Bitcoin Forum

Other => Off-topic => Topic started by: tjohej on April 20, 2013, 12:59:32 AM

Title: Talked to the minetest devs today
Post by: tjohej on April 20, 2013, 12:59:32 AM
minetest is like an open source version of minecraft.
I talked to the devs today on IRC, cause they have a donation page on their site and I wondered if they accept Bitcoin.

One that seemed most "knowledgeable" about Bitcoin really didn't understand even what a digital signature is or how it can be used.

I really think that a huge number of programmers and geeks are just totally 100% ignorant about Bitcoin's technologies. They may be good at programming minetest but that doesn't automatically make them knowledgeable about Cryptography or Proof of Work, not even checksums.

I don't think I lost my time there. I explained the reasons why Bitcoin in itself is NOT a scam, some positive stuff about Bitcoin. What there is that gives Bitcoin its value. How the fees are totally optional according to the Bitcoin protocol.

Well, guess what I did get as a reply? At worst "Bitcoin OMG ponzi ponzi" and at best "I think I understand a little about Bitcoin but not much". So minetest developers do not want Bitcoin. I was about to offer 1 USD of BTC as thx for somebody fixing a bug that I got, but they'll receive my thanks.

So minetest devs thanks. Also my donation to you was me informing you about Bitcoin and debunking myths found on your #minetest IRC channel. So informing you about Bitcoin I take as my way of donating. Thanks for a great game and thanks VanessaE, and Exio(for fixing the bug) for your patience helping me out and working around the bug!  :D

Title: Re: Talked to the minetest devs today
Post by: tjohej on April 20, 2013, 01:36:38 AM
An extra sign showing my diplomacy sucks ass was when I replied on #minetest to:
tell me, who actually created bitcoin? cuz we still dont know lol
Julian Assange. Why? Well a stupid question deserves a stupid answer


Even though I was pretty heavily "undiplomatical", somehow I like my reply. They were mostly just spreading FUD about Bitcoin...

One thing I did to was contacting the main dev Adam of minetest, since I'm interested what he thinks about Bitcoin, is it really that really evil thing that scares children? Or is it that good thing that can make a good change for a better world?

Well, I may see what the main dev's view is on that one after I get my reply :D

Title: Re: Talked to the minetest devs today
Post by: tjohej on May 02, 2013, 06:11:57 AM
I just found a user neko259 ( who accepts Bitcoin. I don't know the extent of contributions to minetest but has still a BTC address!

In fact there are a huge number of references, mods and whatnot in the minetest forums!

Title: Re: Talked to the minetest devs today
Post by: oakpacific on May 02, 2013, 06:17:27 AM
Bitcoin is a strange and evolving beast that doesn't make sense to a lot of people.

I should say it's complex enough to solve the problem it addresses.

Title: Re: Talked to the minetest devs today
Post by: tjohej on May 02, 2013, 06:22:27 AM
Bitcoin is a strange and evolving beast that doesn't make sense to a lot of people.
Yeah, to one of the main devs Adam it does not yet. He's like giving out the releases of minetest, announcing them or something. But I just recently found even minetest mods which even include Bitcoin art in the game :D. Like this one [Mod] Bitcoins [v2.1] [Bitcoins] (

Some people are also hosting minetest servers and they accept Bitcoin. :)
Oops. May be old or no longer hosted... :(

Title: Re: Talked to the minetest devs today
Post by: neuromancer56 on May 05, 2013, 02:53:19 AM

I'm a Mod developer for Minetest,  my handle there is Neuromancer (  Not only do I accept bitcoins, but I am assembling a Litecoin Mining rig as we speak.  Then when it becomes obsolete those gpu's will be put to good use playing Minetest!

I wish the Bitcoin ( Mod for Minetest contained mining rigs with crafting recipies.

What's your handle on the forums there?

Title: Re: Talked to the minetest devs today
Post by: tjohej on May 06, 2013, 04:23:35 PM
What's your handle on the forums there?
I'm called incentive