Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on January 13, 2017, 05:08:28 PM

Title: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 13, 2017, 05:08:28 PM
This has come up before lots.. What do you all think ?

Do Dev's deserve a large sum of money simply for making a coin ?

There seems to be a large sense of entitlement in crypto.
Usually masked with excuses like they need the money for some "legit" reason.
For example..
V. Butters dumped 1 million dollars worth of ICO coins and it was said he had 3 more million.
How the fuck did he manage to get 4 million dollars worth of ETH coins ?
And Why did he sell them off ? We don't know.. he never did say why.

Another example..
The dev of BlockNET was asking for a million dollars in Bitcoin with his ICO.
When i asked him why he needed so much he told me "To ensure it's a success"

Like come on people how the hell is this acceptable standard practice ? WTF  ???

Anyway vote or comment if you want.
And by large sum i mean amounts greater than what a guy would get from a standard run of the mill coding job.
Pointing out how most do NOT become instant millionaires.
..unless they are crypto ICO coin dev's that is  ::)

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: btcforall777 on January 13, 2017, 05:54:07 PM
No they should work for free because they dont have any bills or expenses and they have all the time in the world.

Greed is good!:

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: gnargnar on January 13, 2017, 06:21:35 PM

10% of total coinage should be reserved for dev directly. (5% taken from total set coinage at the start, the 5% other that is set as a % dev's cut on each block)
another 5% of total coinage to be reserved for random fees,marketing, etc..

I mean... there's so many blockchains already. so, jump in that pool and come with something interesting and then you will have your 10% that is worth something.
You think your idea is any better than your neighbors? oh yeah?  Then work for it. Prove us it really is.

both adresses to be known.

I don't understand why someone would want btc/direct money upfront. (ico, etc.. )
why giving money upfront for shitcoin cloning and 'promises' made.  
Why should this crypto industry be more easy to earn money compared to any other niches online?

See that cesspool of alt discussion and ann's sections of this board ?? that circle jerk is going on for years and new levels of delusions get reached daily, daily around here.
Just how many drained young lives crypto has made already... Some good young peeps (15-22yo) totally destroyed by delusions and greed and traps and schemes.
resulting in bitter young people, that got fooled by criminals [you, yes you, being here, shilling here and there the coins you bought and just want to sell.. oh true, trolling is a art, but still a degree of criminality].
That little army of young broken souls now spreading their anger, bitterness, frustrations among their whole generation, like venom. Just check the news, see how fucked up that society is now?  bunch of self-entitled me-myself-and-i individualist shitstains everywhere
Way to go for a better society, yep.

long live crypto

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoderman on January 13, 2017, 06:33:20 PM
NO they should not be making millions of dollars per year. This is the same shit we have now with the uber rich 1% and the rest of us eat rice.

I understand that they need to pay bills and eat. So I think they should be getting paid so long as they put in the work. The average US salary for a software developer is $81,000 USD, the range is 51,000 to 120,000 in 2016. see (

So I think that the devs who put out coins should be working 40 hour weeks getting paid 120K/year while the guys they hire and supervise should be getting about 80K/Year and putting in 40 hour work weeks.

What we have in Crypto are guys putting in a few hours a week and reaping huge rewards. What other reason could there be for not delivering something within a reasonable amount of time when you have millions of dollars in BTC just waiting to pay salaries.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 14, 2017, 01:46:35 AM
Those in the U.S. earned an average after expenses in 2008 of $186,582, versus $125,000 in Canada, $159,000 in Britain and just $92,000 in Australia.

So Doctors.. quit your job at put your hand out here and get 1 million cash UP FRONT.
Don't know how to code ? Don't worry about just string all these guy along for a year or two with excuses..

Do you all out there SEE how fucking obscene this bullshit has become ?

Anyway ;)
Thanks for the feedback.. i was not trying to lure people into arguments or anything.
I posted the POLL to survey what you all think.
I tried to clarify what i meant by the poll too.
There is a difference between a guy getting paid AFTER a coin launch and getting a million or two up front.

Personally i think you should have the means to do it or leave it to someone who does.
Get a job THEN launch a coin ?
And really, just how much does a dev need ?

Or i should ask you all..
How much are you willing to tolerate them getting in exchange for a cut of the profits ?
That is the REAL question.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: marcoman22 on January 14, 2017, 06:03:52 AM
Yes, the devs design every thing about the coin and they try the best marketing strategy to make that coin successful. They design the appropriate wallet and after successful ico, they take steps to list their coins in big exchanges. Nothing can be expected free in this world. When their coin succeeds, you too gain profits by holding their coins. Its a mutual benefit.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 14, 2017, 08:01:03 AM
Yes, the devs design every thing about the coin and they try the best marketing strategy to make that coin successful. They design the appropriate wallet and after successful ico, they take steps to list their coins in big exchanges. Nothing can be expected free in this world. When their coin succeeds, you too gain profits by holding their coins. Its a mutual benefit.

There is a successful Altcoin ?
Who knew ? LOL
What do you define as "successful" getting traded fer ROI'z on teh Polo'z ?
A high market cap manipulated by fraudsters and high coin prices ?
Oh wait you said "marketing"
So does that mean you will all cut me a check for a million dollars if i pump out ANN topic 6,501 ?

Nice try son.. but you FAIL  :D

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Hermanny on January 14, 2017, 08:03:10 AM
I think that Devs deserve something but normally the premine is way too huge and most of the ICOs are scams.

So, something but not much is my opinion.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: shinratensei_ on January 14, 2017, 11:57:11 AM
Do Dev's deserve a large sum of money simply for making a coin ?

In fact, i just need a little sum of coin to make an asset.  ::)

Mostly just in asset form, even won't be digging your money. just need a little pennies.

I have some of the ethers and I can sign the new contract assets will worth a million dollar or more.  :o ::)

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: BitcoinHodler on January 14, 2017, 12:45:54 PM
no they absolutely should not. they are not providing a service to get paid for it. and even if they think they do, they are not doing a good job to get any money for doing that job. they are incompetent programmer wannabes that think altcoins are a way to make a quick buck.

if they believe in their own project then they can, by all means, start investing in it, mine and support it like the rest of the people. and maybe then they pay more attention to their own project rather than just pump and dump to get out with their premine.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: KenR on January 14, 2017, 12:49:27 PM
no they absolutely should not. they are not providing a service to get paid for it. and even if they think they do, they are not doing a good job to get any money for doing that job. they are incompetent programmer wannabes that think altcoins are a way to make a quick buck.
Aren't the giving investors a chance to double up their investments ? Without AltCoins,we might not have a big of  trading scene we're going through right now.I concur with that quick money making part but not every dev has that intuition.

if they believe in their own project then they can, by all means, start investing in it, mine and support it like the rest of the people. and maybe then they pay more attention to their own project rather than just pump and dump to get out with their premine.
If they code,they invest,they market...what makes you think they will open up the project as a free source for everybody else?

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: BitcoinHodler on January 14, 2017, 01:09:22 PM
no they absolutely should not. they are not providing a service to get paid for it. and even if they think they do, they are not doing a good job to get any money for doing that job. they are incompetent programmer wannabes that think altcoins are a way to make a quick buck.
Aren't the giving investors a chance to double up their investments ? Without AltCoins,we might not have a big of  trading scene we're going through right now.I concur with that quick money making part but not every dev has that intuition.

most of what you said here doesn't make any sense to me.
i am saying if they are going to make a pump and dump coin to trade and make profit then why should they deserve any money?

if they believe in their own project then they can, by all means, start investing in it, mine and support it like the rest of the people. and maybe then they pay more attention to their own project rather than just pump and dump to get out with their premine.
If they code,they invest,they market...what makes you think they will open up the project as a free source for everybody else?

when you create a good and useful thing you don't need to advertise it, so no marketing is needed. Satoshi didn't advertise bitcoin on billboards to get people to use it.

and you didn't understand what i was talking about. i said if they invest in their project like the rest of the people instead of having ICO funds, premined coins,... they would spend more time on making something good instead of releasing a code which gets pump and dumped, has the second market cap, has 2 hard forks and still full of bugs.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: KenR on January 14, 2017, 01:16:45 PM
most of what you said here doesn't make any sense to me.
i am saying if they are going to make a pump and dump coin to trade and make profit then why should they deserve any money?
Because it takes efforts to write 1000 lines of code ? I'm talking about actual projects here and not clones.Why would someone spend hours doing that if not for money ? They shouldn't deserve anything but we're not paying them out of our pockets,investors are.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 14, 2017, 04:10:24 PM
most of what you said here doesn't make any sense to me.
i am saying if they are going to make a pump and dump coin to trade and make profit then why should they deserve any money?
Because it takes efforts to write 1000 lines of code ? I'm talking about actual projects here and not clones.Why would someone spend hours doing that if not for money ? They shouldn't deserve anything but we're not paying them out of our pockets,investors are.

Crock of fucking shit.

Most of it is code re-writing which is not the same.
None of these "coins" from the 6,000+ ANN topics have wrote any meaningful code.
The incessant chanting of innovation is a load of bullshit.

Effort ?
You are CREATING the problem to sell us all the solution.
Your fucking shit coin NEEDS to be created so you stand there and say so i NEED to be paid.

Name one "actual project" that is not a cash grab of crooked scammy bullshit.
And i will show you a market price for it that is 0.001% of the value of Bitcoin ROFL
uhh why ?

Investors ?
This is not the stock market brats.
You can quit calling yourselves "investors" because you are simply PONZI participants.
In the normal financial world the guys running these coins would be in jail.. for fraud etc.
You are not investors in fuck all.
If you were you would hold dev's accountable but you don't.
You let them have premines and wander off years ago..
Now you let them have ICO money and then wander off later.
In any other aspect of humanity these guys would be held accountable.. long term.
Not until you shit heads get bored when the pump ended and you dumped and they ohhhhh so legit dev's are now free to dump to with no over-sight or concern from anyone in the slightest.
All you brats do is jump to another coin at that point.

You all can quit making excuses for bad.
You are not fooling anyone.
All it amounts to is a bunch of scammy pieces of shit lecturing each other preaching to the choir.
The rest of the world Gove 0 fucks ..long ago.

Besides the world would be a far different place if every dev had his hand out demanding millions up front for code mod/rewrite work.
I guess i was doing it wrong all my life.. rather than handing out free compiled software i should have demanded a fortune & cried innovation etc.
Where would Linux be today ?
How about Rockbox ?
Trust me brats there is plenty of free software out there that did not get a giant pile of cash up front.
Many produced a result FIRST and then took donations after the fact.

If you don't have the means to eat while you code and pay your rent then maybe leave the coding to someone who has the financial means to do it.
Maybe some poor corrupt greedy little fucking prick in his basement should not be making the worlds internet currency for the benefit of humanity ?

All i see is greedy immoral bullshitting brats feeding each other the same tired old cliche'd defense retorts to each other year after year.. while all of planet earth ignores this shit.

Think your retarded crypto-faggotry is so legit assholes ?
Walk into a major bank and tell them you want a loan for 1 million dollars to make BlockNET.
..or yet another "mod" of it.
See how that goes dumb fucks LOL

..yup tell 'em Big time crypto-businezz up in here yo.. gonna be corporate company ceo of githubbery up in this bitch.. gonna be like all investors & shit but freedom decentralizaion ICO and mad ROI's and sick fucking innovationz & shit yo.. i jus needz me dem million dollars'sses so i can code's up all them hard'z workz !!!!111 Yeah bruh FREE MARKET dog.. DECENTRALIZAION & SHITZ !!!1 Goona be fuicking sick MOON and mad HODL up in here bro ! SICK FUCKIN' ROI'z !!!

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Shiroslullaby on January 14, 2017, 04:18:33 PM
If a dev is coming up with something that is truly unique, a step forward for crypto and not just copy-pasting some code from another coin, of course they deserve to be paid.
I don't have a problem with a developer taking a percentage of the profits from a coin to cover development,
but asking for a ton of money up front is suspicious unless you have an established track record of providing development in the crypto market.

Unfortunately, making coins is the hot new scam of the last couple years.
People are getting rich off vaporware, bullshit ICOs etc because new investors are hoping to magically become a millionaire overnight.
For every decent project there are thousands that are complete garbage.
Crypto coins are the new Nigerian Prince scam.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 14, 2017, 04:40:22 PM
Did you guys read the first post when i mentioned Ethereum ?
It's the no. 2 coin people.. uhh WTF ? you think ETH is "Legit" ?
The no. 2 coin is a fucking ICO scam for crying out loud LOL  :D
The so called "dev" admits to having 4 million dollars...
So uhhhhhhhhhhh how the fuck did he get it and why did he dump ?
Then look at what ETH has accomplished.. is that worth 4 fucking million dollars ?
Of course not.. that is simply retarded !
ETH is used for trading on centralized exchanges.. that is it.
And that is your big success story and example of a "Legit" ICO coin ?
Gimme a fucking bloody break people with this "Legit coin" crap  ::)

What has ANY coin accomplished ? on polo

WHoooo boy i am sooooo fucking impressed... sound like they need a million dollars for marketing huh ?

#2 coin LOL  :D

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Slark on January 14, 2017, 05:02:46 PM
Good innovative ideas deserve to be rewarded. The question is how high this reward should be? Because taking millions of dollars worth of coins is too much IMO.
And we seem to be going that way. As always when in doubt - I would follow bitcoin example: Satoshi sure doesn't need any coins and he owns plenty.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 14, 2017, 05:47:44 PM
I never said dev's should always 100% of the time be forbidden from being paid.
What i pointed out is how the standard practice is to simply say you have Innovationz comin' ...later'' so....... hand me ICO'z money'z
In the tune of millions.

Not only are premines bad but the ICO method is corrupt and centralized and a step down from Bitcoin.
The ICO is no bloody fucking UPGRADE on Bitcoin people  ::)

The ICO is a drastic increase in centralization and all the related bad shit that comes with it.
How the hell do you all ignore that because the shithead loser dev showed up saying he has big plans ?

How do you chant decentralization while making it more and more centralized ?
Do you all even grasp the hypocrisy playing out here or are you that blind and greedy ?

We have losers calling them selves "Investors" then so called "open source" "coins" launched as ICO's with the "Teams" and "Foundations" collecting sick amounts of millions of dollars worth of coins all to be paid out the "Team" who all got a fancy title like CEO etc.
Yeah.. CEO of a company ?
A company people ..that is where those titles come from  ::)
Whether it's Decred or Ripple or Ethereum or LEO coin or services like Stakeminers they all got their little company titles and paychecks !

Company ?

Uhh Investards.. companies are REGULATED shits coins are not !
And since when is a centralized coin a decentralized company ?

Legit ?
Not one of you will stick your neck out and claim one coin did anything.
You yammer on about "Legit" dev's yet there is not even 1 example of the 6,000+ ANN topics here.

Are you all fucking retarded ?

You sit there and make excuses because one day 1 guy.. ONE FUCKING guy *might* be legit.
So uhhhhh yeah they "Should be paid"
Like holy christ !

That is like leaving the bank doors open all night when it's closed because 1 guy is maybe gonna be honest and not rob the bank blind.

Your stupid little facade here is going no where but down.
You will get the wrath of the authorities and lure in a few more greedy brats and more scammers.. that is it.
You all better get smart and fast because you are running out of time !

Bad behavior can and should have repercussions.. not excuses and more bad behavior.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Redrose on January 14, 2017, 06:31:43 PM
I find this perfectly normal : why would someone talented would spend his precious time developping something that will not success because he has not enough money because he would have to work most of the time to feed his family ? Also few projects are due to a sole man, so hiring a team is also an important part, marketing does matter too, and both of these things need significant amount of money. In case of Vitalik, he did a great contribution, and I see no problem to see him being rewarded for its major contribution. Do not be jealous of the others, this is bad for you ! Just be happy for them !

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: dinofelis on January 14, 2017, 06:31:50 PM
This is soooo socialist: people deciding about who should obtain other people's money :)

In a free market, you "deserve" something for a service, what people are willing to give you to obtain that service.  So as long as "devs" obtain what they obtain through their work, because people hand them over their money voluntarily, they "deserve" it.

That said, it is really surprising how much people are willing to hand over to devs from their own money, because they hope to get even more money from still greater fools, once they have joined "early" the crowd around the devs.  The Force is great in this greater fool stuff.

I'm even wondering whether I cannot launch "nocoin".  The particularity of nocoin is that it has no code, and I'm the principal maintainer of that absence of code.  It also has the advantage of not having a block chain, and as such, all discussions about the limitations of storage and so on are absent from nocoin.   There is also no danger about hardforking in nocoin: consensus is always reached.

I'm trying to get nocoin accepted at some major exchanges, but I have to say that the negotiations are difficult.   As there is no code or block chain, the presence on exchanges of nocoin is essential.  I was thinking of an initial offer of $10 for a nocoin, and I'm offering at this moment 2 million nocoins which will hopefully available on exchanges soon.  In fact, I'm even willing to offer a no-coin for $5 for the first million coins !  This is your opportunity !
Even better !  If you are interested, send bitcoins to this address and send me a private message here with the transaction ID, and I'll grant you the nocoins you've paid for once I get them on exchanges:


200 nocoins for a bitcoin !  let me know !
Limited offer !
Nocoin will boom, because it is way, way better than bitcoin or the existing altcoins: they don't consume any resources !  They can trade as fast as the website of the exchange you're on, and they surely will outpace bitcoin in a few years time.  You will regret not having bought your nocoins when they were at bargain prices !  Moreover, nocoins are perfectly anonymous and untraceable: there's no block chain that can be analysed !  There's even no IP sniffing possible: the code doesn't exist,and there is no network protocol that could be hacked !


Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: marseille on January 14, 2017, 06:34:52 PM
Spoetnik I have the same feeling as you do. But this is wild west with new regulations, people do whatever they want to cheat money. What I don't get is that there are "investors" so stupid to invest into these ICOs.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: buwaytress on January 14, 2017, 09:34:15 PM
I answered "yes" but I suspect I misinterpreted the true meaning after reading the first 30 posts haha.

1. Any kind of work should get compensation. Deserves is entitlement... what's that saying? You get what you get, you deserve all the rest.

2. I do agree that a true project often starts with people who truly want to fix something, work on it, and share it. The community, having realised the worth or importance of the project, often voluntarily pays or donates. Spoetnik's right to point out the great projects all start out like this -  advocates and believers who pour their lives, money, savings, everything into an idea, and still after a working product is shared, do not feel they deserve to be rich. I myself whenever possible use these "free" projects and always pay what I believe is correct. Voluntarily. A good project will pay for itself.

3. The sad - and as a newbie only several months learning about crypto, I feel VERY sad seeing its state, especially when a newbie's education on bitcoin talks about its foundations and its ideals - truth is that crypto is seen by so many as their chance at a quick buck. Nothing wrong with wanting to make money, I do too! But I think at this rate we're going to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Huge Black Woman on January 14, 2017, 09:49:07 PM
You all is a buncha suckas, an' I know mosta y'all jist postin' bullshits here ta git paid fo' you wack ass signature campaigns.  I feel confident thet nonea y'all is gon' read this anyway, so fuck y'all.

Now onta the subjict.  Hail no, those muthafukkas is all scammers, ever' last onea them.  Nobody tryin' ta develop anythin' good fo' the sake o' the crypto community.  They diligently obfuscatin' they true motives behind a cloaca altruism.  But they all jist linin' they own pockets at tha expense o' all you grubby ass suckas.  As I say, fuck y'all.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 14, 2017, 09:50:58 PM
Spoetnik I have the same feeling as you do. But this is wild west with new regulations, people do whatever they want to cheat money. What I don't get is that there are "investors" so stupid to invest into these ICOs.

Well i have no major interest usually in singling out each project.
I always speak in general broad terms here.
I speak to the crowd..
Topics like this are to get us all collectively talking etc.
It is not about me or some specific dev etc.

From my perspective when i got here when BTC was sub -$50 this shit has gone down hill hard.
Many of you new guys here have no idea.
There was a time when the idea of an IPO / ICO was frowned on and flamed off the board.
Each new generation that comes along keeps lowering the bar with their sense of entitlement.

I hope everyone sees how simply ridiculous this has all become..
AND how it won't end well.

AKA: Victims.

Now i ask you all do you care about the victims or will you quickly defend your right to profit ?
This is a giant game of passing the buck of responsibility and accountability.
Who is owning up to the never ending list of bag holders for life with worthless "tokens" ?
Do you all care to ask that question ?
I don't think you do care people.
I think you have a who cares.. fuck 'em attitude and then count your money.

This topic shows the SOURCE unleashing bullshit for profit and all of you going along with it while bad mouthing them.
While you all still count your money.

The dev's deserve to be paid.
The Investors deserve to make a cut of the profits.
Then you think.. the losers deserve to go broke.

Fine.. if it was fair but it's not.. there is no regulations and governing body watching out for the little guy in crypto.

Want to throw around the term White Paper and CEO and Investor and ICO ?
Well who is going to jail for insider trading like Martha Stewart in our crypto world ?
No one !
Hell look at GOX & Cryptsy...
I guarantee V. Butters would be charged and quite possibly convicted of fraud of some kind if he had stock market regulations going on here.. it was obvious he was involved in some shady shit on launch (as well as Coindesk) Those guys bought up a worthless shell of an ICO token in 2014 in blocks of 100 BTC at a time while no one was looking and THAT is how he ended up with 4 million dollars worth 2 years later.

You all collectively deliberately ignore massive red-flags and warning signs and support bad projects such as Ethereum making it the no. 2 coin on planet earth.. so you can get a cut of the profits.. ASAP.
You don't find it odd how no one would touch ETH for 2 years ?
Thought to ask ?
Nope.. fuck no.
All you guys do is look, then see it's pumped NOW and you see dollar signs and dive on it like flies on shit.
ETH is the no. 2 AND SCAMMY because it was manipulated.

Back in 2014 people laughed at the Ethereum foundation and all their little corporate titles and the list of payments all the little figure heads got (which none of us had heard of the people)

Should dev's be paid ? (like they are now usually with ICO's and large amounts of BTC)
As sure as hell say NO !

You all completely ignore how things are RIGHT NOW and chant on about idealism.
There is a blatant disconnect from reality in Crypto and no one is taking any responsibility for the giant Ponzi / MLM / Pyramid scheme machine the Altcoin world really is.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: dfox101 on January 15, 2017, 02:18:02 AM
When there are easy money, people all want to rush in, there's no fault for the scammers, there's the fault of no rules and regulations. In today's world, people tend to cheat in order to get money, especially they can get away with it, altcoin is a perfect vehicle for this.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 15, 2017, 08:34:03 AM
The point i hoped people took away from this was..

Hypothetically we have a dev that could be making a standard coders wage.
Or what we always see here in Crypto.. overnight millionaires.
Of what ? "One Day" coins ? Coin #5,421 ? ANN topic #4,598 ?

In other words i am trying to highlight the obscene charade this has become.
While pointing out the difference between dev's getting paid a reasonable amount of money for work completed..


Getting a check for a million dollars up front in BTC.. then accomplishing nothing.
Such as BlockNET and them chanting "smear campaign" and FUD / Troll and then letting hosting expire after 1 year and releasing fuck all to the supporters who waited for a year.

Kind of funny in about a year and a half since it came out i do not recall seeing even one single person in all of Crypto mentioning it.. and guess what BlockNET Investards ?
You were all loud mouths !
You all lined up to shoot your god damn mouth off at me and cry Troll.
Where did you scammy greedy little kidiots go ?
Let me guess you all dumped 1+ year ago and have since hopped from coin to coin 1,000 times since. ...BlockNET long forgotten.

Anyway ;)
Being paid a little.. being reasonable vs Winning the Crypto-Ponzi-Lottery via the greedy hoards who showed up here for MAD SICK ROI'z yo !!!111ONE


..time to make another one LOL

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Pursuer on January 15, 2017, 10:06:02 AM
interesting question and in my opinion the answer is no. and I do believe that a real developer wouldn't look for getting money for the development he puts into an open source project anyways. just as the biggest developer (Satoshi Nakamoto) never asked to be paid when he made bitcoin.

a real developer is an experienced programmer, and an experienced programmer already has a high paying job and is satisfied enough not to want money from his open source project.

all we see these days calling themselves "devs" are kids with no experience and no job and life but have big ambitions wanting to become rich over night by getting involved with something that can create them wealth out of thin air since all they do is copy paste.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 15, 2017, 11:01:44 PM
People claim all this code is written from scratch..
Being a self a taught coder myself i know it's bullshit but people believe it.
Thing is why would you rewrite all the code when it's not needed ?
The Ripple guys admitted to using "Boost" for example.
A lot of the time coins are simply a modded project.
How much was modded or written new is the question..
and is relevant to how much they DESERVE to get paid.. if at all.


You know people i think you are missing the point here with comparisons.
I for example seen Shelby argue big projects don't get done with out a million dollars up front etc.
Ok well *sometimes that may be the case, but..

Let's take for example the PC game Grand Theft Auto.

I had heard online lots complaints about the deadlines, long hours, working on days off or on personal time and lower wages and intense pressure ..that did NOT equal the pay they received.
It essentially amounted to a high-pressure sweat shop job.


You guys tell me these coin dev's have pressure like that or even accountability.
I mentioned this earlier..
Dev's in Crypto can make some excuses for a year+ then do nothing. (like the Blocknet ICO dev did)
It's real simple guys had that guy been working a normal coding job he would not have gotten a million dollars up front and then been able to stall them for a year with excuses.

..with out being fired  ::)

Who is peeking over the shoulder of coin dev's to see they are ACTUALLY working ?
Who actually keeps them accountable long after the hype of launch day evaporated and people dumped and got bored and wandered off.

No one !
The dev is then free to take his wad of cash and hit the bars.. crack & hookers and crying FUD time.
The money is simply not accounted for at any point usually and if it is it's a simple list in a text file or web page saying where some of the money went.. you never see people asking a year or two later.
Because you all don't care.

Do Crypto dev's deserve a giant cash prize up front for claiming they will make the Bitcoin Killer ?
Fuck no.. and the reasons are pretty well infinite.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Pumpkinetic on January 16, 2017, 03:09:11 AM
Some coin devs deserve money to help build wonderful new tech for us to all enjoy. Thats life my friend.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 16, 2017, 07:00:09 AM
Some coin devs deserve money to help build wonderful new tech for us to all enjoy. Thats life my friend.

A year ago i counted 6,000 ANN topics roughly.
So name ONE example (of 6,000) of a coin project that gave us.. "wonderful new tech for us to all enjoy"

I can think of 0.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: MicroGuy on January 16, 2017, 11:46:53 AM
Coins devs are like everyone else. They need shelter, food, and heat. Most all the devs I work with have jobs outside of cryptocurrency so they can support themselves.

I guess the answer really must be looked at on a case-by-case basis. I'd say it really all depends on what each particular community wants and needs. After all, when we're talking about a currency, what we're really talking about is a community. All the technical things are trivial.

I wish we had more money to pay our devs. They work so hard and share their time generously, never complaining. In fact, almost all of the complaints I hear come from those that contribute nothing and build nothing.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 16, 2017, 04:54:28 PM
Many of us have wrote code and given it to you all for free.. such as myself.

They are selling us a solution to a problem they created.
We don't need 6,000 ANN topics with people whining they need to buy dog food & tampons..
..when in reality they are raking in a million in Bitcoin.

Case in point Lorie Nettles.. pulled the i need money for Tender Viddles excuse.
Dumb fucking greedy cunt just wanted cash money.
So she spewed some bullshit and had her hand out.

You all so god damn generous ?
Gimme your BTC then LOL

It boils down to what do you determine as "Wonderful tech"
I have said the only innovation i ever seen was ANON.
And unfortunately the implementation in my opinion will go no where.
Other than that i can cycle through them all and say 98% of them all are a load of fucking bullshit.
Nothing but me-too coins with gimmicks attached to them.

What you all forgot about multi algo coins ?
Where the more the better.. X5 X11 X13 X67  :D

Country Coins ? Meme Coins ? ..Kitteh Coin bag holders in the house ?

Fuck off with the dev needs to be paid bullshit.
You need to be paid for what ? There is no real useful coding work being done !
You greedy douches are not entitled to a Crypto Job paid to work on some coin for some other scammy douche.
I argued this 2 years ago with a well known guy here i won't name..
He kept insisting he needed to get paid.. doing anything.. for any coin..... he didn't care.
So don't sit there and feed me this noble cause with integrity crap.. no one is buying it.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Zadicar on January 16, 2017, 05:39:34 PM
Some coin devs deserve money to help build wonderful new tech for us to all enjoy. Thats life my friend.

A year ago i counted 6,000 ANN topics roughly.
So name ONE example (of 6,000) of a coin project that gave us.. "wonderful new tech for us to all enjoy"

I can think of 0.
You are right i didnt see such coin that give us new tech besides bitcoin because i do only use bitcoin no other coins could able to do on what bitcoin did.Regarding on the topic i think we cant still stop devs on making money on their own coin since they have the full control of it and i dont know why there are ICO's which stupid people are just feeding up the devs thats why most of them goes scam.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 16, 2017, 11:38:35 PM
It takes "Investors" to pay them (the key part of the crypto-world-system)

When i came here there was no such thing as an IPO / ICO coin.
Then Ripple came out..

Users here figured out they can portray crypto-coins as "Penny stocks"
and then claim "coins" are now "companies" and then hold their hand out looking for "investment"
So, it snow balled and is now out of control.

When i started users would code for free here.
Coins were launched fairly and we all had the same opportunity at launch as the dev's.
Now ? the richest hold all the cards & power.

Now a millionaire whale can walk in and pay some kid to make him a coin then sit on ICO launch day and buy them all.
And chances are no one will even notice because the new ICO coin was given little attention because it did not sound like a worthy replacement for Bitcoin. it will go ignored by the masses and the whales know it !

And that is when being rich helps.. they game the system like what happened with Ethereum in 2014.
Some mysterious figure was buying up blocks of 100 BTC chunks of ETH non stop on the ICO launch.
Later V. Butters shows up with many millions and millions of dollars worth of ETH coins... hmmmm  :D
Fair ?
Crypto has become a rich mans game.. and this takes fat stinky shit all over this decentralized free market ideology bullshit crap you all spew.

You all advocate the massive giant pyramid scheme ICO scam system so the super rich get richer and so YOU you profit a single BTC while the dev walks off with MILLIONS in BTC.

If these were like "Penny stocks" then half the guys in crypto would be in jail already.
There is what would normally be considered "crimes" going on here 24/7.

Step back and look at how the entire crypto world has changed in time people..
It has morphed into a massive system of pumping out *usually ICO coins with yet another gimmick attached.
Non stop.. and they don't stop coming.
Because there is a never ending line of "Investors" who are willing to invest BITCOIN into anything they consider as a potential for profit.
The whole entire system can be perceived as a pyramid scheme of sorts.
That would be more accurate then saying "Penny stocks"

It takes 2.
It takes buyers to buy the product the *paid* dev is making.
They would have no way to sell us shitcoins if you all quit buying them.
But you all showed up here dead set on profiting from something.. anything., AND NOW !

I am not against profit etc.
I am against profit from obviously scammy bullshit.
I don't care what people "Invest" in.. i just hope they would exercise some morality doing it.
Find a project YOU BELIEVE in and support and be a project supporter. (not a worthless profiteer)
What ever that is up to you guys.

For example i do not support Monero but i have a lot more respect for the Monero supporters who are sincere and believe in there cause.
Versus a random profiteer who shows up here saying, well who cares.. i want Bitcoin profits.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: eaLiTy on January 16, 2017, 11:45:24 PM
Spoetnik I have the same feeling as you do. But this is wild west with new regulations, people do whatever they want to cheat money. What I don't get is that there are "investors" so stupid to invest into these ICOs.
You cannot imagine a regulatory board functioning to monitor these things and as long as anyone could come up with a new idea and can convince a mass audience people will invest money in it and so is the reason we have seen many scams throughout and people still keep on investing on new ideas and coins ,Alt coin dev really make a huge amount of fortune if they can market their ideas really well as we have seen in the past.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 16, 2017, 11:51:03 PM
Spoetnik I have the same feeling as you do. But this is wild west with new regulations, people do whatever they want to cheat money. What I don't get is that there are "investors" so stupid to invest into these ICOs.
You cannot imagine a regulatory board functioning to monitor these things and as long as anyone could come up with a new idea and can convince a mass audience people will invest money in it and so is the reason we have seen many scams throughout and people still keep on investing on new ideas and coins ,Alt coin dev really make a huge amount of fortune if they can market their ideas really well as we have seen in the past.

I don't think a dev needs to be convincing as much as he needs to make it seem passable.
If it seems fairly legit on the surface that is enough.
Users are far too wiling to take a random forum names account here for their word.
What they are REALLY concerned about is..
Does the new coin gimmick etc provide a tangible opportunity for profit.
It's not about convincing anyone of anything.. other than a pump is coming.

Lets not play the victim game here again.
No one ever did care.
They came here to profit.. they are aware of the high risks but they don't care.
People are not being "fooled"  :D

Criteria for investment ?
Will it be popular and make me money ?
That is it.. they don't ACTUALLY care if they are legit or not (and will get mass adoption etc)

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Pumpkinetic on January 24, 2017, 12:43:34 AM
Some coin devs deserve money to help build wonderful new tech for us to all enjoy. Thats life my friend.

A year ago i counted 6,000 ANN topics roughly.
So name ONE example (of 6,000) of a coin project that gave us.. "wonderful new tech for us to all enjoy"

I can think of 0.


Just to name a few.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Viscount on January 24, 2017, 01:17:37 AM
They deserve only their coins which cost nothing

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on January 24, 2017, 03:04:35 AM
Spoetnik I have the same feeling as you do. But this is wild west with new regulations, people do whatever they want to cheat money. What I don't get is that there are "investors" so stupid to invest into these ICOs.
You cannot imagine a regulatory board functioning to monitor these things and as long as anyone could come up with a new idea and can convince a mass audience people will invest money in it and so is the reason we have seen many scams throughout and people still keep on investing on new ideas and coins ,Alt coin dev really make a huge amount of fortune if they can market their ideas really well as we have seen in the past.

Good comment.. gets ya thinking (off-topic)
I don't think that bodes well for the crypto scene's future.

I am confident some type of regulation will end up being put out eventually by at least a few of the larger major countries.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: DimiZb on January 24, 2017, 06:27:16 AM
It depends, to the scammers, they don't deserve any money, clever investors would never fund them. Actually only real projects' devs deserve the money, like Vitalik Buterin

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: IadixDev on February 05, 2017, 04:17:29 AM
I'm fairly new in bitcoin community , so I can't tell how true what you say is, but it's still unfair for certain persons :)

In general term anyway, computer world changed a lot , especially since the 90, there has been the hype at first with website, php, then same hype/bubble with web 2.0, Android applications, all serving the same thing over and over again pretending at some innovation  to get increased worth, and the IT industry become very speculative and less and less people really want to bother with code or see it as something cool and fun like it could be before.

Personally im also an oddball, I pretty much left companies behind some years ago because I think professionnal IT is becoming whatever, especially since web 2.0 era, people putting software stack upon software stack upon software to get 40mo to have the most simple application, framework get bigger and bigger all the time and software quality is decreasing à lot.

And especially in france, the culture is not that much tech friendly or on open market, id say on the over all very conservative, and I dont see a lot of companies pulling that much great things currently.

But it's why I took lot of time to develop systems that are much smaller and easy to grasp for even noob developpers, that can still deal with internet standard, like javascript & json, rpc, dynamic typing, hierarchised data, and can replace boost and templated c++ very efficiently for lot of different purposes, in a way inspired from AS3 logic.

Actually I crossed the blockchain world accidentelly, but I was already interested in developping small optimised and portable solution to deal with distributed component, asynchronous requests, keeping things safe and private in open world, and I was turning this problem around until I stumbled on blockchain who completly solve all this in very elegant manner.

It's how I came up with making a coin and implementing the functions needed to run a blockchain as a proof of concept application for my framework. But it's already quite advanced, especially on optimising parallele systems, dealing with json dynamic data, having a very robust and safe memory system.

Need less to say I did all this for free without having clear commercial objective in mind, im still un sure how to goes with this, but ico still seem to me a good way to rise funds for projects, and still keep the possibility to maintain high quality open source software without having to deal with all the complexity of patents, NDA, proprietary software, and without having to ressort on sun day afternoon coding or part time developpers who drop a line of code when they have free time.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: cryptonia on February 05, 2017, 11:53:29 PM
No one is forced to give anyone money. So you ask the wrong question

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 06, 2017, 03:17:31 AM
No one is forced to give anyone money. So you ask the wrong question

You are right no one is forced to get lured into a Pyramid scheme.

Problem is when it happens it turns that person into a corrupt sleazeball searching for other victims to pass the buck on.

Trust me i love your precocious angle on it but you are missing the reality of it here.

For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
I have been around for ages and seem fairly trust worthy.. that is far more than enough.
Once i have ! god damn fucking MILLION dollars in cash and time goes by and i have started to dip into the money for random items like new houses and fur coats and rings for my girl-friend / wife then i start to wonder hmmm.. maybe i should just tell these Investards at Bitcointalk that "Haxors" got me or some other cliche'd excuse.

AKA: Pulling a Paul Vernon from Cryptsy (pulling a BigVern)

And to be honest i probably would too.. it's too easy.
Especially when you hold a dim view on the useless broken English greedy little morons that show up here desperate for profits.
After a while you prob have lost so much respect for this trash that you figure hey, fuck 'em.

Maybe we can do the "due diligence" dance now ?

Or maybe i can tell you all to research scams and listen to the testimonials from those victimized by them ?
You might see similarities to this bullshit ?

You late comer's popped up here spouting off about entitlement and minding my own business so you can siphon cash off the bigger greedy fool.

Verbal gymnastics don't keep you out of jail or fool the dreg's that come here either.
All this crap is painfully transparent and obvious.

No one is being fooled by the usual bullshit from the usual suspects with the usual cliche'd defense retorts.
Especially not the IRS, FBI, Police, FiNCEN, SEC, Home Land Security etc.
Cry FUD to them and see how well it works profiteers.  :D
Feel free to tell them you are "entitled" to money.
..just don't be surprised if they have a dim view on your silly Altcoin rhetoric.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: bl234st on February 06, 2017, 05:59:40 AM
No one is forced to give anyone money. So you ask the wrong question
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.

hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha .

Spoetnik just reached a new level of retardation!!!!!

Are you fuckin delussional? You are the biggest fuckin joke in this place!!!


Please call 911! My stomach just burst!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 06, 2017, 06:44:11 AM
No one is forced to give anyone money. So you ask the wrong question
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.

hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha .

Spoetnik just reached a new level of retardation!!!!!

Are you fuckin delussional? You are the biggest fuckin joke in this place!!!


Please call 911! My stomach just burst!!! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.
For example i can right now start an ICO and chances are there would be a lot of investors.

54 people said YES including many older users such as exchange staff.

Spoetnik Coin (

Yes    - 54 (36.5%)
No    - 86 (58.1%)
Maybe    - 8 (5.4%)

Total Voters: 148

So apparently yeah.. many people would like i said.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Joint Force on February 07, 2017, 11:50:42 PM
ICOs are the future. They break down financial barrier of entry. We will see mass rapid innovation because of them!

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: maku on February 08, 2017, 12:17:16 AM
ICOs are the future. They break down financial barrier of entry. We will see mass rapid innovation because of them!
The problem is: they are not regulated by anything, you can start your own ICO and if you have enough charisma, you can bullshit your way thorough.
It is true that they give chance to project which in other way couldn't exists, but the question is: do we need all these projects?
Some of them are designed to lure people by promising them impossible features or are a straightforward scams - like PRISM.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: andrei56 on February 08, 2017, 12:29:25 AM
most of what you said here doesn't make any sense to me.
i am saying if they are going to make a pump and dump coin to trade and make profit then why should they deserve any money?
Because it takes efforts to write 1000 lines of code ? I'm talking about actual projects here and not clones.Why would someone spend hours doing that if not for money ? They shouldn't deserve anything but we're not paying them out of our pockets,investors are.
But this is the issue, no one asked them to do it, they are doing it because they want, most on the free software scene do stuff just because they like the challenge and not for money, besides if they are any good then they could get recognition and then good pay doing something else.

Title: Re: [POLL] Do Altcoin Dev's Deserve Money ?
Post by: Spoetnik on February 08, 2017, 04:06:00 AM
Last thing i did with Bitcoin was donate it to a DEV at XDA for the work he did for free.
I told him to advertise his address.. i don't think he did but i looked right now and i see he has a second payment now.

I gave him maybe $23 worth.

At least he got a gesture of appreciation.
And i got him involved maybe supporting Bitcoin etc.

I have done work before and refused a donation etc.
Then you have guys around here who are demanding a payment of 1 million dollars before they will do any work.

ICO regulations and laws is the big problem i have.

You know people when i showed up here mid-2013 we all thought of "Premines" as bad.
So why are 100% premines (the ICO) acceptable ?

Simple.. morality changed.
It became acceptable because of how history played out.

Users did not want the hassle and expense of buying mining hardware to "support" a coin.
And yes it is support !
If you bought hardware to secure the block-chain then you are providing a useful function.

What happened ? SCRYPT ASICS.
Once those rolled out the markets were getting abused by whales super mining + dumping.
And more and more clones were getting rolled out at a fast pace.

Then the concept of the ICO took hold because BOTH SIDES seen an advantage.
Users dumped all their GPU's on eBay etc.
And dev's started side stepping the issue by doing direct release to ICO schemes.
This enabled cloners to REALLY start pumping shit out.. streamlining the process.


..thinking this is how it always was and SHOULD BE.


Just because you managed so far to get away with it does not mean you are doing something acceptable.
You all lowered the bar to ridiculous levels.. it's been scrapping on the ground for ages people and it's embarrassing

Reality Check:
Think of yourselves as investors all you want but..
Realize you are Lawless "Free Market" Investors.