Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Currency exchange => Topic started by: daruma on April 21, 2013, 06:56:31 PM

Title: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: daruma on April 21, 2013, 06:56:31 PM
So here is the deal.  Over the years I have been getting gift card after gift card for Amazon which I never use.  I have over $700 on my Amazon balance.  yes that is the problem, the money is on my balance and not in the form of a gift card.

So I want to get bitcoins from this amazon money.  I was thinking maybe I could buy people stuff or sell my amazon account to someone if they wanted to get it all.

I will offer a HUGE discount ofc.  Because of how shitty the situation is.

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: shibaji on April 21, 2013, 07:12:14 PM
Just buy amzn e-gift card with the balance and sell that.

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: Projects on April 21, 2013, 07:13:52 PM
Just buy amzn e-gift card with the balance and sell that.

You cannot buy a gift card with gift card balance unfortunately

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: nebulus on April 21, 2013, 07:28:04 PM
Buy some stuff at Amazon... Sell at (  ;)

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: ECore on April 21, 2013, 07:28:48 PM
Ok.  I will do this.  But I have a problem.   I live in Cambodia and my bitcoin wallet is on my computer in the states.  I will send a you a check and you can cash it if I don't send the bitcoins within 30 days.  I will be heading back to the states in two weeks.

I know this sounds like a hassle but I will even give you 10% extra bitcoins in order to compensate for this problem.

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: ECore on April 21, 2013, 07:29:53 PM
/sarcasm  ;)

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: daruma on April 21, 2013, 07:40:22 PM
yeah ideally it's with a trusted trader.  That way I can be the one to take the risk without being afraid of being scammed.  Like if they want to buy the whoel balance, I can hand over my account first.  Or if they want me to buy them something, they can make sure they receive it before giving me the bitcoin.

My balance on amazon is exactly $771.52.  thanks grandma!

I would do this trade for 500 usd worth of bitcoin.  Does that sound fair or is it too much?

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: shibaji on April 21, 2013, 07:40:45 PM
Just buy amzn e-gift card with the balance and sell that.

You cannot buy a gift card with gift card balance unfortunately

Oh - did not know that. Thanks.

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: Liberty Payout on April 21, 2013, 07:50:11 PM
I know how to transfer the balance off the account and am willing to buy this. I sent you a PM.

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: daruma on April 21, 2013, 07:51:28 PM
No more offers please I pick liberty payout

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: Liberty Payout on April 21, 2013, 08:38:39 PM
Looks like amazon patched the balance trick.

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: TheButterZone on April 22, 2013, 12:49:34 AM
Buy MP3 with gift balance, have MP3 buyer/BTC seller exchange it back to gift balance?

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: freefall on April 22, 2013, 12:58:24 AM exactly traffic central. 20 listings, good luck with that idea.

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: thatonegirlt on April 22, 2013, 01:04:05 AM
Oooh, I might be interested in this. I am not exactly super active around here though..

Edit: Also, perhaps by using the Amazon Chat, you may be able for someone to convert your gift card balance back into a code used for gift cards? You could explain that you have a large balance and wanted to use it as a gift for someone else, or something.

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: daruma on April 22, 2013, 02:44:28 AM
you cant get the giftcards back, believe me.

so liberty they patched the mp3 trick so you can't do it anymore :'(
they just emailed me saying your account is secure we changed the pw again... great

Maybe I should just take the route like... people tell me what they want me to buy, then I buy it for them and have it sent to them and they pay me half price in bitcoin..

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: daruma on April 22, 2013, 02:48:29 AM
f u grandma why couldn't you just given me real money all these years

Title: Re: Amazon for Bitcoin, unique but lucrative offer
Post by: grue on April 22, 2013, 03:02:11 AM
offer sent.