Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Armory => Topic started by: TheNerd on April 06, 2017, 08:47:53 AM

Title: Transactions showing 0 confirmations in Armory, when infact they have 10s
Post by: TheNerd on April 06, 2017, 08:47:53 AM
I'm with Armory 0.95.1-beta and bitcoin-0.14 on Ubuntu 16.10 (all the latest)
The last 8 or so transaction in Armory are stuck at 0 confirmations in the interface (and thus can't be spent) but on all the blockchain explorer they have 10s of confirmations.
For some reason Armory doesn't see that.  I tried "Clear all unconfrimed" (with restart) but it doesn't change anything.

Title: Re: Transactions showing 0 confirmations in Armory, when infact they have 10s
Post by: goatpig on April 06, 2017, 10:45:03 AM
If you restart Armory, do they show confirmations now?

Title: Re: Transactions showing 0 confirmations in Armory, when infact they have 10s
Post by: TheNerd on April 06, 2017, 09:16:33 PM
I tried couple of times. Including with the clear all unconfirmed option.

Title: Re: Transactions showing 0 confirmations in Armory, when infact they have 10s
Post by: achow101 on April 06, 2017, 09:23:33 PM
Downgrade to Bitcoin Core 0.13.2 or upgrade to use Armory 0.96 testing builds.

Also double check that the number of blocks in the bottom righthand corner of Armory matches the number of blocks that Bitcoin Core reports.

Title: Re: Transactions showing 0 confirmations in Armory, when infact they have 10s
Post by: TheNerd on April 11, 2017, 09:08:19 PM
Ok I did downgrade bitcoin-qt and now it's stuck forever at Scanning transaction history at 0%
I left it all day today like that and it didn't move.

starting bitcoin-qt is just fine, it syncs with the network and all is good.

here is armorylog
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Loading Multisig Lockboxes
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Setting up networking...
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - setupUriRegistration
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/bitcoin/command
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: xdg-mime query default x-scheme-handler/bitcoin
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Usermode: Expert
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Changing usermode:
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- -    From: Expert
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- -      To: Expert
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - startBitcoindIfNecessary
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: ['whereis', 'bitcoind']
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Found bitcoind in the following places:
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- -    /media/truecrypt3/Misc/.armory/latestBitcoinInst/bitcoin-0.13.2/bin/bitcoind
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Using: /media/truecrypt3/Misc/.armory/latestBitcoinInst/bitcoin-0.13.2/bin/bitcoind
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Reading bitcoin.conf file
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Setting permissions on bitcoin.conf
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Called startBitcoind
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: [u'/media/truecrypt3/Misc/.armory/latestBitcoinInst/bitcoin-0.13.2/bin/bitcoind', '-datadir=/media/truecrypt3/Misc/.bitcoin']
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - PID of bitcoind: 9985
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - PID of armory:   9893
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: ['python', '/usr/lib/armory/', '9893', '9985']
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Creating proxy in SDM: host=, port=8332
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to auto-InitSync
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - setSatoshiPaths
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Executing popen: ['/usr/bin/ArmoryDB', '--db-type="DB_FULL"', '--spawnId="BZ6rzCeKW9udWW1o3F2oLQ7SrJc3XZewF68ZkJu8g49F"', '--satoshi-datadir="/media/truecrypt3/Misc/.bitcoin/blocks"', '--datadir="/media/truecrypt3/Misc/.armory"', '--dbdir="/media/truecrypt3/Misc/.armory/databases"']
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - loadBlockchainIfNecessary
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Setting netmode: 1
2017-04-11 21:04 (INFO) -- - Dashboard switched to "Scanning" mode

-INFO  - 1491915841: (BlockUtils.cpp:1521) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO  - 1491915841: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:169) Reading headers from db
-INFO  - 1491915841: (BitcoinP2P.cpp:783) Connected to Bitcoin node
-INFO  - 1491915842: (BDM_Server.cpp:797) registered bdv: 9c75834ac22060d0ba3f
-INFO  - 1491915852: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:208) Found 459145 headers in db
-INFO  - 1491915854: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:51) updating HEADERS db
-INFO  - 1491915858: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:477) Found next block after skipping 0bytes
-INFO  - 1491915860: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #823
-ERROR - 1491915862: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:353) block deser except:
-INFO  - 1491915868: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #824
-INFO  - 1491915873: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #825
-INFO  - 1491915877: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #827
-INFO  - 1491915885: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #828
-INFO  - 1491915889: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #829
-INFO  - 1491915893: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #831
-INFO  - 1491915901: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #832
-INFO  - 1491915905: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #833
-INFO  - 1491915908: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #835
-INFO  - 1491915917: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #836
-INFO  - 1491915922: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #837
-INFO  - 1491915923: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #838
-DEBUG - 1491915923: (Blockchain.cpp:242) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1491915929: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:56) updated HEADERS db in 32.257s
-INFO  - 1491915929: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:106) scanning new blocks from #457820 to #459045
-ERROR - 1491915937: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) raw data does not match expected block hash
-ERROR - 1491915937: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) raw data does not match expected block hash

Log file opened at 1491933877: /media/truecrypt3/Misc/.armory/dbLog.txt
-INFO  - 1491933877: (main.cpp:23) Running on 4 threads
-INFO  - 1491933877: (main.cpp:24) Ram usage level: 4
-INFO  - 1491933877: (BlockUtils.cpp:1338) blkfile dir: /media/truecrypt3/Misc/.bitcoin/blocks
-INFO  - 1491933877: (BlockUtils.cpp:1339) lmdb dir: /media/truecrypt3/Misc/.armory/databases
-INFO  - 1491933877: (lmdb_wrapper.cpp:388) Opening databases...
-INFO  - 1491933877: (BlockUtils.cpp:1521) Executing: doInitialSyncOnLoad
-INFO  - 1491933877: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:169) Reading headers from db
-INFO  - 1491933877: (BitcoinP2P.cpp:783) Connected to Bitcoin node
-INFO  - 1491933878: (BDM_Server.cpp:797) registered bdv: f032d47db2d2982ab527
-INFO  - 1491933887: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:208) Found 459145 headers in db
-INFO  - 1491933890: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:51) updating HEADERS db
-INFO  - 1491933894: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:477) Found next block after skipping 0bytes
-INFO  - 1491933896: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #823
-ERROR - 1491933899: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:353) block deser except:
-INFO  - 1491933905: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #824
-INFO  - 1491933910: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #825
-INFO  - 1491933916: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #827
-INFO  - 1491933926: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #828
-INFO  - 1491933930: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #829
-INFO  - 1491933935: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #831
-INFO  - 1491933947: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #832
-INFO  - 1491933958: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #833
-INFO  - 1491933967: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #835
-INFO  - 1491933976: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #836
-INFO  - 1491933980: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #837
-INFO  - 1491933983: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:268) parsed block file #838
-DEBUG - 1491933983: (Blockchain.cpp:242) Organizing chain
-INFO  - 1491933990: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:56) updated HEADERS db in 33.3963s
-INFO  - 1491933990: (DatabaseBuilder.cpp:106) scanning new blocks from #457820 to #459045
-ERROR - 1491933998: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) raw data does not match expected block hash
-ERROR - 1491933998: (BlockchainScanner.cpp:271) raw data does not match expected block hash

Title: Re: Transactions showing 0 confirmations in Armory, when infact they have 10s
Post by: goatpig on April 11, 2017, 10:07:21 PM
You'll have to rebuild & rescan