Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Doofus on March 29, 2017, 10:10:56 AM

Title: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Doofus on March 29, 2017, 10:10:56 AM
Mom often says that:Nothing is immortal, just live in the moment. If this is true, what would be bitcoin's final death?  
(i don't wanna see it happen, but let's be honest, ever since bitcoin was born, it has been rumored to die.)
news says at least 100 times!

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Qartada on March 29, 2017, 10:17:27 AM
Everyone's always going to say that Bitcoin's death is imminent (and they always have).  This time, maybe there is a bit more weight behind the claim.

Even if Ethereum or other cryptocurrencies / blockchains became more popular, Bitcoin would still exist, it would just be a kind of old news nostalgia thing that's always a tad behind (like Nintendo).

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: BitcoinHodler on March 29, 2017, 10:20:51 AM
there is no "final obituary" at least not in our lifetime.

there will be lots of doofuses! who come along and want their name be written in the history and they are successful at that. their name will always be written in history as a clown. ;)

here is the list that grows every year:

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Dimelord on March 29, 2017, 10:44:08 AM
Mom often says that:Nothing is immortal, just live in the moment. If this is true, what would be bitcoin's final death?  
(i don't wanna see it happen, but let's be honest, ever since bitcoin was born, it has been rumored to die.At least 100 times)
From the day Mt.Gox collapsed,Bitcoin orbituaries were found all over the internet.Since the hark fork issue,bitcoin's orbituary debate has once again started.But bitcoin has survived all critical attacks and it is yet to survive.Some say if quantum computing comes,bitcoin wouldnot survive.Lets hope the best.Hope necessary developments would be made before that.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Schuyler on March 29, 2017, 11:01:11 AM
Mom often says that:Nothing is immortal, just live in the moment. If this is true, what would be bitcoin's final death?   
(i don't wanna see it happen, but let's be honest, ever since bitcoin was born, it has been rumored to die.At least 100 times)

Maybe I can say that the final obituary of bitcoin is when the internet lost and totally have no access with the internet.Today I think bitcoin will stay long  because of the trust of people  and many users. But if you really come to the point that no one would recognize bitcoin that really the end of bitcoin.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: asdalani on March 29, 2017, 12:41:41 PM
Bitcoin could finally finish when the whole Internet goes down and there is nobody interested in going online anymore. A major war could break through causing most of the guys trying to survive and not get killed off because of what they have. Protecting their families and friends could start to seem important to some guys and hanging out on the internet wouldn't seem like a must-do like it is right now. Bitcoin wouldn't have any use.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: jtipt on March 29, 2017, 12:46:35 PM
Mom often says that:Nothing is immortal, just live in the moment. If this is true, what would be bitcoin's final death?   
(i don't wanna see it happen, but let's be honest, ever since bitcoin was born, it has been rumored to die.At least 100 times)
The supposed death of bitcoin is just meant when bitcoin probably becomes worthless, and no one uses it anymore, in reality, bitcoin can never cease to exist it will exist, and some people might just use for sentimental value. So there never really will be a final obituary, but there are some interesting obituaries on the site linked by BitcoinHolder.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: favours on March 29, 2017, 12:53:15 PM
Bitcoin is dead, time for Ethereum to take over...

For two weeks until ETH dumps

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: franky1 on March 29, 2017, 12:57:19 PM
final obituary will read:

bitcoin passed on its love and desire to its sidechain siblings, staying in their chained hearts forever.
though bitcoin locks are always there with us,
we must remember that life goes on and although node users will not feel or touch bitcoin ever again,
there will always have a memory of their bitcoin LTXO.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Xester on March 29, 2017, 01:09:37 PM
Mom often says that:Nothing is immortal, just live in the moment. If this is true, what would be bitcoin's final death?   
(i don't wanna see it happen, but let's be honest, ever since bitcoin was born, it has been rumored to die.At least 100 times)

Bitcoin will not die but what will die is its value when the time comes. But at this point of time it is not possible and even in the face of internal and crucial issues it is not time for bitcoin to say goodbye yet. Bitcoin will surely reach 100 million dollars before it will die and will be replaced by the new generation of digital currency.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: paul gatt on March 29, 2017, 01:20:52 PM
There are so many rumors like that before, and all of them are untrue, people just overdo the seriousness of the problem, bitcoin still exists and continues to evolve, recent times are clear evidence. Most of that. Bitcoin has existed for a long time, without any reason for it to collapse, the heads are very talented, they have the talent and bravery to hold the bitcoin, BU appears to be a turn of the Greedy miners, but it's not a problem, it's not capable to do bitcoin crash, i'm sure.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Jogibear on March 29, 2017, 02:20:24 PM
All these Scam Exchanges that currently exist without any oversight ...Great freedom
Yeha freedom to steal with no punishment

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Jogibear on March 29, 2017, 02:22:57 PM
Bitcoin will die .. Or rather as  stated the value will Die the blockchain will last aslong as there is electricity and global internet available

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Nathan047 on March 29, 2017, 02:26:33 PM
Mom often says that:Nothing is immortal, just live in the moment. If this is true, what would be bitcoin's final death?  
(i don't wanna see it happen, but let's be honest, ever since bitcoin was born, it has been rumored to die.At least 100 times)
It's kind of hard for Bitcoin to totally die thanks to the blockchain being decentralized, however it could lose a lot of it's value. I guess we'll see where it goes, although I expect (and hope) it will do well.

Also, there will always be FUDs claiming it will die. Lets just hope they are wrong :)

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Jet Cash on March 29, 2017, 02:56:10 PM
Well the earth isn't dead yet, despite the politicians efforts. So I suspect that it's got a few years of life left in it.

The obituary - O-bit-u-ar-y - "Y" is the Satanic elite symbol for "forked". :)

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Kprawn on March 29, 2017, 03:18:20 PM
The Final obituary will read - "Here lies the invention of Satoshi Nakamoto, something that was given to the world to make it a better place, but

killed by greedy miners and power hungry devs. It fought many battles against foul unknown enemies, using VERnians as cannon fodder. The

experiment that sparked a revolution in the Financial world, has finally been laid to rest. RIP Bitcoin.  >:(

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Juggy777 on March 29, 2017, 03:33:13 PM
Nope it's not going to happen, all this is believed by people who think they can launch segwit and bu and get away with it. The community will dump them and then they can only cry with their worthless coins. As far Bitcoin is concerned, it was strong back then, it is strong now also. This are just tough times and the clouds of uncertainty shall pass and Bitcoin shall stand strong as usual while all others would have been gone and forgotten. That's what going to happen

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Jogibear on March 29, 2017, 03:36:32 PM
Sad and I hope not true but the way its going currently is absurd and cannot last.
I will make sure of that  it is currently my lifes work and will not end  until somebody sends somebody to  come Here to Africa and killing Me.

So yeah over My dead body is the only way that the Rubbish I see in Some sectors of the Crypto community will continue

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Jogibear on March 29, 2017, 03:39:32 PM
Im not toring My ip and Im sure You can all see Me Email and so can easily find Me.

So if I am the first person killed over crypto so be it ..But I do not have a death wish despite the fact that im standing up to Goliath.

We are legion 

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Ayers on March 29, 2017, 03:40:31 PM
this thing can't die because you can fork and fork always if something bad happen, you can create a new bitcoin from scratch over and over again, all the altcoin are bitcoin itself, a copy with different idea, aren't they? for me bitcoin is truly immortal and unkillable

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: European Central Bank on March 29, 2017, 03:40:43 PM
Lots of top quality noob doom recently. Great job, guys. If you stick to one established account then it might have more impact.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Doofus on March 30, 2017, 01:41:47 AM
final obituary will read:

bitcoin passed on its love and desire to its sidechain siblings, staying in their chained hearts forever.
though bitcoin locks are always there with us,
we must remember that life goes on and although node users will not feel or touch bitcoin ever again,
there will always have a memory of their bitcoin LTXO.
Jesus! do you seriously mean it? you sure a hard fork is imminent?

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: franky1 on March 30, 2017, 01:53:00 AM
final obituary will read:

bitcoin passed on its love and desire to its sidechain siblings, staying in their chained hearts forever.
though bitcoin locks are always there with us,
we must remember that life goes on and although node users will not feel or touch bitcoin ever again,
there will always have a memory of their bitcoin LTXO.
Jesus! do you seriously mean it? you sure a hard fork is imminent?

all the dynamic and diverse nodes want consensus of one single network of diverse peers.

core have the ban hammers. the plans to change the network into a tier network and cause the actual forks win or lose.
AND to make sidechains(altcoins) and LN(offchain networks)..

even if core become moral again by getting rid of blockstream puppet masters.. and just add a few lines of code to be on the same level playing field as the other peers. and (yep they get cake) they get to have segwit too(should they want that half gesture empty promise).. meaning a community win win..
but down the road there will be
Lightning NETWORKS
sidechain NETWORKS
emphasis on the word network.

so yes people will be spending funds on alternate networks.. but all triggered by cores intentions of what they think is best. and the fools who follow core all the way no matter what

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Hydrogen on March 30, 2017, 06:37:15 AM
"Good things die, when people make bad decisions & support the wrong things."

In politics and economics, its common for people to blame politicians.

People forget they supported things like the iraq war & obamacare.

Evil in the world is caused by normal people making bad decisions in supporting bad policy.

I don't think bitcoin will be any different in that regard.

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: izanagi narukami on March 30, 2017, 06:41:35 AM
If bitcoin keep exist with same as current demand than bitcoin become more valuable on the future ( halving )
As long as bitcoin have their investor, bitcoin will never end. Ofcourse I can know for sure since bitcoin is unique currency so it will unique way to die

Title: Re: What would be bitcoin's final obituary?
Post by: Doofus on March 30, 2017, 09:47:42 AM
this thing can't die because you can fork and fork always if something bad happen, you can create a new bitcoin from scratch over and over again, all the altcoin are bitcoin itself, a copy with different idea, aren't they? for me bitcoin is truly immortal and unkillable
so basically, you mean bitcoin is just a concept, or more accurately, a spirit? But i don't think all altcoins are bitcoin itself. when bitcoin was first born, it's more of an experiment instead of a means of making money. now most people buy altcoin just dreaming of getting rich.