Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: yeponlyone on June 16, 2011, 03:34:14 AM

Title: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: yeponlyone on June 16, 2011, 03:34:14 AM
Warning: don't click unless you are in the mood for a little funny! (

It's not my video, someone posted this while we were waiting for the 'bitcoin show: episode 3' today, a true gem.

btw - great job on the show today to the guys over at (!!

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: JellyfishRancher on June 16, 2011, 03:57:56 AM
He obviously doesn't get it, but still very funny!

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: Jfqs6m on June 16, 2011, 03:58:47 AM
Funny I guess but I really hate when people are ignorant about bitcoins...

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: yeponlyone on June 16, 2011, 04:00:36 AM
Funny I guess but I really hate when people are ignorant about bitcoins...

i know, i have not seen someone who knew about it that was at the same time so ignorant of it...

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: Anonymous on June 16, 2011, 04:01:57 AM
God help humanity.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: Alex Beckenham on June 16, 2011, 04:04:09 AM
I found this one funnier:

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: Kman54 on June 16, 2011, 04:07:14 AM

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: Steve on June 16, 2011, 04:11:14 AM
I went out and bought 15 lawnmowers today.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: myrkul on June 16, 2011, 04:14:50 AM
Yeah, I see the resemblance.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: fascistmuffin on June 16, 2011, 04:15:52 AM
I went out and bought 15 lawnmowers today.

Good thing I already have a lawnmower and don't need to invest in anymore hardware. Hopefully it'll put out similar grasshashes/sec. Now I need to figure out a way to keep it running 24/7. :D

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: Jaime Frontero on June 16, 2011, 04:32:58 AM
i'm not gonna mess around with grass - or even leaves.  i'm going straight for the large denomination stuff.

< scratches head >

i reckon you could do it regular (no pun intended... no, really), and just mine 10 squares or so per meal.

but i've figured out a new mining protocol that uses EX_LAX_INT - and i think i might be able to mine thirty squares a day.  i should have a whole roll in three weeks...

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: airdata on June 16, 2011, 06:09:14 AM
God help humanity.


It's brutal seeing so many people who share views like that guy.  I was taught in elementary school that economies run on money and that their money has value because it's backed by something like gold that is worth alot.

Then fast forward 20+ years and I learn that the federal reserve doesn't even have to answer to the government.  They tell people who it's going to be and do as they wish.  A famous quote is that they're as federal as federal express.

But apparently there are people who have no idea, and probably think that we just have this huge gold reserve sitting somewhere that makes our USD worth something.  Wrong. 

I only bring this up because all of these buttcoin, bitcarrot spoof attempts all use this ideology that bitcoin isn't valid because it has nothing backing it.  In america and around the world we've proved that all you need to back your money are lies and faith in a god that may or may not exist.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: fascistmuffin on June 16, 2011, 06:14:58 AM
...and faith in a god that may or may not exist.

I bet we can get the FSM to back Bitcoin.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: myrkul on June 16, 2011, 06:15:47 AM
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: Maxxx on June 16, 2011, 08:28:25 AM

This sad individual stated repeatedly how ignorant they are of Bitcoin, yet they don't shut up.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: hugolp on June 16, 2011, 08:40:02 AM
I only bring this up because all of these buttcoin, bitcarrot spoof attempts all use this ideology that bitcoin isn't valid because it has nothing backing it.  In america and around the world we've proved that all you need to back your money are lies and faith in a god that may or may not exist.

Well, this is a bit naive. What the USA has prove around the world is that you dont need to back up your money with gold if you have the biggest army. The USA government did not imposed the dollars only through lies and faith...

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: killer2021 on June 16, 2011, 09:02:35 AM
Why does every anti-bitcoiner always sound like a 50 year old redneck hillbilly? (seriously).

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: GideonGono on June 16, 2011, 10:41:25 AM
More lulz: "Think bitcoin is a hacker organization. And their using that CPU power to do something illegal. Someone tell me, WHAT IS ALL THAT POWER USED FOR?"

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: unixdude on June 16, 2011, 10:59:29 AM
More lulz: "Think bitcoin is a hacker organization. And their using that CPU power to do something illegal. Someone tell me, WHAT IS ALL THAT POWER USED FOR?"

LOL that guy cracked me up, "works in the computer industry" yet he couldn't figure out how to use a search engine and find out all he needed to know about bitcoin.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: aeMaeth on June 16, 2011, 11:14:04 AM
I found this one funnier:
Now he sells bitcoin insurance, you can spill coffee on your computer, and it's backed up and secured by him and his concealed handgun license, INTERNET!  <--contains the video files used to create this, hopefully someone can set this to music, I can see "Bitcoins! Internet! Bitcoins! Internet! You have a wallet!" being a big hit.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: yeponlyone on June 16, 2011, 12:16:45 PM
More lulz: "Think bitcoin is a hacker organization. And their using that CPU power to do something illegal. Someone tell me, WHAT IS ALL THAT POWER USED FOR?"

LOL that guy cracked me up, "works in the computer industry" yet he couldn't figure out how to use a search engine and find out all he needed to know about bitcoin.

OMG! the video froze right after he says "look at the new shirt my wife game me" (...this is the part where i nod and act like i am listening) i don't know yet what he goes on to say but i can already tell that his wife knows him very well :)

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: niemivh on June 16, 2011, 04:04:30 PM
I'm checking to make sure my passport is still valid.

Mouth breathers like this are going to realize how smart they really are when the dollar loses world reserve status and their standard of living plummets by 50% overnight.

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: d.james on June 16, 2011, 05:33:24 PM
You Gaise Buying LawnMowers To Increase Your GrashRates Are All DumbAsses.

i went to my local costco and bought out all of their toilet paper rolls. :)

Title: Re: sorry if you don't like it but i couldn't stop laughing.
Post by: josell on June 16, 2011, 06:32:13 PM
In america and around the world we've proved that all you need to back your money are lies and faith in a god that may or may not exist.
It depends in how you difine "god"

For many people, their god is money, sports, rockbands, and other SHITs...