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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Tyrantt on February 26, 2017, 12:58:19 PM

Title: Communism in US
Post by: Tyrantt on February 26, 2017, 12:58:19 PM
Are big politicians, the corrupted ones, pushing to implement socialism/communism in US because socialism/communism always end up with totalitarianism and they'd have the maximum control over people and country?

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: DeanShow on February 26, 2017, 01:17:25 PM
Are big politicians, the corrupted ones, pushing to implement socialism/communism in US because socialism/communism always end up with totalitarianism and they'd have the maximum control over people and country?
Unfortunately people realize it only when bring to power tyrants. Then make something no longer possible. Maybe it's a pattern? Usually Communist calls respond losers in this life and then came to power, they are taking revenge on the world.

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: Xester on February 26, 2017, 01:26:17 PM
Are big politicians, the corrupted ones, pushing to implement socialism/communism in US because socialism/communism always end up with totalitarianism and they'd have the maximum control over people and country?

I dont think so. There are no perfect government since there are no perfect individuals. If a government leader is corrupt then whether it is a democratic or a communist country there will be no difference at all.  The only solution to stop corruption is to select and place good people in the totality of the government, without it corruption will still be there.

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: Fortify on February 26, 2017, 01:41:06 PM
I think it is more dangerous for Americans to blindly believe in "checks and balances", without ever having to fight for it. To assume that Congress, the Judiciary and the Executive are all working to monitor each other. This was the *ideal* way it should have worked in the constitution, but things are becoming blurry and the founding fathers could never have foreseen the world changing this much. Trump has talked down to judges and undermined them. Congress was already dominated by Republicans. He answers to no one and nobody questions him or they lose their job.

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: criptix on February 26, 2017, 01:44:10 PM
Trump promises
- millions of jobs. Check.
- stronger military. Check.
- no free press. Check.
- top down managing of economy. Check.

Hm yeah communism soon tm :)

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: ValeryBark on February 26, 2017, 01:55:43 PM
Trump promises
- millions of jobs. Check.
- stronger military. Check.
- no free press. Check.
- top down managing of economy. Check.

Hm yeah communism soon tm :)

While this is not communism. These are the first signs of totalitarianism. They can lead to dictatorship, and then everything will depend on the dictator. What is the path for the country he will choose. It may be like communism and socialism and Nazism. Shouldn't that Trump speaks against migrants is not Nazism?

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: s0nix on February 26, 2017, 02:30:59 PM
Three years ago an US American said to me Obama is a communist.
I asked him You know what communism is. You know Karl-Mark, you know Francois Babeuf or Friedrich Engels?
His answer was Who are these fucking guys? But the hell, Obama is a communist.

An interesting question is how much of this Rednecks have voted for Trump?
And would not it be better to reform and modernize the school system in US instead of the nuclear weapons?

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: 0xfff on February 26, 2017, 02:33:39 PM
Russians spys in USA could infiltrate the government and try to achieve communist. I doubt my boy trump would let it happen. Yuuuuge nuke russia if commie comes.

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: signature200 on February 26, 2017, 02:49:55 PM
Russians spys in USA could infiltrate the government and try to achieve communist. I doubt my boy trump would let it happen. Yuuuuge nuke russia if commie comes.
I don't share your optimism. Why do you believe Trump? On the contrary I think that Trump made all that Russia has become stronger and America has become weaker. We should never allow business to control government. It's a mistake to assume that they can govern. Policy and business are one and the same!

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: canah17 on February 26, 2017, 03:07:58 PM
Are big politicians, the corrupted ones, pushing to implement socialism/communism in US because socialism/communism always end up with totalitarianism and they'd have the maximum control over people and country?

Well as life goes we really are not equal or in other terms we are not that perfect being us humans because we do things devilish and steal money from people who worked hard for it and that's corruption. As a big politicians they have greater power and so that means they have a greater chance to be corrupted but the greater part is they really planned it will as they corrupted they also manage to take control on ones country just by their rules and regulations but for now we cannot do anything but to just go with the flow and they will end up starving in the end :D for karma is there :D

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: Forester618 on February 26, 2017, 03:14:44 PM
Are big politicians, the corrupted ones, pushing to implement socialism/communism in US because socialism/communism always end up with totalitarianism and they'd have the maximum control over people and country?

Well as life goes we really are not equal or in other terms we are not that perfect being us humans because we do things devilish and steal money from people who worked hard for it and that's corruption. As a big politicians they have greater power and so that means they have a greater chance to be corrupted but the greater part is they really planned it will as they corrupted they also manage to take control on ones country just by their rules and regulations but for now we cannot do anything but to just go with the flow and they will end up starving in the end :D for karma is there :D
This is a very bad idea to go with the flow. Our whole life is a struggle. The struggle for survival, for income, for the future of children. You're proposing to drop everything and go with the flow? Are not you afraid that you'll just take in the ocean and you drown in there?

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: 0xfff on February 26, 2017, 04:59:35 PM
Russians spys in USA could infiltrate the government and try to achieve communist. I doubt my boy trump would let it happen. Yuuuuge nuke russia if commie comes.
I don't share your optimism. Why do you believe Trump? On the contrary I think that Trump made all that Russia has become stronger and America has become weaker. We should never allow business to control government. It's a mistake to assume that they can govern. Policy and business are one and the same!

how america weaker? trump is building up the military. america will become stonger

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: squatz1 on February 26, 2017, 05:19:13 PM
Russians spys in USA could infiltrate the government and try to achieve communist. I doubt my boy trump would let it happen. Yuuuuge nuke russia if commie comes.
I don't share your optimism. Why do you believe Trump? On the contrary I think that Trump made all that Russia has become stronger and America has become weaker. We should never allow business to control government. It's a mistake to assume that they can govern. Policy and business are one and the same!

God I've never seen such downright stupidity, this whole Trump and Putin narrative is downright stupid and just doesn't make sense in the least. It's the only way the democrats can ATTEMPT to make a claim to salvage their party which is in disarray, that's the only thing that they've been saying this entire time.

Pick a new battle, one with evidence and claims that aren't just from the Mainstream media and say "A Source said this" which is just some premium bullshit.

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: mainpmf on February 26, 2017, 05:32:23 PM
Trump promises
- millions of jobs. Check.
- stronger military. Check.
- no free press. Check.
- top down managing of economy. Check.

Hm yeah communism soon tm :)

Millions of jobs?
He gave millions of jobs?
To who? Last time I checked it didn't happen...

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: criptix on February 26, 2017, 06:54:10 PM
Trump promises
- millions of jobs. Check.
- stronger military. Check.
- no free press. Check.
- top down managing of economy. Check.

Hm yeah communism soon tm :)

Millions of jobs?
He gave millions of jobs?
To who? Last time I checked it didn't happen...

Promises :P


That is why i wrote "soon tm" ;)

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: PokerBetting on February 26, 2017, 07:56:38 PM
USA not Communism, but liberalism

Title: Re: Communism in US
Post by: pao_de_lo on February 27, 2017, 01:37:56 AM
Obama, Hillary Clinton, Saul Alinsky and Rules For Radicals

Cultural Marxism (Antonio Gramsci,
Jewish: Frankfurt School,
Jewish: Herbert Marcuse,
Jewish: Theodor Adorno.
Jewish: Moses Hess

Saul David Alinsky