Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: iamnotback on March 24, 2017, 12:11:34 PM

Title: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 24, 2017, 12:11:34 PM
I have a "blockchain" (aka hash chain) consensus design which eliminates PoW, is not nothing-at-stake (i.e. is not PoS nor Tendermint's Byzantine agreement) which puts the users of the system back in charge. It eliminates the waste of electricity and it remains decentralized regardless the level of whale concentration of the token supply.

It is ultimately deflationary (i.e. the money supply shrinks later) so that is even better for investors than the 21 million coins limit.

I am going to STFU and finish implementing this system. Just want to let y'all know that the mining cartel is (actually both of the opposing cartels are) going to lose and we (and that can include you the reader) are going to become insanely wealthy while solving the problem that Satoshi didn't.

Re: Do miners really think destroying Bitcoin will make them rich?

If you look at the way things are going now, you might realize that miners have lost the plot. They are sabotaging the whole Bitcoin experiment, because they want to make more profit and if they cannot do this, they will attack the minority chain to achieve their goal.

Satoshi had hoped that this will never happen, but it is happening now.


Let's change our mindset and show these miners who makes up Bitcoin. ^grrrrrrr^

Even the mere fact that it is possible, would scare away investors. These miners has had enough power and leverage over the rest of the people using Bitcoin and I for one would welcome any change in the code to eliminate that power. These SonsAbitches are killing Bitcoin for their own profit and they want the rest of us to sit back and take it up the a$$.

They seem to forget that Bitcoin has no value, if nobody wants to buy or use it, so the power is not in their hands.

I know you guys want to fight back and win. I know you aren't willing to give China Inc. control over our Internet.

Blockchains are about more than just payments. Let's make it so.

I'll be shipping this technology with unlimited TPS scaling and instant (sub-second) block confirmations.

It will not be an ICO. The distribution will be mined by the users without any PoW.

It is just time.

Feel free to give me any feedback in the comment section below. Are you with me on this if I deliver the goods and it is all verified to be legit?

I just want to know if you guys are ready or not. Then I'll leave you alone so I can go code it finally. Or are you Bitcoin maximalists going to continue to try to stay with a brand name that has an insoluble consensus paradigm? (Note I have wanted and continue to want Bitcoin to remain viable, so that doesn't change but reality is reality)

I'll also appreciate my edification about any dangers of doing this and other information which might be helpful for me to gauge the landscape that lies in front of me.

I'll presume good developers will come join and help. They can earn a lot of money for doing so.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu

“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

China is very big and powerful country and if it wants to take over bitcoins it would be easy for them to get some asics. So hashpower won't matter. Bitcoin must protect itselves by any means necessary.
Though I dont think that BU seriously threaten Bitcoin now.

Still complacent I see...

Re: Why Bitcoin won’t hardfork like Ethereum

Some people spread rumors around, saying that the mining industry will control Bitcoin if BU wins. This is obviously a fallacy, no one can fight against the market unless he possess more money than the market.

As if the market will have any other choice. That was a nice lie.

Now that Bitcoin is at least 51% mined from China, prepare for future regulations to be enforced on all transactions. The reference to Taiwan a subliminal warning to Westerners of their future ass kicking humiliation.

The BU mining cartel admitted it can and will 51% attack when required to.

I warned you all last year. And you all said I was spreading FUD.

When you guys are serious about decapitating the centralized power of the miners, come talk to me.

Edit: a mining cartel has an incentive to violate the 21 million coin limit ( Why wouldn't they?

Satoshi designed the system to be immutable (or die, i.e. a poison pill protection).


Appears to me that Satoshi wanted Bitcoin to either be replaced by something better or die. Bitcoin was the pot-of-gold he put out to incentivize the free market to find a better mouse trap than he could accomplish. It was a masterful strategy.

Re: Chinese Central Bank Requiring Extreme Customer Verifications at Exchanges

I know we're talked about endless rumors and fake news of China "banning" bitcoin, but short of an absolute ban this sort of thing looks like a step in the direction we have long feared they would take. A big step.

The PBoC is apparently requiring every customer to write out how they got their bitcoin, among other things, such as explaining why they are withdrawing whenever they want to convert to fiat. Very, very intrusive stuff. The question is, how will Chinese buyers respond? Is this just business as usual when dealing with their government, or is this the sort of thing that will dry up the Chinese market for bitcoin? Or something in between?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: mining1 on March 24, 2017, 02:44:18 PM
Any project is welcome to rival existing ones because competition is extremely important. Do not forget the stagnation days when names mentioned and wallet releases were considered pump& dump reasons. Most bitcoiners still don't understand why ethereum is increasing in value because they were sold the motto bitcoin is digital gold and their narrow mindset will transform them into bagholders. Something similar to what LTC is today, nobody cares about ltc, nobody is using it, but chinese asic miners have a place to dump their worthless coins. Because the bagholders find it hard to sell their tokens at a 50-90% value loss.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: dfd1 on March 24, 2017, 02:53:40 PM
Do it, show them all!
Just be sure you not coding it on javascript or any other meme language.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: thejaytiesto on March 24, 2017, 03:02:33 PM
As you know, I am willing to give you a fair chance, since you have been here for years and seem to be onto something. Of course, the natural skeptic on me and also the experience of seeing endless scams in the altcoin world by people that claim to have the next big thing makes me wait to see the code and how experts react to it before I get excited about being an early adopter and future multi millionaire of the "next bitcoin", I think this is understandable specially for someone that isn't an experienced coder so aren't 99% of people so we can't simply sit back and read the code, we will have to rely on peer reviews from trusted coders.

About BTC going south... well, in my case that wouldn't be good. How im supposed to invest in your project if I lose my money? my entire portfolio is on BTC right now because BTC is the best way to buy into any other project in this field (problem is, no other project is really worth risking BTC at thus far). Yeah ETH is considered as a short term hedge, but ultimately ETH doesn't solve any of the fundamental BTC problems and has added risks so I don't have confidence in moving there.

I don't want to go into fiat, because as soon as I do, i'll get raped by taxes and not only that, but the added risk of account confiscation since more and more banks are blocking transactions linked to bitcoin.

To be frank this is a clusterfuck since I've got this decent 5 figure wealth in bitcoin which is not much but for me is a lot, and I don't know what to do with it. Nothing feels safe, and even under the storm of the Jihan Wu hard fork attack, bitcoin still feels like the safest option since the possibility that ultimately there is no HF is also real (or BUcoin getting instadumped and BTC recovering quickly by all the people that has been dreaming about getting in the bitcoin train cheap jumping in aka FOMO)

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: mining1 on March 24, 2017, 03:10:00 PM
BTC is extremely risky at this point. Worst case 0$, best case 1300-1500$ usd. But the scaling problems and the impossibility to implement them (segwit, LN) will still remain, for the same reasons they haven't been already implemented.

Crypto world is changing, aiming to become and being a flawed payment system is still not enough and BTC brand is fading. And a project for each specific use other than payment systems won't work either ( see namecoin, soon to be wiped out by ENS on ethereum ).

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 24, 2017, 04:12:20 PM
Also my post can be interpreted as an attempt to influence Core and BU to compromise and stop messing up the nice rally we had going. Although I am fairly certain they don't take a post like this seriously. Refer the "Art of War" quotes in the OP.

@thejaytiesto, I like skepticism and smart people who verify before jumping (that's usually necessary for survival from the top of tall things). I hope you've hedged your BTC but not to fiat, so that you can take advantage of any rise overall in cryptos (thus you must hedge by buying an alt).

I don't intend too post much in this thread. I'll be reading. Technical replies will happen else where.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: NeuroticFish on March 24, 2017, 04:19:55 PM
It will not be an ICO. The distribution will be mined by the users without any PoW.

It is just time.

I'm not sure how can this be made to not be abused (single user mining 10k addresses, VPN, whatever), I hope that your design handles that.

Also my post can be interpreted as an attempt to influence Core and BU to compromise and stop messing up the nice rally we had going.

Good luck with that. While I still hope myself for a good compromise, somehow I believe that they are past that point :(

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: the_weegie on March 24, 2017, 04:30:58 PM
You've been about this forum a lot longer than I have and I'll be honest your knowledge of all things crypto is way above mine. So while I'd be cautious of anyone making any sort of claim as to the bitcoin killer, you do generally provide evidence for anything you say, and your posts are more than just FUD and hype (certinaly can't think of an instance of you hyping anything).

You certainly seem convinced you can do this so given there's no ico, and no premine and I can get on board on day 1, yeah, I'll say (tentatively) I'm in. I'd want to see an actual product with a clear roadmap before getting started though.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: miscreanity on March 24, 2017, 05:02:00 PM
I have a "blockchain" (aka hash chain) consensus design which eliminates PoW, is not nothing-at-stake (i.e. is not PoS nor Tendermint's Byzantine agreement) which puts the users of the system back in charge. It eliminates the waste of electricity and it remains decentralized regardless the level of whale concentration of the token supply.

It is ultimately deflationary (i.e. the money supply shrinks later) so that is even better for investors than the 21 million coins limit.

A deflationary, perpetually-divisible unit is exactly what's necessary for both hodlers and adopters. Ripple had an interesting take.

Re: Do miners really think destroying Bitcoin will make them rich?

Even the mere fact that it is possible, would scare away investors. These miners has had enough power and leverage over the rest of the people using Bitcoin and I for one would welcome any change in the code to eliminate that power. These SonsAbitches are killing Bitcoin for their own profit and they want the rest of us to sit back and take it up the a$$.

They seem to forget that Bitcoin has no value, if nobody wants to buy or use it, so the power is not in their hands.

From my observation, a shrinking percentage of Bitcoin users understand how the system works. If government points and says "approved" to Bitcoin, it won't matter what the miners have done. They (either faction) will have handed the world over to bankers and lawyers on a silver platter.

I'll be shipping this technology with unlimited TPS scaling and instant (sub-second) block confirmations.

It will not be an ICO. The distribution will be mined by the users without any PoW.

It is just time.

Feel free to give me any feedback in the comment section below. Are you with me on this if I deliver the goods and it is all verified to be legit?

Rhetorical question? That's like asking whether an investor is on-board if a deal makes sense...

I'll also appreciate my edification about any dangers of doing this and other information which might be helpful for me to gauge the landscape that lies in front of me.

I'll presume good developers will come join and help. They can earn a lot of money for doing so.

My biggest question so far: what is the extent of intergration/interoperability with external platforms and services, not just blockchains? I'm assuming that's the focus on developers for apps, but do they need to recreate functionality or can data be utilized from existing sources? I think leveraging what exists is critical.

Is there a minimum viable participation level necessary to keep the system functioning? One node, a hundred, etc?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: wiked1 on March 24, 2017, 05:26:03 PM
“Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.”
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”

I like this & as I am a feeble and pathetic loser it helps my self esteem.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 24, 2017, 08:33:07 PM
Note the OP edit:

Edit: a mining cartel has an incentive to violate the 21 million coin limit ( Why wouldn't they?

I presume it is of interest to reply here on the deflationary point.

It is ultimately deflationary (i.e. the money supply shrinks later) so that is even better for investors than the 21 million coins limit.

A deflationary, perpetually-divisible unit is exactly what's necessary for both hodlers and adopters. Ripple had an interesting take.

Some argue that deflationary is bad because the capitalist can just sit on their capital and not invest it. But the capitalist who is investing doesn't want the ecosystem growth to be siphoned off ( to who ever is receiving the minted coins. And the capitalist is competing against their cohorts who invest and amplify their relative gains. We must distinguish between a consistent and low-level of deflation from a debt-deflation Minsky Moment implosion:

When prices drop on everything, consumers and businesses start to pull back on spending, waiting for even lower prices.

Although in a time-cost-of-money analysis (, loans are hypothetically viable in deflation, with a decentralized blockchain then loans can't be backstopped by a central bank with a senioriage monopoly thus making loans unscalable to the large economies-of-scale indebtedness of our current fateful juncture in history. So funding would shift more to investment and crowdfunding, which I think is ( precisely where our knowledge age economy is headed.

I think it is important to understand that deflation just doesn't work in an economy of fungible workers, but that economy is archaic and going away ( See the follow criticism for why deflation wouldn't work with the archaic debt-based democracies and fungible industrial age laborers and merchants:

Once begun, deflation can weaken an already tottering economy in three ways. First, because the wealthy save more of their incomes than the middle classes, a redistribution from borrowers to lenders in itself depresses spending. Second, deflation encourages people to postpone large purchases in anticipation of lower prices in the future. Third, when prices are falling, money grows in value even when it sits around a shoebox or a zero-interest checking account. Hence, pools of saving are less likely to find their way into the financial markets where they can be borrowed and spent. All of this can exacerbate an economic downturn and, in turn, generate greater deflationary pressures.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: RAJSALLIN on March 24, 2017, 09:38:25 PM
Will follow this

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 25, 2017, 04:30:07 PM
Why the Bitcoin whales must have small blocks ( This is very important. It also relates to the OP in a very important way.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: ekoice on March 25, 2017, 05:23:52 PM
Wish you Good Luck

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: Gilf on March 25, 2017, 06:38:43 PM
Wish you Good Luck
I'm just shocked by such statements. Is it really the same to people that it will be with bitcoin or maybe they are not interested in how the financial situation can improve in the future due to the growth of the bitcoin price. Incredible. Everyone talks about the collapse of bitcoins. But this is stupid.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: xmasdobo on March 26, 2017, 01:11:35 AM
you are giving people fake hopes of getting rich with your coin when you didn't even release a whitepaper. come back when you have functional software. if you make us rich then you are a legend if not you will dissapoint after all this talk so get to work.

i think you cant beat bitcoin, bitcoin too strong. bitcoin will recover from this, uasf will kick miners out if they dont behave. uasf serve as a way to put pressure on miners.

bitcoin still best coin, best system, best network effect, best everything. good luck trying to beat it.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 26, 2017, 03:31:09 AM
uasf will kick miners out if they dont behave (

I already agreed in my prior post ( And are you satisfied with the UASF being in centralized control?

Do you know who is the $billionaire leader of (or leading spokesman for his cohort whales who comprise) the actual "UASF" (i.e. the economic majority)?

Here is more about him (

Here is one quote from him:

I wouldn't really have even bothered with this article if there wasn't a third paragraph there, because contrary to what the stupid imagine, I don't use them for dissection material in order to hurt and humiliate them.

It's not about them, I couldn't care less about them, they're not human as far as I'm concerned. Just like I'm all in favour of butchering a million or a billion, or however many cute fluffy bunny rabbits, be it for making medicine, or cosmetics, or music out of their cries of agony, or whatever else - I'm equally in favour of torturing, mistreating and abusing the stupid in absolutely any way. That's what they're here for, after all, and if that's what gets you off by all means, who cares.

It doesn't really do anything for me, but nevertheless I will dissect them, with no regard to their own whatever bullshit, if I figure I could use the parts to teach, illuminate and instruct people about stupidity. And so here we go, check out the spots on Miscreanity's liver.

Shelby; If you would need to assess the relative seniority of me and Mircea Popescu, which criteria would you use?

Hi Risto. Please excuse my atrocious ignorance, naivete, and cluelessness w.r.t. the underworld of darkhigh finance. This is a strange new terrain for me. I feel like a child who is struggling to take his first steps without stumbling onto my face.

In particular I would really like to understand what is different if anything about your perspective/approach compared to MP's economic philosophy ( and assessment of the value of humanity ( MP seems to think those with the most wealth should be in control of the monetary system ( yet he hates democracy and mass marketing because he sees those as ways of enslaving the stupid masses in a farcical, house-of-cards, debt-based economic system. Perhaps it can't be any other way? My technological approach with my attempt to find an improvement to Satoshi's design, has been to try to find a design in which nobody is in control.

So I would judge your ability to enlighten me on these issues—either in public or private communication—as the critieria.

Without publicizing any specific event, your actions indicate you are wealthy.

He wrote about you:

Quote from: jalopybrown
Assuming your the real MP what are your thoughts on the wacky Finnish 'supernode' guy?

Pretty good job.

Quote from: jalopybrown
Mircea Popescu is the owner of MPEX which is pretty much the buttcoin stock exchange, he's famous for lasting longer than most bitcoin businesses without failing and hiring an ex-spammer to do PR on bitcointalk despite her having the same level of charm and interpersonal skills as Josh.

No, actually, most recently I'm famous for fixing the price of Bitcoin back in early April, muchly humiliating Max Keiser in the process, and for leading the MtGox collapse by about two months. The rumour du jour at the Google I/O sloppy seconds conference thing they're doing currently is that in fact Gox' demise was pre-arranged and then announced privately to a secret group during my private and at the time secret conference last month.

Before that I was famous for calling various other "news" and "shocking & surprising developments" a month or two in advance, the girls are keeping a list somewhere.

Quote from: Russell William Thorpe
I work with poor people from a third world, Spanish speaking island called "Holyoke, Massachusetts". If they have Internet, it's through their phones, because they can't afford that and a modern pc, cable Internet, or a car, etc. How the hell are they supposed to download a 10 gigabyte block chain? I guess they could give out the block chain on DVD or Blu-Ray. Ok, to use this currency, first you need a copy of every transaction anybody has ever made...

I'm pretty sure nobody involved actually cares about these guys you work with, or poor people in general. This is a little like asking "but how are the thirld worlders from Holyoke Mass going to handle their own private jets". Well... they aren't.

Quote from: Lucy Heartfilia
1) Butts don't scale up at all.
2) Because of 1, decreasing mining rewards, greed and mining being ruled by an oligopoly transaction fees will skyrocket.
3) Butts are inconvenient.
4) Butts are insecure.

Why bitcoins will ultimately go down:
2) Exchanges are run by idiots. This is where the government already intervened.
3) Everyone who uses butts is either an idiot (largest proportion), scammer or otherwise criminal and oftentimes both at the same time. This is the case because non-dumbs and people with legal transactions can easily use other services.
4) This is a long shot, but I believe in the future all transactions will have names attached to them and cash will be phased out. It's just a matter of adoption and convenience now.

Apparently you're unaware who exactly you're talking to, which is chuckle worthy. Here's a thought : at the last count I was worth something north of 3/4 million Butts. Now what ?
(Yes, your numbered list consists of nonsense, most of it self-defeating, some of it self contradictory etc. But that's neither here nor there, what's a list these days, anyone's got one.)

In the last statement quoted above, MP is referring to the fact that what the USG.MIT mass media is painting onto Bitcoin is not what Bitcoin really is. Behind the curtain are whales who are changing the world from a debt-based industrial age to a more meritocratic knowledge age. Again I more than concur with MP's logic on this facet, and I even wrote my Rise of Knowledge, Demise of [Usury] Finance essay several years before the first instance of a similar elucidation I've found from him ( on his blog (of course he may have had those ideas much earlier, ditto for myself).

Perhaps I don't have the same valuation of humanity ( as he does. I don't entirely devalue ( the poor. Maybe he has similar logic to mine and just isn't communicating his ideas effectively to me. Essentially my major disagreement with MP seems to revolve around the mathematical fact which MP also derived (, that is essentially Taleb's anti-fragility. It seems that MP punts to a hierarchical system of control, e.g. Satoshi's PoW ledger. But what if instead we had a way to encode the laws of physics into a monetary ledger such that nobody was in control, i.e. not a winner-take-all power vacuum of non-resilience? Wouldn't that be preferred?

Quote from: zylche
What do you think about the developers frequently receiving threats by bitcoiners? Or the guild and certain developers trying to push for a centralised validation services?

Bitcointalk is a collection of mostly poor, mostly uneducated, mostly bizarre folk you wouldn't have on your lawn/daughter/whatever. The various shit they do is representative of Bitcoin in the sense Jeremiah Wright is representative of xtians or Cornel West is representative of academia. Specifically about threaths... I get threatened all the time on teh Interwebs. I've never managed to care (yes I'm aware "the FBI takes internet threats very seriously", but I've never managed to care about that, either).

People will always try to push for centralised something or the other as long as they figure they'll have more market share of the centralised thing than they do now. As various failures are pushed aside to rot into irrelevance they're certain to try and find some sympathetic ear to enforce protectionist measures for them too (que Winklewhoever doods ranting about "regulation"). That topic is best served here.

In short I don't think either are suprising or important.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: Pettuh4 on March 26, 2017, 11:14:49 AM
Do it, show them all!
Just be sure you not coding it on javascript or any other meme language.

Yeah we challenge you to do it and let's see the outcome of your work.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: favours on March 26, 2017, 11:41:37 AM
No thank you.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 26, 2017, 11:43:21 AM
No thank you.

Newbie's without a known history and reputation are ignored. You joined BCT today.

Maybe you need some experience before your views will stabilize. We've been around here for several years and prolly have more knowledge about the issues.

Your feedback was more or less vacuous. You did not supply any reasoning. One Newbie's vote is reflective/indicative of what reality?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: xmasdobo on March 26, 2017, 03:03:37 PM
uasf will kick miners out if they dont behave (

I already agreed in my prior post ( And are you satisfied with the UASF being in centralized control?

Do you know who is the $billionaire leader of (or leading spokesman for his cohort whales who comprise) the UASF?

Here is more about him (

Here is one quote from him:

I wouldn't really have even bothered with this article if there wasn't a third paragraph there, because contrary to what the stupid imagine, I don't use them for dissection material in order to hurt and humiliate them.

It's not about them, I couldn't care less about them, they're not human as far as I'm concerned. Just like I'm all in favour of butchering a million or a billion, or however many cute fluffy bunny rabbits, be it for making medicine, or cosmetics, or music out of their cries of agony, or whatever else - I'm equally in favour of torturing, mistreating and abusing the stupid in absolutely any way. That's what they're here for, after all, and if that's what gets you off by all means, who cares.

It doesn't really do anything for me, but nevertheless I will dissect them, with no regard to their own whatever bullshit, if I figure I could use the parts to teach, illuminate and instruct people about stupidity. And so here we go, check out the spots on Miscreanity's liver.

Shelby; If you would need to assess the relative seniority of me and Mircea Popescu, which criteria would you use?

Hi Risto. Please excuse my atrocious ignorance, naivete, and cluelessness w.r.t. the underworld of darkhigh finance. This is a strange new terrain for me. I feel like a child who is struggling to take his first steps without stumbling onto my face.

In particular I would really like to understand what is different if anything about your perspective/approach compared to MP's economic philosophy ( and assessment of the value of humanity ( MP seems to think those with the most wealth should be in control of the monetary system ( yet he hates democracy and mass marketing because he sees those as ways of enslaving the stupid masses in a farcical, house-of-cards, debt-based economic system. Perhaps it can't be any other way? My technological approach with my attempt to find an improvement to Satoshi's design, has been to try to find a design in which nobody is in control.

So I would judge your ability to enlighten me on these issues—either in public or private communication—as the critieria.

Without publicizing any specific event, your actions indicate you are wealthy.

He wrote about you:

Quote from: jalopybrown
Assuming your the real MP what are your thoughts on the wacky Finnish 'supernode' guy?

Pretty good job.

Quote from: jalopybrown
Mircea Popescu is the owner of MPEX which is pretty much the buttcoin stock exchange, he's famous for lasting longer than most bitcoin businesses without failing and hiring an ex-spammer to do PR on bitcointalk despite her having the same level of charm and interpersonal skills as Josh.

No, actually, most recently I'm famous for fixing the price of Bitcoin back in early April, muchly humiliating Max Keiser in the process, and for leading the MtGox collapse by about two months. The rumour du jour at the Google I/O sloppy seconds conference thing they're doing currently is that in fact Gox' demise was pre-arranged and then announced privately to a secret group during my private and at the time secret conference last month.

Before that I was famous for calling various other "news" and "shocking & surprising developments" a month or two in advance, the girls are keeping a list somewhere.

Quote from: Russell William Thorpe
I work with poor people from a third world, Spanish speaking island called "Holyoke, Massachusetts". If they have Internet, it's through their phones, because they can't afford that and a modern pc, cable Internet, or a car, etc. How the hell are they supposed to download a 10 gigabyte block chain? I guess they could give out the block chain on DVD or Blu-Ray. Ok, to use this currency, first you need a copy of every transaction anybody has ever made...

I'm pretty sure nobody involved actually cares about these guys you work with, or poor people in general. This is a little like asking "but how are the thirld worlders from Holyoke Mass going to handle their own private jets". Well... they aren't.

Quote from: Lucy Heartfilia
1) Butts don't scale up at all.
2) Because of 1, decreasing mining rewards, greed and mining being ruled by an oligopoly transaction fees will skyrocket.
3) Butts are inconvenient.
4) Butts are insecure.

Why bitcoins will ultimately go down:
2) Exchanges are run by idiots. This is where the government already intervened.
3) Everyone who uses butts is either an idiot (largest proportion), scammer or otherwise criminal and oftentimes both at the same time. This is the case because non-dumbs and people with legal transactions can easily use other services.
4) This is a long shot, but I believe in the future all transactions will have names attached to them and cash will be phased out. It's just a matter of adoption and convenience now.

Apparently you're unaware who exactly you're talking to, which is chuckle worthy. Here's a thought : at the last count I was worth something north of 3/4 million Butts. Now what ?
(Yes, your numbered list consists of nonsense, most of it self-defeating, some of it self contradictory etc. But that's neither here nor there, what's a list these days, anyone's got one.)

In the last statement quoted above, MP is referring to the fact that what the USG.MIT mass media is painting onto Bitcoin is not what Bitcoin really is. Behind the curtain are whales who are changing the world from a debt-based industrial age to a more meritocratic knowledge age. Again I more than concur with MP's logic on this facet, and I even wrote my Rise of Knowledge, Demise of [Usury] Finance essay several years before the first instance of a similar elucidation I've found from him ( on his blog (of course he may have had those ideas much earlier, ditto for myself).

Perhaps I don't have the same valuation of humanity ( as he does. I don't entirely devalue ( the poor. Maybe he has similar logic to mine and just isn't communicating his ideas effectively to me. Essentially my major disagreement with MP seems to revolve around the mathematical fact which MP also derived (, that is essentially Taleb's anti-fragility. It seems that MP punts to a hierarchical system of control, e.g. Satoshi's PoW ledger. But what if instead we had a way to encode the laws of physics into a monetary ledger such that nobody was in control, i.e. not a winner-take-all power vacuum of non-resilience? Wouldn't that be preferred?

Quote from: zylche
What do you think about the developers frequently receiving threats by bitcoiners? Or the guild and certain developers trying to push for a centralised validation services?

Bitcointalk is a collection of mostly poor, mostly uneducated, mostly bizarre folk you wouldn't have on your lawn/daughter/whatever. The various shit they do is representative of Bitcoin in the sense Jeremiah Wright is representative of xtians or Cornel West is representative of academia. Specifically about threaths... I get threatened all the time on teh Interwebs. I've never managed to care (yes I'm aware "the FBI takes internet threats very seriously", but I've never managed to care about that, either).

People will always try to push for centralised something or the other as long as they figure they'll have more market share of the centralised thing than they do now. As various failures are pushed aside to rot into irrelevance they're certain to try and find some sympathetic ear to enforce protectionist measures for them too (que Winklewhoever doods ranting about "regulation"). That topic is best served here.

In short I don't think either are suprising or important.

its easy to pick on other system's weak points

the truth is, bitcoin is 7+ years old and counting

power is supposed to be on constant tension

satoshi designed bitcoin so we dont have to trust the generals (miners)

we have come up with UASF within bitcoin itself, we can kick generals ass, the chinese cartel cant go around doing whatever they want without consequences and they know it

this is resulting in some miners backpeddling and supporting segwit, price going up already and alts dumping for btc

the system is working

again: lets see if you can do better with your coin

all systems have weak points, yours will be no different

lets see if your system can be on the spotlight for 5+ years without collapsing

easier said than done

if you can make me rich off a 1k investment like early 2009 investors in bitcoin i will eat my words

but i doubt you can get this done to create a new black swan and create a legendary investing opportunity like bitcoin was

satoshis come every 100 years or so

i dont believe you figured every bitcoin weakness out and have a coin that will make us all rich

im always unlucky so its imposible that i become rich

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: wiked1 on March 26, 2017, 03:27:29 PM
My technological approach with my attempt to find an improvement to Satoshi's design, has been to try to find a design in which nobody is in control.

Many obese fat flippers will invest for this idea alone.Some of these lard ass whale types still have over 10k stacks of bitcoin they bought at 25 cents just waiting for anonymint to stand out from behind the curtain and expose his big bits blocks bytes or whatever.This could be a groundfloor opportunity for us muppets and noobs to make a whole bitcoin some day and with 1 whole bitcoin I will be able to buy the dumpster I squat in. :)

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: gadsden76 on March 26, 2017, 03:43:19 PM
How does mining without POW work?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: Geraldo on March 26, 2017, 05:01:02 PM

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: BingoDog on March 26, 2017, 05:38:32 PM
I don't know it that option, choosing any thing that you have offered could make bitcoins users insanely wealthy. It sounds like a good dream and in theory everything is possible but in real life I'm not such an optimist. The time to become extremly rich with bitcoin have passed away.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 29, 2017, 05:29:52 AM
I decided to post once more before I leave the Bitcoin Discussion forum to go focus head-in-sand on my work:

The problem is that there is no such future for an investor regardless of longterm.  If bitcoin is to move in the direction of an optimal medium of exchange then eventually it will need to peel away from its digital gold quality as an inflation hedge.  There will be pressure to devalue it.  The reason there is little adoption of bitcoin right now is the steady increase in value encourages savings and not spending, its NOT because of the block-size problem.

The belief that you can raise the transaction per second to create a better investment for yourself is assbackwards thinking by people who don't have the ability to think beyond 1 level.

I am going to throw you another curve ball. What if the amount spent on transactions is very tiny compared to the savings piled into investment, but the economic value of those transactions is orders-of-magnitude more valuable than the investment in the tokens. This is very possible. Observe me show you how it is done with my project OpenShare (

ICOs are destroying our chance to change the world:


Given ICOs, no one wants to work for real adoption any more. Everyone wants to cash out with some hype and BS. Its all speculation and no real world accomplishment. I am here to do real world work.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: young going rich nigga on March 29, 2017, 10:48:14 PM
okay lets say you got this

lets say you are the next satoshi nakamoto

if I buy 1 btc worth of ur coin in day one can I get rich?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 29, 2017, 11:38:54 PM
if I buy 1 btc worth of ur coin in day one can I get rich?

Obviously the guy who sold a pizza for 10,000 BTC would argue that it is difficult to predict the future.

$10 / 10,000 = $0.001 per BTC and now $1000 per BTC (aka $10 million for the 10,000 BTC). But who would've known at the time.

That was before it was common knowledge that blockchain tokens have real world value.

Normally the only way someone makes those million-times gains is by being surprised. If there is no surprise then there is a lot of competition.

Unless perhaps you are true believer like Roger Ver. But now look how Roger Ver's incompetence and lack of foresight is causing him to maybe end up destroying his BTC (although he probably did well on his Dash pump).

Seriously I can't even predict the outcome of my own work. I am just a true believer like Roger Ver, but at least I (afaics) have a higher level of technical competence than him (which probably isn't saying much, lol).

I think the more salient and objective question is, "Is the Nash Ideal Money small block model of Bitcoin going to become widely adopted and will it preclude any other blockchain design from doing so?"

And the follow on question if that answer is "No", thus is "Is there any other design for a blockchain what will become very widely used in the world?".

Many groups and people are trying to answer those questions.

I have some very specific reasons to prefer my work, but I am not going to enumerate them here. This thread is in the wrong discussion forum for that. I started this thread as a wakeup call on the risks and opportunities ahead, but I will not start a discussion about specifics of altcoins in the Bitcoin Discussion sub-forum.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: ImHash on March 30, 2017, 12:25:38 AM
Having a selfie as avatar does not give you credit nor maturity and wouldn't legitimize your opinion, what are you talking about? you contradict your statement in the title, destroying and fixing? have you ever had $1B or even more if not less and then come here to talk about fixing/destroying.
What I think miners will never interrupt their own money printing process and not even miners can control what will happen to bitcoin.
Bitcoin is already centralized by exchanges, they're the ones steering the market and if they say that they'll not list/accept/trade/recognize BU if they hard fork the chain then BU will not do it, so you should turn your focus on exchanges and stop blaming developers at both sides.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 30, 2017, 12:47:52 AM
Bitcoin is already centralized by exchanges, they're the ones steering the market

That is an important point.

Re: What cryptocurrency is solving the scaling problem?

I've always wondered this about certain coins. For example, I pretty much never see congestion on DOGE, LTC, and ETH/ETC. Is it a function of being underused, or have they actually solved the traffic issue?

Most of those coins never leave the exchanges.

In other words, they have no adoption use case at all. They can be destroyed overnight by an attack on exchanges (by an inside attack (, hacker, or regulatory crackdown ( such as from the SEC for those which sold ICOs (

nor maturity

Selfie taken at age ~52.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: btcbug on March 30, 2017, 04:16:06 AM
I've been following your threads for several years, and a lot of the technical stuff is over my head obviously, but I get the gist of it I think. Learned a ton from your discussions and really appreciate that! I gotta say I'm excited to get in on your project as an early adopter, accumulate a nice holding and become insanely wealthy. ;)

I'm a long time hodler of BTC as well and still believe it's heading much higher, but of course if Bitcoin is ultimately doomed as you claim, then we haven't got a choice and you must do it for the benefit of the world.

They say when you're poor you stress about not having money, but they also say that once you've got money you stress about keeping it!

I think you're advice about hedging at this point is reasonable, although I don't see many alts as being a hedge (more like risk since latest price increases). Perhaps LTC considering that it's been between $3 - $4 for close to 2 years and didn't have a recent pump. I don't see much upside, but the point is preservation and it does have m.cap and volume.

I prefer bitnet as well.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: Sadlife on March 30, 2017, 04:42:52 AM
Maybe this miners that want to destroy bitcoin is a bunch of people paid by the Chinese government not the majority of miners.
Im sure the majority of miners wants the best for their business which is bitcoin. In the end they all to make profit why would they destroy something that will be profitable in the present and future?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: Kakmakr on March 30, 2017, 06:50:24 AM
Maybe this miners that want to destroy bitcoin is a bunch of people paid by the Chinese government not the majority of miners.
Im sure the majority of miners wants the best for their business which is bitcoin. In the end they all to make profit why would they destroy something that will be profitable in the present and future?

Why do the Chinese over fish and kill dolphins and whales and kill Rhinos for their horns? Do you think they care about this whole experiment? There are some countries and China are one of them, that would destroy natural resources without blinking twice.

The Chinese will suck Bitcoin dry and leave when it fails. Bitcoin is just one more commodity that are being ruthlessly exploited for profits.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but you can look at several other examples where Chinese are involved. Examples :
Seahorses / Abalone ....................................... and the list goes on and on. ^grrrrrrrrr^

Edit : If OP could develop a alternative that cannot be exploited by anyone, I would support that cause.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on March 30, 2017, 07:01:23 AM
...but of course if Bitcoin is ultimately doomed as you claim, then we haven't got a choice and you must do it for the benefit of the world.

...I think you're advice about hedging at this point is reasonable, although I don't see many alts as being a hedge...

Very important discussion ( is taking place about this.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: thejaytiesto on March 30, 2017, 12:59:34 PM
if I buy 1 btc worth of ur coin in day one can I get rich?

Obviously the guy who sold a pizza for 10,000 BTC would argue that it is difficult to predict the future.

$10 / 10,000 = $0.001 per BTC and now $1000 per BTC (aka $10 million for the 10,000 BTC). But who would've known at the time.

That was before it was common knowledge that blockchain tokens have real world value.

Normally the only way someone makes those million-times gains is by being surprised. If there is no surprise then there is a lot of competition.

Unless perhaps you are true believer like Roger Ver. But now look how Roger Ver's incompetence and lack of foresight is causing him to maybe end up destroying his BTC (although he probably did well on his Dash pump).

Seriously I can't even predict the outcome of my own work. I am just a true believer like Roger Ver, but at least I (afaics) have a higher level of technical competence than him (which probably isn't saying much, lol).

I think the more salient and objective question is, "Is the Nash Ideal Money small block model of Bitcoin going to become widely adopted and will it preclude any other blockchain design from doing so?"

And the follow on question if that answer is "No", thus is "Is there any other design for a blockchain what will become very widely used in the world?".

Many groups and people are trying to answer those questions.

I have some very specific reasons to prefer my work, but I am not going to enumerate them here. This thread is in the wrong discussion forum for that. I started this thread as a wakeup call on the risks and opportunities ahead, but I will not start a discussion about specifics of altcoins in the Bitcoin Discussion sub-forum.

Bitcoin was brand new crypto but now we got other crypto's evolutions to take as reference points.

So lets say your coin can get DASH's current $584,635,605 marketcap.

DASH was around 0.0012 in Mar 1 according to:

(first data is from February, but let's make it more realistic and let's say you get in 15 days after the coin gets listed in an exchange)

If you bought 1 BTC worth of DASH at around 0.0012 you would get = 833.4 DASH

At current DASH price (0.078) we are looking at around 64.9 BTC. That's some legit gains for 1 BTC investment.

Now do the same with ETH's marketcap... those are some serious numbers.

And if it reaches BTC marketcap... then we can fuck hookers in the moon.

Of course the coin is not even out yet so lets not get too excited.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: U2 on March 30, 2017, 01:04:21 PM
It will not be an ICO. The distribution will be mined by the users without any PoW.

It is just time.

I'm not sure how can this be made to not be abused (single user mining 10k addresses, VPN, whatever), I hope that your design handles that.

Also my post can be interpreted as an attempt to influence Core and BU to compromise and stop messing up the nice rally we had going.

Good luck with that. While I still hope myself for a good compromise, somehow I believe that they are past that point :(

My thoughts exactly. I don't know how you're going to avoid people cheating the system but if you've somehow figured outa  bulletproof way then I'm all for this. Do you have a name yet or shall we just call this Coin X?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: Geraldo on March 30, 2017, 01:25:57 PM
Any ETA?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: on March 30, 2017, 01:45:38 PM
Personal finance resource PFhub has suggested Bitcoin Unlimited is planning a 51 percent attack, which could see Bitcoin lose half its value.
source -:

Is this possible?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: jbreher on March 31, 2017, 02:53:08 AM
Personal finance resource PFhub has suggested Bitcoin Unlimited is planning a 51 percent attack, which could see Bitcoin lose half its value.
source -:

Is this possible?

Possible, but unlikely.

The most widely-discussed plan for BU to start mining blocks larger than 1MB is the following ordered sequence:

1) achieve 75% mining dominance;
2) maintain that 75% or better dominance for a full difficulty retargeting period;
3) wait another difficulty retargeting period for others to upgrade to a cliant that does not fall down when faced with larger blocks;
4) only then fork.

With 75% dominance, and assuming 2MB blocks, many more transactions can be processed each day on the BU fork (~250,000/day to ~375,000/day), and fees would drop.

The legacy fork, at 25% mining capability (max) would see its transaction capability drop from ~250,000/day to ~62,500/day. Competition to get transactions included in the few blocks that do get mined will cause fees to skyrocket.

Miners on the BU fork will see BTC/day from subsidy drop by 25%, but miners on the legacy fork will see BTC/day drop by 75%. This will likely cause miners to further abandon the legacy fork, thereby slowing the legacy chain even further, and speeding the BU chain up even more.

This condition will persist for a full difficulty retargeting period, which will be lengthened on each chain. The BU chain would be slowed down for about 20 days, and the core chain would be slowed down for at least 8 weeks - proportionally more depending on number of miners who switch from legacy to BU.

And what would be the likely consequences?

The net result is likely that the legacy chain will likely die off for all but an obstinate 1%. Accordingly, BU would likely end up being thought of as 'the Bitcoin' at the end of this process.

The good news is that for any coin you hold in Bitcoin before the fork, you will have one Bitcoin on each fork after the split. Accordingly, while one chain atrophies to insignificance, you will still hold as many Bitcoin on the victorious chain.

If this all plays out as above, it is likely that the value of the BU fork -- within days of the fork -- will be though of as merely Bitcoin, and valued at only slightly less than Bitcoin before the fork. The legacy chain would be essentially worthless. And now, with the transaction throughput hard-cap removed, transactions/day will go up, fees will go down, Bitcoin will be able to fulfill use cases that have been driven away, and Bitcoin's price will climb rapidly.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: Yakamoto on March 31, 2017, 02:57:54 AM
How does mining without POW work?
There are some decent example altcoins that exist, however I can't remember exactly how all of it works for sure and it is something related to the existence of a wallet containing a verified balance within in, and somehow it compounds and those with money get more of it.

Any ETA?
Not happening anytime soon. Considering the community is split between Segwit and BU, and neither or those have majority support, don't expect for anything like this to go anywhere.

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: yohanip on March 31, 2017, 03:12:31 AM
i've been told since forever that in order for something to have value, you need to exchange it for other value

i am trying to understand your goal here, please kindly bare with me
here is my currently simple brain could understand thus far..

1. you are going to create a new coin
2. it will be based on the blockchain terms
3. it will be decentralized (mainly to prevent double spending attacks), and the consensus / block creation will not depends on "fiat buying power"?

"fiat buying power" means the power an entity able to purchase something for adding block to the chain:
1) POW consensus: gpus, asics, cpus, hdds, rams
2) POS consensus: The coins it self
3) Tendermint consensus: the voting is basically measured by entity power to buy a "node"

yes you may have a breakthrough and answer for those "centralized by fiat power" consensus system,
but will the value of this new coin trully make the developer/early adopters insanely wealthy?
if anyone could make that coin basicly without exchanging what they are currently having, what would become the coin value other than early adopters initial speculations?

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on April 07, 2017, 06:52:53 AM
I wrote something in private that I wanted to share, so I decided to stick it here.

Quote from: iamnotback
To win against Bitcoin, an altcoin must have something other (and more significant) than just speculation. Bitcoin will always parasite on all speculation in the overall blockchain speculation ecosystem even its marketcap is less than 50% of the ecosystem (as long as it is the largest).


as a trader i like the mess and the drama  :-*

i've been told since forever that in order for something to have value, you need to exchange it for other value


yes you may have a breakthrough and answer for those "centralized by fiat power" consensus system,
but will the value of this new coin trully make the developer/early adopters insanely wealthy?
if anyone could make that coin basicly without exchanging what they are currently having, what would become the coin value other than early adopters initial speculations?

You could exchange your knowledge for tokens (

How do you justify the blatant BS linked above (your quote of me) wherein the Chinaman deliberately says some BS to crash the LTC price?

thats one tool in a pool of many. seen Americans (famous Bitcoin is a failed experiment line), Russians, Japanese all do the same bitcoin/crypto over its history.

That is why we need an altcoin wherein the hodlers aren't speculating. They are using the tokens for something in which they have no desire to speculate with them.

With that wide base of transaction use which doesn't care about the exchange value, the manipulators will not be able to have much impact.

As I said, I have some ideas about how to make whales impotent. Traders won't like it, but long-term HODLers are going to love it, because it is deflationary, which is even better than Bitcoin (i.e. the coin supply will shrink forever never reaching 0).

Title: Re: Will destroying Bitcoin by fixing it make us insanely wealthy?
Post by: iamnotback on April 10, 2017, 05:29:53 PM
Re: Blockchain powered internet?

I'm not sure if this exists yet, but if it does, it would totally decentralize the internet.


What do you think? :)

That is my altcoin project, BitNet.

This has nothing to do with centralization

The databases on the Internet are centralized, e.g. Facebook's DB, Reddit's DB, Bitcointalk's DB, Stackexchange's DB.

All of them must die. Will be replaced with open blockchain.