Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: PremiumCodeX on March 24, 2017, 07:34:41 AM

Title: BTC models
Post by: PremiumCodeX on March 24, 2017, 07:34:41 AM
I need Bitcoin models than explain the blockchain.
I want to use these models to explain how BTC blockchain operates to skepticals and newbies. Most people prefer visual constructions.

What is the most easy-to-understand yet legit model to explain BTC?

I will thank the very good replies in my research ;)

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: Rub3n on March 24, 2017, 07:38:56 AM
BTC == $  ???

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: Quartx on March 24, 2017, 07:42:16 AM
I need Bitcoin models than explain the blockchain.
I want to use these models to explain how BTC blockchain operates to skepticals and newbies. Most people prefer visual constructions.

What is the most easy-to-understand yet legit model to explain BTC?

I will thank the very good replies in my research ;)

You mean u want a blockchain model that explains bitcoin.

Bitcoin uses a blockchain as its form of public ledger. A blockchain has more uses than simply being for bitcoins.

It would be much easier to explain the sending and receiving portions separately to the mining process.

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: citywise2 on March 24, 2017, 08:14:13 AM
I think i really need a bitcoin model for to grow. Yes when somebody has a model is equally abound to do well. Model make somebody to be learning and have a good quality.

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: Hydrogen on March 24, 2017, 09:53:30 AM
There are visual models in the video lectures of this course.

I think other sites like khan academy that do bitcoin info courses have some as well.

There are also tons of btc infographics that can be found by searching for "bitcoin visual model" in google & clicking on the image tab.

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: jonald_fyookball on March 24, 2017, 11:12:46 AM
I need Bitcoin models than explain the blockchain.
I want to use these models to explain how BTC blockchain operates to skepticals and newbies. Most people prefer visual constructions.

What is the most easy-to-understand yet legit model to explain BTC?

I will thank the very good replies in my research ;)

some have called the blockchain a bank ledger in reverse.  I got this idea from James D'angelo of the world bitcoin network, who has
a few nice youtubes.

in a bank, the ledger is private and only the bank can see the whole thing.  in bitoin, the ledger is public.  everyone can see everything.
this solves the previously unsolved problems of double spends etc

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: PremiumCodeX on March 26, 2017, 06:31:43 PM
So, to provide a model of BTC, I could simply provide a model of blockchain. That is actually what I was looking for really.

However, what model should I show to casual users? Because I found there is a large range of models from different views such as end-user view, security view...etc.

Could you link any actual example what you find especially easy to understand (and legit)?

BTC == $  ???

Haha, Thank You for making my day! I love that one.

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: SONG GEET on March 26, 2017, 07:17:18 PM
Look at this article i find it quite helpful to teach newbies who are completely new to bitcoin.

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: PremiumCodeX on April 01, 2017, 05:34:19 AM
Look at this article i find it quite helpful to teach newbies who are completely new to bitcoin.

Thank you! I added it to my bibliography (:

Now, I would need a compact model how blockchain operates. Model has to be compact because it goes into a page where there is some text already. So, it should be able to placed without problems at the end of an A4 page (last quarter or so). Also, it should look clean and easy. What is your suggestion?

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: Xester on April 01, 2017, 05:44:08 AM
I need Bitcoin models than explain the blockchain.
I want to use these models to explain how BTC blockchain operates to skepticals and newbies. Most people prefer visual constructions.

What is the most easy-to-understand yet legit model to explain BTC?

I will thank the very good replies in my research ;)

A good model for bitcoin will be the the collectible coins. As time grows by the commemorative grows in value. The more it age the more it becomes valuable.  Commemorative of collectible coins have become a valuable item for collectors and will pay a huge amount to get it. Bitcoin is like that you bought it in a low value but as people demands bitcoin in time its value is increasing.

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: Amph on April 01, 2017, 05:48:30 AM
gold is one way to explain bitcoin the fuctionality is kinda the same, you mine you hold you gold/coins they acquire value based on demand and supply, they are limited etc...

for the blockchain itself, my best example, is a chain of safe box, where when you find the conbination to open one another one is ceated

all the safe box that are been generate previously are opened and you can see their transaction on the public ledger(the blockchain)

to have the amount of that safebox must own the correct key/private key in case of bitcoin

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: Dorky on April 01, 2017, 10:29:33 AM
Tell the skeptics and newbies that Bitcoin will be the Mark of the Beast and nobody will be able to trade without it, it will be globally accepted, and its price level will reach astronomical level to facilitate international commerce, and if they do not get into the boat now, they will fucking regret it later. In return for that, they will not go to heaven.

Title: Re: BTC models
Post by: PremiumCodeX on April 01, 2017, 01:16:07 PM
I appreciate your reasons, but before moving too far I have to tell I am seeking visual models. Pictures that describe how a blockchain works, but easily without too many details. I will include it in the Introduction page so it has to be a thing that will not scare people off and is understandable to non-financial experts too.