Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: oOoOo on April 13, 2013, 02:34:56 AM

Title: Assuming this WAS an "institutionally coordinated" attack.. How would you react?
Post by: oOoOo on April 13, 2013, 02:34:56 AM
In response to this thread:
This is a hypothetical question, pure speculation...

Assuming you personally received news which, without any shadow of doubt, pointed towards a large institution arranging a coordinated attack (although I highly doubt it), by first driving up the price, then crashing it massively while ddosing the exchanges, like what we just coincidentally happened to see during recent days.

Would you, under these circumstances, feel any moral obligation to buy, hold, or otherwise support the community or infrastructure and if so, what would be the justification for your decision?

Or would you rather scramble to get out at the nearest possible exit, before prices fall any further?


Title: Re: Assuming this WAS an "institutionally coordinated" attack.. How would you react?
Post by: Luckybit on April 13, 2013, 02:38:07 AM
I'm the sort of person who doesn't care who coordinates what. I'm opportunistic and will take advantage of whatever the circumstance or environment at any given moment.

Was it coordinated? Who knows and who cares? Cheap coins.

Title: Re: Assuming this WAS an "institutionally coordinated" attack.. How would you react?
Post by: superside on April 13, 2013, 02:40:58 AM
I'm with lucky on this one but a heads up would be nice :)

Title: Re: Assuming this WAS an "institutionally coordinated" attack.. How would you react?
Post by: Qoheleth on April 13, 2013, 03:25:08 AM
I would get in with as much money as possible.

An institution which uses such a boneheaded strategy (pushing around the price = buy high, sell low) deserves to be fleeced for every cent.

Title: Re: Assuming this WAS an "institutionally coordinated" attack.. How would you react?
Post by: XXthetimeisnowXX on April 13, 2013, 05:46:37 AM
I have been saying since 40-60-90-120 etc that I think that the fed reserve and other large corporate banks were buying up the bitcoins and making the price skyrocket. I have stated this many many times and as the price went up all i got was "cool man i love the feds they are making me rich" but if you didn't sell then you didn't make much did you. and who though I have a vested interest in the price of bitcoins I fear for the actual idea of bitcoin. if they pump and dump enough then everyone will run for the hills. I truly thought bitcoin was going to be the new world currency and it would stabilize at a large price. but regardless of the price if people want out then because of this then we are back to giving our gov 3 months of our paychecks every year and sr will be the only ones using us. bu one day that will go down and bitcoins will be like shitty little files that just take up space on computers and we will just push delete.

Title: Re: Assuming this WAS an "institutionally coordinated" attack.. How would you react?
Post by: bitcon on April 13, 2013, 05:54:26 AM
I have been saying since 40-60-90-120 etc that I think that the fed reserve and other large corporate banks were buying up the bitcoins and making the price skyrocket. I have stated this many many times and as the price went up all i got was "cool man i love the feds they are making me rich" but if you didn't sell then you didn't make much did you. and who though I have a vested interest in the price of bitcoins I fear for the actual idea of bitcoin. if they pump and dump enough then everyone will run for the hills. I truly thought bitcoin was going to be the new world currency and it would stabilize at a large price. but regardless of the price if people want out then because of this then we are back to giving our gov 3 months of our paychecks every year and sr will be the only ones using us. bu one day that will go down and bitcoins will be like shitty little files that just take up space on computers and we will just push delete.

ur only giving them ur money if you get on the bear boat and sellout like a little bitch.