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Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Templeton on April 21, 2013, 02:45:06 AM

Title: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: Templeton on April 21, 2013, 02:45:06 AM
Feel the force of the broken ones
Blindly lashing at the branches
Afraid to strike the root and see
The end to their negative solidarity

Streets seethe under daylight’s pressure:
The negative solidarity movement marches forth.
But I remember as I stand here watching on,
That they say the night is always darkest before the dawn.

In fear the masses converge
Under banners devoid of vision,
And love.
No light of freedom glints in eyes
That look for solutions from above:

“The state will cure the sickness
of self-centeredness,
And Lust,
It will bring the order to our lives
Our cities,
Our nation,
Our trust.”

But the state can protect us only
From the violence we cause each other
Its touch never brings the love we crave
From every man as our brother.

It cements its rule with force’s power
That in love’s absence, projects a veneer
Of a nation’s people bound together
Though, in fact, they’re bound by fear.

The state’s hand touches where we’ve succumbed
To the blind hatred that keeps us enchained
To our selfishness that preys on others
And acts on lies we’ve entertained.

The state lets us live with the sad folly
Of not looking our fellow man in the eyes
And knowing his pain, troubles and joy
While living with him every day of our lives.

I dream one day we’ll realize the truth
That our nation was not of fiat born
But birthed by freedom’s present light
From which the state has had us torn.

I dream one day we’ll see the truth
That love and freedom must lead the fight
Against state slavery and its chains
But ’till then we march:
Left, right,
Left, right,
Left, right.

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: spndr7 on April 21, 2013, 08:07:42 AM
goodd poem

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: myrkul on April 21, 2013, 09:11:25 AM
I'd have left the first part of the title out, it's not really about capitalism OR socialism.

But that's me. Good poem.

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: Templeton on April 21, 2013, 04:29:16 PM
The discussions in the Pol&Soc forum were too grounded in facts and reason and not enough in emotion and irrational truth.  I decided to try to mix it up  ;)

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: herzmeister on April 21, 2013, 05:50:49 PM
what would be a free market of worker cooperatives? left or right?

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: Templeton on April 21, 2013, 07:39:57 PM
would what be a free market of worker cooperatives? left or right?

The free market is whatever individuals make of it.  Some will start capitalist enterprises, some will start socialist coops. 

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: Jobe7 on April 21, 2013, 08:57:54 PM
Good poem :)

I hope one day people will throw the farce of left-right out the window for good and realise its freedom-enslavement, and that's all its ever been.

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: Templeton on April 22, 2013, 03:39:46 AM
Good poem :)

I hope one day people will throw the farce of left-right out the window for good and realise its freedom-enslavement, and that's all its ever been.

Left and Right have nothing to do with the state (they both want to use the state for some things and want the state to stay out of other things).  However, left and right are a real division in society.  They are lifestyle choices.  Right now we have two sides fighting to impose their lifestyle choices on each other.  The only commonality in this fight is that they both want to use the force and violence (aka government) to impose their will on the other side.  Thus the left/right paradigm inherently drifts towards statism as both sides demand state violence be used against the other.

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: Jobe7 on April 22, 2013, 09:31:08 AM
Good poem :)

I hope one day people will throw the farce of left-right out the window for good and realise its freedom-enslavement, and that's all its ever been.

Left and Right have nothing to do with the state (they both want to use the state for some things and want the state to stay out of other things).  However, left and right are a real division in society.  They are lifestyle choices.  Right now we have two sides fighting to impose their lifestyle choices on each other.  The only commonality in this fight is that they both want to use the force and violence (aka government) to impose their will on the other side.  Thus the left/right paradigm inherently drifts towards statism as both sides demand state violence be used against the other.

Apparently I'm left-right/up-down .. I see it as a complete mess and just a tool of government to give the illusion of choice.

Title: Re: Not Capitalism or Socialism. Not Left or Right
Post by: Templeton on April 22, 2013, 04:48:48 PM
Apparently I'm left-right/up-down .. I see it as a complete mess and just a tool of government to give the illusion of choice.

upside-down and inside-out ;)