Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: virtualmaster on April 21, 2013, 08:05:19 PM

Title: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: virtualmaster on April 21, 2013, 08:05:19 PM
Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: anarchy on April 22, 2013, 01:07:23 AM
Good stuff.. but wouldn't it be better to increase the limit from 100 to 10,000 ?

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: evolve on April 22, 2013, 01:17:49 AM
Uhh, I already have a BTC wallet on my apple phone...blockchain app, pretty sure it was free too.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: alexeft on April 22, 2013, 02:01:23 AM
Petition to bitcoin users: stop using apple products.   8)

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: gogxmagog on April 22, 2013, 02:05:30 AM
I will continue to petition them via my method of never buying their product.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: antimattercrusader on April 22, 2013, 04:51:57 AM
I will continue to petition them via my method of never buying their product.

+1 I second that.

Good luck getting the Kardashian watching, coke snorting, designer clothing wearing (Paid for with fiat credit card), money wasting sheep of the world to join us in our defiance of apple, though. Gotta look cool, ya know!

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: wumpus on April 22, 2013, 05:29:57 AM
I will continue to petition them via my method of never buying their product.
Me too. That's better than having to beg for everything isn't it ;)

I hope for the TS that King Apple will honor the request and allow to run bitcoin wallets, but the idea that you have to petition to run a certain piece of software on a device that you own is beyond ludicrous to me.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: Mike Christ on April 22, 2013, 05:32:26 AM
I've noticed most people here don't like Apple.

I am proud to be one of you all ;D

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: Gabi on April 22, 2013, 05:37:02 AM
I will continue to petition them via my method of never buying their product.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: ArticMine on April 22, 2013, 05:44:05 AM
Petition to bitcoin users: stop using apple products.   8)


Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: yolo2222 on April 22, 2013, 01:28:04 PM
I will continue to petition them via my method of never buying their product.

+1 I second that.

Good luck getting the Kardashian watching, coke snorting, designer clothing wearing (Paid for with fiat credit card), money wasting sheep of the world to join us in our defiance of apple, though. Gotta look cool, ya know!

You sound jealous my friend...

Not all the people who snort coke or wear designer clothes use Apple.
Think of all the japanse people using htc , )


Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: cupronickel on April 22, 2013, 01:33:49 PM
Why would they, when the next iPhone will undoubtedly incorporate iCoin which you can then spend anywhere you please, so long as it's controlled by the temple of Jobs.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: alexeft on April 22, 2013, 01:53:33 PM
Why would they, when the next iPhone will undoubtedly incorporate iCoin which you can then spend anywhere you please, so long as it's controlled by the temple of Jobs.

And apple is going to become a central bank!!! Bitcoin vs iCoin, like Linux vs Windows!  :D

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: casascius on April 22, 2013, 01:57:43 PM
Does Apple really continue to enforce a policy of no bitcoin wallet apps?

At some point in the past several weeks, many more of their employees must have heard of bitcoin and learned something about it, so as to differentiate it from whatever they don't like about it.  I don't think they're intrinsically against Bitcoin, and just can't imagine that they'll be against Bitcoin once the individual employees in their organization come to realize what it is and why it's so great.  They will reach a point (if not already) that their user base will start to complain loudly if they stick to that policy.  I don't expect a press release from Apple apologizing for their past rejections and trumpeting their welcome... but I do expect they will silently abandon their no-Bitcoin-wallet policy and apps should suddenly get through.

EDIT: I signed it and left a pretty good comment.  Hope it hits.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: Aswan on April 22, 2013, 02:03:03 PM
Petition to bitcoin users: stop using apple products.   8)


Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: casascius on April 22, 2013, 02:10:28 PM
Uhh, I already have a BTC wallet on my apple phone...blockchain app, pretty sure it was free too.

It's widely believed that this one slipped under the radar, and my understanding is they've been avoiding sending updates to this app, just due to the risk that rocking the boat will cause it to disappear completely.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: mattyrain on April 22, 2013, 02:38:50 PM
Uhh, I already have a BTC wallet on my apple phone...blockchain app, pretty sure it was free too.


Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: grue on April 22, 2013, 02:48:33 PM
You do realize that petitions don't do shit, right? They don't even work that well in a democracy, so do you think a multinational company is going to care about a few thousand people?

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: Surpbitcoin on April 22, 2013, 02:51:16 PM
I've noticed most people here don't like Apple.

I am proud to be one of you all ;D

Bro I LOVE my iPhone! also sorry for not getting bak to you earlier regarding the tatt, I was away on vacation. I'll send you an address a bit later


Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: GerMG on April 22, 2013, 02:58:11 PM
Petition to bitcoin users: stop using apple products.   8)


Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: kokojie on April 22, 2013, 03:34:42 PM
I will continue to petition them via my method of never buying their product.

+1, I am a proud non-apple user for the last 20 years, zero apple product bought. Regrettably my wife bought a iPhone 3gs against my advice. Though she quickly grew to hate the iPhone when compared to my mighty Android phone, and she became jealous of all the cool stuff I could do on my android. Now she owns android phone, and will only buy android phone in the future. Though she still likes her Macbook Air...

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: cbeast on April 23, 2013, 04:55:09 AM
My gut tells me that Apple simply has a grudge against Bitcoin. Perhaps they know something we don't. WWJD? Jobs would have owned Bitcoin and probably developed a game system with GPUs and a cooling system that brews coffee.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: jp on April 23, 2013, 05:04:31 AM
It seems that the speculation is that they are gearing up to deliver a mobile payment solution. They are notorious for killing the competition on their platform. Who can blame them really. I'd love them to allow wallet apps more than anyone, as I plan on building a business around a wallet solution. But, I'm not hopeful, so I'm targeting Android first.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: evolve on April 23, 2013, 05:06:04 AM
The Apple-hate circle-jerk is strong here too!

They are tools; not your identity. Use tools that work for you and stop being goddamn assholes.


A Mac OS X, iOS, Windows XP/7, Linux, and FreeBSD user.


Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: wumpus on April 23, 2013, 05:32:45 AM
They are tools; not your identity. Use tools that work for you and stop being goddamn assholes.
I fully agree on your tool analogy. But in this case, the point is that these tools don't work :)

If you want a tool analogy let's say you can buy a cheap, rough but robust hammer A, that you can use any time you need a hammer. Or a stylish, expensive, overhyped hammer B for which you first have to petition Hammer Central before you can use it for an innovative new project.

I like my tools to work with me, not against me. Anyhow, good luck with your petition :)

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: WilderedB on April 23, 2013, 06:41:15 AM
Hate me if you like but my next computer will be a Mac.

Seems many round here hate Windows, and you hate Macs too? So you're mostly a bunch of Linux geeks?

Probably explains why so much about bitcoin has that unfinished, not really ready yet feel to it..?

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: cupronickel on April 23, 2013, 07:29:37 AM
Hate me if you like but my next computer will be a Mac.

Seems many round here hate Windows, and you hate Macs too? So you're mostly a bunch of Linux geeks?

Probably explains why so much about bitcoin has that unfinished, not really ready yet feel to it..?

You are free to buy what you like but don't expect any adulation from Bitcoin early adopters. Apple is the epitomy of closed market, walled garden technology. They screw huge percentages from app developers with what amounts to little better than an extortion racket. And if they tell app developers to jump, the only valid response is "how high?".

These things do not sit well with the principles behind Bitcoin. Just saying.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: Notanon on April 23, 2013, 08:53:23 AM
Give Apple a few years and they'll be in decline again, and more willing to compromise to stay in the game. Bitcoin could come in handy for Steam when Valve release the Steambox down the track to make buying content more secure (maybe through Ripple or a similar interface) and less at risk of identity fraud through obtaining credit card details, like what happened with Sony a couple of years back with their PSN network.

Am also looking to develop an app or two down the track as time allows, and will favour Android first over Apple, due to the greater ease and flexibility of being able to put something up on Google Play compared to the App Store.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: Aseras on April 23, 2013, 01:16:02 PM
Uhh, I already have a BTC wallet on my apple phone...blockchain app, pretty sure it was free too.

which is nice except it stores your password in plaintext and it EASILY hacked.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: bitcoinminer on April 23, 2013, 02:11:30 PM
Maybe a developer at Apple knows how frequently people get goxxxed and just don't want a bunch of retards calling in to tech support

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: Dabs on April 23, 2013, 02:25:09 PM
I got my wife an ipad mini. She's happy with it, knowing what iOS can and can't do, and knowing what an android phone can and can't do. She also has an android phone, so the ipad mini is just a tool for her to get on facebook or viber or yahoo or chat or play time management games.

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: BTC Books on April 23, 2013, 02:46:28 PM

If you want a tool analogy let's say you can buy a cheap, rough but robust hammer A, that you can use any time you need a hammer. Or a stylish, expensive, overhyped hammer B for which you first have to petition Hammer Central before you can use it for an innovative new project.

...and you can only use that hammer to drive nails purchased from Hammer Central.  And you can't drive those nails into any piece of wood that isn't purchased from Hammer Central.  And if you try to paint your project with paint purchased anywhere but Hammer Central, it won't stick to the wood.

Bitcoin and Apple:  like oil and water...

Title: Re: Petition to Apple: Allow Bitcoin wallets on iPhone
Post by: NedKLee on April 23, 2013, 02:49:20 PM
iPad, iPhone and a Windows 7 Laptop, works for me, never snorted Coke or any other shit ever and with a head like mine, fashion clothes are just a waste of time and money.

Then again, not enough time left to tell you how little I care about your lack of judgement based on whether someone uses an iOS, Android, Qnx or Windows based device.

If how you judge a person is merely based on peripheral devices and labels, then I really feel sorry for you.

Petition signed.