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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: squatz1 on February 11, 2017, 03:06:21 PM

Title: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: squatz1 on February 11, 2017, 03:06:21 PM
Republicans in the house and the senate are going to be attempting to break up what they call is the "nutty 9th" a federal court which is has a full on liberal bias when it comes to most of the issues that get brought to it. This is the same court that has an average ruling time of about 15 months when it comes to cases which I think is absolutely disgusting.

It's been seen before when higher population is seen in an area so a federal circuit court is broken up to accomodate for the influx of new people in the area, which makes sense for the 9th circuit based on 20 percent of the US population now living within those districts.

Article from Fox -

What's your opinion on splitting up the court that handed down Trump a defeat?

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: Sithara007 on February 11, 2017, 04:20:17 PM
The entire 9th Circuit needs to be disbanded, for disobeying the constitution, and passing measures incompatible with the general interests of the American citizens. Judges must act in a neutral manner. They should not act like Democrat politicians.

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: criptix on February 11, 2017, 06:59:16 PM
The entire 9th Circuit needs to be disbanded, for disobeying the constitution, and passing measures incompatible with the general interests of the American citizens. Judges must act in a neutral manner. They should not act like Democrat politicians.

If you look at judges who arent active but still working as seniors or chiefs it is pretty much 50/50.
Even now there are republican judges working their (appointed under bush junior).

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: HabBear on February 11, 2017, 09:21:46 PM
What's your opinion on splitting up the court that handed down Trump a defeat?

Guy, you should work for the Trump organization with your "full on Liberal bias" talk. The panel of three judges in the 9th is comprised of two Democrats and one Republican. The Republican was appointed by Bush Jr. and all three judges voted against Trump's appeal. When the vote is unanimous it's hard to say there's such a bias.

I agree with the 9th's decision (shocker based on how I'm talking thus far). Trump has zero basis to show there was an increased threat from the 7 nations to warrant the travel ban. He's exerted his influence too far, and keeping that in check is the job of the Federal courts.

Trump's approach is so amateur too. If he wanted to get his agenda through he'd have much better success by doing it slowly. His speed is messing up his agenda, it's foolish. He could be spending this three months evaluating the need for greater immigration security before calling for an out right ban. Gather evidence then execute in a way that doesn't f*ck people over that aren't the problem - the valid green card holders, etc.

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: Spendulus on February 12, 2017, 01:33:03 AM
What's your opinion on splitting up the court that handed down Trump a defeat?

Guy, you should work for the Trump organization with your "full on Liberal bias" talk. The panel of three judges in the 9th is comprised of ....

Ah, the 9th is well understood to be a radical left circuit.  No need to try to blur it by noting backgrounds of judges on it.

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: debtstack on February 12, 2017, 01:56:07 AM
What's your opinion on splitting up the court that handed down Trump a defeat?

Guy, you should work for the Trump organization with your "full on Liberal bias" talk. The panel of three judges in the 9th is comprised of ....

Ah, the 9th is well understood to be a radical left circuit.  No need to try to blur it by noting backgrounds of judges on it.

Like it even matters. The checks and balances system is working. Or are you saying you would like to destroy that system put in place so that people like Trump can just do as they wish? It is incredible how blind people are to how much they sound like they favor a dictatorship. You morons complained Obama was a Muslim Dictator and now here you are actually trying to create one. Unreal times, man. How quickly we forget the past of humanity only to repeat the same horrors.

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: HabBear on February 12, 2017, 03:37:02 AM
What's your opinion on splitting up the court that handed down Trump a defeat?

Guy, you should work for the Trump organization with your "full on Liberal bias" talk. The panel of three judges in the 9th is comprised of ....

Ah, the 9th is well understood to be a radical left circuit.  No need to try to blur it by noting backgrounds of judges on it.

If so, then the 9th district judges represent their district pretty accurately. The West coast (where the 9th district is) is incredibly liberal! Washington, Oregon, California...all super liberal states.

Someone else mentioned that the 9th district should be disbanded. I wonder which country this person is from. Federal court districts aren't disbanded in the US and anyone who thinks they should be is a terrorist to the US.

If the Department of Justices (i.e., Trump) believes they have a better case than the 9th District Appeals Court, they'll escalate the appeal to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court is about to have more Republican appointed judges than Democrat appointed Trump should have nothing to complain about regarding their final decision.

That's how justice works in a Democracy. Full stop.

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: Spendulus on February 12, 2017, 04:07:08 AM
What's your opinion on splitting up the court that handed down Trump a defeat?

Guy, you should work for the Trump organization with your "full on Liberal bias" talk. The panel of three judges in the 9th is comprised of ....

Ah, the 9th is well understood to be a radical left circuit.  No need to try to blur it by noting backgrounds of judges on it.

If so, then the 9th district judges represent their district pretty accurately. The West coast (where the 9th district is) is incredibly liberal! Washington, Oregon, California...all super liberal states.

Someone else mentioned that the 9th district should be disbanded. I wonder which country this person is from. Federal court districts aren't disbanded in the US and anyone who thinks they should be is a terrorist to the US.

If the Department of Justices (i.e., Trump) believes they have a better case than the 9th District Appeals Court, they'll escalate the appeal to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court is about to have more Republican appointed judges than Democrat appointed Trump should have nothing to complain about regarding their final decision.

That's how justice works in a Democracy. Full stop.

Frankly, there have been problems before with nutty stuff from the 9th.  You are perhaps correct it represents the far left fringe thought of their area, but there is no requirement or benefit from a FEDERAL circuit court to "represent their area."  None whatsoever.

However, that is the way it has always been with that court.  I'm not complaining or moralizing, just trying to comment on the reality of that particular situation.  Many Americans view virtually anything coming out of the 9th circuit court with disgust, skepticism, etc.  It's pure comedy.

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: squatz1 on February 12, 2017, 05:11:51 AM
What's your opinion on splitting up the court that handed down Trump a defeat?

Guy, you should work for the Trump organization with your "full on Liberal bias" talk. The panel of three judges in the 9th is comprised of ....

Ah, the 9th is well understood to be a radical left circuit.  No need to try to blur it by noting backgrounds of judges on it.

Like it even matters. The checks and balances system is working. Or are you saying you would like to destroy that system put in place so that people like Trump can just do as they wish? It is incredible how blind people are to how much they sound like they favor a dictatorship. You morons complained Obama was a Muslim Dictator and now here you are actually trying to create one. Unreal times, man. How quickly we forget the past of humanity only to repeat the same horrors.

The stupidity in what you just said is unreal, you're stating that I'd like to dismantle the checks and balances but the checks and balances are being used and are found to be abused. Another CHECK and BALANCE is from congress and the senate who are going to be limiting the power of the 9th circuit by attempting too and probably ending up dismantling the entire thing.

I don't understand your claim in the least about that whole Muslim terrorist Obama thing, please provide some evidence on reputable conservatives saying that.

What's your opinion on splitting up the court that handed down Trump a defeat?

Guy, you should work for the Trump organization with your "full on Liberal bias" talk. The panel of three judges in the 9th is comprised of ....

Ah, the 9th is well understood to be a radical left circuit.  No need to try to blur it by noting backgrounds of judges on it.

If so, then the 9th district judges represent their district pretty accurately. The West coast (where the 9th district is) is incredibly liberal! Washington, Oregon, California...all super liberal states.

Someone else mentioned that the 9th district should be disbanded. I wonder which country this person is from. Federal court districts aren't disbanded in the US and anyone who thinks they should be is a terrorist to the US.

If the Department of Justices (i.e., Trump) believes they have a better case than the 9th District Appeals Court, they'll escalate the appeal to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court is about to have more Republican appointed judges than Democrat appointed Trump should have nothing to complain about regarding their final decision.

That's how justice works in a Democracy. Full stop.

Frankly, there have been problems before with nutty stuff from the 9th.  You are perhaps correct it represents the far left fringe thought of their area, but there is no requirement or benefit from a FEDERAL circuit court to "represent their area."  None whatsoever.

However, that is the way it has always been with that court.  I'm not complaining or moralizing, just trying to comment on the reality of that particular situation.  Many Americans view virtually anything coming out of the 9th circuit court with disgust, skepticism, etc.  It's pure comedy.

I guess I'll have to agree with you on it helping to represent the area thought there are many rural living republicans who live in the states that are under the rule of the 9th circuit who voted for Trump, so I wouldn't fully go ahead and say everyone in those states carry a liberal bias like the court.

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: HabBear on February 12, 2017, 05:23:25 AM
Good points, and I agree that the federal court judges are not meant to represent the electorate for their jurisdiction, they're appointed by the President.

I did just find this article stating the 9th isn't as "nutty" as it once was -> (

And I found another talking about how Arizona wants to leave the 9th district, likely because they're super conservative. -> (

Unfortunately for Arizona and as you say...the court doesn't need to represent the will of their people, only the will of the Constitution.

To the OP...the checks and balances going on right now are good, they aren't being abused. Trump needs to slow the fuck down and make decisions within the bounds of fact-based logic and law. That's how this country works. If he continues to fight it he'll continue to get opposed. We're seeing the system working. (And I'm not saying that because Trump isn't getting his way, I agree with some of his ideas.)

If so, then the 9th district judges represent their district pretty accurately. The West coast (where the 9th district is) is incredibly liberal! Washington, Oregon, California...all super liberal states.

Someone else mentioned that the 9th district should be disbanded. I wonder which country this person is from. Federal court districts aren't disbanded in the US and anyone who thinks they should be is a terrorist to the US.

If the Department of Justices (i.e., Trump) believes they have a better case than the 9th District Appeals Court, they'll escalate the appeal to the Supreme Court. And the Supreme Court is about to have more Republican appointed judges than Democrat appointed Trump should have nothing to complain about regarding their final decision.

That's how justice works in a Democracy. Full stop.

Frankly, there have been problems before with nutty stuff from the 9th.  You are perhaps correct it represents the far left fringe thought of their area, but there is no requirement or benefit from a FEDERAL circuit court to "represent their area."  None whatsoever.

However, that is the way it has always been with that court.  I'm not complaining or moralizing, just trying to comment on the reality of that particular situation.  Many Americans view virtually anything coming out of the 9th circuit court with disgust, skepticism, etc.  It's pure comedy.

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: BADecker on February 13, 2017, 03:48:18 AM
Trump's revenge: Break up the 9th Circuit Court!? ( (

But it's Trump that could get the last laugh. There's an effort by conservative lawmakers — led by a vocal Trump rival — to permanently break apart the liberal court.

It's been in the works for over a month… and it's led by Arizona Sen. John McCain.

The federal appeals court has long been ridiculed by conservatives as the "nutty 9th" or the "9th Circus."

No one familiar with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals should be surprised at today's ruling. The 9th Circuit has a well-earned reputation for being presumptively reversible," South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said.

According to The Daily Caller, over 80% of the appeal court's rulings have been overturned when challenged in front of the Supreme Court.



Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: Spendulus on February 13, 2017, 05:57:22 AM
Good points, and I agree that the federal court judges are not meant to represent the electorate for their jurisdiction, they're appointed by the President.

I did just find this article stating the 9th isn't as "nutty" as it once was -> (

And I found another talking about how Arizona wants to leave the 9th district, likely because they're super conservative. -> (

Unfortunately for Arizona and as you say...the court doesn't need to represent the will of their people, only the will of the Constitution.

To the OP...the checks and balances going on right now are good, they aren't being abused. Trump needs to slow the fuck down and make decisions within the bounds of fact-based logic and law. That's how this country works. If he continues to fight it he'll continue to get opposed. We're seeing the system working. (And I'm not saying that because Trump isn't getting his way, I agree with some of his ideas.)
It wouldn't bother me one bit if the 9th was slashed, disbanded or whatever.  There's really nothing that says an area that's liberal gets a liberal FEDERAL court, or that's conservative gets a conservative one.  By contrast, judges appointed or elected at the state level often do reflect these biases.

Just remember that when we say "checks and balances," it may be that very pendulum of checks and balances you see swinging toward the 9th.


As for Trump slowing down, my opinion is that they'll oppose him no matter what speed he moves at, whatever he does, because that's what they DO.  They are "the other side." 

Title: Re: The 9th Circuit attempted dismantling?
Post by: squatz1 on February 13, 2017, 02:46:03 PM
Trump's revenge: Break up the 9th Circuit Court!? ( (

But it's Trump that could get the last laugh. There's an effort by conservative lawmakers — led by a vocal Trump rival — to permanently break apart the liberal court.

It's been in the works for over a month… and it's led by Arizona Sen. John McCain.

The federal appeals court has long been ridiculed by conservatives as the "nutty 9th" or the "9th Circus."

No one familiar with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals should be surprised at today's ruling. The 9th Circuit has a well-earned reputation for being presumptively reversible," South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy said.

According to The Daily Caller, over 80% of the appeal court's rulings have been overturned when challenged in front of the Supreme Court.


God I love Trey Gowdy more and more everyday when I hear the type of stuff that he goes ahead and says. Dont you guys think it says something about the 9th circuit when OVER 80 percent of the courts rulings are overturned by the Supreme Court?

Though, I wouldn't call it Trumps revenge and I'd call the breaking up more of a power shift and a checking of power by congress on the courts themselves.
