Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Digital goods => Topic started by: profitgenerator212 on March 16, 2017, 07:21:32 PM

Title: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: profitgenerator212 on March 16, 2017, 07:21:32 PM
This is the Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide to protect your freedom, privacy, and security, when browsing the web, or just using the computer for casual activities.

This guide contains my experience and research about online privacy and security, and it gives you, especially if you are a newbie in it, a chance to defend against evil hackers and other online threats.

Why do you need privacy?

  • If you don't have privacy, then you are a slave
  • "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" is a direct quote from Nazi Chief of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels ( in order to justify Special Order 48 (, that introduced tyranny in Nazi Germany.
  • You actually have thing to protect: money, identity, confidential information, family, house, etc... and revealing too much information to the public is exposing them to real danger. The world is full of bad people, and keeping secrets is one way of defending against them.

Download Now, It's Free (

Virus scan (

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: calpsy2 on March 25, 2017, 11:51:03 PM
If you are paranoid then download this .

If you are quite intelligent and know the basics then dont bother .

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: profitgenerator212 on March 26, 2017, 12:03:01 AM
If you are paranoid then download this .

If you are quite intelligent and know the basics then dont bother .

It's not paranoia. This is common sense by now. Don't underestimate the resources of hackers.

Especially not if you have bitcoins. There are already plently of malware and ransomware threats, on the internet, that can quickly turn into much worse things if people keep buying "smart" devices into their homes, that are vulnerable by design, and are horrible from a privacy point of view.

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: profitgenerator212 on April 01, 2017, 02:06:23 AM
New version came out , v1.4

  • Fixed typos and format
  • Added an index to the left, now it can be easily readable by jumping between paragraphs with 1 click
  • Added new content in the wake of New Orwellian Laws (, you can now defend yourself against the information selling of immoral ISP's
  • More information about P2P projects and how you can help spread freedom online

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: theNay on April 01, 2017, 04:16:33 AM
thanks for writing and sharing this guide. it covers few aspect that i didn't know before. keep it up.

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: Yuuto on April 01, 2017, 04:23:05 AM
Great guide, thanks for sharing.

If you are paranoid then download this .

If you are quite intelligent and know the basics then dont bother .

It's not paranoia. This is common sense by now. Don't underestimate the resources of hackers.

Especially not if you have bitcoins. There are already plently of malware and ransomware threats, on the internet, that can quickly turn into much worse things if people keep buying "smart" devices into their homes, that are vulnerable by design, and are horrible from a privacy point of view.

Agreed. Would you really want to lose all your bitcoins, and your laptop as well just because you didn't use common sense and didn't secure your laptop before you installed a bitcoin client or wallet?

I don't think that is paranoia. It's not "how to use the dark net and don't get caught".

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: minero1 on April 01, 2017, 04:29:19 AM
Usually free means that it is nothing more than recycled methods to keep yourself private and is usually common knowledge of what tactics hackers and the like try to get you to slip up so they can steal whatever they are targeting for.

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: pcoin on April 01, 2017, 07:35:42 AM
The issue of online security should not be neglected and we need every educational resources to boost our knowledge about the various malicious attacks that we might be exposed to, though some of us knows this but there is thousands of people out there that are victims and others that might still be a victim. I think the OP should be applauded for giving this away for free.

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: profitgenerator212 on April 01, 2017, 08:50:34 PM
Usually free means that it is nothing more than recycled methods to keep yourself private and is usually common knowledge of what tactics hackers and the like try to get you to slip up so they can steal whatever they are targeting for.

Define "common knowledge". I bet 90% of people have no clue about this.

Common knowledge means 10% of the IT experts know about it. Most of the Bitcoin users , and crypto-currency users in general don't.

So it's important if the rest of the community knows this too, especially in this age where privacy invaders and hackers  roam freely.

I think the OP should be applauded for giving this away for free.

It's no problem ,I think keeping the Bitcoin network secure is in all of our interests.

So people who host BTC Nodes should really need to educate themselves, but also general BTC users as well.

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: profitgenerator212 on April 05, 2017, 07:58:15 AM
Trump poised to sign away privacy protections for internet users

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: profitgenerator212 on April 06, 2017, 12:11:10 PM
Microsoft finally reveals what data Windows 10 really collects

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: ThirstyMoon on April 06, 2017, 12:32:20 PM
There are a lot of useful resources in the guide. Some of it is common knowledge and some of it isn't and is very interesting imo. Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: Ultimate Privacy & Security Guide [FREE]
Post by: profitgenerator212 on May 02, 2017, 11:11:21 PM