choose how long to keep market data. (In days) (1-365)
#analyseMaxAge = 20
# Choose how often to record a market's rate. (In seconds.) (10-3600)
#analyseUpdateInterval = 20
# Choose how aggressive to lend at based on a market's performance. (As a percentile of the market's rate.) (1-99)
# Recommendations: Conservative = 50, Moderate = 75, Aggressive = 90, Very Aggressive = 99
#lendingStyle = 75

#Syntax: ["COIN:mindailyrate:maxactiveamount:maxtolend:maxpercenttolend:maxtolendrate",...]
#If maxactive amount is 0: stop lending this coin. in the future you'll be able to limit amount to be lent.
#If maxtolend is 0: check for maxpercenttolend.
#If maxpercenttolend is 0: 100% is going to be lent.
#If maxtolendrate is set to more than 0: the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend will be used when then rate is less or equal to the maxtolendrate. if set to 0 the bot will use the maxtolend or maxpercenttolend all the time.
#coinconfig = ["BTC:0.18:1:0:0:0","CLAM:0.6:1:0:0:0"]

#This option creates a json log file instead of console output which includes the most recent status.
#Uncomment both jsonfile and jsonlogsize to enable.
#Keep this in the default location if you want to use the webserver.
#jsonfile = www/botlog.json

#Limits the amount of log lines to save.
#jsonlogsize = 200

#Enables a webserver for the www folder, in order to easily use the lendingbot.html with the .json log.
#startWebServer = true

#Customize the IP and port that the webserver is hosted on. Defaults to
# will point to your default IP (Local IP on LAN as well as localhost), set to if you want it to be only accessible by host computer.
#Do not set to a reserved port
#Advanced users only.
#customWebServerAddress =

#The currency that the HTML Overview will present the earnings summary in.
#Options are BTC, USDT, ETH or anything as long as it has a direct BTC market. The default is BTC.
#outputCurrency = BTC

Post by: mindtrip on January 09, 2017, 02:24:11 AM
I am interested in testing your bot. If your willing to send me a vouch copy I will test it and leave my feedback as well as some trust feedback for you. My contact info is listed in my profile


I have sent out a number of vouch copy's to the first few people who have asked.

Let me know if you would like to buy it. Its a low investment for a fantastic way to trade via the API system,

Thanks RootCoin

How many of those members have posted about the product and left you feedback? Do any of them have the reputation I have here on the forums? I was offering my reputation to test your software

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 02:26:49 AM
Reputation is always a good thing.  

Would you care to send me your email address I'll forward on a copy,

2017-01-09 02:21:40 Placing 0.00769074 BTC at 0.0254% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:23:22 Placing 0.00769075 BTC at 0.025499% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:26:44 Placing 0.00512717 BTC at 0.023799% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:26:44 Placing 0.00256359 BTC at 0.0239% for 2 days... Loan order placed.
2017-01-09 02:27:49 Placing 0.00256360 BTC at 0.0239% for 2 days... Loan order placed.

Post by: BenCodie on January 09, 2017, 01:37:50 PM
All the members who took vouch copy from you, till now no one posted any review about the product or any sort of positive feedback.
Curious to know about this product more if its useful or not
waiting of reviews from the guys who took vouches or would you mind to give me a vouch copy aswell for testing purpose i will post honest and detail review.


Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 01:52:15 PM
All the members who took vouch copy from you, till now no one posted any review about the product or any sort of positive feedback.
Curious to know about this product more if its useful or not
waiting of reviews from the guys who took vouches or would you mind to give me a vouch copy aswell for testing purpose i will post honest and detail review.


Hi there.

All vouch copy's have now been handed out,   

We look forward to reviews from the member who have taken part.

If you are looking for a demo we are working on a youtube video with demonstration should be ready in a few days.



Post by: msti on January 09, 2017, 02:08:01 PM
I bought the script yesterday and created a Poloniex account today to test it.

Check a video here for help on how to fund your poloniex lending account & set up the api keys.

The script works as advertised. It immediately created some loans as you see in the pictures.

The interest rates are quite low 0.02% - 0.03% daily, so if I understand correctly this is something like 0.6% - 0.9% per month.

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 02:15:21 PM
I bought the script yesterday and created a Poloniex account today to test it.

Check a video here for help on how to fund your poloniex lending account & set up the api keys.

The script works as advertised. It immediately created some loans as you see in the pictures.

The interest rates are quite low 0.02% - 0.03% daily, so if I understand correctly this is something like 0.6% - 0.9% per month.

You can edit the rate in the config file to suit your own needs its fully editable client side see the previous posting to see the file and the setting.

You should also have documentation regarding the setup,



Post by: msti on January 09, 2017, 02:22:15 PM
I bought the script yesterday and created a Poloniex account today to test it.

Check a video here for help on how to fund your poloniex lending account & set up the api keys.

The script works as advertised. It immediately created some loans as you see in the pictures.

The interest rates are quite low 0.02% - 0.03% daily, so if I understand correctly this is something like 0.6% - 0.9% per month.

You can edit the rate in the config file to suit your own needs its fully editable client side see the previous posting to see the file and the setting.

You should also have documentation regarding the setup,



Sure, I can change it but the loans will not be filled if it is it too high. The Poloniex dashboard shows that the loan offers are 10x the amount of the loan demands, so the interest rate needs to be ~ 0.2 - 0.3

Maybe it will fluctuate with time...

Post by: R00TC0IN on January 09, 2017, 02:30:49 PM
I bought the script yesterday and created a Poloniex account today to test it.

Check a video here for help on how to fund your poloniex lending account & set up the api keys.

The script works as advertised. It immediately created some loans as you see in the pictures.

The interest rates are quite low 0.02% - 0.03% daily, so if I understand correctly this is something like 0.6% - 0.9% per month.

You can edit the rate in the config file to suit your own needs its fully editable client side see the previous posting to see the file and the setting.

You should also have documentation regarding the setup,



Sure, I can change it but the loans will not be filled if it is it too high. The Poloniex dashboard shows that the loan offers are 10x the amount of the loan demands, so the interest rate needs to be ~ 0.2 - 0.3

Maybe it will fluctuate with time...

Yes it will do checking on market data in the background.
Obviously if you set it too high it would be pointless as you say with regard to being filled.


Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|
Post by: hacktek on January 10, 2017, 02:56:18 AM
Any plans of building a trading bot instead of a loan bot?

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 10, 2017, 03:09:23 AM
Any plans of building a trading bot instead of a loan bot?

I am working on a lending module as we speak for this.

It will be included in the next update.



Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|
Post by: icet208 on January 10, 2017, 08:51:46 PM
Received a vouch copy for Poloniex Lending Bot from OP
I did struggle a bit to setup it (I`m kinda newbie with this) but I managed to do it eventually.
Bot works exactly as the OP describes. After setting it up in a few minutes it already opened a loan on poloniex. The bot is very customisable so you can build your prefered 'strategy'
Overall I would say it`s worth the money

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 10, 2017, 09:00:52 PM
Thank you for the review. 

I'm glad you worked out how to use it, for some its like learning a new skill using bot's like this but I hope you found the information provided enough to get you on you way, If you have any issues just let me know,

And you will also receive any further updates to the bot as it develops

Thank You.


Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: bitrocker2020 on January 12, 2017, 12:34:50 AM
I find this really interesting and want to jump into it. What kind of support do u provide ? Can u pm me ur Skype ID for me to ask a few further questions ?

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 12, 2017, 01:12:29 AM
I find this really interesting and want to jump into it. What kind of support do u provide ? Can u pm me ur Skype ID for me to ask a few further questions ?

We have live support available


Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: pcoin on January 12, 2017, 06:38:56 AM
I am yet to read concrete reviews from the vouchers but the idea is awesome especially the daily trading signal.

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 12, 2017, 02:08:03 PM
I am yet to read concrete reviews from the vouchers but the idea is awesome especially the daily trading signal.

Hi pcoin!

We handed out a number of vouch copy's a few people did not know how to use the script or even what poloniex was, even thought they looked to be high ranking members on the forum. Some only asking what profit will I get for X amount, Which is not what we are offering here. And I am unsure they understand the concept behind the bot,

If your willing to test the bot out and post a decent review on it then please do get in touch.



Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 12, 2017, 05:15:57 PM
Live Support Online -

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 15, 2017, 12:26:21 AM
Trading support - online

Bot support - Online

Trading System - Online

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 16, 2017, 08:24:14 PM
With Trading Strategy


   ETH/BTC (1m)
    ZEC/BTC (1m)
    DASH/BTC (1m)
    XRP/BTC (1m)
    XMR/BTC (1m)
    SDC/BTC (1m)
    AMP/BTC (1m)
    FCT/BTC (1m)
    REP/BTC (1m)
    REP/ETH (1m)
    NXT/BTC (1m)
    DOGE/BTC (1m)
    MAID/BTC (1m)
    SYS/BTC (1m)
    LTC/BTC (1m)
    LSK/BTC (1m)
    XEM/BTC (1m)
    STEEM/BTC (1m)
    ETC/BTC (1m)
    NAV/BTC (1m)
    SC/BTC (1m)
    BTC/USDT (1m)
    ETH/USDT (1m)
    XMR/USDT (1m)
    STR/BTC (1m)


    BTC/USD (1m)


    BTC/USD (1m)
    BTC/EUR (1m)
    BTC/GBP (1m)
    ETH/BTC (1m)
    ETH/USD (1m)


    BTC/CNY (1m)
    LTC/CNY (1m)

    BTC/CNY (1m)
    LTC/CNY (1m)


    BTC/USD (1m)
    ETH/USD (1m)
    ETH/BTC (1m)
    ETC/BTC (1m)
    ETC/USD (1m)


    XBT/EUR (1m)
    ETH/XBT (1m)
    ETH/EUR (1m)
    REP/XBT (1m)
    REP/ETH (1m)
    ICN/XBT (1m)
    XMR/XBT (1m)
    XMR/EUR (1m)

Starting Parameters

    Minimum spread %: How far off the mean price you would like to place your buy and sell marks. This is the minimum amount the adaptive algorithm will allow. For extremely volatile markets you will need to increase this to remain positive. In less volatile you would need to lower this value.

    Maximum spread %: How far off the mean price you would like to place your buy and sell marks. This is the maximum amount the adaptive algorithm will allow. For extremely volatile markets you will need to increase this to remain positive. In less volatile you would need to lower this value.

    Exposure % - This is the percentage of currency or assets you are willing to trade in any given trade. If you would always like to full assets or full currency, then this would need to be 100%.

    Order Timeout (in ticks) - This is the number of ticks the order will remain active on the order book. If the trade is not filled before time is up, those trades are automatically cancelled. Lowering this value will increase order cancellations.

    Adaptive Period (in ticks) - This is the number of ticks evaluated when calculating the adaptive spread.

    Maximum Trade Currency - This is the total maximum value for any trade you make (after Exposure % is applied). For instance, if you have $10,000 and you only ever want to transact less than $1,000 in a single trade, then you would set this to 1000 (if trading in USD). If you are trading in BTC and you only ever want to trade up to 1 BTC, then you would set this value to 1. If you would like to use your full funds every time, then set this to an extremely high value (ex: 10000000).

Notes as a trader:

Trading whether algorithmic or discrete is challenging, there will be ups and downs. String of winners and losers is part of trading, not outliers. Therefore, performance should be evaluated with enough sample size with a variety of market conditions to determine its quality. I recommend giving this bot a sample size that you are comfortable with before joining or leaving.


Price 0.04100 BTC

Written in Python

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: jackcantrell on January 17, 2017, 03:18:05 AM
ok, I see I can buy the lending bot for $5. That's cool, I found the link.

Is there a way to buy the trading bot yet?

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 17, 2017, 03:24:39 AM
ok, I see I can buy the lending bot for $5. That's cool, I found the link.

Is there a way to buy the trading bot yet?

You can buy it direct from me here on the forum. Just send me a PM.



Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: jackcantrell on January 17, 2017, 04:05:48 AM
ok, I see I can buy the lending bot for $5. That's cool, I found the link.

Is there a way to buy the trading bot yet?

You can buy it direct from me here on the forum. Just send me a PM.



ok, I'll try the lending bot first. If it's not beyond my ability to use, I'll contact you about the trading bot. Thx

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 17, 2017, 04:08:05 AM
ok, I see I can buy the lending bot for $5. That's cool, I found the link.

Is there a way to buy the trading bot yet?

You can buy it direct from me here on the forum. Just send me a PM.



ok, I'll try the lending bot first. If it's not beyond my ability to use, I'll contact you about the trading bot. Thx

Just follow the guide and you should be ok. If you need help create a support ticket at



Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: jackcantrell on January 20, 2017, 03:14:36 AM
R00TC0IN, question for you. The lending bot is working well, I think. It goes into Poloniex and lends everything I have in the Lending account at good rates. I didn't make any changes to the default config. All I did was put in my API keys.

But I am getting an error, it looks like it is lending faster than Poloniex likes. This is the message I get:

2017-01-19 22:11:43 Error: Please do not make more than 6 API calls per second. Requesting createLoanOffer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 69, in <module>

Does this stop the bot? Or does it just pick up later and keep lending?

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 20, 2017, 01:58:25 PM
R00TC0IN, question for you. The lending bot is working well, I think. It goes into Poloniex and lends everything I have in the Lending account at good rates. I didn't make any changes to the default config. All I did was put in my API keys.

But I am getting an error, it looks like it is lending faster than Poloniex likes. This is the message I get:

2017-01-19 22:11:43 Error: Please do not make more than 6 API calls per second. Requesting createLoanOffer
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 69, in <module>

Does this stop the bot? Or does it just pick up later and keep lending?

No the bot will still run no problems. If you feel its freezing then close it out and restart it.

I am currently working on a fix for this issue and should be releasing a update in around 7 days.

If you need any other help you can email me at



Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 25, 2017, 02:58:08 AM
ok, I see I can buy the lending bot for $5. That's cool, I found the link.

Is there a way to buy the trading bot yet?

You can buy it direct from me here on the forum. Just send me a PM.



ok, I'll try the lending bot first. If it's not beyond my ability to use, I'll contact you about the trading bot. Thx

How did you get on with the bot?

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: jackcantrell on January 25, 2017, 03:15:23 AM
ok, I see I can buy the lending bot for $5. That's cool, I found the link.

Is there a way to buy the trading bot yet?

You can buy it direct from me here on the forum. Just send me a PM.



ok, I'll try the lending bot first. If it's not beyond my ability to use, I'll contact you about the trading bot. Thx

How did you get on with the bot?
lending bot works great. It has been placing many small loans non-stop on Poloniex. I can't imagin lending money on Poloniex without it.

I also set it up to transfer money from the exchange over to lending automatically, so it's doing that also. I deposited some Bitcoin then when enough confirmations went through it started lending it automatically.

The other day I configured the bot to stop lending Bitcoin, so I could transfer some back to the exchange and buy a little bit of MAID. I did that, then reconfigured the bot to start lending everything then, and it did it.

I was a little concerned that some of the loans were 60 day, as that seemed like a long time, so I reconfigured the bot to loan a maximum of 6 days. But the daily rates on a 60 day loan can be a lot higher, so I changed it back, and even though it sometimes makes 60 day loans they seem to get paid back in a few days anyway.

I need to look at the lending page more, to figure out maybe some other coins to start lending. It's difficult to wait for a coin to cycle back down in price to acquire it. I figure I'll just eventually build up a lending stash of different coins to take advantage of when people want to sell them short.

For usage, I run it in a screen session on a VPS server. Then a friend wanted me to run it on his account, so I created a second directory with a different configuration file, started a second screen session, and are now running two lending bot sessions with one VPS on two different screen sessions.

Thanks for making this bot available at such a reasonable price!

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 26, 2017, 06:09:12 PM
ok, I see I can buy the lending bot for $5. That's cool, I found the link.

Is there a way to buy the trading bot yet?

You can buy it direct from me here on the forum. Just send me a PM.



ok, I'll try the lending bot first. If it's not beyond my ability to use, I'll contact you about the trading bot. Thx

How did you get on with the bot?
lending bot works great. It has been placing many small loans non-stop on Poloniex. I can't imagin lending money on Poloniex without it.

I also set it up to transfer money from the exchange over to lending automatically, so it's doing that also. I deposited some Bitcoin then when enough confirmations went through it started lending it automatically.

The other day I configured the bot to stop lending Bitcoin, so I could transfer some back to the exchange and buy a little bit of MAID. I did that, then reconfigured the bot to start lending everything then, and it did it.

I was a little concerned that some of the loans were 60 day, as that seemed like a long time, so I reconfigured the bot to loan a maximum of 6 days. But the daily rates on a 60 day loan can be a lot higher, so I changed it back, and even though it sometimes makes 60 day loans they seem to get paid back in a few days anyway.

I need to look at the lending page more, to figure out maybe some other coins to start lending. It's difficult to wait for a coin to cycle back down in price to acquire it. I figure I'll just eventually build up a lending stash of different coins to take advantage of when people want to sell them short.

For usage, I run it in a screen session on a VPS server. Then a friend wanted me to run it on his account, so I created a second directory with a different configuration file, started a second screen session, and are now running two lending bot sessions with one VPS on two different screen sessions.

Thanks for making this bot available at such a reasonable price!

Glad you are working out the features and making some custom config's for it.

I agree sometimes the 60 day loans can be better and normally return before the 60 day period is up which can be helpfull.

I really like your idea of running them on the VPS for multiple sessions. Though technically its one copy per customer under the terms in the license.

If you are interested I have a few other bots available for other platforms if you would like to give them a try just fire me a PM and Ill hook you up.

Thanks for the detailed review also. I handed out many vouch copy's and to be honest they never left such good write up's though positive there was not much detail.

If you have any issues you know where to find me.



Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: Jartsu on January 28, 2017, 10:56:10 PM
Isn't that lending bot for free in github?

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 28, 2017, 11:44:18 PM
Isn't that lending bot for free in github?

No its not for free.

There are many lending bots there on github. Trust them? I would not. You need to trust the source when messing with API keys.

This bot has custom code for the lending platfom on poloniex currently working on additional versions for other platforms.

Let me know if your interested.



Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: jacktheripper2 on January 28, 2017, 11:53:59 PM
Isn't that lending bot for free in github?

No its not for free.

There are many lending bots there on github. Trust them? I would not. You need to trust the source when messing with API keys.

This scammer just gave an ultimate proof what he is all about - lies, bullshit and scams. Of course the lending bot on github is incomparably better, has a team of developers and is well documented, but most of all there is no "messing with API keys" whatsoever and there is absolutely no need to "trust the source". Such a blatant lie, in fact totally nonsensical, can be only said knowingly, intentionally and willfully by a pure scammer. Or a real retard. Or both.

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on January 29, 2017, 12:03:17 AM
Isn't that lending bot for free in github?

No its not for free.

There are many lending bots there on github. Trust them? I would not. You need to trust the source when messing with API keys.

This scammer just gave an ultimate proof what he is all about - lies, bullshit and scams. Of course the lending bot on github is incomparably better, has a team of developers and is well documented, but most of all there is no "messing with API keys" whatsoever and there is absolutely no need to "trust the source". Such a blatant lie, in fact totally nonsensical, can be only said knowingly, intentionally and willfully by a pure scammer. Or a real retard. Or both.

First off You add API keys to that bot too that you have posted.  So you are talking utter guff my friend!

2. Its got additional modules compared to the mikadily bot..  Your welcome to check I also offer full support for setting up and building custom config files for my bot? Do mikadily do this? I think not....

3. all my customers have had nothing bad to say about my product in fact every single one has come back to me at some point to say how well my bot works.

4. How can it be incomparably better I offer full support and help setting up I also offer documentation on my bot too so I can't see where your getting your fact's from but they are very very wrong....

5. Before you trash my topic you should have a look at my bot before trying to post others work here they are totally different also throwing that nasty word scam lies and bullshit.. the only bullshit here my friend is the bullshit flying out your mouth and keyboard, May i suggest you grab a piece of toilet paper and wipe your mouth and keyboard and check your attitude before posting a reply...

6. My product is vouched by the bitcoin talk community..  You have no reputation what so ever.. apart from the negative I've left for your outburst.

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on March 18, 2017, 01:43:11 AM
ok, I see I can buy the lending bot for $5. That's cool, I found the link.

Is there a way to buy the trading bot yet?

You can buy it direct from me here on the forum. Just send me a PM.



ok, I'll try the lending bot first. If it's not beyond my ability to use, I'll contact you about the trading bot. Thx

How did you get on with the bot?
lending bot works great. It has been placing many small loans non-stop on Poloniex. I can't imagin lending money on Poloniex without it.

I also set it up to transfer money from the exchange over to lending automatically, so it's doing that also. I deposited some Bitcoin then when enough confirmations went through it started lending it automatically.

The other day I configured the bot to stop lending Bitcoin, so I could transfer some back to the exchange and buy a little bit of MAID. I did that, then reconfigured the bot to start lending everything then, and it did it.

I was a little concerned that some of the loans were 60 day, as that seemed like a long time, so I reconfigured the bot to loan a maximum of 6 days. But the daily rates on a 60 day loan can be a lot higher, so I changed it back, and even though it sometimes makes 60 day loans they seem to get paid back in a few days anyway.

I need to look at the lending page more, to figure out maybe some other coins to start lending. It's difficult to wait for a coin to cycle back down in price to acquire it. I figure I'll just eventually build up a lending stash of different coins to take advantage of when people want to sell them short.

For usage, I run it in a screen session on a VPS server. Then a friend wanted me to run it on his account, so I created a second directory with a different configuration file, started a second screen session, and are now running two lending bot sessions with one VPS on two different screen sessions.

Thanks for making this bot available at such a reasonable price!

There is a new update available

Post by: R00TC0IN on March 18, 2017, 01:44:25 AM
Can you post screenshots of the bot in action? I'm interested but I'd like to see more.

They are posted thanks.,

Post by: R00TC0IN on March 18, 2017, 01:46:34 AM
I am interested in testing your bot. If your willing to send me a vouch copy I will test it and leave my feedback as well as some trust feedback for you. My contact info is listed in my profile

Thanks for the review

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: R00TC0IN on March 18, 2017, 01:48:39 AM
Elevara Micro Trading System

Hi guys,

We are offering a chance to make some micro earnings with the possibility of additional trading profit shares from my Loan & margin trading platfom on poloniex


LTC - 0.2025% above 1.11161136 LTC - 2 Days
CLAM - 0.0191% above 0.06178380 CLAM - 2 Days
ETH - 0.0067% above 0.08567636 ETH - 2 Days
BTC - 0.0268% above 0.04102987 BTC - 2 Days

Like we say we want this to be a community project so your input is valuable to the process.

How it works

The bot places micro loans across the poloniex platform, Taking into account masses of market data it places percentile loans baces upon market trends
and as of the market's rate.

user deposits Amount = X ($5 Minimum / Maximum  $20)

Bot places loans and sets rates based upon the market data.
User receive a list of there loans rate & return time & date.

Exchange / Margin Trades

Date,Market,Category,Type,Price,Amount,Total,Fee,Order Number,Base Total Less Fee,Quote Total Less Fee
2017-01-11 17:12:33,CLAM/BTC,Settlement,Sell,0.00089625,0.00002231,0.00000001,0.25%,14651313041,0.00000001,-0.00002231
2017-01-11 17:12:33,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.01233902,0.01186554,0.00014640,0.25%,197324047579,0.00014604,-0.01186554
2017-01-11 17:05:52,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.01199999,0.01189527,0.00014274,0.25%,197318707924,-0.00014274,0.01186554
2017-01-10 04:41:02,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.01159373,0.13219705,0.00153265,0.25%,196066417468,0.00152882,-0.13219705
2017-01-10 02:21:10,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.01148907,0.13252838,0.00152262,0.25%,195972216763,-0.00152262,0.13219706
2017-01-10 02:17:17,BCN/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000005,16625.00000000,0.00083125,0.25%,1077318610,0.00082918,-16625.00000000
2017-01-10 02:16:37,HZ/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000022,4987.50000000,0.00109725,0.25%,1377114553,0.00109451,-4987.50000000
2017-01-09 15:31:21,ETH/BTC,Settlement,Buy,0.01191599,0.00250959,0.00002990,0.25%,195410569972,-0.00002990,0.00250332
2017-01-09 15:31:21,CLAM/BTC,Settlement,Sell,0.00092721,0.03233355,0.00002997,0.25%,14629330046,0.00002990,-0.03233355
2017-01-09 15:31:21,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.01191599,1.00000000,0.01191599,0.25%,195410566975,-0.01191599,0.99750000
2017-01-09 14:54:49,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.01197000,1.00000000,0.01197000,0.15%,195361339252,0.01195205,-1.00000000
2017-01-09 13:47:12,ETH/BTC,Settlement,Buy,0.01195000,0.03872966,0.00046281,0.25%,195327719905,-0.00046281,0.03863284
2017-01-09 13:47:12,CLAM/BTC,Settlement,Sell,0.00092609,0.45260179,0.00041914,0.25%,14628886490,0.00041810,-0.45260179
2017-01-09 13:47:12,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.01195000,0.98903670,0.01181898,0.25%,195327718906,-0.01181898,0.98656411
2017-01-09 13:46:14,ETH/BTC,Settlement,Buy,0.01193500,0.00000196,0.00000002,0.25%,195327181444,-0.00000002,0.00000196
2017-01-09 13:46:14,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.01193500,0.08377707,0.00099987,0.25%,195327179446,-0.00099987,0.08356763
2017-01-09 13:13:25,DOGE/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.00000024,3324.66750000,0.00079792,0.25%,5753222046,0.00079593,-3324.66750000
2017-01-09 12:18:06,XRP/BTC,Settlement,Buy,0.00000679,0.22312543,0.00000151,0.25%,22887486720,-0.00000151,0.22256762
2017-01-09 12:18:06,CLAM/BTC,Settlement,Sell,0.00093249,0.00163004,0.00000151,0.25%,14628590786,0.00000151,-0.00163004
2017-01-09 12:18:06,XRP/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.00000679,88.00000000,0.00059752,0.25%,22887484722,-0.00059752,87.78000000
2017-01-09 07:46:52,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.01163947,1.10874058,0.01290515,0.15%,194779833340,0.01288580,-1.10874058
2017-01-09 03:21:24,XRP/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.00000698,88.00000000,0.00061424,0.25%,22858054182,0.00061271,-88.00000000
2017-01-09 02:51:12,XRP/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000703,28.52828111,0.00020055,0.25%,22856932305,0.00020005,-28.52828111
2017-01-09 02:47:20,ETH/BTC,Settlement,Buy,0.01161175,0.00000764,0.00000008,0.25%,194807436709,-0.00000008,0.00000763
2017-01-09 02:47:20,XRP/BTC,Settlement,Sell,0.00000705,0.01276595,0.00000008,0.25%,22856642595,0.00000008,-0.01276595
2017-01-09 02:47:20,XRP/BTC,Settlement,Sell,0.00000705,32.09929078,0.00022629,0.25%,22856641596,0.00022573,-32.09929078
2017-01-09 02:47:20,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.01161170,0.09750000,0.00113214,0.25%,194807435710,0.00112931,-0.09750000
2017-01-09 02:03:25,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.01159994,1.00000000,0.01159994,0.25%,194777415760,-0.01159994,0.99750000
2017-01-09 01:51:36,XRP/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.00000704,32.91750000,0.00023173,0.25%,22853581659,0.00023116,-32.91750000
2017-01-09 01:50:45,STR/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.00000261,500.16599788,0.00130543,0.25%,15315286472,0.00130217,-500.16599788
2017-01-09 01:50:45,STR/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.00000261,0.00000212,0.00000000,0.25%,15315286472,0.00000000,-0.00000212
2017-01-09 01:48:42,CLAM/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.00092242,2.99250000,0.00276034,0.25%,14622278105,0.00275344,-2.99250000
2017-01-09 00:12:04,QORA/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000007,12468.75000000,0.00087281,0.25%,1051224802,0.00087063,-12468.75000000
2017-01-08 23:04:12,SYS/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000909,182.47790399,0.00165872,0.15%,5946530609,0.00165624,-182.47790399
2017-01-08 23:03:44,SYS/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000909,153.59560812,0.00139618,0.25%,5946530609,0.00139269,-153.59560812
2017-01-08 23:03:32,FLDC/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000109,766.46788993,0.00083545,0.15%,1748635645,0.00083420,-766.46788993
2017-01-08 23:03:06,FLDC/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000109,183.53211009,0.00020004,0.25%,1748635645,0.00019954,-183.53211009
2017-01-08 22:35:26,XRP/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.00000694,33.00000000,0.00022902,0.25%,22842602649,-0.00022902,32.91750000
2017-01-08 22:34:15,STR/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.00000258,55.00000000,0.00014190,0.25%,15311300462,0.00014155,-55.00000000
2017-01-08 21:08:13,ETH/BTC,Margin trade,Sell,0.01132101,0.90000000,0.01018890,0.15%,194529122302,0.01017362,-0.90000000
2017-01-08 21:02:58,STR/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.00000259,556.00000000,0.00144004,0.15%,15309330434,-0.00144004,555.16600000
2017-01-08 21:01:36,DOGE/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.00000025,3333.00000000,0.00083325,0.25%,5737960323,-0.00083325,3324.66750000
2017-01-08 20:32:13,CLAM/BTC,Margin trade,Buy,0.00091600,3.00000000,0.00274800,0.25%,14620105280,-0.00274800,2.99250000
2017-01-08 18:17:40,CLAM/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00091200,0.38621199,0.00035222,0.15%,14619265121,-0.00035222,0.38563268
2017-01-08 18:16:52,CLAM/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00091200,0.57984633,0.00052881,0.25%,14619265121,-0.00052881,0.57839672
2017-01-08 18:16:52,CLAM/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00091200,0.13043290,0.00011895,0.25%,14619265121,-0.00011895,0.13010682
2017-01-08 18:15:03,FLDC/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000105,2.56364048,0.00000269,0.25%,1746644638,-0.00000269,2.55723138
2017-01-08 18:15:03,FLDC/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000105,949.81731190,0.00099730,0.25%,1746644638,-0.00099730,947.44276863
2017-01-08 18:13:12,BCN/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000006,16666.66666666,0.00099999,0.25%,1076234695,-0.00099999,16625.00000000
2017-01-08 18:09:05,QORA/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000008,12500.00000000,0.00100000,0.25%,1050895132,-0.00100000,12468.75000000
2017-01-08 18:08:16,HZ/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000020,5000.00000000,0.00100000,0.25%,1371883789,-0.00100000,4987.50000000
2017-01-08 14:43:36,NAV/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00004358,0.00018467,0.00000000,0.15%,12343520185,0.00000000,-0.00018467
2017-01-08 14:43:35,NAV/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00004358,20.51904970,0.00089422,0.15%,12343520185,0.00089288,-20.51904970
2017-01-08 14:38:50,BURST/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000056,1495.44235512,0.00083744,0.15%,1815182016,0.00083619,-1495.44235512
2017-01-08 14:38:21,DOGE/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000024,4419.74299195,0.00106073,0.25%,5723383914,0.00105808,-4419.74299195
2017-01-08 14:38:09,NAV/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00004358,29.35576563,0.00127932,0.15%,12343520185,0.00127741,-29.35576563
2017-01-08 14:35:50,BURST/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000056,1497.05764488,0.00083835,0.25%,1815182016,0.00083626,-1497.05764488
2017-01-08 14:34:39,SC/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000032,499.25000000,0.00015976,0.25%,3974295876,0.00015937,-499.25000000
2017-01-08 00:59:11,SYS/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000867,286.91580161,0.00248755,0.25%,5933985167,-0.00248755,286.19851211
2017-01-08 00:56:18,BCN/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000005,49875.00000000,0.00249375,0.25%,1075442488,0.00248752,-49875.00000000
2017-01-08 00:29:40,LTC/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00441480,1.11329542,0.00491497,0.25%,43342183481,-0.00491497,1.11051219
2017-01-08 00:28:01,DGB/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000037,9975.00000000,0.00369075,0.25%,2895563563,0.00368153,-9975.00000000
2017-01-08 00:23:17,C2/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000100,241.21127430,0.00024121,0.25%,1944200869,0.00024061,-241.21127430
2017-01-08 00:23:17,C2/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000100,756.92000000,0.00075692,0.25%,1944200869,0.00075503,-756.92000000
2017-01-08 00:20:29,DASH/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.01390025,0.01201130,0.00016696,0.25%,66234077646,0.00016655,-0.01201130
2017-01-07 22:45:14,C2/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000102,451.41668522,0.00046044,0.15%,1943958112,-0.00046044,450.73956020
2017-01-07 22:43:48,C2/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000102,179.85758975,0.00018345,0.15%,1943958112,-0.00018345,179.58780337
2017-01-07 22:29:42,C2/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000102,183.43641597,0.00018710,0.25%,1943958112,-0.00018710,182.97782494
2017-01-07 22:29:42,C2/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000102,185.28930906,0.00018899,0.25%,1943958112,-0.00018899,184.82608579
2017-01-07 22:28:56,BURST/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000057,3000.00000000,0.00171000,0.25%,1812262938,-0.00171000,2992.50000000
2017-01-07 22:23:28,BCN/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000006,50000.00000000,0.00300000,0.25%,1075354576,-0.00300000,49875.00000000
2017-01-07 18:27:20,DGB/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000037,10000.00000000,0.00370000,0.25%,2891134996,-0.00370000,9975.00000000
2017-01-07 18:22:53,POT/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00001843,498.75000000,0.00919196,0.25%,6328538201,0.00916899,-498.75000000
2017-01-07 18:20:57,FLDC/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.00000111,299.25000000,0.00033216,0.15%,1722808498,0.00033167,-299.25000000
2017-01-07 17:48:03,XRP/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000702,60.79231863,0.00042676,0.25%,22732127235,-0.00042676,60.64033784
2017-01-07 17:46:54,FLDC/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000101,119.10283066,0.00012029,0.25%,1722008299,-0.00012029,118.80507359
2017-01-07 17:46:54,FLDC/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000101,180.89716934,0.00018270,0.25%,1722008299,-0.00018270,180.44492642
2017-01-07 17:42:17,SC/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000028,500.00000000,0.00014000,0.15%,3950471724,-0.00014000,499.25000000
2017-01-07 15:19:46,SYS/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000874,50.00000000,0.00043700,0.25%,5926875284,-0.00043700,49.87500000
2017-01-07 15:18:45,NAV/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00004319,50.00000000,0.00215950,0.25%,12259426363,-0.00215950,49.87500000
2017-01-07 15:16:24,POT/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00001790,500.00000000,0.00895000,0.25%,6320536211,-0.00895000,498.75000000
2017-01-07 15:15:39,DOGE/BTC,Exchange,Buy,0.00000025,5000.00000000,0.00125000,0.25%,5666190165,-0.00125000,4987.50000000
2017-01-07 15:11:54,DASH/BTC,Exchange,Sell,0.01370111,1.00000000,0.01370111,0.25%,66150750057,0.01366686,-1.00000000


CLAM,0.00017851,0.36454250,2.00037037,0.00013017,-0.00001952,0.00011065,2017-01-09 15:37:17,2017-01-11 15:37:49
CLAM,0.00019100,0.18124454,2.00037037,0.00006924,-0.00001038,0.00005886,2017-01-09 15:37:17,2017-01-11 15:37:49
LTC,0.00199600,1.11056603,0.55479166,0.00122980,-0.00018447,0.00104533,2017-01-10 20:44:25,2017-01-11 10:03:19
CLAM,0.00019100,0.06178380,1.34820601,0.00001591,-0.00000238,0.00001353,2017-01-09 15:37:21,2017-01-10 23:58:46
BTC,0.00026700,0.00000005,0.00275462,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-10 20:44:06,2017-01-10 20:48:04
LTC,0.00006530,1.11051289,0.86199074,0.00006251,-0.00000937,0.00005314,2017-01-09 20:48:12,2017-01-10 17:29:28
BTC,0.00028869,0.00028672,0.09032407,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-10 12:10:02,2017-01-10 14:20:06
BTC,0.00028869,0.00043199,0.09028935,0.00000002,0.00000000,0.00000002,2017-01-10 12:10:02,2017-01-10 14:20:03
BTC,0.00028869,0.00038157,0.09027777,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-10 12:10:02,2017-01-10 14:20:02
BTC,0.00028100,0.00193938,0.00009259,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-10 12:56:01,2017-01-10 12:56:09
BTC,0.00023900,0.00109999,1.28437500,0.00000034,-0.00000005,0.00000029,2017-01-09 02:27:15,2017-01-10 09:16:45
ETH,0.00006700,0.11408364,0.05315972,0.00000041,-0.00000006,0.00000035,2017-01-10 01:50:01,2017-01-10 03:06:34
BTC,0.00014399,0.00000953,0.06465277,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 22:34:26,2017-01-10 00:07:32
BTC,0.00027289,0.00102983,0.12206018,0.00000004,0.00000000,0.00000004,2017-01-09 20:18:46,2017-01-09 23:14:32
BTC,0.00014399,0.00090305,0.00372685,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 22:34:45,2017-01-09 22:40:07
BTC,0.00014399,0.00015863,0.00003472,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 22:34:36,2017-01-09 22:34:39
BTC,0.00014399,0.00015863,0.00003472,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 22:34:27,2017-01-09 22:34:30
BTC,0.00019500,0.00562402,0.70706018,0.00000078,-0.00000011,0.00000067,2017-01-09 05:12:57,2017-01-09 22:11:07
BTC,0.00023900,0.00116697,0.82216435,0.00000023,-0.00000003,0.00000020,2017-01-09 02:27:12,2017-01-09 22:11:07
BTC,0.00027800,0.00308954,0.01809027,0.00000002,0.00000000,0.00000002,2017-01-09 20:32:31,2017-01-09 20:58:34
LTC,0.00006540,1.11051219,0.01120370,0.00000082,-0.00000012,0.00000070,2017-01-09 20:31:37,2017-01-09 20:47:45
BTC,0.00027399,0.00102984,0.00049768,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 20:31:45,2017-01-09 20:32:28
BTC,0.00027600,0.00205968,0.00046296,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 20:31:48,2017-01-09 20:32:28
BTC,0.00026400,0.00132566,0.00813657,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 20:19:45,2017-01-09 20:31:28
BTC,0.00026499,0.00132565,0.00813657,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 20:19:45,2017-01-09 20:31:28
BTC,0.00026800,0.00019703,0.00069444,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 20:19:07,2017-01-09 20:20:07
BTC,0.00026800,0.00019708,0.00068287,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 20:19:08,2017-01-09 20:20:07
BTC,0.00026800,0.00004405,0.00067129,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 20:19:09,2017-01-09 20:20:07
BTC,0.00020498,0.00136089,0.79104166,0.00000022,-0.00000003,0.00000019,2017-01-09 00:07:48,2017-01-09 19:06:54
BTC,0.00020598,0.00272177,0.79104166,0.00000045,-0.00000006,0.00000039,2017-01-09 00:07:48,2017-01-09 19:06:54
BTC,0.00019500,0.00562401,0.00033564,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 05:12:24,2017-01-09 05:12:53
BTC,0.00023799,0.00512717,0.11516203,0.00000015,-0.00000002,0.00000013,2017-01-09 02:26:10,2017-01-09 05:12:00
BTC,0.00023900,0.00029663,0.04187500,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 02:27:16,2017-01-09 03:27:34
BTC,0.00023900,0.00000001,0.00136574,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 02:27:15,2017-01-09 02:29:13
BTC,0.00023900,0.00256359,0.00065972,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 02:26:10,2017-01-09 02:27:07
BTC,0.00025499,0.00769075,0.00184027,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 02:23:01,2017-01-09 02:25:40
BTC,0.00025400,0.00769074,0.00106481,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 02:21:02,2017-01-09 02:22:34
BTC,0.00021100,0.00501019,0.02861111,0.00000004,0.00000000,0.00000004,2017-01-09 01:39:41,2017-01-09 02:20:53
BTC,0.00021199,0.00256356,0.02861111,0.00000002,0.00000000,0.00000002,2017-01-09 01:39:41,2017-01-09 02:20:53
BTC,0.00021100,0.00011692,0.00831018,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 01:39:39,2017-01-09 01:51:37
BTC,0.00021300,0.00769066,0.00486111,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 01:32:07,2017-01-09 01:39:07
BTC,0.00020699,0.00000002,0.02155092,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 00:06:45,2017-01-09 00:37:47
BTC,0.00020699,0.00408265,0.00035879,0.00000001,0.00000000,0.00000001,2017-01-09 00:06:52,2017-01-09 00:07:23

The bot uses the following code to check the market data

def init(config, api1, data1):
    global currencies_to_analyse, open_files, max_age, update_interval, api, Data, lending_style
    currencies_to_analyse = config.get_currencies_list('analyseCurrencies')
    max_age = int(config.get('BOT', 'analyseMaxAge', 30, 1, 365))
    update_interval = int(config.get('BOT', 'analyseUpdateInterval', 60, 10, 3600))
    lending_style = int(config.get('BOT', 'lendingStyle', 50, 1, 99))
    api = api1
    Data = data1
    if len(currencies_to_analyse) != 0:
        for currency in currencies_to_analyse:

                api.api_query("returnLoanOrders", {'currency': currency, 'limit': '5'})
            except Exception as cur_ex:
                print "Error: You entered an incorrect currency: '" + currency + \
                      "' to analyse the market of, please check your settings. Error message: " + str(cur_ex)

                path = "market_data/" + currency + "_market_data.csv"
                open_files[currency] = path

        thread = threading.Thread(target=update_market_loop)
        thread.deamon = True

def update_market_loop():
    while True:

def update_markets():
    for cur in open_files:
        with open(open_files[cur], 'a') as f:
            writer = csv.writer(f, lineterminator='\n')
            raw_data = api.return_loan_orders(cur, 5)['offers'][0]
            market_data = [Data.timestamp(), raw_data['rate']]

def delete_old_data():
    for cur in open_files:
        with open(open_files[cur], 'rb') as file_a:
            new_a_buf = StringIO()
            writer = csv.writer(new_a_buf)
            reader2 = csv.reader(file_a)
            for row in reader2:
                if get_day_difference(row[0]) < max_age:

        # At this point, the contents (new_a_buf) exist in memory
        with open(open_files[cur], 'wb') as file_b:

def get_day_difference(date_time):  # Will be in format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
    date1 = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_time, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    now =
    diff_days = (now - date1).days
    return diff_days

def get_rate_list(cur='all'):
    if cur == 'all':
        all_rates = {}
        for cur in open_files:
            with open(open_files[cur], 'r') as f:
                reader = csv.reader(f)
                rates = []
                for row in reader:
                rates = map(float, rates)
                all_rates[cur] = rates
        return all_rates

        if cur not in open_files:
            return []
        with open(open_files[cur], 'r') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            rates = []
            for row in reader:
            rates = map(float, rates)
        return rates

def get_rate_suggestion(cur, percentile=lending_style):
    if cur not in open_files:
        return 0
    rates = get_rate_list(cur)
    if use_numpy:
        result = numpy.percentile(rates, int(percentile), interpolation='linear')
        index = int(percentile * len(rates))
        result = rates[index]
    result = float(int(result * 1000000) / 1000000.0)
    return result

To try out the service PM us on the forum or leave a comment,


Elevara Dev.

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: surix on April 12, 2017, 01:34:51 PM

I'm interested in your Lending Bot. Is it possible to PM me the way to pay and to download please?

Thank you very much!

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: diamondlife on May 12, 2017, 09:03:52 PM
Hello R00TC0IN,

Very interessting !

Working well on Kraken ?

Any proof of profit ?

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: upupup on May 16, 2017, 11:00:37 AM
This script is available for free, just google 'poloniex lending bot' and get it at github.

Title: Re: |_-_- | ELEVARA POLONIEX LENDING BOT |-_-_|[BitcoinTalk Member Vouched] {Python}
Post by: johnsmithx on May 16, 2017, 12:15:15 PM
This script is available for free, just google 'poloniex lending bot' and get it at github.

This was already very clearly mentioned here 4 months ago, including the github link to the real, free and open-source poloniex lending bot, so why are you bumping topic of this pathetic lowlife scammer? Everybody knows that this is an old non-functional version of the code that he has stolen from github, he is even that dumb to actually show pieces of the code and configuration, all which is identical (to the old version, now broken and obsolete, of the github code).

Why do you think this kid doesn't have one single feedback from anyone who allegedly bought this scam? Because nobody did buy it, people are not that stupid and this is indeed an extremely poorly executed scam attempt. Hopefully this boy is doing better in his elementary school classes than here otherwise once he grows up, in 10 or 15 years, he won't be able to get even a janitor job.

In case anybody still didn't know I added this little retarded scammer to my personal list of scammers (