Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: User365 on March 03, 2017, 09:07:04 PM

Title: Running a BTC Node
Post by: User365 on March 03, 2017, 09:07:04 PM
I hope this is not a common noob question  :D

I read on that running a node is voluntering to support the bitcoin network, and I am quite sure that the tx fees go to the miners.

So my question is, who runs all those nodes ? Only single persons at home, organisations ?
Is it possible that nodes will take fees in the future ?

Title: Re: Running a BTC Node
Post by: franky1 on March 03, 2017, 10:46:58 PM
I hope this is not a common noob question  :D

I read on that running a node is voluntering to support the bitcoin network, and I am quite sure that the tx fees go to the miners.

So my question is,
1. who runs all those nodes ?
2.Only single persons at home,
3.organisations ?
4.Is it possible that nodes will take fees in the future ?

1. anyone
2. not only but a moderate large amount of people at home
3. yep them too.. Blockstream have a few hundred running on servers(FIBRE), have 50+, btcc mining pool have a few
4. nope. but thats where users hope one day to run LN nodes (wrote in Go laungage) which pays them out if people have to hop a payment through them. but dont hope to get regular hop payments. because commercial services like blockstream and retailers will run HUBS (centralised hops)

LN nodes are not bitcoin nodes but when you get more involved you will start to see alot of talk and debate about what should be used for making payments. using bitcoins network or using a lightning network.

Title: Re: Running a BTC Node
Post by: freedomno1 on March 04, 2017, 01:38:05 AM
I hope this is not a common noob question  :D

I read on that running a node is voluntering to support the bitcoin network, and I am quite sure that the tx fees go to the miners.

So my question is, who runs all those nodes ? Only single persons at home, organisations ?
Is it possible that nodes will take fees in the future ?

1. Primarily businesses and miners there are still personal nodes around but they are less common due to the size of the Blockchain but anyone can run one.
2. Not at this time if a proposal to Fork Bitcoin and provide Bitcoin nodes a part of the revenue then we may see that outcome. At present Bitcoin  nodes are not paid for their duties and it is purely volunteering to support the network.

Related topics on nodes and their roles in general and in forks.

A bit more high level if your interested in the technical part of a split situation.