Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: d5000 on February 04, 2017, 04:02:10 AM

Title: Cryptocurrencies with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: d5000 on February 04, 2017, 04:02:10 AM
This is an (incomplete) list of altcoins that have implemented Segwit and are implementing off-chain payment solutions like the Lightning Network that need a malleability fix to work.

Lightning Network (mainnet testing)

- Groestlcoin ( (Eclair)
- Syscoin ( (Eclair)
- Bitcoin (c-lightning, Eclair)

Segwit activated:

- Groestlcoin (info here (, first coin with Segwit, locked in & activated end of January 2017)
- Syscoin ( (activated as a hard fork on March 31)
- Bitcore ( (adopted from the start, still very small)
- Digibyte ( (activated (
- Monacoin ( (activated (
- Litecoin (activated (
- VertCoin ( (activated (
- NAVcoin ( - (probably) first Proof of Stake coin with Segwit
- Viacoin ( (activated in July?)
- Bitcoin (finally activated on August 24, 2017)
- Creativecoin ( (Dec. 2017)
- Myriadcoin ( (Jan. 2018)
- GramCoin ( (March 2018 (
- BSD Bitsend ?

In adoption phase (signalling):

- Bitmark? (BTM)


- MAC Machinecoin (coding Done)
- Woodcoin (segwit-supporting client available)
- Belacoin  (planned (
- iXcoin ( (no exact info found) ?
- i0coin ( (planned, "next update")
- Stratis ( (no exact info found) ?

Update January 2018:

If you want a coin to get added, please provide me:
- the name of the coin, obviously
- the currently active Bitcointalk thread
- the date (month is ok) when Segwit was activated or has been "locked in"; if it has been locked in provide me the approximate activation date.

I won't add more coins to the "Planned" nor "Signalling" sections and add only coins where it is already activated or locked in.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: malcovixeffect on February 04, 2017, 04:07:51 AM

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on February 04, 2017, 07:49:08 AM

From what I've seen so far:

Litecoin, Viacoin, iXcoin, i0Coin.  In that order. 

I'm sure there will be others. 

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: PsychoticBoy on February 04, 2017, 07:51:07 AM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on February 04, 2017, 07:53:10 AM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: PsychoticBoy on February 04, 2017, 07:55:34 AM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Groestlcoin is also the only altcoin that has NEVER been pumped :)

Here some more info about Groestlcoin activating SegWit:

Now is your chance to buy Groestl cheap, price on Bittrex is 0.00000320 btc.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on February 04, 2017, 07:59:31 AM

Groestlcoin is also the only altcoin that has NEVER been pumped :)

Here some more info about Groestlcoin activating SegWit:

Now is your chance to buy Groestl cheap, price on Bittrex is 0.00000320 btc.

I'd definitely buy some but I'm on the run 🏃.

FYI, iXcoin has never been pumped either.  Just the 2013 spike like ALL coins had and a few stress tests I ran.  It's gonna be 6 years old in April - oldest scam/pump-free coin in the world.  :)

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: nemesisDF on February 04, 2017, 09:20:44 AM
Which cryptocurrencies are planning or already implementing SegWit?

I would like to build a list of them.

Until now, I know:

- Bitcoin (adoption unsure, still low miner support)
- Litecoin (signalling just started yesterday, too early to draw conclusion)
- Viacoin (planned, but still no signalling)

Are there more? I'll update the OP if I find more (even the smallest ones), feel free to suggest some. (If there is already a thread about this, point me to it).

VertCoin is based on their latest blog: (


The Vertcoin Development team has been busy the last month working on updating our wallet to the latest Bitcoin core with Segregated Witness (segwit). If you’re not familiar with segwit you can read the benefits and purpose here ( With that being said we are excited to announce that everything is working as it should on the test-net ,and if time permits we should have the new release ready sometime early next week, if not sooner. This should serve as a heads up to miners and pools since we will need a 75% consensus for segwit to activate. Please spread the word.

Eric (etang600)

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on February 04, 2017, 09:36:32 AM

Soon every TurdCoin 💩 will upgrade to segwit so it won't mean much.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: d5000 on February 04, 2017, 10:54:33 AM
Thanks! Have updated the post.

- I've not found much info about Ixcoin, so it may be still in the planning phase.
- In the case of Groestlcoin: Is it only already in the "signalling phase" (like BTC) or Segwit already was adopted by miners (75% of the blocks mined in the last 2016 block phase)? It seems a bit unclear as in the thread there is no concrete info, but for now I put it in the "Activated" section.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: jackielove4u on February 04, 2017, 11:27:53 AM
- In the case of Groestlcoin: Is it only already in the "signalling phase" (like BTC) or Segwit already was adopted by miners (75% of the blocks mined in the last 2016 block phase)? It seems a bit unclear as in the thread there is no concrete info, but for now I put it in the "Activated" section.

It was 95% of the blocks mined in the last 2016 blocks, like Bitcoin has.

CSV, Segwit and BIP65 timeline:
Signal: Miners will be able to signal that they are willing and able to enforce csv, segwit and BIP65 starting at the beginning of the first 2016 block retarget period on or after 21 January 2017 (UTC). In short signalling started on block 1435392 which was on 21 january 2017
Lock-in: Once 95% of blocks in a 2016 block long period have signaled that their miners are ready to enforce csv, segwit and BIP65 then csv, segwit and BIP65 will lock-in – meaning that unless the blockchain is rolled back at that point, csv, segwit and BIP65 will become active. In short Lock-in happend on block 1437408 which was on 23 january 2017
Activate: After another 2016 block period, csv, segwit and BIP65 will activate, allowing miners to produce blocks containing csv, segwit and BIP65 transactions on Groestlcoin’s mainnet. In short Activate happend on block 1439424, which was on 24 january 2017.

So yes, it is activated since 24 january 2017.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: elbandi on February 04, 2017, 11:35:45 AM
could someone explain why segwit good for an altcoin?

bitcoin blocks almost full, they have to do something to put more tx into one block. But in altcoins blocks are empty....


Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: X-ray on February 04, 2017, 11:41:13 AM
could someone explain why segwit good for an altcoin?

bitcoin blocks almost full, they have to do something to put more tx into one block. But in altcoins blocks are empty....

The litecoin blocks are 4 times faster rather than bitcoin, there is no serious problem needs to be fixing by the dev with the SegWit implementation, at least that's including on the dev journal to encouraging the lost demand.
Segwit = Hype, does it real? See it in the future.

SegWit is a way to fixing the blocksize problem on bitcoin.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: d5000 on February 04, 2017, 11:46:25 AM
Thanks jackielove4u! So Groestlcoin seems to be the first cryptocurrency with Segwit activated.

Any in-detail info about the other cryptocurrencies in the list is greatly appreciated!

could someone explain why segwit good for an altcoin?

Segwit also fixes the transaction malleability problem and makes advanced functions like Atomic cross-chain trading and payment channels with instant payments (Lightning Network) way easier to implement. So in my opinion, it's a step towards the future of cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: Grdas130979 on February 04, 2017, 11:55:17 AM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: topesis on February 04, 2017, 12:12:33 PM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
You can even have a solid argument for Litecoins but other coins you ask yourself why do they even need SeqWit, some don't even have a daily trade volume of $1000, so why do you want to implement SeqWit

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: d@nte on February 04, 2017, 02:26:54 PM
I did not know that so many cryptocurrencies were already so far advanced with respect to SegWit implementation. Certainly it is worth researching the proposal of each of these cryptos and what plans the developers have for the future. I think the hype will intensify after big coins, like Bitcoin and Litecoin, are closer to activating SegWit.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: johhnyUA on February 04, 2017, 02:44:22 PM

Segwit also fixes the transaction malleability problem and makes advanced functions like Atomic cross-chain trading and payment channels with instant payments (Lightning Network) way easier to implement. So in my opinion, it's a step towards the future of cryptocurrency.

As i know, transaction malleability problem was fixed after BIP66 at 2015.
Segwit it's just one of the ways which trying to solve one of the hardest bitcoin problem - scaling (and some others little problems). Another way it's hardfork with block increasing.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: seven.71 on February 04, 2017, 08:13:55 PM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
You can even have a solid argument for Litecoins but other coins you ask yourself why do they even need SeqWit, some don't even have a daily trade volume of $1000, so why do you want to implement SeqWit

for all of them pure simple hype, thats the only reason it has been implemented, litecoin also
Although there is disintegration seen in upgrades for Bitcoin miners, the proposal to use SegWit in litecoin benefits and the aim is for the market as an alternative to Bitcoin litecoin in key markets.
litecoin deployment to SegWit can make increases in value due utilities and this can make the miners back their positions.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: SHAWN-MIDWAYS on February 04, 2017, 09:51:12 PM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
This should really be a test of segwit on ltc though non of the known altcoins experience transaction  malleability and will not be feasible for bitcoin to adopt it at the moment.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: jwinterm on February 05, 2017, 05:32:53 AM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
You can even have a solid argument for Litecoins but other coins you ask yourself why do they even need SeqWit, some don't even have a daily trade volume of $1000, so why do you want to implement SeqWit

for all of them pure simple hype, thats the only reason it has been implemented, litecoin also

To some extent I agree, but it's nice to see altcoins implement CSV, which should enable trustless atomic cross chain txs and maybe eventually truly decentralized exchanges.

In unrelated news, Groestlcoin finally got a bit of a bounce in price for being first to fire up the hype machine :D

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: sidhujag on February 05, 2017, 05:39:17 AM
You can add syscoin to that list.. it may be the first merged mined coin with hash rates up to btc levels for fair tests of segwit.. it is on 0.13.2 with the next release in a few weeks.

Why do i want segwit in sys? Simple.. schnorr sigs for advanced multisig aliases. Also lightening networks will allow for auction types of.offers and other cool stuff.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: shinratensei_ on February 05, 2017, 06:52:56 AM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
You can even have a solid argument for Litecoins but other coins you ask yourself why do they even need SeqWit, some don't even have a daily trade volume of $1000, so why do you want to implement SeqWit

for all of them pure simple hype, thats the only reason it has been implemented, litecoin also
SegWit is simple hype and it means nothing for LTC.
Or we will see ethereum try to implement SegWit.

What a joke!!!!!

More hype and more money, simple basic understanding about SegWit in altcoin.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: BitcoinNational on February 05, 2017, 03:53:38 PM

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: NUFCrichard on February 05, 2017, 04:08:28 PM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
You can even have a solid argument for Litecoins but other coins you ask yourself why do they even need SeqWit, some don't even have a daily trade volume of $1000, so why do you want to implement SeqWit

for all of them pure simple hype, thats the only reason it has been implemented, litecoin also
SegWit is simple hype and it means nothing for LTC.
Or we will see ethereum try to implement SegWit.

What a joke!!!!!

More hype and more money, simple basic understanding about SegWit in altcoin.
LTC will never be as highly used as Bitcoin AND it can process transactions 4 times as fast as Bitcoin.
It can use Segwit, or not, it doesn't matter, it isn't limited by the number of transactions that it can process.

I can't think of an Alt that needs Segwit. Have any ever been maxed out and started to build a large number of unconfirmed transactions?

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: jwinterm on February 05, 2017, 04:21:16 PM
NUFCrichard - it's not only about scaling. In fact, it wasn't originally pitched as scaling solution for Bitcoin. It's about eliminating malleability, allowing cross-chain txs, and getting ready for schnorr sigs and other stuff. See the block capacity point is about the last one on the list:

BitcoinNational - it hasn't had a commit on Github in over two years. I wouldn't hold my breath.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: sidhujag on February 05, 2017, 08:36:02 PM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
You can even have a solid argument for Litecoins but other coins you ask yourself why do they even need SeqWit, some don't even have a daily trade volume of $1000, so why do you want to implement SeqWit

for all of them pure simple hype, thats the only reason it has been implemented, litecoin also
SegWit is simple hype and it means nothing for LTC.
Or we will see ethereum try to implement SegWit.

What a joke!!!!!

More hype and more money, simple basic understanding about SegWit in altcoin.
LTC will never be as highly used as Bitcoin AND it can process transactions 4 times as fast as Bitcoin.
It can use Segwit, or not, it doesn't matter, it isn't limited by the number of transactions that it can process.

I can't think of an Alt that needs Segwit. Have any ever been maxed out and started to build a large number of unconfirmed transactions?
Syscoin needs it to bring in schnorr signatures and LN

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: d5000 on February 08, 2017, 01:44:47 PM
Updated as Vertcoin has released now the new version containing Segwit and will start signalling soon.

@sidhujag: Are miners in syscoin already able to signal Segwit support? As it's a merged-mined coin, adoption could be dependant of Bitcoin's, or not?

If there are news from other coins ... please post ;)

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: sidhujag on February 08, 2017, 03:46:06 PM
Updated as Vertcoin has released now the new version containing Segwit and will start signalling soon.

@sidhujag: Are miners in syscoin already able to signal Segwit support? As it's a merged-mined coin, adoption could be dependant of Bitcoin's, or not?

If there are news from other coins ... please post ;)
Yes but they just need to signal blocks in bitcoin do not.need to have segwit version... they are signalling its fine

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: roselee on February 11, 2017, 07:25:25 AM

Segwit also fixes the transaction malleability problem and makes advanced functions like Atomic cross-chain trading and payment channels with instant payments (Lightning Network) way easier to implement. So in my opinion, it's a step towards the future of cryptocurrency.

As i know, transaction malleability problem was fixed after BIP66 at 2015.
Segwit it's just one of the ways which trying to solve one of the hardest bitcoin problem - scaling (and some others little problems). Another way it's hardfork with block increasing.
a hard fork for bitcoin is no good idea it will end like ethereum with 2 coins and if not all devs are on the hard fork side that new chain will have a volume like alts. to have segwit on alts now seems like a testnet for bitcoin.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: johhnyUA on February 11, 2017, 10:31:16 AM

Segwit also fixes the transaction malleability problem and makes advanced functions like Atomic cross-chain trading and payment channels with instant payments (Lightning Network) way easier to implement. So in my opinion, it's a step towards the future of cryptocurrency.

As i know, transaction malleability problem was fixed after BIP66 at 2015.
Segwit it's just one of the ways which trying to solve one of the hardest bitcoin problem - scaling (and some others little problems). Another way it's hardfork with block increasing.
a hard fork for bitcoin is no good idea it will end like ethereum with 2 coins and if not all devs are on the hard fork side that new chain will have a volume like alts. to have segwit on alts now seems like a testnet for bitcoin.

Hmm, maybe i will agree with that statement. Hard fork needs really homogeneous community opinion (about some problem). And in problem of bitcoin scaling we don't have that thing. Maybe softfork will be more relevant here.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: d@nte on February 11, 2017, 03:49:09 PM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
This should really be a test of segwit on ltc though non of the known altcoins experience transaction  malleability and will not be feasible for bitcoin to adopt it at the moment.

Litecoin already allows transactions four times faster than Bitcoin, which means they are not facing the blocksize issue that Bitcoin is facing at moment. But SegWit allows a number of things, one of which is the use of lightning network, which for many is a great solution for users who want faster transactions. Also, from the information I saw on reddit, in fact segwit allows problems related to malleability to be solved.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: pereira4 on February 11, 2017, 03:57:10 PM
Did Litecoin really nees segwit or its a test for its big brother BTC ?
You can even have a solid argument for Litecoins but other coins you ask yourself why do they even need SeqWit, some don't even have a daily trade volume of $1000, so why do you want to implement SeqWit

for all of them pure simple hype, thats the only reason it has been implemented, litecoin also
Although there is disintegration seen in upgrades for Bitcoin miners, the proposal to use SegWit in litecoin benefits and the aim is for the market as an alternative to Bitcoin litecoin in key markets.
litecoin deployment to SegWit can make increases in value due utilities and this can make the miners back their positions.

The danger of all of this is the fact that if something goes wrong in the implementation of segwit on those coins, the segwit hatters will use it to throw even more hate on segwit's bitcoin implementation. But segwit for bitcoin is different and more secure, as explained by gmaxwell in reddit.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: xorlogic on February 11, 2017, 04:33:06 PM
Litecoin SegWit support increasing

Charlie Lee is extremely excited to have it Activated

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: pereira4 on February 12, 2017, 03:27:02 PM
Litecoin SegWit support increasing

Charlie Lee is extremely excited to have it Activated

I think we will see it before bitcoin, but as mentioned before, it doesn't really prove anything if it happens in litecoin.

We need it on bitcoin, segwit on litecoin is cool but is just anecdotal, we need the real deal in the capital B blockchain.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: lambofan on February 12, 2017, 09:26:08 PM
Litecoin SegWit support increasing

Charlie Lee is extremely excited to have it Activated

Probably be the only one, as far as I can see the number of transactions does not compare to BTC, so I think it is not so urgent for the most, however still must be good news for the LTC holders, the knowledge that has active developers yet.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: d5000 on February 17, 2017, 07:09:56 PM
Updated Litecoin and bumping, as support is now at ~30% and higher than in Bitcoin at ~20-25%. (30 % seem to have been a short spike as the new activation period is still fresh).

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: d5000 on March 11, 2017, 01:48:15 AM
Updated Vertcoin - after the bug was resolved, signalling is going pretty well and actually about 50%. So probably we'll soon have the second "segwitcoin".

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: altcoinrich on March 11, 2017, 02:42:06 AM
Updated Vertcoin - after the bug was resolved, signalling is going pretty well and actually about 50%. So probably we'll soon have the second "segwitcoin".

SegWit will be the largest thing in 2017, most bitcoiners suffer huge desperation due to unconfirmed transactions when they transfer bitcoin in recent months, SegWit is imminent to be done in bitcoin to save the slow confirmation. BU makes hardfork and coinbase&bitfinex will seem BU bitcoin for an altcoin. IMO SegWit will be finally integrated into Bitcoin.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS]
Post by: Altcoinfanatic on April 01, 2017, 04:06:41 PM


Syscoin activated with hardfork not softfork.
Digibyte is testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.
Viacoin is testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.
Litecoin signalling increased.
Bitcoin signalling increased.

Segwit is the future

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS]
Post by: sidhujag on April 01, 2017, 04:27:34 PM


Syscoin activated with hardfork not softfork.
Digibyte is testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.
Viacoin is testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.
Litecoin signalling increased.
Bitcoin signalling increased.

Segwit is the future
It was a non contentious fork related to a mandatory protocol upgrade for an unrelated issue. Segwit was already active prior to the upgrade

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS]
Post by: Altcoinfanatic on April 01, 2017, 04:30:29 PM


Syscoin activated with hardfork not softfork.
Digibyte is testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.
Viacoin is testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.
Litecoin signalling increased.
Bitcoin signalling increased.

Segwit is the future
It was a non contentious fork related to a mandatory protocol upgrade for an unrelated issue. Segwit was already active prior to the upgrade

Thank you for the clarification!
Can you tell us more about the non contentious fork? (ELI5 what happend and how did you fix it?)
Also when was Segwit activated? Are you the first altcoin that activated it?

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS]
Post by: pereira4 on April 01, 2017, 04:40:31 PM
OP should update this list. Litecoin has more than 53% now. I think it's not going to be enough with f2pool, it only needs a couple pools more to activate, since the activation it's at 75%.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS]
Post by: ASHLIUSZ on April 01, 2017, 04:41:39 PM


Syscoin activated with hardfork not softfork.
Digibyte is testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.
Viacoin is testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.
Litecoin signalling increased.
Bitcoin signalling increased.

Segwit is the future
That's true. Without any opposing segwit will serve as the future case activation for most of the altcoins. Now it has gained strength than the conteginous split of chained structure​d frame. This are the coins that are​going to pump and provide wealth to its adopters.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: d5000 on April 01, 2017, 09:56:08 PM
Updated (Litecoin, Bitcoin, Syscoin, Digibyte, Viacoin).

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: sidhujag on April 01, 2017, 10:10:01 PM

See my 2 latest comments in there

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: ohac on April 05, 2017, 02:14:59 PM

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: JwJimJim on April 05, 2017, 06:25:11 PM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: jwinterm on April 05, 2017, 06:51:34 PM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

This is false. Vertcoin is on 0.13 codebase and signaling for several weeks. Presumably Syscoin and monacoin have upgraded as well since I think they both hardforked to activate segwit. And I believe guldencoin is on v0.13 and they just choose to not activate segwit at all.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: sidhujag on April 05, 2017, 10:48:13 PM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.
Dumbest post ive ever read in my life.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: WarrEagle on April 06, 2017, 02:49:58 AM

From what I've seen so far:

Litecoin, Viacoin, iXcoin, i0Coin.  In that order. 

I'm sure there will be others. 

You missed SYS there bud.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Fatoshi on April 06, 2017, 02:58:25 AM
This thread is hilarious, it's like some kind of next level what Alcoin should I buy for ledgendary members. Lol

Do people forget the Microsoft Azure BS where any coin on it got pumped until no one gave a shit. Segwit is an issue for BTC not really alts anyway. Some of the shitty cons being mentioned here is just too funny.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: sidhujag on April 06, 2017, 05:43:40 AM
This thread is hilarious, it's like some kind of next level what Alcoin should I buy for ledgendary members. Lol

Do people forget the Microsoft Azure BS where any coin on it got pumped until no one gave a shit. Segwit is an issue for BTC not really alts anyway. Some of the shitty cons being mentioned here is just too funny.

Ct, assets, schnor sigs, tree sigs, witness comittments and others say you are wrong. Infact  those that arent on segwit and are btc clones will be dead in a few years.

Btw sys pumped on azure but its one of a few coins to take the relationship further.. so there was substance there.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: JwJimJim on April 06, 2017, 06:58:37 AM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

This is false. Vertcoin is on 0.13 codebase and signaling for several weeks. Presumably Syscoin and monacoin have upgraded as well since I think they both hardforked to activate segwit. And I believe guldencoin is on v0.13 and they just choose to not activate segwit at all.

I read up on Gulden last night , it looks like they were the first to update to 0.13 along with many other features, I am surprised this coin isn't talked about much on bitcointalk.  They doing a project called Prime which might be the reason they didn't implement segwit.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Fatoshi on April 06, 2017, 07:12:39 AM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

This is false. Vertcoin is on 0.13 codebase and signaling for several weeks. Presumably Syscoin and monacoin have upgraded as well since I think they both hardforked to activate segwit. And I believe guldencoin is on v0.13 and they just choose to not activate segwit at all.

I read up on Gulden last night , it looks like they were the first to update to 0.13 along with many other features, I am surprised this coin isn't talked about much on bitcointalk.  They doing a project called Prime which might be the reason they didn't implement segwit.

im surprised you think anyone would take you seriously with your sockpuppet account and sudden interest about some shitcoin...

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: JwJimJim on April 06, 2017, 09:01:21 AM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

This is false. Vertcoin is on 0.13 codebase and signaling for several weeks. Presumably Syscoin and monacoin have upgraded as well since I think they both hardforked to activate segwit. And I believe guldencoin is on v0.13 and they just choose to not activate segwit at all.

I read up on Gulden last night , it looks like they were the first to update to 0.13 along with many other features, I am surprised this coin isn't talked about much on bitcointalk.  They doing a project called Prime which might be the reason they didn't implement segwit.

im surprised you think anyone would take you seriously with your sockpuppet account and sudden interest about some shitcoin...

GRS and Syscoin are my favourites. I never brought up Gulden, jwinterm did.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Altcoinfanatic on April 06, 2017, 09:17:15 AM
Remove these as it is just rumours and nothing concrete:

- iXcoin (no exact info found)
- i0coin (planned, "next update")
- Stratis (no exact info found)

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: emdje on April 06, 2017, 11:22:17 AM
SegWit is not the only solution for high numbers of transactions. GameCredits has been tested up to 75.000 transactions per seconds and holds perfectly under that stress. The advantage of SegWit is the blocksize though.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Altcoinfanatic on April 06, 2017, 12:33:31 PM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

I checked it out.
1. Gulden is on par with BTC 0.13.1 and thus without segwit. No merges from Bitcoin Core detectable. One ugly big merge of everything:
2. Litecoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from dec 2016.
3. Groestlcoin is partial on par with BTC 0.14.0 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from jan 2017.
4. Vertcoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from dec 2016.
5. Syscoin is on par with BTC 0.12.0 with segwit added. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from 2015:
Looks like they cherrypicked some stuff from 0.13 codebase but i could be wrong. Perhaps dev of Syscoin can enlighten us, he knows better.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: jwinterm on April 06, 2017, 01:47:11 PM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

This is false. Vertcoin is on 0.13 codebase and signaling for several weeks. Presumably Syscoin and monacoin have upgraded as well since I think they both hardforked to activate segwit. And I believe guldencoin is on v0.13 and they just choose to not activate segwit at all.

I read up on Gulden last night , it looks like they were the first to update to 0.13 along with many other features, I am surprised this coin isn't talked about much on bitcointalk.  They doing a project called Prime which might be the reason they didn't implement segwit.

im surprised you think anyone would take you seriously with your sockpuppet account and sudden interest about some shitcoin...

GRS and Syscoin are my favourites. I never brought up Gulden, jwinterm did.

Not to wander too far off-topic, but I wouldn't touch Gulden with a 33 and a half foot pole. Big premine (10%) that was supposed to be for air drop to Dutch people, but then after launch the dev(s) decided to just keep it for themselves and use as they see fit. Also, emission was slashed after launch, so that big premine (10% of total coins) makes up an even larger percent of available supply (I think ~40% of current supply). And if you go ask any questions in their unlocked speculation thread you tend to get no serious answers, just attacked by several trolls with memes and juvenile insults. All this for a Litecoin clone makes it seem...pretty shit coiny.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: WarrEagle on April 06, 2017, 01:53:09 PM
I'll have to use that term, pretty shit coiny. I like it.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: sidhujag on April 06, 2017, 02:07:38 PM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

I checked it out.
1. Gulden is on par with BTC 0.13.1 and thus without segwit. No merges from Bitcoin Core detectable. One ugly big merge of everything:
2. Litecoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from dec 2016.
3. Groestlcoin is partial on par with BTC 0.14.0 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from jan 2017.
4. Vertcoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from dec 2016.
5. Syscoin is on par with BTC 0.12.0 with segwit added. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from 2015:
Looks like they cherrypicked some stuff from 0.13 codebase but i could be wrong. Perhaps dev of Syscoin can enlighten us, he knows better.

Syscoin is on 0.13.2 not sure how you got 0.12.0.. i always rebase ive done it over 5 times now. Theres too much.code in syscoin to merge cleanly without getting messy between major versions so I start with btc and add sys stuff but I have a nice process and comment my code so its easy to locate and do the rebase.

How did you get your link?! Its like you picked some random commit from 2015 and showed that.. just goes to show you how long ive been coding it for.. thanks for reminding me :( should be higher market cap imo

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Altcoinfanatic on April 06, 2017, 02:11:55 PM
GRS and litecoin are the only coins that have updated to 0.13 codebase to implement segwit, the rest of the coins are still on a older codebase version but only added segwit for HYPE. The rest is done for hype except for GRS and litecoin.

I checked it out.
1. Gulden is on par with BTC 0.13.1 and thus without segwit. No merges from Bitcoin Core detectable. One ugly big merge of everything:
2. Litecoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from dec 2016.
3. Groestlcoin is partial on par with BTC 0.14.0 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from jan 2017.
4. Vertcoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from dec 2016.
5. Syscoin is on par with BTC 0.12.0 with segwit added. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from 2015:
Looks like they cherrypicked some stuff from 0.13 codebase but i could be wrong. Perhaps dev of Syscoin can enlighten us, he knows better.

Syscoin is on 0.13.2 not sure how you got 0.12.0.. i always rebase ive done it over 5 times now. Theres too much.code in syscoin to merge cleanly without getting messy between major versions so I start with btc and add sys stuff but I have a nice process and comment my code so its easy to locate and do the rebase.

I stand corrected, sorry for that! So:
1. Gulden is on par with BTC 0.13.1 and thus without segwit. No merges from Bitcoin Core detectable. One big rebase:
2. Litecoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from dec 2016.
3. Groestlcoin is partial on par with BTC 0.14.0 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from jan 2017.
4. Vertcoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 and thus with segwit. Last merges from Bitcoin Core date from dec 2016.
5. Syscoin is on par with BTC 0.13.2 with segwit added. Syscoin rebases from time to time instead of merging Bitcoin Core.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: jwinterm on April 06, 2017, 02:32:25 PM
Not to wander too far off-topic, but I wouldn't touch Gulden with a 33 and a half foot pole. Big premine (10%) that was supposed to be for air drop to Dutch people, but then after launch the dev(s) decided to just keep it for themselves and use as they see fit. Also, emission was slashed after launch, so that big premine (10% of total coins) makes up an even larger percent of available supply (I think ~40% of current supply). And if you go ask any questions in their unlocked speculation thread you tend to get no serious answers, just attacked by several trolls with memes and juvenile insults. All this for a Litecoin clone makes it seem...pretty shit coiny.

careful your jealousy is showing again, gulden wallet is way better than anything your pet groestl shitcoin has.
gulden has a lot more unique code in it than most other coins here but you want to call it a clone while praising crap like groestl? give us some of the shit you are smoking mate it must be real good

Gulden speculation trolls are leaking  ::) Of the coins mentioned in this thread, I own some Groestl, but more in terms of USD or BTC value of Vertcoin and Litecoin. I was just stating some facts about why I wouldn't hold any Gulden, and rather than refute those facts, you just...did what it is you do.

I believe another couple coins that are on latest Bitcoin codebase are Huntercoin and Namecoin, but I don't think either supports or plans to support segwit.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Fatoshi on April 06, 2017, 02:39:20 PM
I'm going to write all the names of coins mentioned on this thread and then I'm going to make absolutely fucking sure I

NEVER buy any of them.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Altcoinfanatic on April 06, 2017, 02:48:54 PM
I'm going to write all the names of coins mentioned on this thread and then I'm going to make absolutely fucking sure I

NEVER buy any of them.


Just fooling around. You are in the altcoin section, what do you expect to hear?

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: RodgerRabbit on April 06, 2017, 03:24:06 PM
Please stay away from Gulden, it's the one coin that isn't corrupted and has done more development then basically every other coin besides Ethereum. This is a fact and why they surviving and prospering without the need for bitcointalk Pump and dumpers, scammers and con artists.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: alyssa85 on April 06, 2017, 04:05:47 PM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: sidhujag on April 06, 2017, 04:07:03 PM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.
Not at all see my comment upthread

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: Altcoinfanatic on April 06, 2017, 05:40:03 PM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.

the alts that are going on about segwit are all ones that are too useless to do any development of their own so thats all they can do copy segwit and hype the shit out of a non event. none of them need or will use it, as if anyone would ever buy anything using a 'groestlcoin' what a fucking joke.

Malcolm (Mani) why are you using this sockpuppet account?
I looked up Syscoin and Groestlcoin and they actually have good development. Calling them shit will not make Gulden better.
Go back to work on prime. When it comes to development Gulden will loose from Syscoin and Groestlcoin.
Syscoin has a amazing market what Gulden does not have.
Digibyte has an amazing community, even bigger than Gulden.
Groestlcoin, they got all the toys.

Gulden does not even have a ios wallet for fuck sake. Who is fooling who? Truth being told, i hold some syscoin and thinking to buy some groestlcoins also. Nothing wrong in diversifying coins.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: jwinterm on April 06, 2017, 06:03:19 PM
Lol don't drag me into this shit please. I have exactly two accounts, this one and poptartcat which I started start Nyancoin thread (the real #1 shitcoin without segwit). Groestl does have an iOS wallet I believe though.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: Altcoinfanatic on April 06, 2017, 07:02:26 PM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.

the alts that are going on about segwit are all ones that are too useless to do any development of their own so thats all they can do copy segwit and hype the shit out of a non event. none of them need or will use it, as if anyone would ever buy anything using a 'groestlcoin' what a fucking joke.

Malcolm (Mani) why are you using this sockpuppet account?
I looked up Syscoin and Groestlcoin and they actually have good development. Calling them shit will not make Gulden better.
Go back to work on prime. When it comes to development Gulden will loose from Syscoin and Groestlcoin.
Syscoin has a amazing market what Gulden does not have.
Digibyte has an amazing community, even bigger than Gulden.
Groestlcoin, they got all the toys.

Gulden does not even have a ios wallet for fuck sake. Who is fooling who? Truth being told, i hold some syscoin and thinking to buy some groestlcoins also. Nothing wrong in diversifying coins.

u confused mate? only sock puppet here is you (jwinterm), why you keep making claims with no proof? none of the coins you just mentioned have an ios wallet so u must be high

This thread is about coins with segwit. Gulden has no segwit. So no Gulden talk (positive or negative) here.
Lets move on to the Gulden thread

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: sidhujag on April 06, 2017, 10:07:59 PM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.

the alts that are going on about segwit are all ones that are too useless to do any development of their own so thats all they can do copy segwit and hype the shit out of a non event. none of them need or will use it, as if anyone would ever buy anything using a 'groestlcoin' what a fucking joke.

Malcolm (Mani) why are you using this sockpuppet account?
I looked up Syscoin and Groestlcoin and they actually have good development. Calling them shit will not make Gulden better.
Go back to work on prime. When it comes to development Gulden will loose from Syscoin and Groestlcoin.
Syscoin has a amazing market what Gulden does not have.
Digibyte has an amazing community, even bigger than Gulden.
Groestlcoin, they got all the toys.

Gulden does not even have a ios wallet for fuck sake. Who is fooling who? Truth being told, i hold some syscoin and thinking to buy some groestlcoins also. Nothing wrong in diversifying coins.

u confused mate? only sock puppet here is you (jwinterm), why you keep making claims with no proof? none of the coins you just mentioned have an ios wallet so u must be high
Blockmarket will cross compile to android ios web and desktop applications.. that is syscoins next big release. We are doing away with qt and are working on web frontend and works cross platform

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: JwJimJim on April 07, 2017, 02:27:47 AM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.

the alts that are going on about segwit are all ones that are too useless to do any development of their own so thats all they can do copy segwit and hype the shit out of a non event. none of them need or will use it, as if anyone would ever buy anything using a 'groestlcoin' what a fucking joke.

Malcolm (Mani) why are you using this sockpuppet account?
I looked up Syscoin and Groestlcoin and they actually have good development. Calling them shit will not make Gulden better.
Go back to work on prime. When it comes to development Gulden will loose from Syscoin and Groestlcoin.
Syscoin has a amazing market what Gulden does not have.
Digibyte has an amazing community, even bigger than Gulden.
Groestlcoin, they got all the toys.

Gulden does not even have a ios wallet for fuck sake. Who is fooling who? Truth being told, i hold some syscoin and thinking to buy some groestlcoins also. Nothing wrong in diversifying coins.

u confused mate? only sock puppet here is you (jwinterm), why you keep making claims with no proof? none of the coins you just mentioned have an ios wallet so u must be high
Blockmarket will cross compile to android ios web and desktop applications.. that is syscoins next big release. We are doing away with qt and are working on web frontend and works cross platform

It will be a centralized Web wallet ?

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: JwJimJim on April 07, 2017, 02:36:27 AM
Lol don't drag me into this shit please. I have exactly two accounts, this one and poptartcat which I started start Nyancoin thread (the real #1 shitcoin without segwit). Groestl does have an iOS wallet I believe though.

GRS has no competition when it comes to copying code. Syscoin has innovation which makes it more appealing.  a few more big hitters like psychoticboy behind GRS and the price will be able to get pumped much higher in the future.

This last couple of days you saw the power of having psychoticboy backing us on the exchanges. Imagine with 5 users with psychoticboy purchasing power.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: sidhujag on April 07, 2017, 02:42:53 AM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.

the alts that are going on about segwit are all ones that are too useless to do any development of their own so thats all they can do copy segwit and hype the shit out of a non event. none of them need or will use it, as if anyone would ever buy anything using a 'groestlcoin' what a fucking joke.

Malcolm (Mani) why are you using this sockpuppet account?
I looked up Syscoin and Groestlcoin and they actually have good development. Calling them shit will not make Gulden better.
Go back to work on prime. When it comes to development Gulden will loose from Syscoin and Groestlcoin.
Syscoin has a amazing market what Gulden does not have.
Digibyte has an amazing community, even bigger than Gulden.
Groestlcoin, they got all the toys.

Gulden does not even have a ios wallet for fuck sake. Who is fooling who? Truth being told, i hold some syscoin and thinking to buy some groestlcoins also. Nothing wrong in diversifying coins.

u confused mate? only sock puppet here is you (jwinterm), why you keep making claims with no proof? none of the coins you just mentioned have an ios wallet so u must be high
Blockmarket will cross compile to android ios web and desktop applications.. that is syscoins next big release. We are doing away with qt and are working on web frontend and works cross platform

It will be a centralized Web wallet ?
First release will be desktop version but a web wallet will allow zero knowledge authentication where you can login using your alias password and login scrypt derives your key used to decrypt/encrypt and sign tranaactions in the browser. People can also host web wallets to earn fees. Others may host their individual markets and people can login and pay without a wallet in all cases.

We are targeting ease of use.. hiding all of the cryptography and allowing your grandma to use it.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: JwJimJim on April 07, 2017, 03:49:43 AM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.

the alts that are going on about segwit are all ones that are too useless to do any development of their own so thats all they can do copy segwit and hype the shit out of a non event. none of them need or will use it, as if anyone would ever buy anything using a 'groestlcoin' what a fucking joke.

Malcolm (Mani) why are you using this sockpuppet account?
I looked up Syscoin and Groestlcoin and they actually have good development. Calling them shit will not make Gulden better.
Go back to work on prime. When it comes to development Gulden will loose from Syscoin and Groestlcoin.
Syscoin has a amazing market what Gulden does not have.
Digibyte has an amazing community, even bigger than Gulden.
Groestlcoin, they got all the toys.

Gulden does not even have a ios wallet for fuck sake. Who is fooling who? Truth being told, i hold some syscoin and thinking to buy some groestlcoins also. Nothing wrong in diversifying coins.

u confused mate? only sock puppet here is you (jwinterm), why you keep making claims with no proof? none of the coins you just mentioned have an ios wallet so u must be high
Blockmarket will cross compile to android ios web and desktop applications.. that is syscoins next big release. We are doing away with qt and are working on web frontend and works cross platform

It will be a centralized Web wallet ?
First release will be desktop version but a web wallet will allow zero knowledge authentication where you can login using your alias password and login scrypt derives your key used to decrypt/encrypt and sign tranaactions in the browser. People can also host web wallets to earn fees. Others may host their individual markets and people can login and pay without a wallet in all cases.

We are targeting ease of use.. hiding all of the cryptography and allowing your grandma to use it.

Your coins will be located on a centralized server like an exchange and use any Web interface to get access to them with a alias? Does sound easy but how will it differ from a bank where there is more safety nets ?

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: sidhujag on April 07, 2017, 09:21:52 AM
Groestlcoin (GRS) was the first with SegWit activated.

Someone already did it?  And the price didn't skyrocket?  Dude, that sucks!!!

Top banter!

Segwit has to be the most over-rated thing ever.

the alts that are going on about segwit are all ones that are too useless to do any development of their own so thats all they can do copy segwit and hype the shit out of a non event. none of them need or will use it, as if anyone would ever buy anything using a 'groestlcoin' what a fucking joke.

Malcolm (Mani) why are you using this sockpuppet account?
I looked up Syscoin and Groestlcoin and they actually have good development. Calling them shit will not make Gulden better.
Go back to work on prime. When it comes to development Gulden will loose from Syscoin and Groestlcoin.
Syscoin has a amazing market what Gulden does not have.
Digibyte has an amazing community, even bigger than Gulden.
Groestlcoin, they got all the toys.

Gulden does not even have a ios wallet for fuck sake. Who is fooling who? Truth being told, i hold some syscoin and thinking to buy some groestlcoins also. Nothing wrong in diversifying coins.

u confused mate? only sock puppet here is you (jwinterm), why you keep making claims with no proof? none of the coins you just mentioned have an ios wallet so u must be high
Blockmarket will cross compile to android ios web and desktop applications.. that is syscoins next big release. We are doing away with qt and are working on web frontend and works cross platform

It will be a centralized Web wallet ?
First release will be desktop version but a web wallet will allow zero knowledge authentication where you can login using your alias password and login scrypt derives your key used to decrypt/encrypt and sign tranaactions in the browser. People can also host web wallets to earn fees. Others may host their individual markets and people can login and pay without a wallet in all cases.

We are targeting ease of use.. hiding all of the cryptography and allowing your grandma to use it.

Your coins will be located on a centralized server like an exchange and use any Web interface to get access to them with a alias? Does sound easy but how will it differ from a bank where there is more safety nets ?
You control your own coins and are youe own bank.. either with wallet which has PKI built in or via pw. Syscoin aliases are identities onchain there is no central bottleneck here not sure what part confused you?

Coins are on blockchain.. signing can happen thru 0 knowledge auth

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Ayers on April 10, 2017, 10:19:37 AM
i'm wondering if there is any point for these coins to have segwit, are they aware what segwit is about? i don't remember these coins have all the capacity problem that is affecting bitcoin, segwit will not do anything to help them grow for now, they lack the users base which is more important than their block limit, and they block limit is for now fine

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: sidhujag on April 10, 2017, 04:29:30 PM
i'm wondering if there is any point for these coins to have segwit, are they aware what segwit is about? i don't remember these coins have all the capacity problem that is affecting bitcoin, segwit will not do anything to help them grow for now, they luck the users base which is more important than their block limit, and they block limit is for now fine
You need to understand software to make this claim. All non segwit btc forks will die off after btc activates segwit.. its as simple as that. Merge mined segwit coins will have rhe best results because sidechains will require merge mined chains to do cross chain transfers via assets. Currently only one coin i know of in this category so far but I expect all of them will be later on.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: geopolisch on April 10, 2017, 05:39:37 PM
i'm wondering if there is any point for these coins to have segwit, are they aware what segwit is about? i don't remember these coins have all the capacity problem that is affecting bitcoin, segwit will not do anything to help them grow for now, they luck the users base which is more important than their block limit, and they block limit is for now fine
I think marketing would be a great reason? I mean when you do a medical research, first you try it on rats, than monkeys, I am not sure about the order but in the end you try it with humans, and sometimes that fails too until it succeeds.

So, grs and sys is putting themselves out there for medical research that would be helpful for bitcoin eventually, meanwhile they get a marketing boost.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: KingLOL on April 11, 2017, 10:57:45 AM
vertcoin 1 day left

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Limx Dev on April 19, 2017, 10:57:05 AM
Please add.

MAC Machinecoin ->Coding Done (Segwit)
BSD Bitsend ->coding in progress

Kind Regards Christian

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: layer1gfx on April 20, 2017, 03:28:50 AM
good to have a segwit coins list, will check for updates.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: IMZ on April 20, 2017, 06:40:27 AM
good to have a segwit coins list, will check for updates.

Work in progress. Back later, me:

GRS – yup.
Syscoin – 2nd yup. (Price-spike.)
Digibyte – seg wit could fire up any day now:
Bitcoin -- ?
Litecoin –
Vertcoin – signaling is well advanced
Mona Coin –
Viacoin – ‘testing SegWit signalling before wallet release.’
Machine Coin – ‘considering segwit’ Post 189

I'll leave it at this:
Please feel free to continue:

GRS – yup.
Syscoin – 2nd yup. (Price-spike.)
Digibyte – seg wit could fire up any day now:
Mona Coin – V. v. close to activation.
Bitcoin – tee hee Heck . . . who knows?
Litecoin –
Vertcoin –
Viacoin –
Machine Coin – ‘considering segwit’ Post 189
Bitsend – ?
Woodcoin: ‘Voila - we now have a segwit-enabled woodcoin client in place for those who would like to use it.’ [I think I’m falling into a coma.]
Belacoin? This month!??

The three below? ‘rumours . . . nothing concrete’ (Post 62 here:;all)
iXcoin: have asked here:
i0coin:? I’m gonna guess that it’s not ‘I0coin’ (number ‘0’) but actually ‘IOcoin’ (letter ‘O’):

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: HR on April 26, 2017, 08:47:18 PM

DigiByte "locked-in" last Friday with the percentage signalling in the high 80's, low 90's, depending on the time frame. Will be the first soft-forked SegWit activation in ~48 hours.  ;D

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: jackielove4u on April 26, 2017, 09:27:24 PM

DigiByte "locked-in" last Friday with the percentage signalling in the high 80's, low 90's, depending on the time frame. Will be the first soft-forked SegWit activation in ~48 hours.  ;D

False. GRS locked-in and activated 3 months ago with signalling percentage of 100%. GRS was the first soft-forked Segwit activated coin.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: deadpoolx on April 26, 2017, 09:30:47 PM
Interestingly, I would like to see some of these coins giving the next steps to move forward in terms of LN implementation.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: jackielove4u on April 26, 2017, 09:35:34 PM
Interestingly, I would like to see some of these coins giving the next steps to move forward in terms of LN implementation.

GRS carried out lightning network payment (Eclair) on mainnet yesterday and was successfull. Not ready for production yet though.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: HR on April 26, 2017, 09:58:51 PM

DigiByte "locked-in" last Friday with the percentage signalling in the high 80's, low 90's, depending on the time frame. Will be the first soft-forked SegWit activation in ~48 hours.  ;D

False. GRS locked-in and activated 3 months ago with signalling percentage of 100%. GRS was the first soft-forked Segwit activated coin.

Sorry about that. I mistakenly thought that GRS was a hard-fork.

Please forgive me.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: sidhujag on April 27, 2017, 02:10:32 AM
Interestingly, I would like to see some of these coins giving the next steps to move forward in terms of LN implementation.
LN has been tested on Syscoin

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: GG_Group on April 27, 2017, 02:19:28 AM
 ::) you can add BTM, proof in slack chanel

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: bones261 on April 27, 2017, 03:00:40 AM
A new coin called Bitcore claims to have Segwit activated from the start.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: d5000 on April 27, 2017, 05:12:21 AM
Updating because of Litecoin and Digibyte. If there are more coins I missed, simply reply to this thread.

::) you can add BTM, proof in slack chanel

Please give me more information & links and I'll add it. I can't follow all small coins out there ;)

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Limx Dev on April 27, 2017, 06:03:59 AM
A new coin called Bitcore claims to have Segwit activated from the start.

Thanks you!

Kind Regards,

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS, BTX]
Post by: Jumbley on April 28, 2017, 04:13:25 PM

Digibyte to go active in around 15 mins.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS, BTX]
Post by: Jumbley on April 28, 2017, 04:25:22 PM
DigiByte has Segwit activated.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: BartS on April 29, 2017, 01:11:10 AM

Soon every TurdCoin 💩 will upgrade to segwit so it won't mean much.
It will give us the chance to see if it works on all of those coins, which is invaluable.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS, BTX]
Post by: rainbowstain on April 29, 2017, 05:32:10 AM
If you're interested in following Lightning Network support, here's a thread (

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS, BTX]
Post by: Ylle on May 06, 2017, 09:22:53 AM
Nav is close to locking in segwit.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Ayers on May 06, 2017, 10:04:49 AM
i'm wondering if there is any point for these coins to have segwit, are they aware what segwit is about? i don't remember these coins have all the capacity problem that is affecting bitcoin, segwit will not do anything to help them grow for now, they luck the users base which is more important than their block limit, and they block limit is for now fine
You need to understand software to make this claim. All non segwit btc forks will die off after btc activates segwit.. its as simple as that. Merge mined segwit coins will have rhe best results because sidechains will require merge mined chains to do cross chain transfers via assets. Currently only one coin i know of in this category so far but I expect all of them will be later on.

why they should die? it's not like they are merged mining with bitcoin or whatever, they are hard fork for a reason, they can do whatever they want they don't rely on bitcoin, i think like many other think too, that segwit is just a trend to increase the attraction from investors and pump their value nothing more nothing less

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: sidhujag on May 06, 2017, 12:59:57 PM
i'm wondering if there is any point for these coins to have segwit, are they aware what segwit is about? i don't remember these coins have all the capacity problem that is affecting bitcoin, segwit will not do anything to help them grow for now, they luck the users base which is more important than their block limit, and they block limit is for now fine
You need to understand software to make this claim. All non segwit btc forks will die off after btc activates segwit.. its as simple as that. Merge mined segwit coins will have rhe best results because sidechains will require merge mined chains to do cross chain transfers via assets. Currently only one coin i know of in this category so far but I expect all of them will be later on.

why they should die? it's not like they are merged mining with bitcoin or whatever, they are hard fork for a reason, they can do whatever they want they don't rely on bitcoin, i think like many other think too, that segwit is just a trend to increase the attraction from investors and pump their value nothing more nothing less
Not at all

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS, BTX]
Post by: Ylle on May 06, 2017, 01:13:45 PM
Nav is close to locking in segwit.

Actually, they will next period. This period support started too slow.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS]
Post by: Zer0Sum on May 06, 2017, 02:09:10 PM
i'm wondering if there is any point for these coins to have segwit, are they aware what segwit is about? i don't remember these coins have all the capacity problem that is affecting bitcoin, segwit will not do anything to help them grow for now, they luck the users base which is more important than their block limit, and they block limit is for now fine
You need to understand software to make this claim. All non segwit btc forks will die off after btc activates segwit.. its as simple as that. Merge mined segwit coins will have rhe best results because sidechains will require merge mined chains to do cross chain transfers via assets. Currently only one coin i know of in this category so far but I expect all of them will be later on.

why they should die? it's not like they are merged mining with bitcoin or whatever, they are hard fork for a reason, they can do whatever they want they don't rely on bitcoin, i think like many other think too, that segwit is just a trend to increase the attraction from investors and pump their value nothing more nothing less

At this point, yes... it's a speculation and Big Pump that:

(a)  Bitcoin will activate both segwit and LN someday far, far away

(b)  your alt will be one of maybe 3 that will attract a lot of Bitcoin atomic traffic (LTC will be one, so 2 slots left)

(c)  a completely different technology will not make this patchwork obsolete

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [actually: GRS, SYS, BTX]
Post by: jwinterm on May 06, 2017, 02:20:24 PM
Vertcoin and Litecoin both locked in now.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [GRS, SYS, BTX, DGB, MONA]
Post by: EtherGuiy on May 17, 2017, 01:42:13 AM
Navcoin locked Segwit in last Friday and it should activate either this Friday or Saturday. Right now is a good time to buy in, considering its currently undervalued @ 15k even after the the news was out out last week.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support
Post by: Serena Yin on May 17, 2017, 03:40:32 AM

Soon every TurdCoin 💩 will upgrade to segwit so it won't mean much.
Acchain is China's block chain project called the asset collection chain, it is completely open source assets of the digital platform and tools to let the world's assets flow up to barter.You can go to the official website of the asset chain to see more information.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [GRS, SYS, BTX, DGB, MONA]
Post by: tiddy on May 17, 2017, 07:36:29 AM
Thank you for your hard work, That's what I want to know,I think the next hot spot is the lightning network.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [GRS, SYS, BTX, DGB, MONA, LTC, VTC]
Post by: d5000 on May 17, 2017, 12:29:18 PM
Updated again. As now the most important Bitcoin-based altcoin (Litecoin) has activated Segwit, I will slow down the updating of this thread to at most once in a month.

An interesting future event would be the first Proof of Stake (or PoS/PoW) coin with Segwit activated. Maybe I'll also make a section for coins with working Lightning or ACCT implementations.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [GRS, SYS, BTX, DGB, MONA, LTC, VTC]
Post by: EtherGuiy on May 17, 2017, 04:13:59 PM
Updated again. As now the most important Bitcoin-based altcoin (Litecoin) has activated Segwit, I will slow down the updating of this thread to at most once in a month.

An interesting future event would be the first Proof of Stake (or PoS/PoW) coin with Segwit activated. Maybe I'll also make a section for coins with working Lightning or ACCT implementations.

NAV coin is the first POS coin that will be implementing Segwit. According to their dev team, "The activation of SegWit on the network will occur when our chain reaches block 1068480 which is expected to happen approximately Sun May 21 2017 08:45:10 GMT." (4 more days)


Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [GRS, SYS, BTX, DGB, MONA, LTC, VTC]
Post by: olliedickman on May 17, 2017, 07:24:15 PM
too many segwit and it is not good at all. We only need 1 segwit. Other segwit just make in order to pump the coin.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [GRS, SYS, BTX, DGB, MONA, LTC, VTC]
Post by: d5000 on May 17, 2017, 08:01:43 PM
NAV coin is the first POS coin that will be implementing Segwit.

Thanks! I didn't know it was a PoS coin. NAV Coin then should be the PoS coin with the most modern codebase - most PoS coins are still stuck with a 0.6, 0.8 or 0.10 (Emercoin) codebase.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit support [GRS, SYS, BTX, DGB, MONA, LTC, VTC]
Post by: cointastical on June 03, 2017, 07:26:24 PM
ZenCash, which is a spin-off hard fork (i.e., "snapshot" hardfork) of ZClassic (which, itself is a software hardfork of ZCash), started with SegWit support on launch this past week.


The Zen network will be adapted to include segregated witness (segwit) support and additional cryptographic technologies.


Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: d5000 on June 22, 2017, 10:28:37 PM
I've slightly changed the scope of the thread and now coins that have already implemented Lightning Network will be shown in a separated list.

As soon as there are coins with working (segwit-based) Atomic Cross-chain trading implementations, I will add another list with them.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: sidhujag on June 23, 2017, 03:17:14 AM
Syscoin was the first coin to work on mainnet with lightning networks (eclair).

Heres proof

I dont think any other coin has proof that they did it before that.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: jackielove4u on June 23, 2017, 07:56:29 AM
Syscoin was the first coin to work on mainnet with lightning networks (eclair).

Heres proof

I dont think any other coin has proof that they did it before that.

Sorry this is not an arm race but I think u missed that Groestlcoin did it 1 day (on 26 april) before Syscoin (27 april):

Good job tho!

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: sidhujag on June 23, 2017, 12:32:24 PM
Syscoin was the first coin to work on mainnet with lightning networks (eclair).

Heres proof

I dont think any other coin has proof that they did it before that.

Sorry this is not an arm race but I think u missed that Groestlcoin did it 1 day (on 26 april) before Syscoin (27 april):

Good job tho!
Thx just saw.. good work.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: cr197 on August 01, 2017, 11:35:55 PM
And now all of you better start planning your exit stage left.
Best start prepping how to remove the virus now.

Seems LN doesn't need SW activation.

Good luck guys.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: First.Bitcoins on August 10, 2017, 05:16:55 PM
Please add ArtByte.

Here is a recent thread of ArtByte's SegWit deployment status:

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: numizmat on August 16, 2017, 04:55:32 AM
ArtByte yesterday announced that SegWit is now enabled on their testnet. Up next is final testing on the new client and mining pool. Then enabling SegWit on the live network:

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: d5000 on August 17, 2017, 12:48:33 AM
For the record: I will only add coins to the OP that enable Segwit in mainnet. Testnet doesn't count. @numizmat & @First.Bitcoins: Please leave a message here when it's enabled on ArtByte's mainnet, otherwise I won't see it.

As there are several Segwit coins now - even Bitcoin has now locked in Segwit -  I will also update the thread less frequently.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: jwinterm on October 17, 2017, 03:30:58 PM
Myriad a bit later than some others, but should be joining the party soon:

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: d5000 on October 18, 2017, 04:53:24 AM

Blackcoin would be an interesting addition as it is one of the older Proof of Stake coins. But the Segwit-enabling version seems to be still in development, so I will not add it until the signalling period starts hard fork date is known and 0.15 released (I just saw it's a hardfork and so there will be no signalling period).

Myriad a bit later than some others, but should be joining the party soon:
Idem - is still in development. You can reply to this thread again when the signalling period began and I'll add it.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: svider on December 22, 2017, 10:22:47 AM
CREA has working SegWit on mainnnet

please take a look:

DevTeam plan implement LN and Atomic Swap in near future.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: d5000 on January 06, 2018, 06:48:29 PM
BTX got segwit
Yep, it's there from the start (Bitcore). Or is there another BTX altcoin I am missing?

PS: CREA was already added.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: Cannings on January 11, 2018, 09:49:54 AM
myriadcoin has acheived consensus for segwit which will lock in within the next 24 hours and complete early in the AM on 13th Jan

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: popeye95 on January 11, 2018, 10:03:04 AM
Some hit and some miss but sure SegWit is still a good feature for the cryptocurrency.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: Ed Leed on January 13, 2018, 09:09:51 AM
Myriad Coin is about the get Segwit Activated! Please add it to your list!!!!!

We have 634 blocks left to go which based on average of 78 seconds per block is 13 hours 44 minutes 12 seconds away at 13/01/2018 22:51:25 UTC

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: otunayode on January 13, 2018, 09:16:54 AM
Segwit transaction is really cheap and fast. Litecoin etal have implemented segwit and you can also make segwit transaction on bitcoin if the address you are sending from is segwit. I believe segwit and LN will make bitcoin scale better when they are implemented.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: d5000 on January 13, 2018, 01:07:10 PM
Myriad Coin is about the get Segwit Activated! Please add it to your list!!!!!

We have 634 blocks left to go which based on average of 78 seconds per block is 13 hours 44 minutes 12 seconds away at 13/01/2018 22:51:25 UTC


New rules to get added:

If you want a coin to get added, please provide me:
- the name of the coin, obviously
- the currently active Bitcointalk thread
- the date (month is ok) when Segwit was activated or has been "locked in"; if it has been locked in provide me the approximate activation date.

I will add only coins where it is already activated or locked in. No more coins will be added to "Planned" or "Signalling".

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: keepmyshirt on January 15, 2018, 09:28:56 PM
Myriad Coin is about the get Segwit Activated! Please add it to your list!!!!!

We have 634 blocks left to go which based on average of 78 seconds per block is 13 hours 44 minutes 12 seconds away at 13/01/2018 22:51:25 UTC


New rules to get added:

If you want a coin to get added, please provide me:
- the name of the coin, obviously
- the currently active Bitcointalk thread
- the date (month is ok) when Segwit was activated or has been "locked in"; if it has been locked in provide me the approximate activation date.

I will add only coins where it is already activated or locked in. No more coins will be added to "Planned" or "Signalling".

Myriad activated SegWit on 13 Jan 2018. Thank you.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on January 15, 2018, 09:39:51 PM
Myriad Coin is about the get Segwit Activated! Please add it to your list!!!!!

We have 634 blocks left to go which based on average of 78 seconds per block is 13 hours 44 minutes 12 seconds away at 13/01/2018 22:51:25 UTC


New rules to get added:

If you want a coin to get added, please provide me:
- the name of the coin, obviously
- the currently active Bitcointalk thread
- the date (month is ok) when Segwit was activated or has been "locked in"; if it has been locked in provide me the approximate activation date.

I will add only coins where it is already activated or locked in. No more coins will be added to "Planned" or "Signalling".

Myriad activated SegWit on 13 Jan 2018. Thank you.

Myriad is not to be messed with.  Heads up!

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: Limx Dev on January 15, 2018, 09:55:03 PM
Bitsend Segwit is still online.

Best Regards Christian

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: Vlad2Vlad on January 15, 2018, 09:58:19 PM
Bitsend Segwit is still online.

Best Regards Christian

Not to mention BitCore!   ;D

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: StarenseN on February 14, 2018, 11:47:46 AM
isn't dogecoin segwit / LN compatible (if updated). Is it any process to include it?

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: StarenseN on February 14, 2018, 12:12:10 PM
Decred DCR :

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: StarenseN on February 14, 2018, 12:13:24 PM
Komodo KMD : Not like a BTC LN

Will Komodo be Lightning Network compatible?

Our variation of Lightning Network technology, CHIPS, is in active development.

When finished, CHIPS will provide similar micropayment channels and features, comparable to Bitcoin's proposed Lightning Network.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: Bolt Brownie on February 14, 2018, 12:32:28 PM
Just saw this post now, and I had no idea about all those coins that already had segwit and were working on off-chain scalability solutions like the lightning network. I new about litecoin of course, since it kind of serves like a test bed for bitcoin, and got segwit activated a long time before bitcoin, but I definitely didn't knew about all the others.

It was curious to see that Eclair was working on lightning for other coins, since I believe they are also one of the teams that are developing lightning network on BTC as well.

Just a question though: Why not include Bitcoin on the Lightning Network (mainnet testing) list?
Isn't Blockstream testing on the mainnet as well?

Here is the link

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: d5000 on February 15, 2018, 04:28:25 PM
Just a question though: Why not include Bitcoin on the Lightning Network (mainnet testing) list?
Isn't Blockstream testing on the mainnet as well?
You are totally right, I just have added BTC. It's not only Blockstream, there are enthusiasts of different groups as well. It is however still not recommended for everyday use and there seem to be still security problems which made some of the testers lose money.

Komodo KMD : Not like a BTC LN
Decred DCR :
Both seem to be in early planning stages and at last Decred - which is a major rewrite of Bitcoin's code - would probably use other means than Segwit to achieve the necessary malleability fix for LN. So for now, I'll not add them.

Komodo itself also seems to not plan to use Segwit (, only its platform's "sub-currency" Chips.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: jwinterm on February 15, 2018, 05:56:26 PM
Just a question though: Why not include Bitcoin on the Lightning Network (mainnet testing) list?
Isn't Blockstream testing on the mainnet as well?
You are totally right, I just have added BTC. It's not only Blockstream, there are enthusiasts of different groups as well. It is however still not recommended for everyday use and there seem to be still security problems which made some of the testers lose money.

Komodo KMD : Not like a BTC LN
Decred DCR :
Both seem to be in early planning stages and at last Decred - which is a major rewrite of Bitcoin's code - would probably use other means than Segwit to achieve the necessary malleability fix for LN. So for now, I'll not add them.

Komodo itself also seems to not plan to use Segwit (, only its platform's "sub-currency" Chips.

Decred is built by the guys who wrote BTC suite, btcd daemon and tools, the golang implementation for bitcoin that one one of the lightning implementations relies on, lnd I think. They don't have Segwit, but they have a malleability fix in place since launch, and have or will shortly have lightning working on their network. See top comment here:

Also, I would say Bitcoin shouldn't be mentioned based on the fact that the thread title specifies altcoin, which BTC clearly is not.

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: gramcore on March 04, 2018, 05:55:38 AM
GRAM (;all) got SegWit activated ( recently:

Title: Re: Altcoins with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: d5000 on March 04, 2018, 06:17:47 AM
GRAM (;all) got SegWit activated ( recently:
Thanks - this is the first post about a new "Segwit coin" that follows the rules I specified in the OP, so it's being added extra fast to the list :)

Decred is built by the guys who wrote BTC suite, btcd daemon and tools, the golang implementation for bitcoin that one one of the lightning implementations relies on, lnd I think. They don't have Segwit, but they have a malleability fix in place since launch, and have or will shortly have lightning working on their network. See top comment here:
I'm following Decred - not very closely, but I check their state every month or so. When they begin with LN mainnet testing, I will add it to the LN section of the list. If they have already begun and you know a source, then I'll be glad to add it soon - the last news I read was "maybe in Q1 2018".

Also, I would say Bitcoin shouldn't be mentioned based on the fact that the thread title specifies altcoin, which BTC clearly is not.
I do want to include Bitcoin because one of the goals of this thread is to compare its status with that of other cryptocurrencies. You're right about the title being wrong then - so I changed it.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: M1nd1nvest on March 13, 2018, 06:42:14 PM
Vertcoin and Litecoin both locked in now.

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: lubuzzo on August 09, 2018, 08:12:46 PM
Chaincoin (CHC) - (

Enabled SegWit a few hours ago: (

Ann: (

Title: Re: Cryptocurrencies with SegWit and LN-style off-chain payment solutions
Post by: BitcoinPlusBus on December 08, 2018, 07:44:34 PM

Segregated Witness and CHECKSEQUENCEVERIFY forks now locked_in, they have reached the required activation threshold and both will become active in roughly two weeks time.