Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: pawel7777 on April 06, 2017, 09:05:51 PM

Title: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: pawel7777 on April 06, 2017, 09:05:51 PM

"Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer"

Gee, you don't say J Poon, what was your first clue.

Blockstream employees vs LN devs schism drama continues...

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: gentlemand on April 06, 2017, 09:12:45 PM
Is there anyone or anything who isn't trolling? Am I trolling myself? I must say though that them recruiting that 444 fella is pretty pathetic. He was intolerable when he wasn't getting paid, though I find it hard to believe he wasn't always getting paid.

If Bitcoin had a will of its own I think it might lock out every single human and tell them to climb a few mountains, or dig wells in Africa and come back in a few months with some perspective. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: anonymoustroll420 on April 06, 2017, 09:31:56 PM
Yes Bitcoin Core is running a super secretive chat room to discuss trolling raids and all other kinds of nefarious things

You can spy on them here

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: szpalata on April 07, 2017, 10:01:35 AM
Yes Bitcoin Core is running a super secretive chat room to discuss trolling raids and all other kinds of nefarious things

You can spy on them here

Got nothing out of the spying mission.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: Lauda on April 07, 2017, 10:04:29 AM
"Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer"

Gee, you don't say J Poon, what was your first clue.

Blockstream employees vs LN devs schism drama continues...
This article is bullshit. If you read this article (also highly biased): [1], you will see that there is only 1 Bitcoin Core contributor. People who supporting Bitcoin Core running "trolling campaigns" != Bitcoin Core running "trolling campaigns".

This developer should be ashamed of himself for creating highly ambiguous and misleading statements.

[1] - Look at this bullshit:
This information provides further evidence of the Bitcoin Core propaganda machine and demonstrates the conclusive link between Bitcoin Core and the /r/Bitcoin moderation team. Everything written above is factual and verifiable.
Completely false. I wonder how much Ver & BugUnlimited pay for these articles. ::)

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: BillyBobZorton on April 07, 2017, 01:46:41 PM
Lol more bullshit articles by people under the Roger Ver paycheck, sad!!!

We are going to see more and more of those articles now trying to cover for the ASICBOOST debacle. The infowars is real.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: ebliever on April 07, 2017, 01:57:59 PM

Most people are disgusted with BU's lies, propaganda and attempt to seize control of Bitcoin. Calling us a "troll army" is pathetic.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: stompix on April 07, 2017, 02:03:03 PM
Oh god!!!!!

Right now everybody who is not saying the same thing as you is a troll.
Everything is fake news.
Everything is propaganda.

What's the next step?
Is there a limit to things we can take for granted that are 100% real ?

Welcome to the revival of the flat earth society.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: Qartada on April 07, 2017, 02:12:56 PM
I wonder how much Ver & BugUnlimited pay for these articles. ::)
I would avoid contradicting an argument unjustly accusing people of organised PR campaigns with unjust accusations of PR campaigns.  Doesn't take the argument anywhere.  In my view, what actually renders the article worthless is that Poon has no actual evidence to give himself.  As the article says,
We asked Poon to clarify, including naming the trolls and who organizes the trolling, but he said he’d “rather not escalate this, beyond my comment. I feel like it wouldn’t be helpful.”
If he can't give names and explanations, the article is worthless and that's why.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 07, 2017, 02:23:42 PM
Everything is fake news.
Everything is propaganda.

What's the next step?
Is there a limit to things we can take for granted that are 100% real ?

Welcome to the revival of the flat earth society.

The only answer is to take full responsibility for educating one's self.

We're in the information age. Lies told in the past, propped up for a long, long time by various establishment mouthpieces, are unravelling. The establishment appear displeased.

But are they really unhappy? The establishment have had a long, long time to think about how they will handle the effect that an information revolution would have on their status and control, and have been planning their mitigation of the effects for that same long, long time. You could argue that the Book of Revelations itself was a testament to the same logic: it's just a logical fact that if rulers tell lies to the masses to keep them under as much control as possible, planning for an era when the lies come undone makes alot of sense, and so writing the Book of Revelations was no prophecy, the writers had zero clue when it may happen, just that an apocalyptic unravelling of tyrannical lies was certain to happen eventually.

Expect "raining frogs", "cataclysms" and "mark of the beast" stuff, but not because of actual supernatural deities (which cannot exist by definition IMO), but because the self appointed gods of this world have planned to make these things happen, to scare those of subnormal intelligence into yet more compliance with authority figures telling them what to do. I don't know exactly what to expect, how could I, but I get the feeling things could be pretty serious for the human race in the coming years, these are like kids who don't want others playing with their toys, and they will not let go.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: xhiggy on April 07, 2017, 02:39:24 PM
Ok, everyone calm down. It's obvious that philosophically aligned people will work together to coordinate their efforts. Bitcoin has levels of consensus, not every decision is down to the individual.

Despite this, the allegations of collusion are serious and it's right to point them out. If there was ever an instance of those thought to be part of this coordination appealing to the number of people who agree with them as a reason to take their arguments seriously, then that is as or more serious than the allegations around ASICboost. It's anti-social behavior that gets in the way of productive teamwork.

The biggest cause for frustration is that the EC clients work to make these situations less frequent by letting equipment operators participate in a decision market to set these parameters and make these decisions. Decision markets have been proven to work very well, at least as good as institutions.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: Carlton Banks on April 07, 2017, 02:47:40 PM
the allegations of collusion are serious and it's right to point them out.

Extraordinary allegations require extraordinary proof. Poon provides no proof, but there is definitive proof of Poon himself behaving questionably (taking his sophomore Extension Blocks proposal to the establishment media before he took it to the development community, "accidentally" posting provocative personal emails to the development mailing list etc)

The only proof of bad faith comes from Joseph Poon, who alleges collusion with no proof.

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: JanpriX on April 07, 2017, 02:54:22 PM

"Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer"

Gee, you don't say J Poon, what was your first clue.

Blockstream employees vs LN devs schism drama continues...

In today's age, we are very susceptible to news/article that are just fabricated and don't have any real proof or evidence. On example of that is the article that you provided above. I can't find any believable bit of information in that article. I can't believe that someone's paying for that kind of article and the said written piece is so biased it made me cringe. 

Title: Re: Bitcoin Core Runs “Trolling Campaigns”, Says Lightning Network Developer
Post by: unamis76 on April 07, 2017, 03:14:20 PM
Although I find it odd that Core developers are purposefully running a "troll campaign", this shows us that there are attrition between people who want to implement LN and the person who had the LN idea to begin with... I guess that's not very beneficial to Core's long term plan.