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Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: 0x0010 on January 11, 2017, 11:27:46 AM

Title: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: 0x0010 on January 11, 2017, 11:27:46 AM

bloody scammers everywhere lol oh well

Title: Re: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: Spoetnik on January 11, 2017, 12:14:15 PM
They fucked me over for $24 and i never went back to my account  :D
I was furious !
After selling shit on ebay like 2 month later they handed me a bill.. right after i just took out the PP funds.
I had just clicked on withdraw to bank account..
Then for the hell of it i took the cash out of my bank for no real reason.
BAM.. they pushed the $24 through to my bank account causing me a $40 NSF charge.
I asked the bank to help me and they said fuck you pay it asshole.
I told them i had proof i did not even owe eBay or Paypal any money via email.

And all that was after fighting them for about 2.5 months over a locked account for violating the PP TOS by withdrawing money from BTCe to my PP account 2x.
After admitting guilt they unlocked my account then tried REALLY hard to steal almost $700 from me.
I refused to back down ..again.
I kept harassing Paypal about and eventually they checked their records and said oh yeah YOU ARE RIGHT ..sorry. (and gave back the $700)

PP = piece of shit assholes that need to fucking die.

So... LOL
My PP account is dormant at -$24 i think (or more of they have penalties + interest charges)
I will not pay it.. they can fucking blow me.

Title: Re: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: sotirispngt on January 11, 2017, 12:17:22 PM
I'm sorry about that. Try contacting PayPal to resolve this, even though I don't think they will give any fuck unfortunately.
But you should try.
Keep us updated with what happens!

Title: Re: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: Evil-Knievel on January 11, 2017, 12:19:04 PM

bloody scammers everywhere lol oh well

I sold a bitcoin once via PayPal, the scammer took off and suddenly I found my PayPal account negative.
I eventually ended up paying, but me, my friends and my whole family haven't touched PayPal with a ten foot pole ever since  ;D

Not sure about their business strategy, but to me it does not seem that customer satisfaction is part of this strategy.

Title: Re: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: Evil-Knievel on January 11, 2017, 12:27:33 PM
bloody scammers everywhere lol oh well

But before you feel anger, just imagine how easy-cheesy your life is: you get up in your ocean view apartment, after tea & cake you jump into your lambo, beamer or whatever and head down to your wonderful job. When you come back, your wonderful wife is waiting for you with a georgeous celebratory meal waiting for ya.

And what does the scammer do? This honorless son of a donkey cannot even care about his own family.

Title: Re: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: 0x0010 on January 11, 2017, 12:32:07 PM
bloody scammers everywhere lol oh well

But before you feel anger, just imagine how easy-cheesy your life is: you get up in your ocean view apartment, after tea & cake you jump into your lambo, beamer or whatever and head down to your wonderful job. When you come back, your wonderful wife is waiting for you with a georgeous celebratory meal waiting for ya.

And what does the scammer do? This honorless son of a donkey cannot even care about his own family.

I'm not angry :p I managed to buy a laptop with the funds. Besides, it took two hours of work to get it so that's a plus. Only reason I posted this was because i found the negative balance funny, no chance in hell im going to pay $1k to a bunch of scammers smh

"This honorless son of a donkey cannot even care about his own family. "

For every dollar they scam, they feed their village for a week.

Title: Re: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: Evil-Knievel on January 11, 2017, 12:37:32 PM
Only reason I posted this was because i found the negative balance funny, no chance in hell im going to pay $1k to a bunch of scammers smh

Depending on where you are (London for example) you will very soon receive invoices from Lawyers and other ass-hats. I got them myself, and if I hadn't paid, my credit score would have been wasted and I wouldn't have the chance to get a mortgage loan ever again! My resistence btw. made the amount twice as high.

I hope you have the strength to fight, I neither had the money nor the time for it.
(For any future problems, I have taken precautions afterwards and signed up for a legal expense insurance)

Title: Re: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: cryptocoinplay on January 12, 2017, 04:08:52 PM
Lol, This is pure scam and you should contact with paypal support just call them.

Title: Re: lol negative $1,100 balance (PayPal)
Post by: CryptoCoinNews on January 13, 2017, 05:18:17 AM

the first iam insert image youre share

i think if negative balance maybe , in dispute from sender