Bitcoin Forum

Alternate cryptocurrencies => Altcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Tiphune on March 15, 2017, 09:39:49 PM

Title: Dash.. but why?
Post by: Tiphune on March 15, 2017, 09:39:49 PM
So everyone can see what is going on with dash. There are clearly a lot of different opinions on this topic, bumping price, it's scam or not. However, I think most of you can admit that dash is (beside all the speculations) a great coin for making quick transacions, with many great features.

And now, if dash's price growth was a natural effect, not affected by some kind of biggest scam in cryptocurrency world, why we can see this growth?
I'm just wondering what could happend in around beginning of this year that would make dash price go so high in such little period of time.
It was on the market for some time, actually 3 years and now this happend in 3 months.  :o

What you guys think?

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: mjneat on March 15, 2017, 09:49:24 PM
I too wonder this...

Personally I think someone is pumping it and I fear a lot of new people looking into crypto may get caught in the hype and burned. The cryptocurrency space is rife with scams and corruption. I've heard bad things about the creator although I can't remember what they were so came here to see if I could find the answer to exactly this question as IIRC there was a giant pre-mine.  I don't feel the way the coin works with masternodes and funding is really in the spirit of decentralisation either but I haven't done my research...

Also WTF is up with Amanda Johnson calling bitcoin infiltrated in an interview on youtube?

EDIT: So I'm learning from the wikipedia entry that dash is a DAO and it also really does sound like a scam after reading this

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: AusKipper on March 15, 2017, 09:51:32 PM
Since the Dash price moon shot every man and his dog (and I think the cats are getting in on it too) has started a thread about the Dash price, and everyone with an opinion has posted it in those threads.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: mjneat on March 15, 2017, 10:21:07 PM
Since the Dash price moon shot every man and his dog (and I think the cats are getting in on it too) has started a thread about the Dash price, and everyone with an opinion has posted it in those threads.


Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: btc_zero_sum on March 15, 2017, 10:29:45 PM
the more you guys keep opening this kind of threads the more you advertise DASH and the more the price goes up

you trolls are doing it wrong

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: XbladeX on March 15, 2017, 10:35:32 PM
Just i will leave it here :

Trolls did a great job deceitfully convincing many people into believing that there is something wrong with Dash. Lies after lies, repeated to death.
What they did is that they filtered gullible people. Those who left used their reason and did their own research and decided for themselves what to do.

And there is that nasty, fraudster and lier smoothie, again  ::), posting his horrible hit-piece-CNN-jurnalism made by the guy who don't even want to aknowledge how horrible wrong he is. It's telling. Funny as hell. What's your target audience by the way?  :D

Plenty of people did their own research and concluded there is something wrong with Dash's Instamine.

Plenty of people did their own research and concluded there is something wrong with Dash's Masternode HYIP (aka Ponzi scheme).

Plenty of people did their own research and concluded there is something wrong with Dash's centralized governance and development.

Plenty of people did their own research and concluded there is something wrong with Dash's being pumped despite having no actual use.

For example:

Are you saying Chris Berniske is a liar and didn't really do his own research as he claims here?   ???

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: Videodrome on March 15, 2017, 10:38:37 PM
yes...why...why i seel @ 10 dollars!!!

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: irukandji on March 16, 2017, 01:17:42 AM
Investors are very very keen to find good coins, with large development teams and lots of nodes.
There is a lot of room for a good coin that has the potential to be used as money.

Most coins just don't measure up, yet, so dash with it's slick marketing has captured peoples imagination, for now.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: topesis on March 16, 2017, 05:11:37 AM
Investors are very very keen to find good coins, with large development teams and lots of nodes.
There is a lot of room for a good coin that has the potential to be used as money.

Most coins just don't measure up, yet, so dash with it's slick marketing has captured peoples imagination, for now.

I can tell you, I will give that to the team, their marketing strategy is one of the best in the space, for a coin that no one is using. I will just advice people to remember Steemit rise and the present price. If all these allegations are true, it will surely catch up with price and the house of cards will come down

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: irukandji on March 16, 2017, 05:28:40 AM
Investors are very very keen to find good coins, with large development teams and lots of nodes.
There is a lot of room for a good coin that has the potential to be used as money.

Most coins just don't measure up, yet, so dash with it's slick marketing has captured peoples imagination, for now.

I can tell you, I will give that to the team, their marketing strategy is one of the best in the space, for a coin that no one is using. I will just advice people to remember Steemit rise and the present price. If all these allegations are true, it will surely catch up with price and the house of cards will come down

Exposure to the light will be very hard to bear.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: Spoetnik on March 16, 2017, 10:45:51 AM
Check out the graphs + prices at the cap.. most coins have rocketed up sky high.
MANY have REEEEALLY gone up too !
Why ? whales is my bet.
I see no other signs of it being anything but a rich person or person(s) targeting a few of the coins like ETH or Dash or Doge etc.

Someone with money showed up.. beware !

Related to ETF news or some shit ? maybe who knows.

All i know is it does not seem to be any natural real world growth happening on any of the coins going up.
ALL OF IT seems to be market speculators ramping up prices for apparently no reason at all.
Except there is only ONE reason to do that ;)

In other words i have not seen any signs of adoption or real usage growth etc.
I heard the ETF failed and noticed coin prices rocketing up randomly out of the blue.
That should be a red-flag.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: PolybiusBank on March 16, 2017, 11:20:58 AM
If it is a scam, than it is really huge. But I don't think it can get to ETH, not speaking about BTC

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: iamTom123 on March 16, 2017, 11:30:26 AM
The recent spike in the interest and volume of trade on Dash has raised so many eyebrows especially within the cryptocurrency world and some are warning that it can be a case of pumping with the aim to dump later that can cause many investors to lose money. Well, this is not something new in the cryptocurrency world as we have seen many similar stories like this before. Investors should not be ignoring the warning and they should be responsible with their own decisions. Wish them all the luck they need. :)

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: HCLivess on March 16, 2017, 12:32:48 PM
Spoetnik is right. He is always right.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: Fatoshi on March 16, 2017, 01:34:10 PM
Anyone with a brain knows there is going to be one almighty crash in alts in the coming days...weeks. Timberrrrrrrrrrr!!

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: qwizzie on March 16, 2017, 01:49:56 PM
Anyone with a brain knows there is going to be one almighty crash in alts in the coming days...weeks. Timberrrrrrrrrrr!!
Even though this all time high for dash has people's attention, it will keep it and have more people willing and wanting to buy coins when it's down. It always works this way.

Yep, i can even remember you asking in our ANN thread why people were still mining Dash when it was at 0.0055 not all that long ago (year ago or something ? )
Lets just say we have dedicated miners and a growing dedicated community.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: diagla on March 16, 2017, 02:39:54 PM
Seems too good to be true that it doubles in value so fast. Wish I invested earlier but now is probably too late as it will likely crash eventually.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: TrueAnon on March 16, 2017, 05:44:35 PM
Polo let's whale bots go crazy, that's why

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: spartak_t on March 16, 2017, 05:47:51 PM
Dash is a scam. PERIOD!

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: CorePrime95 on March 16, 2017, 06:11:35 PM
Theory 1:
Bitcoin whales are afraid of the Bitcoin fork and diversify.

Theory 2:
Wallstreet money sneaking in. First Bitcoin, now taking position in the alts. Selling a crypto ETF/Fund to the public = $$$

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: toknormal on March 16, 2017, 08:24:35 PM

Dash is a scam. PERIOD!

First of all, some entertainment: (

Secondly, some information:

There are plenty reasons to justify the rise. Firstly, it was on the cards for weeks. Dash has traded for 3 years in an increasingly more regular bull bear pattern on the 21 week trading chart ( There have been 4 crossovers of the 21 week EMA to bull market during that time. The most recent crossed at twice the level of last years, indicating a steadily growing base of long term holders who see Dash's fundamentals as increasingly unique and relevant:

 • addressing transaction times at the low confirmation end of the spectrum
 • addressing the "useability" barrier that prevents crypto from reaching the masses
 • addressing fungibility/privacy without doing so at the expense of its transparent blockchain ( or bitcoin commercial ecosystem compatibility
 • addressing sustainable governance and funding

There simply isn't any other cryptocurrency asset with all these in combination and decoupled along the right monetary design lines for sustained growth and adoption. Also, compare how Dash has traded for 3 years to another well known currency ( writing was on the wall.

In addition to that...hashrate is getting priced in also:

....adoption is getting priced in:

...and finally current roadmap ( and successful hardfork implementing the foundation for Dash Evolution is getting priced in

The Economics of Dash’s Reserve & Currency Markets vs Masternode Network Count

The Design Objectives the Distinguish Dash from Bitcoin

Tech Stocks vs Monetary Stocks and Why Dash is Persuing the Latter

Why Balancing "Dark" and "Light" Markets Work and Why Instant Transactions are a Priority for Dash


Symmetric Risk Mitigation for Low Confirmation Payments - Why Dash is MORE Secure Than Bitcoin, not Less

Pricing in "Everything" vs Pricing in "the Launch"

Why Dash's Privacy Model is Optimal for an Unbacked Store of Value Token

Who gets a voice with the Governance Model ?

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: spartak_t on March 16, 2017, 08:35:29 PM
Dash is a scam. PERIOD!

bla bla bla

It doesn't matter how it looks like now, what matters is how it started. Your post is a bit hypocrite because of several simple reasons:
1. Unfair launch.
2. Dash market was/is "cornered".
3. Several whales are involved since long time ago.
4. They have incentives to develop and deliver (already sitting on millions of $).

Digital currencies market is adapting to the real world, and not in a good way. Rich people are getting richer (and your kind of people are helping them).

No need to repeat myself that I have certain visions about the market and that I had number of chances to make good amount of money, but I'd rather die poor, than do it on the backs of other people.   

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: toknormal on March 16, 2017, 08:56:26 PM

what matters is how it started

It matters to some. It does not matter to others. Thats why markets exist - to give you a choice. It's also why open source exists - to give you a choice in case the market wasn't enough.

2. Dash market was/is "cornered".

It may take you a bit longer than most people to swallow this fact, but swallow it you'll have to. Dash is now one of the most well distributed coins around. Go back to that chart above and take a second look. There have been 4 huge 'sell-offs' in its history, not to mention a 2-3 month period where the coins were almost worthless and changing hands for peanuts. The largest holder wasn't even a miner - he was a buyer.

And this despite widespread knowledge at the time of what a crypto asset was, how it could increase in value, how early investment represents an opportunity if you judge the fundamentals to be worthwhile. Sure it has it's "whales" but nothing close to what bitcoin has so don't worry about it. No Dash holder has anywhere near 1 fifteenth of the coin supply.

I'd rather die poor, than do it on the backs of other people.

As it turns out, the 3 years hard work that went into turning Dash into a valuable asset came at a greater cost than the sanctimonious nonsense emanating from bitcointalk directed keyboards. There are more dignified ways acknowledging that there was a basis to the qualities that some of us have been trying to promote over the last couple of years.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: spartak_t on March 16, 2017, 09:02:26 PM
As it turns out, the 3 years hard work that went into turning Dash into a valuable asset came at a greater cost than the sanctimonious nonsense emanating from bitcointalk directed keyboards. There are more dignified ways acknowledging that there was a basis to the qualities that some of us have been trying to promote over the last couple of years ;)

Greater cost? Bitcointalk directed keyboards? You are full of shit!

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: Spoetnik on March 16, 2017, 11:40:59 PM
Spoetnik is right. He is always right.

 :D thanks for your support.

..that was my best guess ;)
Of course some people wouldn't want that said though.. and disagree.

I just got to wonder if all the varied crap bullshit Ethereum guys have pulled is ok and it's the #2 coin in crypto then what is the problem with Dash then ?
You all seem to pick & choose which coins you want to apply the scam label to.
If i compared ETH vs Dash i would have more complaints about how ETH was handled.
So seeing it STILL the #2 coin is mind shattering to me.

It proves that the public couldn't care less what it is.
It really does boil down to nothing more than "What will make me rich ?"
And that is a by product of the self entitlement greed defense routine you all have here.
You reap what you sow guys.

anyway ;)
I see rampant hypocrisy basically.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: qwizzie on March 17, 2017, 06:08:13 AM
Dash is a scam. PERIOD!

I see all logic has left you. time for the ignore button.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: spartak_t on March 17, 2017, 03:16:39 PM
It proves that the public couldn't care less what it is.
It really does boil down to nothing more than "What will make me rich ?"

That's imo the major problem and what frustrates me the most. I think that digital currencies have lost their "charm".

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: dwgscale11 on March 17, 2017, 03:30:30 PM
It proves that the public couldn't care less what it is.
It really does boil down to nothing more than "What will make me rich ?"

That's imo the major problem and what frustrates me the most. I think that digital currencies have lost their "charm".

Agree. I honestly cant fathom the current price of dash.  How can people be so zombie like!? WTF???

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: ngerok on March 17, 2017, 03:44:18 PM
Dash is a scam. PERIOD!
yes I agree with you, Dash will Scam and this has been the talk of many people
somehow these coins can Scam even though the price is high, why???

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: btc_zero_sum on March 17, 2017, 03:46:42 PM
1. Unfair launch.

Same as Bitcoin (do you remember Satoshi has ~1M btc?), ICO, IPO, airdrop, whatever

2. Dash market was/is "cornered".


3. Several whales are involved since long time ago.

Same as any other crypto, stock, mineral

4. They have incentives to develop and deliver (already sitting on millions of $).

Same as any startup with VC funding, federal funding, crowdsourcing

Digital currencies market is adapting to the real world, and not in a good way. Rich people are getting richer (and your kind of people are helping them).

I would blame capitalism, digital currencies are part of it but rather more accessible than creating a company

No need to repeat myself that I have certain visions about the market and that I had number of chances to make good amount of money, but I'd rather die poor, than do it on the backs of other people.

you are looking for ethics in a money (and capitalist context), it's a bit like looking for answers about evolution in a church

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: pereira4 on March 17, 2017, 03:47:46 PM
Roger Ver is pumping dash bigly to make his narrative of "people will go to other altcoins if bitcoin unlimited doesn't win" seem real. Roger Ver is acting like those rich fiat guys like Soros that use their money to make their agendas work, sad to see.

Anyway, this shit will crash sooner than later.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: All-of-us on March 17, 2017, 03:53:45 PM
Dash is a scam. PERIOD!

Ahh but what about "insert name here"? if "insert name here" is a scam then surely "insert name here" is also a scam?

I think we need to shut everything down just to be sure there are no scams

Title: DO IT NOW !
Post by: Spoetnik on March 18, 2017, 02:31:19 AM
Dash is a scam. PERIOD!

Ahh but what about "insert name here"? if "insert name here" is a scam then surely "insert name here" is also a scam?

I think we need to shut everything down just to be sure there are no scams

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: irukandji on March 18, 2017, 02:42:39 AM
1. Unfair launch.

Same as Bitcoin (do you remember Satoshi has ~1M btc?), ICO, IPO, airdrop, whatever

Very different. Evan told people he would not launch. So those people logged off, went to bed, etc...then Evan launched and they missed out. Satoshi did nothing like that. Millions of coins were released very early.
Then, after Evan and those he did not deceive mined a huge percentage of the coins, the total number of coins was greatly reduced.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: The Sceptical Chymist on March 18, 2017, 03:03:08 AM
Anyone with a brain knows there is going to be one almighty crash in alts in the coming days...weeks. Timberrrrrrrrrrr!!
Yeah, I'm waiting for exactly this, not that it matters much, because I own absolutely NO Dash whatsoever.

I agree with OP that it would be a decent currency because of quick confirmation times, etc., but dude.  $90/Dash?  What is the altcoin community collectively smoking??  There's no way that price is justified!  There's no way 1/4 of that price is justified!!

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: btbrae on March 18, 2017, 04:01:03 AM
1. Unfair launch.

Same as Bitcoin (do you remember Satoshi has ~1M btc?), ICO, IPO, airdrop, whatever

Very different. Evan told people he would not launch. So those people logged off, went to bed, etc...then Evan launched and they missed out. Satoshi did nothing like that. Millions of coins were released very early.
Then, after Evan and those he did not deceive mined a huge percentage of the coins, the total number of coins was greatly reduced.

It would be nice to see some decent alts that aren't premined after what... 4 years? It is sad that these still get attention.

I honestly wouldn't know what to think if Dash became the "diversified alternative" to Bitcoin...

Satoshi hasn't dumped and I think Bitcoin would have lost a lot of integrity if he had... I don't think Satoshi could have known how successful his work would be so he gets the benefit of the doubt.

Still, worth a punt.

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: spartak_t on March 18, 2017, 06:58:58 AM
Comparing the launch and later actions of Dash with Bitcoin is plain stupid. And when I say scam, I don't mean people behind Dash development will disappear or not deliver, I mean that it all started (and continued for years) unfair. Now they are in position to be justified by people for pretty much anything, because they made many of them rich. This is called hypocrisy. I just want to say 2 things:

1. I don't need to be taught on what the real world is.
2. Some may write 5000000 threads (we've seen that already... like a thousand times) about how great Dash is, but will still meet with my middle finger.   

Title: Re: Dash.. but why?
Post by: BitcoinNational on March 19, 2017, 09:03:30 AM

"Dash.. but why?"

"This is called hypocrisy."