Bitcoin Forum

Other => Beginners & Help => Topic started by: Larynth on April 21, 2013, 05:38:55 PM

Title: Curiosity about statistical probability
Post by: Larynth on April 21, 2013, 05:38:55 PM
Ok I know that not everything that looks like a coincidence is one just as not all things that appear nefarius are a conspiracy. I'm just wondering though if it has occurred to anyone else that an inordinately large number of the main bitcoin websites and exchanges all seem to use cloudflare and nginx. I suppose it's possible that those just happen to be the best options for service and price. I still can't help but admit it sets off my spidey senses too. We know MtGox and Ripple have the same people pulling the strings, how many of the other pages or exchanges do they control? I wonder.....   

Title: Re: Curiosity about statistical probability
Post by: bytesnpieces on April 21, 2013, 05:49:18 PM
If it concerns you, keep your cryptocurrency in cold storage (this might be something you already do) and only use a small amount on cloud-based services.  This is the great thing about the base protocol, it is trustless.

Title: Re: Curiosity about statistical probability
Post by: Larynth on April 21, 2013, 06:00:23 PM
If it concerns you, keep your cryptocurrency in cold storage (this might be something you already do) and only use a small amount on cloud-based services.  This is the great thing about the base protocol, it is trustless.

If I'm concerned about the fact that MtGox has proven completely unreliable just about the same time their competing currency Ripple is ready to launch, and I'm also concerned as to just how much more control they may be able to exert, The smart move would be to move all my business and that of anyone I know away from MtGox and any other exchange not based in the US or UK where regulations should offer some shelter for investors. Placing my bitcoins in cold storage only means that when whatever damage they intend is done I'll be holding worthless Hex strings. I'm not saying they ARE intentionally crashing their site or that it IS a conspiracy to reduce confidence in bitcoin and push people toward Ripple. However, if it quacks I generally expect to see a duck.

Title: Re: Curiosity about statistical probability
Post by: BeeCoin on April 21, 2013, 07:01:28 PM
I cannot imagine they would crash MtGox to push people to Ripple. This doesn't make sense at all. As investors, what they want is to build trust and establish public acceptance for the whole cryptocurrency paradigm. So, basically investing both in MtGox and Ripple is diversify their risk, betting on two horses.
Nevertheless, I can't quite imagine Ripple taking off - the concept is not so easy to grasp as BTC.
- BeeCoin.

Title: Re: Curiosity about statistical probability
Post by: domoarrigato on April 21, 2013, 07:37:11 PM
I believe the founder of mtGox started Ripple.  Any idea why mtGox is not yet a ripple gateway?