Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: mr.mister on March 22, 2017, 11:35:44 PM

Title: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: mr.mister on March 22, 2017, 11:35:44 PM

If I could find a way to send some sort of emf pulse through Bitmain's entire network, and completely ruin them I would. This would include all of their equipment and wallets where they store all of their coins and backups. Poof, in a blink of an eye, Bitmain lays in ruins. How great would that be people? They are the biggest threat to bitcoin right now.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: AngryDwarf on March 23, 2017, 12:01:17 AM
If I could find a way to send some sort of emf pulse through Bitmain's entire network, and completely ruin them I would. This would include all of their equipment and wallets where they store all of their coins and backups. Poof, in a blink of an eye, Bitmain lays in ruins. How great would that be people? They are the biggest threat to bitcoin right now.

Detonate a 1 megaton thermonuclear warhead at high altitude over China. Will probably take out most electronic equipment out in far east asia too.

Then just wait 2016 blocks until the next network difficulty change. Might take a while.

Or just join the calls for a PoW change, so that a new mining pool oligarchy can develop. Just buy up CPU, GPU, FGPA stocks quickly and it could be you!

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: franky1 on March 23, 2017, 12:12:05 AM
lol by the time an announcement to get people to revv up their own GPU's occur. the big companies will already have new blueprints of a next-gen ASIC that will dominate any new algo.

they can be back in business at the top again before a PoW change activates.

i do laugh though
"blame china"
"blame jihan"

nah. blame core for intentionally going soft and giving pools the vote where by 58% are not even jihan

if core went hard(node then pool) by actually involving the nodes the confidence boost of nodes being ready would make more of the 58%-74% vote towards it.

pools simply wont vote for anything to any high degree unless they know nodes will accept that change. core shot themselves in the foot by avoiding that confidence logic.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: AngryDwarf on March 23, 2017, 12:23:11 AM
Alternatively, instead of blaming Chinese miners, ask why mobile phones are developing so quickly in terms of data storage and bandwidth and compare that with the growth in blockchain ability.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: jonald_fyookball on March 23, 2017, 12:42:02 AM

If I could find a way to send some sort of emf pulse through Bitmain's entire network, and completely ruin them I would.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: European Central Bank on March 23, 2017, 12:53:32 AM
you'd probably want a nuclear detonation for that. they're kind of expensive. cheaper to write him a big cheque and ask him to relax for a few years instead.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: GreenBits on March 23, 2017, 01:41:33 AM
If I could find a way to send some sort of emf pulse through Bitmain's entire network, and completely ruin them I would. This would include all of their equipment and wallets where they store all of their coins and backups. Poof, in a blink of an eye, Bitmain lays in ruins. How great would that be people? They are the biggest threat to bitcoin right now.

Detonate a 1 megaton thermonuclear warhead at high altitude over China. Will probably take out most electronic equipment out in far east asia too.

Then just wait 2016 blocks until the next network difficulty change. Might take a while.

Or just join the calls for a PoW change, so that a new mining pool oligarchy can develop. Just buy up CPU, GPU, FGPA stocks quickly and it could be you!

I laughed, Good God I laughed. You get a cookie, Mister.

I understand the angst, OP, but removing that much of the network would have grave consequences on network congestion. And network confidence. Ultimately, it would shake up the dice cuo, but in a bad way.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: FiiNALiZE on March 24, 2017, 02:37:06 PM
A Electro-magnetic Pulse bomb would take out most of the technology if it;s all stored on the surface of the earth. There is many computer servers that are underground in places like Antarctica for example...That is why you don't see as much images of the things in Antarctica on Google Earth because they've relocated what they needed to move underground.

Bitcoin could survive that attack, there would only be a few people using the platform.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: mr.mister on March 24, 2017, 10:19:00 PM
A Electro-magnetic Pulse bomb would take out most of the technology if it;s all stored on the surface of the earth. There is many computer servers that are underground in places like Antarctica for example...That is why you don't see as much images of the things in Antarctica on Google Earth because they've relocated what they needed to move underground.

Bitcoin could survive that attack, there would only be a few people using the platform.

If bitmain were destroyed, Bitcoin would still survive.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: tinus42 on March 24, 2017, 10:45:37 PM
If I could find a way to send some sort of emf pulse through Bitmain's entire network, and completely ruin them I would. This would include all of their equipment and wallets where they store all of their coins and backups. Poof, in a blink of an eye, Bitmain lays in ruins. How great would that be people? They are the biggest threat to bitcoin right now.

Detonate a 1 megaton thermonuclear warhead at high altitude over China. Will probably take out most electronic equipment out in far east asia too.

And then wait for incoming Chinese nukes. That happening would cause WWIII and the end of civilization and probably the human race too.

All to take out some Bitcoin miners.

Title: Re: Electro-Magnetic-Pulse
Post by: European Central Bank on March 24, 2017, 10:59:05 PM
All to take out some Bitcoin miners.

and that's a price well worth paying. we should let civilisation burn so the survivors can look at their paper wallets and know they're safe. if they didn't burn too.