Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Spoetnik on January 26, 2017, 06:13:37 PM

Title: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Spoetnik on January 26, 2017, 06:13:37 PM
Ok so the point of this is to put some info out there for you all.
I found a lack of info on the ANN first page topic.

So lets all collect key bits of info here
(post a comment if you want something added etc)

So i will start off with what i noticed..

- There was no mention of total coins in the ANN first post so.. i seen this by TaunSew.

They will be adding 35 million new coins (current supply is 5 million) within the next 4 years.  It seems to be a highly inflationary project.

- It is not an ICO (verified ?)

- It is not premined (verified ?)

- Launch date ? (dates are are sketchy on the ANN) a topics edit time is NOT the launch date etc.

- The coin is mine-able. (with what ?)

- It has a creative NEW gimmick / feature. (depending on your perspective)

- It was coded in the Pascal programming language (verified ? is it 100% Pascal ?)

..that is like coding a god damn coin in ASM hahahhaa  :D
I also do not think that is a good thing off hand (most people out there probably do not know the language)
I sure as hell don't ..sound like a masochistic idea ROFL

I can cot condone nor condemn it based on what i have seen so far.
But i want to point out things need to be verified thoroughly.
And i am not so sure about the security of the new system either.. how secure & stable will it be ?

I also want to point out we are seeing news lately about a massive pump or possible boost in popularity with the coin.
The price of it has risen up dramatically over night.

Anyway i am not sure what the real usefulness is of this Pascal project.
By the sounds of it i don't see why we all need or want it.
But i do respect the creativity effort.. and at least best i can tell it's not another god damn fucking ICO shitcoin.

So if any of you can think of any key points to mention let me know here with a comment. (i will edit the first post)

Notable Topics:
[PASCALCOIN] How It Increased By 4800% Yesterday? (
[PASA] PascalCoin Account price speculation (

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: cakravothy on January 26, 2017, 09:23:45 PM
what is this pascal coin
is true not ico selling, not premine, not fee mining same zcash and verified about information
this coin is full pow, full mining, and pascal coin is good price, i think is good coin, because pascal coin price only market dicesion nothing people control pascal coin price, because distribution coin is fair use pow system

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: aioc on January 27, 2017, 04:58:32 AM
This is a good example of a coin that slowly find it's way to the hear and the wallet of investors,I regret not investing here even though I knew it's worth investing in this coin,because of the fair distribution,this is a good example of a coin that can beat any ico coin.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: romanlanskoj on January 27, 2017, 08:06:40 AM
4.7mln of  all the 5.6 mln pascal coins had been collected at polo account 86646-64

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: NUFCrichard on January 27, 2017, 08:30:58 AM

- The coin is mine-able. (with what ?)

- It has a creative NEW gimmick / feature. (depending on your perspective)

It seems that it is GPU mineable, but only with a very limited number of GPUs. It also sounds like the miner is pretty poor and variable.

The gimmick or USP would be the bank account like address (also self limiting though). I don't really get the deletable bit, and it isn't mentioned in the white paper.

It looks like the first block was mined at 2016 Aug 11 - 17:08:32

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: WarrEagle on January 27, 2017, 01:21:58 PM
This is an attempt to reduce blockchain bloat. Pascal is an old established and secure language that no one knows how to hack(yet)...

my take on the coin, I picked up more than I normally do with new coins that show promise and will sit on them for months. Let's see where it goes.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: legendbtc on January 27, 2017, 03:06:20 PM
Already it is proved in exchanges and the volume are more enough when compared to ICO coins, Even though they are making huge money in ICO but  still they cannot produce huge volume like pascal coin. Really pascal coin is best example for all the ICO coins.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: btc_zero_sum on January 27, 2017, 03:18:31 PM
what the hell this cannot be serious! a blockchain coded in pascal?  :o

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Tmdz on January 27, 2017, 03:53:56 PM
The coin seems to break it main promise of being easy for the non geek, eg easy for new comers to adopt and use.

1)  The interface is confusing when you start using it

2)  You have to SOLO mine to get an account or buy one from someone.

What non geek is going to put up with that when ANY mainstream altcoin you can download a light wallet and transfer coins directly into it.  So because of that use of this coin has been pretty low then suddenly polo snatches it up and everyone goes crazy.  The whole thing just smells bad.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: dwgscale11 on January 27, 2017, 09:22:43 PM
Gamblers, if you are providing volume with this coin, please seek help.  For your and your families sake... Please seek help.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Spoetnik on January 28, 2017, 05:45:50 AM
Interesting replies and i am not short how to add any of that to the first post.
Any 1 line comments to add to the first post people ?
Is mentioning almost all the coins are on Poloniex "note worthy" info ?

By the way.. i have none and i will never have any.
It just does not appeal to me for the reasons i pointed out and OTHERS here too.

And if it runs it can be cracked ;)

Pascal is an imperative and procedural programming language, which Niklaus Wirth designed in 1968–69 and published in 1970, as a small, efficient language intended to encourage good programming practices using structured programming and data structuring.
Pascal (programming language) - Wikipedia

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: layoutph on January 28, 2017, 10:16:37 AM
Really this is coded in Turbo Pascal, Not in C++ or Assembly language? haha. It must be slow. The whales behind the rapid movement of Pascalcoin is amazing. Now its gone, sorry to all people who bought. 

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Kaznachej123 on February 08, 2017, 01:18:58 PM
All tonsured, all merged, so do not be surprised if hung so a few days and then back to 60-80k.
And when a lot of fiksanut loss and merge, they will do another Pamp!

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Burmik123 on February 08, 2017, 01:21:23 PM
All tonsured, all merged, so do not be surprised if hung so a few days and then back to 60-80k.
And when a lot of fiksanut loss and merge, they will do another Pamp!
of course, of course, hold your coins. Pasc is the most funniest event of this winter.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: BitcoinNational on February 08, 2017, 02:08:22 PM
4.7mln of  all the 5.6 mln pascal coins had been collected at polo account 86646-64

it was sneak-y

1. it didn't get any attention
2. [guessing] Polo insiders position themselves
3. awkward / odd mining algo
4. BOOM! (this game has been played before) but looks like crypto at least has a new code/design feature  8)

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Kaznachej123 on February 09, 2017, 07:14:54 AM
All tonsured, all merged, so do not be surprised if hung so a few days and then back to 60-80k.
And when a lot of fiksanut loss and merge, they will do another Pamp!
of course, of course, hold your coins. Pasc is the most funniest event of this winter.
   Pascal Coin coin is unique among all the other coins! I think this coin will be a bright future of it and the price ;)

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: daylox on February 09, 2017, 08:54:21 AM
This coin has no real use case, it is only for speculation, you know the trading volume is insanely high after pasc listed on poloniex. I concur your opinion penguin, pasc is a very inflationary project, it won't be successful in the end, the volume will go out in next month, useless coin at all.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: robelneo on February 09, 2017, 10:25:58 AM
This coin has no real use case, it is only for speculation, you know the trading volume is insanely high after pasc listed on poloniex. I concur your opinion penguin, pasc is a very inflationary project, it won't be successful in the end, the volume will go out in next month, useless coin at all.

Like all the other altcoins we've seen,there are no merchants using the coin,it will die down,so far they are hot but how long can it go we don't know,let's see if traders can continue to trust this coin,honestly I have no stake in this coin but I am now starting to look on it.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Spoetnik on February 09, 2017, 11:05:30 AM
Just reminding you all i never did say anything about it really.
I just disputed the merits of it's "innovation".
Apparently you all did too when i posted a picture of it from CoinMarketCap yesterday.
How the scene reacted to it said it all i think.

Was there an organized pump behind it i am not totally sure.
I would bet there was to some extent.. to kick start it at Poloniex.

I hope people will use their own judgment.. not listen to me.

This was what happened..

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Nevsky on February 09, 2017, 02:48:35 PM
Just reminding you all i never did say anything about it really.
I just disputed the merits of it's "innovation".
Apparently you all did too when i posted a picture of it from CoinMarketCap yesterday.
How the scene reacted to it said it all i think.

Was there an organized pump behind it i am not totally sure.
I would bet there was to some extent.. to kick start it at Poloniex.

I hope people will use their own judgment.. not listen to me.

This was what happened..

Hey, bro. What do you think about Pascal? He crept up again. Support weak and persons interested to ride it a little bit. Another trick of the manipulator?

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: pinkmann on February 09, 2017, 04:38:35 PM
Early on someone made a GPU miner and mined most of the blocks for themselves. This is likely the same person that is holding all that PASC on polo.

You can read about it in the original thread, it starts around here:

This is a PnD and if you bought on Polo you'll likely loose lots of money. sorry..

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Spoetnik on February 09, 2017, 05:01:57 PM
Early on someone made a GPU miner and mined most of the blocks for themselves. This is likely the same person that is holding all that PASC on polo.

You can read about it in the original thread, it starts around here:

This is a PnD and if you bought on Polo you'll likely loose lots of money. sorry..

Likely ? Uhhh know how this works ?
Did you see the picture i posted showing the price history ?

Those people that bought close to the top are royally fucked.
All they can do is post here crying their eyes out about it's "great innovation"  :D

You are all so late to things in crypto. LOL
It already happened and this is the aftermath you are looking at.
The creation of yet more shitcoin bag holders

AKA: The Investor

Hey you can always buy moar cheap coinz nom nom nom  ;D

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: flipme on February 09, 2017, 05:53:09 PM
Really this is coded in Turbo Pascal, Not in C++ or Assembly language? haha. It must be slow. The whales behind the rapid movement of Pascalcoin is amazing. Now its gone, sorry to all people who bought. 

Not that I'm really interested in this PnD, but just as a remark, I picked up somewhere that its a Delphi project.
You would be astonished how much proprietary old Delphi/Pascal crap is still in use in the corporate sector, running on mainframes of insurances, banks etc.
Its a nice SDK with a VERY fast compiler and it bridges C++ tollfree. From Borland.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Spoetnik on February 09, 2017, 07:01:55 PM
I love how all of humanity as avoided the burning question..
What advantages would re-writing a coin into Pascal give us all ?

Seems it is the ONLY thing NOT being discussed.

I did not have to do a Google search to come to a rather obvious conclusion either.
Picking a more obscure and unpopular programming language to make a coin with is uhh ?
Any thoughts come to mind ?
You ARE suppose to be the smart one here aren't you people ?
I don't see why i have to lead you around like a horse LOL

uhhh.... Pepe Coin coded with Ruby coming soon Investards !

can you smell the fucking sick ROI's yo ?
AWWMYGOD So much innovation my balls are gonna explode bruh !111
Fuckin "one day" is here" the moon landed.. HDOL FOREEEEEEEEEEEVAH !

This gay ass retarded scene is like the Cheyenne Mountain nuclear bomb proof base.
Our little crypto scene is protected by a 1,000 feet of dried semen forming a thick wall of stupidity and uber leet sick fucking ROI's !

Jesus why isn't all of humanity here flogging Doge coin ? It has such community and much ROI's and is gonna beat out BTC's mart cap soon.. so gud yo.. soooooo GUD !

..welcome to Crypto is your red nose and clown shoes ..get in the fucking car Investards !


Grid Coin failed and was flamed here for one reason at launch years ago..
Users thought hmm sounds interesting.. then they realized it was WINDOWS ONLY.
The guy wrote the required wallet in
So ?

Back then that was a bad thing..

Now ?

You idiots are so stupid and scammy you cry innovation.

Honk hooooonk

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: flipme on February 09, 2017, 08:12:08 PM
Its a funny riddle. Why Delphi?
Think about the name, what other name pops up next to it, native?
Where's the game at, who's playing?

Hm, maybe I should buy some of that shit.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: J1mb0 on February 09, 2017, 08:29:59 PM

- It was coded in the Pascal programming language (verified ? is it 100% Pascal ?)[/b]

Wouldn't it be cool to fire up an old DEC VAX and create COBOL Coin?  ;D$vaxdocdec953/decw$book/d3yvaa11.p5.decw$book ($vaxdocdec953/decw$book/d3yvaa11.p5.decw$book)

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: vincentvincent on February 09, 2017, 08:50:52 PM
In my opinion it looks like a PnD coin with fake volume. I noticed there where a couple of coins together with huge volumes all in a sudden. I remember Nexus with sky rocket volume around the same time.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Kaznachej123 on February 12, 2017, 12:21:29 PM
        11.02.2017 PascalCoin is 6 months old. (Genesis block August 11, 2016)  Over the 6 months of mining price has grown, and the many people who originally believed the coins earned a lot of money!

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: pereira4 on February 17, 2017, 03:46:44 PM
Indeed looks like a lot of people got potentially rich from this thing, but as of today, looks like another missed train.

What is the next coin that is at the floor that will pump to ridiculous levels? that's what we should be looking for. A nice straight graph that doesn't show major pumps so you know you are getting in at the beginning.

Any thoughts on byteball? looks like its still growing.

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: Ayers on February 17, 2017, 04:40:37 PM
        11.02.2017 PascalCoin is 6 months old. (Genesis block August 11, 2016)  Over the 6 months of mining price has grown, and the many people who originally believed the coins earned a lot of money!

it was a nice opportunity in the early stage of the launch, the difficulty was very low and it was possible to mine hundred of block with a single mining rig, but not only that, the value was also very low and if you invested few btc in it you would be rich without much effort, by dumping at 30k satoshi or even 100k satoshi

Title: Re: [FUD] Pascal Coin
Post by: noeeel on December 23, 2017, 11:35:51 PM
Is there any real critic to pascalcoin? What are the biggest drawbacks of this coin... I am thinking about to invest a larger sum, so please come up with all the FUD :D