Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: jannes79 on June 17, 2011, 05:31:36 AM

Title: Not yet redeemed
Post by: jannes79 on June 17, 2011, 05:31:36 AM

I have a question about a bitcoin transfer which is not yet redeemed as I can see on blockexplorer (

The transaction is open now for nearly 17 hours and I want to ask for an accelleration method?

On the senders account, there are more than 62 confirmations at all and a transaction fee about 0.01 BTC is included.

Or is there no chance from my side to make the sending process becomes faster?

Thanks in advance, Jan

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: scottk on June 17, 2011, 05:48:36 AM
And you have Bitcoin open and running on your computer?

Is Bitcoin able to connect or is it stuck at 0 connections?

From the description on the mouseover, it sounds like all this means is that you didn't spend those coins yet.

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: num1 on June 17, 2011, 06:02:11 AM
If you only recently started using bitcoins, you should know there is a "warm-up period" before you can use your client. It will be downloading information from the network in order to be able to redeem the transaction. You can tell if this warm-up has finished by looking at the part of the client that says "x blocks." As I write this there are 131378 blocks in the network. If your client indicates 131378 or more then this is not the problem you are experiencing. However if the number your client indicates is lower than 131378 please be patient, in a few hours everything will be sorted out.

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: jannes79 on June 17, 2011, 06:23:13 AM
And you have Bitcoin open and running on your computer?

Is Bitcoin able to connect or is it stuck at 0 connections?

From the description on the mouseover, it sounds like all this means is that you didn't spend those coins yet.

Yes, there were more than 110 Connections (on the sending pc and also on the receiver pc) when I processed the transfer. Both were running on MAC and Ubuntu with standard bitcoin client software (running for another ~3 hours after sending).

Yes, there were def. more than 100,000 blocks. I am a new user with bitcoin but I have 5 transactions (3 receivings, 2 sendings) on my account, without any problems. And now (with number 6) it's pending for such a long time.

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: jannes79 on June 17, 2011, 09:50:56 AM
Hello again,

now, after nearly 20 hours waiting, the bitcoins were transfered.

If I choose to become a retailer, I think that the bitcoin payment option will not be a good choice. May be that I am the only one who had to wait such a long time, but I think that it's tooo much.

Thanks to all for the help, Jan :-)

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: FrenchTart on June 17, 2011, 09:57:16 AM
Less than 24 hours for a transaction to process isn't really that bad compared to normal bank payment processing times.  In fact, I'd go as far to say that it is quicker than most.

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: btyako on June 17, 2011, 10:01:42 AM
Less than 24 hours for a transaction to process isn't really that bad compared to normal bank payment processing times.  In fact, I'd go as far to say that it is quicker than most.

yup, not only that but places like paypal/credit cards/etc all someone has to do is put in a complaint within 30(some places 60) days and quite possibly get all their money back out of your account...
not to mention the crazy fees you have to pay..

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: joan on June 17, 2011, 10:40:13 AM
From the description on the mouseover, it sounds like all this means is that you didn't spend those coins yet.

Not redeemed = you did not spend them back elsewhere yet.
It will be like that until you spend them. Nothing to do with confirmation. (The transaction is confirmed already)

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: delfi87 on January 05, 2018, 04:11:59 PM
Пoмoгитe люли, пepeвeл c биpжи pandacoin нa кoшeлeк, в блoкчeйнe пишeт дeньги нa cчeтy, a eщё not yet redeemed. B кoшeлькe aндpoид для pandacoin дeньги нe oтoбpaжaютcя. Дpyгoгo кoшeлькa нe cyщecтвyeт, чтo дeлaть? Кaк вepнyть дeньги?

Title: Re: Not yet redeemed
Post by: FractalUniverse on January 05, 2018, 05:34:24 PM
Digging up such threads from 2011 is not nice. bad boy  ;D

delfi87: i dont understand much, try asking in russian section: (