Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Announcements (Altcoins) => Topic started by: CLains on January 18, 2017, 10:32:36 PM

Title: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 18, 2017, 10:32:36 PM

This a pre-ICO investment proposal is for 5% of the BitGateCoin. The goal is to get valuable feedback from the community, improve our crowdfunding proposal, and get traction for the main ICO for BitGateCoin, which will be organized on the 9th of February together with our partner OsloFintech. It is an opportunity for the community to get involved at grassroots level before the campaign reaches mainstream. (

The pre-crowdfund campaign will run until January 31st.

Using the blockchain-based social media platform Steem we managed to reach 150% of our minimum goal for the pre-crowdfund within 24 hours (! These funds will allow us to pay for development, legal bills, and give us enough to create a decent crowdfunding showcase for February 9th.

We have also got lot of interest from people all over the world who want to set up their own BitGate solution in their own region. The remaining funds contributed go to expand the scope of BitGate and to make sure that the crowdfund February 9th is a huge success, and that we get a running start developing the service in Norway.

Thank you to everyone who has participated so far. We see a lot of contributions from the BitShares and Steemit community, not only with money but with supporting comments, constructive feedback and questions as well as willingness to participate to make BitGate a success.

We appreciate all the support from the community, and since the crowdfund is scheduled to continue until 31th of January and the crowdfund has been such a success so far, we want to protect our early investors by increasing the amount of stake given away by 1% for every 10 BTC extra we get after 50 BTC, until a cap of 100 BTC where a total of 10% stake would be given away. This will ensure a valuation capped at a maximum of $1 million until the crowdfund February 9th.

We have added a FAQ on the website, so check that out here: (

We have also added an “intro to the team” video that we did while in Gran Canaria, where we co-hosted #BizzWeek together with Liberland. Check out the team introduction here (

BitGate Intro

BitGate is a gateway to the global blockchain-based economy. Blockchain technology enables a world-wide Web of Value with instant, global, frictionless value transfers. The BitGate Minimum Viable Product and proof-of-concept is BitGate Norway. The goal of BitGate Norway is to enable Norwegians to connect to the new economy in a safe and regulated way.

The current market vacuum in Norway places Bitcoin trading volume in the country at 5% of the EU average, which means that there is a great market potential. It also means that Norway has a great opportunity to leapfrog the centralized exchange paradigm. BitGate is a decentralized exchange gateway, making it both scalable and regulation-friendly.

Ever since 2014 BitSpace has been looking into creating a gateway as proposed by Daniel Larimer, creator of BitShares ( In the cryptocurrency space, timing is everything, and we waited for the world to get ready while the concept gained maturity in 2015, the year that banks really started exploring “blockchain.”

In 2016 we got the opportunity to present the concept for the legal and financial elite. We pitched the project as BitGate and won first place in the OsloFintech Challenge, before being accepted into the FintechFactory accelerator in Norway, where we met numerous finance and fintech mentors, lawyers and bankers who were excited about the concept.

It was only recently that we finally cleared the way through the regulatory hurdles with our legal advisor Camilla Wollan of DLA Piper, and banking advisor Lars Hektoen, founder of Cultura Bank. In addition, Sturle Sunde, the first and largest Bitcoin trader in Norway is now officially on the BitGate team.

The road ahead is clear, and we will most likely achieve a network effect for a decentralized exchange gateway here in Norway. We already have the first business school assigment on BitGate, ( by Ioanna ( - who we met at the cryptofinance event we organized. ( We were also just a few days ago featured in one of the largest newspapers in Norway, Morgenbladet - you can see some of the pictures here. (

We aim to have the BitGate MVP ready in March.

The Opportunity

There is a gap between the traditional economy and the emerging cryptoeconomy. The gap has been particularly pernicious in Norway, as the regulatory environment has been highly uncertain since 2013, which saw the announcement of VAT on Bitcoin. In 2014 the biggest centralized Bitcoin exchange in Norway, Justcoin, was shut down. Globally, the financial industry has been exploring blockchain technology as a way to enhance services and cut costs. However, a traditional mindset and approach to regulation leads to an ignorance of permissionless, open blockchain systems. The financial sector tends to employ permissioned, closed systems, with their inherent limitations of centralization and regionality. This creates a gap between paradigms:
In most regions, the emergence of decentralized exchanges is hampered by the dominance of heavily funded, centralized exchanges and private, permissioned ledgers. Because Norway has been lagging behind, we can now leapfrog development with a public, decentralized gateway. This lessens the regulatory hurdles and provides an easier way for Norwegians to invest in the booming cryptoeconomy. In Norway, BitGate will serve as a proof-of-concept for the new cryptoeconomy paradigm, enticing banks, exchanges and remittance services to participate.

The Solution

Instead of resorting to an open, permissionless system or a closed, permissioned system, BitGate offers a hybrid blockchain solution, allowing compliance and regulation while retaining the openness and global reach of the cryptoeconomy. We connect banks, exchanges and remittance services to the emerging Internet of Finance (IoF), giving end users access to a highly scalable, frictionless global market.
The BitGate MVP will use the BitShares blockchain and enable users to purchase Bitcoin with NOK, and NOK with Bitcoin. Users will be registered with the National Banking ID system in Norway (BankID) to ensure high-level compliance, and we will use third-party auditors to ensure KYC/AML verified users. We will start with bank transfers, which are already relatively frictionless in Norway due to heavy modernization and standardization, and quickly scale to accept all dominant payment solutions in Norway, as well as other cryptocurrencies; NOK to STEEM and BTS being a priority.

The business structure of BitGate has been architected in partnership with our lawyer Camilla Wollan of DLA Piper and advisor Lars Hektoen, founder of Cultura Bank. Thanks to the built-in KYC/AML features of the BitShares blockchain, Camilla Wollan has now green lighted the project. This means that Norway’s biggest and best regulated cryptocurrency exchange will be a gateway to the decentralized BitShares system!


Traditional Financial Economy

Globally, the traditional financial economy is trembling. In Norway, our previously impervious oil sector has come crashing down, and housing prices are reaching bubble territory. There is much talk about creating new jobs, but few know how to put their money to productive, profitable use.

Meanwhile BitSpace and BitGate is growing in harmony with the realization that real FinTech revolves around CryptoFinance, a new decentralized infrastructure for the global economy that will supplant financial institutions as gravitational centers.

Just in the past few months we have given a demo at Post-Trade, a presentation for Laboremus, a presentation for NUUG, held a presentation at Seed Forum New York, given presentations at Oslo International Hub, and organized the CryptoFinance summit where we gathered an audience of over 150 people, the same list we will draw from for the live BitGate crowdfund on February 9th. Last week, we also organized a conference with Liberland at Gran Canaria. Liberland Investment Conference took place side-by-side with BitSpace Blockchain Forum. Stay tuned to BitSpace on Youtube ( for videos from that event, which will be posted in the coming days!

Just a few weeks ago, Norway also announced a Fintech Sandbox solution for startups looking to test our their ideas. This means that BitGate may soon be able test out services that are currently too regulated to touch, including banking and e-money issuance.

The New Cryptoeconomy

The cryptoeconomy has seen rapid growth in the last few years. Bitcoin alone has grown from being virtually zero to having a market cap of 12 billion dollars and higher. Meanwhile a variety of new cryptocurrencies have appeared that innovate and compliment Bitcoin.

Bitcoin’s yearly trading volume is now close to $400 billion worldwide.
We have also seen a gradual rise in total cryptocurrency market capitalization, which touched the $20 billion mark earlier this month.
Among the new developments is the popularization of the concept of DAOs (Decentralized Autonomous Organizations). These developments allow new kinds of businesses like Steemit to flourish. Just in the past few months, Steemit has had a major impact on the world, as we organized the Oslo Steemit Hackathon in Norway at the CryptoFinance Summit (, and legendary @roelandp organized SteemFEST Amsterdam, with participants like [member=42572]Ned[/member] [member=42800]good-karma[/member] @fabien [member=43084]ekitcho[/member] @furion [member=120]xeroc[/member] [member=224]cass[/member] [member=11456]svk[/member] [member=39864]noisy[/member] attending both events.

We expect that new economy DAOs like Steemit will keep flourishing to create new, global financial, reputation and identity infrastructure. The most pressing issue right now is the gap between the traditional economy and the new economy. The best way to bridge this gap is using a Decentralized Exchange, allowing regulated trusted industries to operate on an open, decentralized system.

BitShares and CryptoFinance

The BitShares Decentralized Exchange was launched in 2014, and has now had time to mature both technologically and conceptually. We are using this platform to create the BitGate MVP as a proof-of-concept and bring in Norwegian users who may be completely new to cryptocurrencies.

By creating a safe, regulated bridge to a global, decentralized blockchain-based platform, we set the stage for the next paradigm of CryptoFinance. In contrast to centralized exchanges, the scaling opportunities for BitGate are endless, as BitGate effectively connects users to the Web of Value. This in turn puts value itself on the exponential information-technology curve and grows it according to Metcalfe's law with each new node.

While FinTech is currently revolving around core banking infrastructure, in the future it will revolve around global, decentralized, blockchain-based platforms. BitGate positions itself in this landscape to facilitate the transition in a safe, regulated, effective and painless manner, helping startups, businesses and financial institutions to connect to the web of value.


Internationally, most banks work on private, permissioned solutions while the CryptoEconomy has open, permissionless solutions. However, we increasingly see exceptions to this trend. For instance, Santander recently announced “Cash On The Blockchain” using the open Ethereum-blockchain. This validates the concept of a hybrid solution as the key to 2017.

While Ethereum is a great platform to experiment and try out new types of smart contracts, it was not designed to serve as the global financial infrastructure. By working with BitShares we ensure that we will be able to handle the volume success entails, while still allowing secure, low-cost, and instant worldwide transactions.

In the BitShares space OpenLedger, Cryptonomex, BlockPay and other exchange partners are competition but also good friends and potential partners as liquidity and BitShares adoption is our common problem. We will all seek to specialize relative to each other to minimize mutual competition.

The biggest Bitcoin exchange service in Norway is currently - the volume driven entirely by the reputation of a trusted figure in the community, Sturle Sunde. While he has the best reputation, as well as the highest trading volume and web ranking in Norway, he is currently struggling with regulatory challenges and lack of banking partners to scale up his business. Seeing the path we are taking with BitGate, focusing hard on financial and legal partners and regulatory compliance right off the bat, Sturle decided to join the BitGate team, and will ensure a high trading volume from day one.

All in all, with our team, advisors, and national and international partners, we position ourselves as the major Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange in Norway. This in turn will create innumerable possibilities to expand BitGate, both as a service in Norway, and internationally.


The cost of global scaling is minimal, while the added value of scaling is exponential. By helping to build an alternative global financial infrastructure together with our partners, we target the total market of the world economy.  As the market grows, new opportunities will present themselves and all we can do here is indicate some potential candidate services.

In addition to traditional revenue sources from payments and exchange, BitGate provides a gateway to new CryptoFinance markets, including Global Stock Exchange for traditional stock, crypto-equities, and crypto-indexes, as well as services like portfolio-management, remittance, crowdfunding with equity, microfinance, and micropayments for the Economy of Things (EoT).

BitGate is a daughter company of BitSpace, and has the backing of the BitSpace team and network, collectively carrying over 20 years of experience with Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. We have a global team of blockchain experts, as well as coders, designers, marketers, lawyers, all working to make it happen, as well as a network of bankers, traders, market makers, and remittance service providers.

Core Team


We need at least 20 BTC for development, legal and to deploy a professional crowdfunding proposal in February. Participants will be given 5% in BitGateCoin proportional to their contribution with no strings attached. The BitGateCoin will be issued with BitShares.

Early Bird Discounts

*The first 0-5 BTC get a 2x multiplier on the donation!*
*The first 5-10 BTC get a 1.5x multiplier on the donation!*
*The first 10-15 BTC get a 1.2x multiplier on the donation!*
*The first 15-20 BTC get a 1.1x multiplier on the donation!*

The crowdfund will run until January 31!


After the 50 BTC mark, 1% of equity will be added to the total pool for every 10 BTC, up to a total of 10% equity for 100 BTC, which is the maximum cap for the pre-crowdfund.

Use of Funds
The BitGate MVP is a Bitcoin trading service. It will be released Q1 2017 in Norway. Norway currently has a market vacuum for cryptocurrency trading, and with extensive knowledge about the local conditions, our strategy is to gain a foothold in the market, while our global network of partners allow us to scale globally and build the Internet of Finance.

What’s in it for Investors?

The BitGate Coins issued in this crowdsale are 5% of the total supply.

Updated Terms and conditions are available here:

The value of the BITGATE tokens will be determined by the market. BitGate intends to support the BITGATE tokens when BitGate AS becomes profitable, meaning that BitGate AS has a positive annual profit after tax. BitGate AS will then, for a period of at least 10 years, spend a percentage of its annual profit after tax to buy BITGATE tokens on the open market, and make them unspendable. The percentage of the annual profit after tax used for this will vary from time to time according to the greater needs of the BitGate project, but is estimated to be around 10% of the yearly profit after tax.

BitGate AS profits include fees from all future GateAssets, BitGate BaaS (Blockchain As A Service) profits from integration with banks, exchanges and remittance services. Profit will also come from other business models BitGate AS may adopt, such as collecting interests on deposits or creating a crypto management wealth fund. By participating in the BitGate ICO you get in early before we do the FintechFest crowdsale February 9th, a big event that will be held in Oslo, Norway.

Are you interested in a private investment?

Contact us at

Are you interested in joining the team or partnering up as a Gateway Partner?

Contact us at

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: placebo on January 18, 2017, 10:35:53 PM
Webex video call...

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: malcovixeffect on January 18, 2017, 10:40:47 PM
I saw placebo, im out!

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CjMapope on January 18, 2017, 10:46:30 PM
So its gonna be a Norwegian exchange? interesting...
no linkedin, no facebook, no twitter, we need links to chew on! :D
and WHAT is bitspace?  it sounds like its a project started a while ago, ?  theres no site i can find? bitspace development? bitspace camp? what IS bitspace? :D im interested! :)

Links and escrow and this looks good!

Good Luck, this is one to watch! :)

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: kurniajim on January 18, 2017, 10:54:40 PM
No bounty?

I want translate your thread to indonesian language

please, reserved

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: malcovixeffect on January 18, 2017, 11:04:19 PM
lol after my post they quickly went offline, which led me to do some more hunting...


we had a database leak around July , put 2+2 together and i think this is another elaborate "Nodio" type scam, with a bought account. BE CAREFUL PEOPLE!

its automatically a scam when placebo posts.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: BekantanSejagatTeamPenipu on January 18, 2017, 11:07:21 PM
how much total suply coin
and how much price youre pre ico selling

or you want donation to pre ico selling and then you can create coin
and who is escrow handle your ico selling

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 18, 2017, 11:30:33 PM
lol after my post they quickly went offline, which led me to do some more hunting...


we had a database leak around July , put 2+2 together and i think this is another elaborate "Nodio" type scam, with a bought account. BE CAREFUL PEOPLE!

I am in the video, I am "clains" at Steemit (, "clains" at BitSharesTalk (,23725.0.html) since 2013.. It is my real name, I am Christian Lains on Linkedin ( I am the least anonymous person online lol.


We are here:
We are here:
We are here:
We are here:
We are here:

A few of our presentations:

We even created the first Bitcoin Course in Norway (

We just recently came home from Gran Canaria where we hosted BizzWeek with Liberland:

Here is a video we shot with the team there:

Working on the ICO
Dinner with Liberland
Hosting Steem-hackathon in Oslo
Hosting the cryptofinance summit (

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CjMapope on January 18, 2017, 11:50:27 PM
lol after my post they quickly went offline, which led me to do some more hunting...


we had a database leak around July , put 2+2 together and i think this is another elaborate "Nodio" type scam, with a bought account. BE CAREFUL PEOPLE!

I am in the video, I am "clains" at Steemit (, "clains" at BitSharesTalk (,23725.0.html) since 2013.. It is my real name, I am Christian Lains on Linkedin ( I am the least anonymous person online lol.


We are here:
We are here:
We are here:
We are here:
We are here:

A few of our presentations:

We even created the first Bitcoin Course in Norway (

We just recently came home from Gran Canaria where we hosted BizzWeek with Liberland:

Here is a video we shot with the team there:

Working on the ICO
Dinner with Liberland

oo yummy, links! :D

sorry for the initial skepticism, the OP looks great but ya was just words ;p
i actually recognize your face (in the white tee), now that i think about it, ooo maybe i judge too quick! :)

i hope you can continue to prove yourselves on this, I might just jump in, :D

Good Luck!

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 18, 2017, 11:53:47 PM
lol after my post they quickly went offline, which led me to do some more hunting...


we had a database leak around July , put 2+2 together and i think this is another elaborate "Nodio" type scam, with a bought account. BE CAREFUL PEOPLE!

I am in the video, I am "clains" at Steemit (, "clains" at BitSharesTalk (,23725.0.html) since 2013.. It is my real name, I am Christian Lains on Linkedin ( I am the least anonymous person online lol.


We are here:
We are here:
We are here:
We are here:
We are here:

A few of our presentations:

We even created the first Bitcoin Course in Norway (

We just recently came home from Gran Canaria where we hosted BizzWeek with Liberland:

Here is a video we shot with the team there:

Working on the ICO
Dinner with Liberland

oo yummy, links! :D

sorry for the initial skepticism, the OP looks great but ya was just words ;p
i actually recognize your face (in the white tee), now that i think about it, ooo maybe i judge too quick! :)


Good Luck!

Thank you! We are doing our best! :)

The technology is there, but the regulatory and legal stuff is hard

My brother Manuel Lains and I feel like the Winklevoss brothers of Norway :D

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: zahra4577 on January 19, 2017, 12:05:26 AM
Your target market is Norway why is it country specific? Why dont you create it in local thread if it is a Norway centric project.?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: malcovixeffect on January 19, 2017, 12:11:53 AM
Your target market is Norway why is it country specific? Why dont you create it in local thread if it is a Norway centric project.?

Are you the government to dictate where and when they can establish their product?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 19, 2017, 12:14:04 AM
how much total suply coin
and how much price youre pre ico selling

or you want donation to pre ico selling and then you can create coin
and who is escrow handle your ico selling

We have secured the wallets ourselves. For BTC transfers, we give you a vanity address to keep track of who's who.

For BitShares and Steem you can see the accounts here:

We are selling 5% of the coin to everyone who contributes up til 50 BTC. If we get more than 50 BTC we add an additional +1%, then per +10 BTC until 100 BTC for 10%. It's like we have a pizza, we give away 5% (divide pizza in twenty pieces and give away one), then depending on how many come to eat, they will get a fraction of the pizza. If a lot of people come (100 BTC) we give away an extra piece of pizza. So we wait and see until 31th January to properly split the pizza among participants. Hope that makes sense.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 19, 2017, 12:18:54 AM
Your target market is Norway why is it country specific? Why dont you create it in local thread if it is a Norway centric project.?

Our strategy is to dominate a small market first, to grow and develop. Norway is the perfect minimum viable market, as there is very little competition, which means that a decentralized exchange can flourish without centralized exchanges stamping it out. (these are the conditions a paradigm shift is born in)

We are actually going to do a bigger ICO/Crowdfund February 9th in Norway. This is to get feedback from the cryptocommunity and show that we have traction. Reaching 160% of our target in 24 hours really helps with that!

Of course once we have established ourselves in Norway we scale internationally, and we are already in talks with partners all over the world who are considering using BitGate as a franchise. Personally I am a fan of Peter Thiel's views on startup strategy, so check that out here for clues ( ;)

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: KitcatCat on January 19, 2017, 01:13:48 AM
All these people and you cant come up with 20 btc?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 19, 2017, 01:19:27 AM
All these people and you cant come up with 20 btc?

We already reached our target and beyond (30 BTC) within 24 hours without advertising. This is a pre-crowdfund ICO. We are aiming to raise $300k+ February 9th.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: BlockchainOS on January 19, 2017, 01:23:17 AM
Okay.. I see a lot of business, but what about your tech?
I'd love to see your technical approach  :)
Any more info on tech side?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: KitcatCat on January 19, 2017, 01:24:14 AM
All these people and you cant come up with 20 btc?

We already reached our target and beyond (30 BTC) within 24 hours without advertising. This is a pre-crowdfund ICO. We are aiming to raise $300k+ February 9th.

lol good luck with that.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: BTC Community on January 19, 2017, 01:27:05 AM
All these people and you cant come up with 20 btc?
It is certainly a real problem.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 19, 2017, 01:36:45 AM
All these people and you cant come up with 20 btc?

We already reached our target and beyond (30 BTC) within 24 hours without advertising. This is a pre-crowdfund ICO. We are aiming to raise $300k+ February 9th.

lol good luck with that.

Same partner who co-organized ( with us ( is organizing OsloFintechFest where the crowdfund will be done ( :)

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: PolyPanto on January 19, 2017, 08:38:20 AM
Using the blockchain-based social media platform Steem we managed to reach 150% of our minimum goal for the pre-crowdfund within 24 hours! These funds will allow us to pay for development, legal bills, and give us enough to create a decent crowdfunding showcase for February 9th.

Hello, very impressing results! Good luck in further project development!
Do you plan to do threads in local communities? If yes, can I reserve the Russian translation?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: electronicash on January 19, 2017, 08:53:22 AM
seem a solid project. all hail for the vikings!  ;D what are the benefits for private investors? actually, a business should start locally and establish a trust in their area before branching out somewhere else. Good luck with the project.

do you guys offer some article and blog bounties?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: DISPERADO on January 19, 2017, 09:12:38 AM
BitGate is a gateway to the global blockchain-based economy...There are a lot of projects like this one, what are your advantages over them? When and what kind of bounty campaigns do you plan?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: Alastair air on January 19, 2017, 12:28:47 PM
Using the blockchain-based social media platform Steem we managed to reach 150% of our minimum goal for the pre-crowdfund within 24 hours! These funds will allow us to pay for development, legal bills, and give us enough to create a decent crowdfunding showcase for February 9th.

Hello, very impressing results! Good luck in further project development!
Do you plan to do threads in local communities? If yes, can I reserve the Russian translation?

yes it should be so i am also interested in this too and it will be usefull for russions too

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: KitcatCat on January 21, 2017, 02:16:12 AM
Still watching but not liking what Im seeing.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: DISPERADO on January 21, 2017, 11:54:37 AM
If the pre-crowdfund campaign will run until January 31st, how 34 bct were collected?
"ICO Early Bird Discounts" ended but bitcointalk thread was added only on january 19th. 
1. Where have you been untill this time?
2.Do you have share investors or just regular investors? 
3. Who will be  an escrow on pre-ICO? The investor's confidence depends on this choice.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 28, 2017, 06:44:08 PM
If the pre-crowdfund campaign will run until January 31st, how 34 bct were collected?
"ICO Early Bird Discounts" ended but bitcointalk thread was added only on january 19th.  
1. Where have you been untill this time?
2.Do you have share investors or just regular investors?  
3. Who will be  an escrow on pre-ICO? The investor's confidence depends on this choice.

1. We actually just posted it over at Steemit, the blockchain-based social media plattform:

From there we managed to raise 150% in under 24 hours.

2. We have some 20 private investors in BitSpace AS, which currently owns BitGate AS 100%.

3. We decided not to use an escrow because of the relatively small size of the crowdfund (we were just aiming for 20 BTC to get a little boost before the big crowdfund February 9th), and because of our respectively high reputation in the BitShares and Steemit communities. BitSpace has been holding conferences, presentations, workshops for the last two years now (my brother Manuel Lains and I - Christian Lains). Manuel has been leader of the Pirate Party in Oslo and is a well-known figure. Personally I have been one of the most frequent posters in the BitShares community since 2013 (;u=5048), was one of the most active posters in Steemit early on (, and was one of the first to publicly give presentations on Steemit ( We are all out there with our real names, and have a kickass Advisory board of highly reputable, public personalities both from the cryptocommunity and traditional financial world.

We are very busy now charging up for the live crowdfund at OsloFintech February 9th:

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: KitcatCat on January 29, 2017, 02:24:52 AM
When will the next ico start?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 29, 2017, 12:19:29 PM
When will the next ico start?

For FintechFest February 9th we'll crowdfund for equity in our legal entity BitGate AS, as the crowd will mostly consist of investors from traditional finance. Depending on how that works out we might have it running for a few weeks via Invesdor (

Right now we are focusing hard on consolidating the idea. We first want to capture the Norwegian market and get a proof-of-concept up and running. My guess is we won't be be doing a proper crypto-ICO before we have a global BitGate team and scaling strategy fully worked out. But who knows, that may happen quite quickly at this rate.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: Dxt on January 29, 2017, 12:37:56 PM
For FintechFest February 9th we'll crowdfund for equity in our legal entity BitGate AS, as the crowd will mostly consist of investors from traditional finance. Depending on how that works out we might have it running for a few weeks via Invesdor (

It looks promising, watching bitgate. If you will be spending on the ICO Invesdor, let us know. Although I think you will find here a lot of investors. Good luck.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: electronicash on January 29, 2017, 12:58:04 PM
they are not using escrow even just for a show? we already know escrow would still be useless but even jsut for a show you won't be using escrow?
you could have some support from the users by just having an escrow who's in cahoots with your scamming but no. you chose to use no one.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: TimeTeller on January 29, 2017, 01:03:53 PM
This project seems to be one of the legits so far.  :)
Providing links for their info & other stuffs.
Also, the amount that they wanted to raise is reasonable enough, not so ambitious to get a hold of a lot of BTCs unlike other newly-launched coins with overwhelming requirements.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: AmoreJaz on January 29, 2017, 01:10:38 PM
as with any financial endeavor everyone should stay aware of the possibilities and consequences of investing! if this is a solid investment or not it should make no difference to anyone possibly investing in this!
NEVER invest more then your willing to lose!

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 29, 2017, 08:08:30 PM
This project seems to be one of the legits so far.  :)
Providing links for their info & other stuffs.
Also, the amount that they wanted to raise is reasonable enough, not so ambitious to get a hold of a lot of BTCs unlike other newly-launched coins with overwhelming requirements.

Thank you!

It is exactly because we aim to grow exponentially that we value the first small steps.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: zahra4577 on January 29, 2017, 08:40:07 PM
For FintechFest February 9th we'll crowdfund for equity in our legal entity BitGate AS, as the crowd will mostly consist of investors from traditional finance. Depending on how that works out we might have it running for a few weeks via Invesdor (

It looks promising, watching bitgate. If you will be spending on the ICO Invesdor, let us know. Although I think you will find here a lot of investors. Good luck.
Can non Norwegian citizens also participate in your ICO.Sorry I never heard about Invesdor before,is it a exchange like Bittrex or Poloniex?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: lambofan on January 29, 2017, 09:07:53 PM
So it is a gap between the traditional economy and the emerging cryptoeconomy focused on Norway, I do not know why this reminds me another coin of Iceland.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: Odrak on January 29, 2017, 09:45:37 PM
Will there be a possibility to buy actual equity in BitGate, other than the coin, if you are not able to physically attend the equity crowdfund in Norway?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 29, 2017, 09:53:52 PM
So it is a gap between the traditional economy and the emerging cryptoeconomy focused on Norway, I do not know why this reminds me another coin of Iceland.

BitGate Norway is doing two things at the same time. On the one hand it's proof-of-concept for the global solution, using a decentralized exchange gateway to bridge the gap between the traditional economy and the emerging cryptoeconomy. On the other hand it's an easy to use, safe and regulated service for Norwegians to trade NOK for BTC. The upshot is that one of the reasons there is no such service in Norway is because of our tricky regulations, something that the decentralized exchange gateway helps solve! Finally, the reason decentralized exchange gateways have been doing poorly is because centralized exchanges are dominating in most markets, making it difficult for them to get a foothold. By starting in Norway we have a nice minimum viable market were we can incubate our service and make it ready for the global stage. :D

For FintechFest February 9th we'll crowdfund for equity in our legal entity BitGate AS, as the crowd will mostly consist of investors from traditional finance. Depending on how that works out we might have it running for a few weeks via Invesdor (

It looks promising, watching bitgate. If you will be spending on the ICO Invesdor, let us know. Although I think you will find here a lot of investors. Good luck.
Can non Norwegian citizens also participate in your ICO.Sorry I never heard about Invesdor before,is it a exchange like Bittrex or Poloniex?

I think it will be difficult for the cryptocommunity to participate in the Invesdor crowdfund. Invesdor is like Kickstarter, only they give away equity for participation. Since we are giving away traditional equity in that round, there are strong requirements for identity verification to comply with KYC/AML regulations and the like. We will probably do a proper ICO later this year though, after we get some IRL traction in Norway and have the business model and roadmap to scale globally ready.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 29, 2017, 10:16:53 PM
Will there be a possibility to buy actual equity in BitGate, other than the coin, if you are not able to physically attend the equity crowdfund in Norway?

It is always possible to just send us an email via the form at the bottom here: if you want to invest directly in BitGate AS, the Norwegian company. We will only do this for substantial sums ($5000 or more) because of the legal/regulatory hassle.

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: cengsuwuei on January 29, 2017, 10:32:34 PM
where youre addres in pre-ico selling
youre not use escrow in pre-ico selling, and how much price youre coin, only send youre bitcoin, youre nothing explain receive coin, total coin, pre-ico selling price

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 29, 2017, 10:45:58 PM
where youre addres in pre-ico selling

you must put in your email to get a BTC address:

youre not use escrow in pre-ico selling, and how much price youre coin, only send youre bitcoin, youre nothing explain receive coin, total coin, pre-ico selling price

We are issuing at least 5% (5 million) of the total supply (100 million).

The 5 million (or more) are divided among the people who participate in the crowdfund (see terms below). This means that we don't know the price until at the end of the crowdfund 31th January, like an auction. The coin will be issued with BitShares, and we will send you instructions on how to claim it.

See the full terms here:

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: CLains on January 30, 2017, 10:28:11 PM
Last Day (~24h) Of the ICO:

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: ReferenceGamblingSite on January 30, 2017, 10:37:24 PM
no bounty no party
how much total suply bitgate coin
and how much price in pre-ico selling, how much can bget bigate coin if buy one bitcoin
and use escrow or not

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: Bulletdodger on March 04, 2017, 08:44:35 PM
What is going on? Have the tokens been issued?

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: darmin on March 05, 2017, 01:27:30 AM
no bounty no party
how much total suply bitgate coin
and how much price in pre-ico selling, how much can bget bigate coin if buy one bitcoin
and use escrow or not

i like your words :)

no bounty no party

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: on March 05, 2017, 02:21:11 AM
I am interested in potentially adding this to

Please contact me:


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Telegram: @Alexanderico

Title: Re: [ANN] BitGate Pre-Crowdfund ICO
Post by: farosa on March 05, 2017, 06:58:07 PM
Maybe need translation?