Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Development & Technical Discussion => Topic started by: Blockchain_Sage on March 10, 2017, 09:32:38 AM

Title: Not Allowing Miner to Read the Data in the Block
Post by: Blockchain_Sage on March 10, 2017, 09:32:38 AM
i'm currently working on the topic blockchain for my mémoire. I know this is a not question related only on bitcoin. If you think i need to move the topic let me know

Even if transparency is an advantage of the blockchain, it is also a problem for company that want to use blockchain but can't affort showing their data.
However they like the security provided.

Here is my question
could we consider a blockchain used by a company where miners help secured the chain with their computer power but can't read the data in the block ?

it seems to me that not allowing access to the data in the bloc is an obstacle to "mining/securing' the chain but i would like to be sure about it.

I thank for your help and apologize for my english level

Title: Re: Not Allowing Miner to Read the Data in the Block
Post by: achow101 on March 10, 2017, 01:57:23 PM
Part of what makes blockchains so powerful is that nodes (which includes miners) must be able to verify that the block is legitimate. You can't do this without knowing what the data inside the block is supposed to be.

Title: Re: Not Allowing Miner to Read the Data in the Block
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 10, 2017, 02:07:15 PM
You can add data to a transaction (OP_RETURN)
In Bitcoin, from what I know, you are restricted to 40 bytes of data.

If you make your own coin with the purpose to actually store random data you'll have to make that much bigger.
Just you'll have to convince everybody it worth storing on their disks a blockchain with... random things..
Let's say you have that. Then you can encrypt your data in any way you want and add it there. Since the others don't have your key, they cannot decript it. Make sure you don't forget the key :)

Edit: I've just read this and that, I hope I've got it right. Maybe somebody more technical can confirm/infirm this theory.

Title: Re: Not Allowing Miner to Read the Data in the Block
Post by: Carlton Banks on March 10, 2017, 02:12:15 PM
Part of what makes blockchains so powerful is that nodes (which includes miners) must be able to verify that the block is legitimate. You can't do this without knowing what the data inside the block is supposed to be.

Is it impossible to do this with zero knowledge proofs?

Title: Re: Not Allowing Miner to Read the Data in the Block
Post by: Blockchain_Sage on March 10, 2017, 07:29:29 PM
First of all thanks a lot for your answer.

@achow101 :
this is a bit what i was afraid of learning
but i would like to know more and debate about what Carlton Banks said
could we consider this ? by addind a code to the hashing script for example ?

@Neuroticfish :
good point but in this case like you said, i don't add any security to the data because if someone steal the script, datas are available, so

what I want to think of is a bit what you said but with the "encryption scrip" "somehow included in the blockchain.
the goal is basically to "get ride of the transparent aspect of blockchain" but to keep the security of the hashing power

I know this is really strange question but i think it could be interessant :)

Thanks again

Title: Re: Not Allowing Miner to Read the Data in the Block
Post by: Carlton Banks on March 10, 2017, 08:01:38 PM
First of all thanks a lot for your answer.

@achow101 :
this is a bit what i was afraid of learning
but i would like to know more and debate about what Carlton Banks said
could we consider this ? by addind a code to the hashing script for example ?

It's unlikely to be practical or safe, today. The cryptography that ZK proofs entails is relatively new, something like 18-36 months old. It needs careful mathematical study before it can be comfortably used in real software, especially with digital assets.

I don't see why it shouldn't be possible in theory, but the devil may well be in the details.