Bitcoin Forum

Other => Politics & Society => Topic started by: Tyrantt on March 30, 2017, 07:13:00 PM

Title: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Tyrantt on March 30, 2017, 07:13:00 PM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Holliday on March 30, 2017, 07:17:06 PM
I would dismantle the government and quit.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: yoseph on March 30, 2017, 07:51:23 PM
Corruption is a major problem in my country and i will deal with it the way the Chinese do, Public Execution that will deter people from looting the nations coffers, I will also privatise some government agency to ensure more productivity. I will do the same for most of the Government schools. With so many natural resources in the country. I will build factories near the source so as to refine them into their end products which will provide more jobs for the people there.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Mometaskers on March 31, 2017, 12:17:12 PM
My country is so fucked up I probably would have a hard time knowing what to fix first. Well I guess I would increase penalties for corruption them reduce the money being lost to it. I suppose that would be a priority for any leader in a democratic country though it would be hard to implement in a culture where it is deeply embedded.

One thing I've always thought would be interesting is if there is commission that would automatically investigate any outgoing officials for corruption rather than leave it to interested parties. That with mandatory travel ban on officials under investigation would probably make them think twice before doing anything fishy. Re-elections as well as transferring departments should count as stepping down and will prompt investigation.

I would dismantle the government and quit.

Guess we have an anarchist here, hehe. At least do something for bitcoin first before leaving. :D

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Rmcdermott927 on March 31, 2017, 12:49:12 PM
I would reform taxes, healthcare and employment.  He stronger measure of how good a society is, is the size of its middle class.  Creating good paying jobs so everyone can live without struggling constantly would be my priority. 

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: gabmen on March 31, 2017, 12:51:48 PM
Well i think the first thing any leader should look at would be corruption. Powerful people are always taking advantage of thos who are weak and i think it has to start there. Being a leader should allow me to make my people's lives better so i have to start by selecting people who are honest and sincere to help me out. Corrupt leaders should be punished harshly so set a lesson

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: dawnasor on March 31, 2017, 01:18:21 PM
Corruption is the number one problem of every governments in the world so if I will became the leader of my country I will execute every corrupt officials that will found guilty.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: JengoFF_n0 on March 31, 2017, 01:22:23 PM
I will have to work very hard to raise the country, because my government has robbed it terribly :(  First of all, we will have to fight corruption and crime. Then you need to develop a plan to raise the economy, increase production to create jobs, improve the quality of medicine and education.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Barrymore on March 31, 2017, 01:44:09 PM
I will have to work very hard to raise the country, because my government has robbed it terribly :(  First of all, we will have to fight corruption and crime. Then you need to develop a plan to raise the economy, increase production to create jobs, improve the quality of medicine and education.
And you really think that the leader of your country doesn't want that? He is primarily interested in the stability of the state to remain in power as long as possible. I think you just don't understand how hard it is to do. Try to create your own Corporation and you will understand, and the state is much bigger and more complex.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: popcorn1 on March 31, 2017, 02:26:40 PM
I will have to work very hard to raise the country, because my government has robbed it terribly :(  First of all, we will have to fight corruption and crime. Then you need to develop a plan to raise the economy, increase production to create jobs, improve the quality of medicine and education.
And you really think that the leader of your country doesn't want that? He is primarily interested in the stability of the state to remain in power as long as possible. I think you just don't understand how hard it is to do. Try to create your own Corporation and you will understand, and the state is much bigger and more complex.
Dumb ass ^^  And you really think that the leader of your country doesn't want that?

So why have drugs gone up so much ?  Because the leader gets a cut from the profits..

The leaders line their own pockets  by making shit up ;)..

I am a pretend leader  this is how i would make money by robbing public funds..

Every park in the land needs new park benches   so i get my friend to make them and over charge the public on the benches..

100 thousand benches needed    they cost 70 pounds to make   so i then charge 800 pounds per bench

100 thousand x 800 pounds =80 million pounds  
I give the person who made them  25 million  that means he very happy ..

and me and 10 other politicians split the money between us all  5 million each ..

And just think the parks did need new benches but way over charged  ..

And the biggest thing that that do it to is medicine and hospital equipment
Also space program can fiddle a lot of money..

But you see how i made money so easy because i am the leader..


Mind you wouldn't surprise me if someone already done it?
Rip the public with park benches

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: ilovefeetsmell on March 31, 2017, 02:44:16 PM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?
I think it is quite hard and big responsible for the member of this forum. If I were the leader, I will continue on what the previous leader do. We couldn't stop the criminals and corruption in our country. We must do is to minimize them and having platforms for the poor people to help them. Give them livelihood program and pieces of training. I would implement the peace and rights of my country. It's just an example of my proposal if I were become a leader in my country.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: popcorn1 on March 31, 2017, 03:02:06 PM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?
I think it is quite hard and big responsible for the member of this forum. If I were the leader, I will continue on what the previous leader do. We couldn't stop the criminals and corruption in our country. We must do is to minimize them and having platforms for the poor people to help them. Give them livelihood program and pieces of training. I would implement the peace and rights of my country. It's just an example of my proposal if I were become a leader in my country.
You need to ask yourself    how much do you need not to be classed as poor   to an elite

Example ..A person saves 1 million pounds also owns 1 million pounds home  they worked all their lives
to accomplish this   Then one day they get old and sick.

Bye bye 1 million you saved because you will need this to pay for care and medicine .
Old peoples homes can cost a fortune..
Because the government and his or her cronies have fiddled things that much they cost way over the odds.

And just think every time a new leader gets in they think of a way they can fiddle
So things will keep going up and up because they keep fiddling  ;)

Price of homes went up because so many politicians owned homes to sell ;)..

BUT we do have some great politicians  BUT when they have a set of keys to make money will they take it up?..
Remember it makes your life good and your families  NO STRUGGLES..

So that's why we need to stop it so politicians have no chance of fiddling..
Because most people would fiddle given the chance ;).. And they are given the chance    LEADERS

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: iqlimasyadiqa on March 31, 2017, 03:40:52 PM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?
one goal and my vision is with a happy society. because with my happiness make sure there would be no crime, corruption and other bad things. so by giving them a guarantee of happiness then I can arrange my country easily and precisely. That's the most important thing in my opinion.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: popcorn1 on March 31, 2017, 03:42:53 PM
The poor to an ELITE the poor to someone with 5 million..

policeman or women  firemen teacher nurse soldier
All jobs that without them THIS PLANET WOULD FALL TO BITS ;)..

Now you SNOBBY SNOOTY FUCKERS     who talk about the poor  THEY ARE THE POOR..

They save all their lives  and in this day and age with the price of a home  how much in savings will they have?..    ALL THE SAVINGS IN THE HOME..

So then those people we so dearly need in our everyday lives  
They get it all taken away if they become old and sick   ..

I mean doesn't most people get old and sick  OR are you fucking superman      or women?..

3.2 million think there is 'no point' saving for old age as it will be ... › Finance › Personal Finance › Savings
10 Jan 2014 - Threat to Coalition's overhaul of the care system as study suggests 3.2 ... have given up saving for old age believing it will only be taken to cover care. ...

We need a universal income.. Then we will have a better planet ;D

Elon Musk Really Believes in Universal Basic Income - YouTube
Video for universal income is needed elon musk youtube▶ 1:10
25 Feb 2017 - Uploaded by MT News
Elon musk really believes in universal basic income. Elon Musk says there's a 'pretty good chance .

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: gentlemand on March 31, 2017, 04:06:45 PM
I would be jolly nice to everyone, give presents on a monthly basis and make sure everyone lived happily ever after. The end.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: JengoFF_n0 on March 31, 2017, 04:31:02 PM
This will be very difficult. Many will try to take away my power, insult and attempt on my life. Someone will admire me, and someone will hate me ;D In any case, if I am in power, I will try to interact peacefully with the people and other countries, I will raise the level of culture and morality, I will make better education and scientific development.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: popcorn1 on March 31, 2017, 04:53:00 PM
This will be very difficult. Many will try to take away my power, insult and attempt on my life. Someone will admire me, and someone will hate me ;D In any case, if I am in power, I will try to interact peacefully with the people and other countries, I will raise the level of culture and morality, I will make better education and scientific development.

I will give everyone a free car a home a holiday ..ARRR fuck it i will throw in a vineyard too..

Talking can get you nowhere in some cases ..
I mean go and talk to all the dictators around this planet..

You become less hungry for the hunt of money..

And when people hunt for money MORALITY goes out the window ;)..


Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: rokkiBalboa on March 31, 2017, 06:18:20 PM
I will have to work very hard to raise the country, because my government has robbed it terribly :(  First of all, we will have to fight corruption and crime. Then you need to develop a plan to raise the economy, increase production to create jobs, improve the quality of medicine and education.
And you really think that the leader of your country doesn't want that? He is primarily interested in the stability of the state to remain in power as long as possible. I think you just don't understand how hard it is to do. Try to create your own Corporation and you will understand, and the state is much bigger and more complex.
Dumb ass ^^  And you really think that the leader of your country doesn't want that?

So why have drugs gone up so much ?  Because the leader gets a cut from the profits..

The leaders line their own pockets  by making shit up ;)..

I am a pretend leader  this is how i would make money by robbing public funds..

Every park in the land needs new park benches   so i get my friend to make them and over charge the public on the benches..

100 thousand benches needed    they cost 70 pounds to make   so i then charge 800 pounds per bench

100 thousand x 800 pounds =80 million pounds  
I give the person who made them  25 million  that means he very happy ..

and me and 10 other politicians split the money between us all  5 million each ..

And just think the parks did need new benches but way over charged  ..

And the biggest thing that that do it to is medicine and hospital equipment
Also space program can fiddle a lot of money..

But you see how i made money so easy because i am the leader..


Mind you wouldn't surprise me if someone already done it?
Rip the public with park benches

I agree. The leader of the country wants only to earn as much money as he is in power and do only what is beneficial to him. For ordinary people, nothing at all does. On public money, they buy huge houses and expensive cars, and they all lie that there is not enough money in the country.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Gyro on March 31, 2017, 06:36:31 PM
Ha this one is easy...

  • Perpetual war with my neighbor, but no shots fired because we are in an armistice.
  • Keep all the good food for myself and my friends, everyone else can eat grass.
  • Military culture where everyone serves for life. If you are not fit then you're a peasant and can eat grass.
  • Labor camps for the peasants where we feed them grass.
  • Torture prisons for the ones that don't want to work.
  • Electricity is a luxury, the upper class will get 2 hours/day while the peasants get nothing. They can use candles.
  • To deter crime the law will punish 3 generations of your family members for any crime committed.
  • I would also change my name to Kim.


Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Tyrantt on March 31, 2017, 09:17:02 PM
I would be jolly nice to everyone, give presents on a monthly basis and make sure everyone lived happily ever after. The end.

Are you canadian? :D

Well I'd first form a secret police, something like gestapo and take all the intel about corruption on every single one if possible and then, one day a big heist, just taking them out of their homes in the early, early morning.

- Second, I'd change the law of the ticket payments and punishment. For example, the fine will be payed as equivalent to the 15% fo your monthly income and if your monthly income is lower then the average, you'd be paying around 7-8%.

- If a driver kills someone while intoxicated or due to carelessness/reckless driving, he'd be obliged by law to pay high monthly fees (40-50% monthly income of the reckless driver ) to the family of the killed for the next 15-20 years.

- One cannot say no to the state law. example: If one is invited to the polygraph and he says no, he'd be arrested.

-(optional) those hooligans and everyone else that has higher amount of energy stored in them and can't take it out in some other way, will be sent to a coal mine and work there every day for the time depending on the scale of the crime.

Just some of the changes I'd implement, I think about this from time to time. 

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: nara1892 on March 31, 2017, 10:44:24 PM
I will apply khilafah system if it is possible because khilafah is the only system where a country can fix all those problem. it is like Arabian system, but it is better. as we can see the criminal in Arab is countable or in other words, there are not many criminals there. I want to live in such country

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: FlightyPouch on March 31, 2017, 11:43:08 PM
Our country has a lot of problems so I don't really know what will I do first. I'd rather focus on the people and the budget first because it is the most important aspect, my important aspect as a leader. And for me, that is one of the most known problem in our country also the national debt and corruption is one.

There are also matters about addiction in drugs that leads to a criminal activities which is one of the most famous one.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: yellow1 on April 01, 2017, 01:51:18 AM
It is difficult but i think the most thing is to do is stop corruption and i will stop crime in my country. ..,and one thing is i made up of many job to the jobless people so that i can help them.Most important is education and housing to poor people cant afford to buy house and lot and make a livelihood program,and i made a law about environmental.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: crwth on April 01, 2017, 03:32:51 AM
That would be a really hard task to do, and you would know how much it would be a burden carrying the country on your shoulder. I would try to solve the problems that the streets are facing and the poverty problem that affected many lives. Solving that would be great but wouldn't be that easy.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: anasis on April 01, 2017, 03:38:31 AM
That would be a really hard task to do, and you would know how much it would be a burden carrying the country on your shoulder. I would try to solve the problems that the streets are facing and the poverty problem that affected many lives. Solving that would be great but wouldn't be that easy.
I guess I'm not a normal person, since I'm interested in other problems. I would generally change the judiciary and get rid of corruption completely. This would serve as a good development for my country.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Sithara007 on April 01, 2017, 04:22:29 AM
I will apply khilafah system if it is possible because khilafah is the only system where a country can fix all those problem. it is like Arabian system, but it is better. as we can see the criminal in Arab is countable or in other words, there are not many criminals there. I want to live in such country

There is no democracy in such a system, and it is heavily biased against the women. We are living in the 21st century, and we need a system which is compatible with the current cultural ethos. I would prefer a secular system, instead of one based on any religion.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: olubams on April 01, 2017, 08:20:27 AM
The bane of the society is just this issue of corruption that has in no small way dealt with my country. What I will do when I hold the leadership of the country is not only about arresting people all over that they are corrupt where it could be interpreted as clamp down, I will just find a decisive way to look for how to block the source of excess money when the money is no longer there, then it won't be available to embezzle...

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Xester on April 01, 2017, 09:33:12 AM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?

If I will be the leader of our country I will make all schools to submit to me and all learning materials will be modified according to my want. This way if I cannot change the adults who are already corrupt I can still brainwash and manipulate the gentle minds of the young so they will grow as a moral and law abiding citizen. Aside from that I will declare all business to be owned by the state and all lands will be owned by the state so that there will be no more elites and resources can be distributed equally and zonification as well as other plans can move freely.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Barrymore on April 01, 2017, 10:25:18 AM
I will apply khilafah system if it is possible because khilafah is the only system where a country can fix all those problem. it is like Arabian system, but it is better. as we can see the criminal in Arab is countable or in other words, there are not many criminals there. I want to live in such country

There is no democracy in such a system, and it is heavily biased against the women. We are living in the 21st century, and we need a system which is compatible with the current cultural ethos. I would prefer a secular system, instead of one based on any religion.
To govern is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. No atheist state in the world. Why do you think that you will succeed? Now religion has become part of the policy and all States have an interest in its existence. Manage humble people easier.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Tyrantt on April 01, 2017, 11:46:02 AM
I will apply khilafah system if it is possible because khilafah is the only system where a country can fix all those problem. it is like Arabian system, but it is better. as we can see the criminal in Arab is countable or in other words, there are not many criminals there. I want to live in such country

There is no democracy in such a system, and it is heavily biased against the women. We are living in the 21st century, and we need a system which is compatible with the current cultural ethos. I would prefer a secular system, instead of one based on any religion.
To govern is much more complicated than it seems at first glance. No atheist state in the world. Why do you think that you will succeed? Now religion has become part of the policy and all States have an interest in its existence. Manage humble people easier.

Yes, but take a look at countries where religious people are <50% and even less and then take a look at the theistic countries. What country has it better?

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: kodes88 on April 01, 2017, 12:36:59 PM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?

I'm not sure if the corruption in the country will run out. Corruptor in my country has spread to every part of people government. Corruption here is not a secret anymore, everyone knows who is corrupt but the evidence is lacking to make them freely roam. Corruption law here could be considered too light and does not create a deterrent effect. So people are not afraid to corruption.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Sithara007 on April 01, 2017, 01:53:35 PM
Yes, but take a look at countries where religious people are <50% and even less and then take a look at the theistic countries. What country has it better?

It is difficult to believe that former Communist nations such as Russia and Ukraine are now more religious than conservative Western nations such as the United States and France. Also, China is a bit complex. Most of the population adheres to folk religions.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Daniel91 on April 01, 2017, 02:21:42 PM
I will give to each citizen so called ''basic income'' so they can be free to decide, if they want to work for low salary and become ''modern slaves'' or be free to stay at home, take care about family, learn new skills, enjoy life.
Finland and some other countries in the world, like Switzerland, already thinking about it: (
First responsibility of the government is to make people happy and free.
We really have to change our way of thinking, our lives...

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: criptix on April 01, 2017, 06:03:36 PM
Forced sterilisation for people with an iq less then 120 and maybe gas them (latter depends on the cost).

With that i succeeded to decrease the scum of humanity by 98%  8)

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: darkangel11 on April 01, 2017, 07:52:38 PM
Forced sterilisation for people with an iq less then 120 and maybe gas them (latter depends on the cost).

With that i succeeded to decrease the scum of humanity by 98%  8)
You wouldn't remain a leader for long with that attitude. It depends what society you'd try to rule. In Europe people would throw eggs at you and then molotovs, in Africa the crowd would drag you out and butcher.
Who would you force to gas your citizens? The army? The soldiers have families too and soon you'd have mutinies, deserters and armed uprisings.

If I were the leader I'd aim to decrease taxes and completely remove income tax. I'd impose a single, equal tax on every citizen that, similar to property tax.
I'd stop forcing people to pay social security and allow them to do what they want with their money. I'd reduce the number of MP's and their wages to 2x the average wage. I'd also cut the wages of CEO's of companies owned by the state at least by half. I'd turn the army into a small very well trained and armed and paid group that would consist of not more than 10k soldiers, but soldiers that are masters in their craft.

There are many things I'd do, but to be able to do it I'd need an absolute power, otherwise it would take years to make those old farts senators agree on anything.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Neon1822 on April 01, 2017, 07:59:48 PM
Forced sterilisation for people with an iq less then 120 and maybe gas them (latter depends on the cost).

With that i succeeded to decrease the scum of humanity by 98%  8)
Are you sure that your iq is above 120? If a person offers to do so I'm not sure. These are signs of fascism. In Nazi Germany also destroyed mental not full of people and people with disabilities. You never thought about it?

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: criptix on April 01, 2017, 08:04:40 PM
Forced sterilisation for people with an iq less then 120 and maybe gas them (latter depends on the cost).

With that i succeeded to decrease the scum of humanity by 98%  8)
Are you sure that your iq is above 120? If a person offers to do so I'm not sure. These are signs of fascism. In Nazi Germany also destroyed mental not full of people and people with disabilities. You never thought about it?

Thats where i got my idea from. Stupid german nazis mananged only to gas 6 million jews, killed some 30 millions slavics and some more millions of subhumans.

If done right 98% would be no problem.  :-*

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Kasper123 on April 01, 2017, 08:09:36 PM
And that 2% of people are nothing to you? It is not correct. How are you different from terrorists? They are also a part of people don't think that they are people. It is not correct. Do not forget that there is always a chance that someone at some point say that you are not human and deserve to die.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: kwuccduck on April 01, 2017, 08:15:00 PM
And that 2% of people are nothing to you? It is not correct. How are you different from terrorists? They are also a part of people don't think that they are people. It is not correct. Do not forget that there is always a chance that someone at some point say that you are not human and deserve to die.
Everyone deserves a second chance. We always criticize someone until we are in their place. In any country, even every criminal can become a worthy person.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: criptix on April 01, 2017, 08:18:18 PM
And that 2% of people are nothing to you? It is not correct. How are you different from terrorists? They are also a part of people don't think that they are people. It is not correct. Do not forget that there is always a chance that someone at some point say that you are not human and deserve to die.
Everyone deserves a second chance. We always criticize someone until we are in their place. In any country, even every criminal can become a worthy person.

Muslim lovers detected.
Do you like your daughters and wifes getting raped by mudslimes?  8)

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Mometaskers on April 02, 2017, 06:31:57 AM
Yes, but take a look at countries where religious people are <50% and even less and then take a look at the theistic countries. What country has it better?

It is difficult to believe that former Communist nations such as Russia and Ukraine are now more religious than conservative Western nations such as the United States and France. Also, China is a bit complex. Most of the population adheres to folk religions.

I believe I heard somewhere that religiosity usually go down as society become more affluent. That don't explain the Middle East and America though.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: DrPepperJC on April 02, 2017, 08:12:12 AM
Forced sterilisation for people with an iq less then 120 and maybe gas them (latter depends on the cost).

With that i succeeded to decrease the scum of humanity by 98%  8)

People with very high IQ do not always succeed in certain areas. I believe that IQ tests are as little related to intelligence as intellect with intelligence. It is better to raise the level of the economy, culture and education.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: darkseid1199 on April 02, 2017, 09:14:50 AM
I have seen people with high IQ not being beneficial to the society, intelligence has nothing to do with success. Attaining success is all about the drive and commitment a person has in order to achieve something.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Tyrantt on April 02, 2017, 11:42:24 AM
Yes, but take a look at countries where religious people are <50% and even less and then take a look at the theistic countries. What country has it better?

It is difficult to believe that former Communist nations such as Russia and Ukraine are now more religious than conservative Western nations such as the United States and France. Also, China is a bit complex. Most of the population adheres to folk religions.

It's actually not, religion was forbidden during the communist era so people had to hide their beliefs and when the communism failed (of course) people started practising it more and here it server as a reminder of those times when religion was forbidden but France and US were never a communist countries and didn't have to deal with that problem.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: criptix on April 02, 2017, 03:40:00 PM
I have seen people with high IQ not being beneficial to the society, intelligence has nothing to do with success. Attaining success is all about the drive and commitment a person has in order to achieve something.

All i see are low iq welfare rats who breed without stopping.
Waste of ressources  8)

Low iq people will never be einstein. High iq people have the chance.
Work is done by robots no need for low iq human labour.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: yoseph on April 02, 2017, 08:40:09 PM
I will loot the national coffers and retire to any country with no extradition and enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: freedomno1 on April 03, 2017, 07:02:50 AM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?

1. Reform the Police Bureaucracy and make them build a faster processing mechanism even if some is moved to computers and presents a low level hacking risk mitigated by a modifiable blockchain to add/remove inputs now and then which can be converted to people.
2.Change the priority of the country from a road based system towards a High-Speed Rail system and move a portion of the tax revenue towards that aim starting by High Speeding the most used corridors.
3. Try to expand the usage area of unused land in the country by providing incentive to new development projects such as building Forestry Farms for future income and taking advantage of underpopulated sparse land to do a Willy Wonka and build developmental cities and prototypes of my creation, and let them defy explanation, eventually incorporating those city designs and models towards better urban planning projects.
(Also somewhere for all those rail beds to be built towards and utilized less urban planning issues between cities) Just connect to a test city on the master rail lines and build the lines from their to your own.
4. State regulation still three level local, province, federal with committees but to remove the bureaucracy levels a designated super-elite per level that can write in their own development plans.
5. Take all the unemployed and give them jobs of low skill building the train route, etc before transitioning gradually to higher level skills for the new economy.
6. Build 5-Year plans like the Politburo while still remaining democratic and introduce special zones.
7. Rewrite the freedom of the press a bit towards neutral viewpoints  to get government funding for TV and refer to the proper Code of Conduct for Broadcasters, while also building up more stream options for those who don't want to and prefer a certain spin.
8. Add a crowdfunding feature to government and local development projects, sometimes people want stuff and they should be able to have the opportunity to fund it with some government support and pooling of ideas (Reality ... bureaucracy hence the need for a local dictator or two XD)

Summary mix a few China and Japan influences and increase their weighting versus the current US one, while building a personal harem of course since this seems to logical needs a bit of a Dictator aspect to get development progressed.

Otherwise we end up in year long review committees analyzing the logic behind making something like a Train instead of just perfoming actions and developing.

Imagines a real world system where a train existed for 40 years between a certain route at low speeds but they kept decreasing frequency and usage because of lobbying from the road committee. Then destroyed citing low demand and usage and promised to rebuild faster but never did and just kept commissioning research committees  over the years which over the decades could have been better spent to build the system than just consider it over and over.

We need new odds for successful development than paperwork with all the bells and whistles.

Talking about you Canada 150 (^^) 150 years and nothing better than what John.A Macdonald forced the country to prevent the American's from encroaching upon that 49th parallel.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Barbarian on April 03, 2017, 07:18:16 PM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?
Since I am not an expert on anything I will probably destroy my country in just a few weeks with a combination of bad decisions an naivety.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: HarringtonStark on April 04, 2017, 01:07:56 AM
I would execute all the prisoners with serious crime offences and put some areas of the country under martial law. It would be like Nazi Germany.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Sithara007 on April 04, 2017, 02:19:11 AM
I would execute all the prisoners with serious crime offences and put some areas of the country under martial law. It would be like Nazi Germany.

That would reduce the crime rate by quite a bit, although the human rights organizations will go ballistic at the very news of it. But you need to make sure that no innocent person is killed during your "purge".

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Idrisu on April 04, 2017, 07:04:01 AM
I'm quite interested in what would members of do if they were the leaders of their own country. How would you deal with the current situation? corruption and criminal? or would you just continue where the previous leader stopped? Also, what would the
state regulation be?
I read from a forum yesterday were a guy recommended "mass burial for politicians and leaders of my country" corruption hold sway in my country. There is great resources both human and mineral but our people aref living in both hunger and killing every day. If I became the president of my country? What I will do is to completely eliminate those evil past leaders and established justice, truth and implementation of human rights.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: camelson on April 04, 2017, 07:45:45 AM
I have seen people with high IQ not being beneficial to the society, intelligence has nothing to do with success. Attaining success is all about the drive and commitment a person has in order to achieve something.

That's not true because now a days every single firm needs highly qualified and creative people and the people who have high IQ level have more chances of getting into the firm they are creative. Commitment is a secondary thing because no matter how committed you are to a project you will not be succeeded until you have a strong intellectual thinking.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Okurkabinladin on April 04, 2017, 07:51:30 AM
I would dismantle the government and quit.

And then watch oligarchs and robber barons turn the country into basket case and cumdumpster for the rest of the continent.

Ukraine was there, done that.

On a side note, I would give option (life is all around options, right?) to tax payers to actually opt out of healthcare, schooling and similar public schemes, that are in most of the world mandatory. While paid for by tax payers, they are increasingly influenced by marxist ideology that seeks equal results, not equal opportunities.

Reinstating death penalty for repeated offenders in cases of murder and rape is also interesting idea. NGOs somehow managed to push "rights" of criminals and agressors before those of their victims.

Reinstate freedom of speech in full and make it untouchable in constitution. It is not just right, but basic mechanism of human society. Without it, no progress is possible at all.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: 00hash01 on April 04, 2017, 07:51:57 AM
First I would take money from the budget for myself and live like a normal person, I would buy myself some sports cars, a villa on the seashore, a yacht, a personal plane ... well, and then I would take care of the people if the money remains ;D

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Okurkabinladin on April 04, 2017, 07:56:49 AM
I have seen people with high IQ not being beneficial to the society, intelligence has nothing to do with success. Attaining success is all about the drive and commitment a person has in order to achieve something.

All i see are low iq welfare rats who breed without stopping.
Waste of ressources  8)

Low iq people will never be einstein. High iq people have the chance.
Work is done by robots no need for low iq human labour.

You are both partially right and on whole wrong.

Low IQ people are quite beneficial for society as it is them who form heart and muscles - that is, if they have ingrained values such as discipline and integrity.
High IQ people can be brain and backbone - again only if they have discipline, integrity and prudency.

Without values, you have only potential. And regardless of IQ or all the hard (but unfocused) work, hungry pest.

I know that, because I worked besides both degenerate, nihilistic intellectuals and in factory among relatively slow, but eager workers.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Karloff on April 04, 2017, 10:36:49 AM
I would be engaged in the development of the economy and industry, forbade the creation of families for people who are unable to feed their children and would forbid gay marriages.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: Yuuto on April 04, 2017, 11:10:51 AM
I have seen people with high IQ not being beneficial to the society, intelligence has nothing to do with success. Attaining success is all about the drive and commitment a person has in order to achieve something.
Well, I have to say that I agree with you partly, getting successful in life is usually determined by someone's courage, lack of fear in losing money from investment, and endurance in many stressful situations.

But I cannot agree that IQ has nothing to do with making your life successful.
It is a very important factor which can cause someone will draw correct conclusions from the losses, or business mistakes.

Learning on your mistakes is incredibly precious skill.
I have no doubt that highly intelligent people are more usually aware of their false steps after the event that might have put them in danger.

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: notbatman on April 04, 2017, 11:25:57 AM

Title: Re: What would you do if you were in charge of your country?
Post by: criptix on April 04, 2017, 02:18:10 PM
I have seen people with high IQ not being beneficial to the society, intelligence has nothing to do with success. Attaining success is all about the drive and commitment a person has in order to achieve something.

All i see are low iq welfare rats who breed without stopping.
Waste of ressources  8)

Low iq people will never be einstein. High iq people have the chance.
Work is done by robots no need for low iq human labour.

You are both partially right and on whole wrong.

Low IQ people are quite beneficial for society as it is them who form heart and muscles - that is, if they have ingrained values such as discipline and integrity.
High IQ people can be brain and backbone - again only if they have discipline, integrity and prudency.

Without values, you have only potential. And regardless of IQ or all the hard (but unfocused) work, hungry pest.

I know that, because I worked besides both degenerate, nihilistic intellectuals and in factory among relatively slow, but eager workers.

One word:


The only things low iq people have are muscles and numbers aka cheap labour.
At the end of the day they bring nothing except that on the table.

Most works will be automated (even if strong ai wont be archieved).

The rest you are talking about is no argument it is just some whiny emotional extreme liberal leftist outcry of everyone should be equal and having same rights bla bla.
Life is not equal. Humans are not equal. Low iq people are mostly stupid welfare rats who breed without thinking.

You better stop a virus before it kills you.

High iq people have more then enough values. They are the people who change the world and history, they are the people who reshape humanity.