Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: nintari on April 18, 2013, 01:08:51 AM

Title: Newbie starting, some help needed, maybe this will also help someone else
Post by: nintari on April 18, 2013, 01:08:51 AM
So like many I am kicking myself in the ass for not starting this a few years ago like I had I finally said screw it, setup a box at work running a single 7850 1GB card.

setup and secured my wallet, backed it all up, protected it

Installed GUIMiner, joined a pool (deepbit for now) and started mucking around to get used to it all.

For the first two days I continually had connection problems while mining at random times. finally it ran all weekend with no issues, then monday it started with the connection issues again off and on every few hours.

today I got hold of a second 7850 to put in and add to my miner.... but still I continue to run in to connection problems (as indicated by GUIminer)

I tried everything at stock first then ran the GPU at 1010MHz with the following flags -v -w128 -f1, fail off and on then again all weekend was fine then problems again. (average was only around 300MH/s though)

I have tried a few different flags and still haven't had luck :( and it seems like I should be able to get more than 600MH/s with my setup.

What can I look at in particular to eliminate the connection problems? Is this a pool issue, GPU issue, network issue?

eventually as I get the basics down I am going to order some of the ASIC devices but want to get this down before I make any other investments

Any help is appreciated!

(side note I am looking in to linux based distros now for my miner, I just want this to be a set it and forget it system lol)

Title: Re: Newbie starting, some help needed, maybe this will also help someone else
Post by: nintari on April 18, 2013, 01:58:33 AM
I may try on another connection tomorrow (I have several available at work, good to be the sys admin) and see if that helps.

I have been trying to see if deepbit needed some special config I needed to put in my router / firewall but haven't seen anything yet.

Title: Re: Newbie starting, some help needed, maybe this will also help someone else
Post by: GJS on April 18, 2013, 02:00:18 AM
Try cgminer.

Title: Re: Newbie starting, some help needed, maybe this will also help someone else
Post by: Todamont on April 18, 2013, 02:19:47 AM
You'll do better in linux. I'd go with Mint, easy setup for a linux beginner.

Title: Re: Newbie starting, some help needed, maybe this will also help someone else
Post by: nebulus on April 18, 2013, 05:04:17 AM
For stuff of the sort you better to #bitcoin on freenode, you can get real time help there.

Title: Re: Newbie starting, some help needed, maybe this will also help someone else
Post by: nintari on April 18, 2013, 07:48:34 PM
finally got it stable!

I went back and used an older version of GUIMiner and it has been running strong. Average while watching deepbit has been all over the place from 590-675MH/s

now to move on and experiment with different driver & SDK versions, clock speeds, flags etc.