Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: Dorky on April 08, 2017, 09:39:49 AM

Title: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Dorky on April 08, 2017, 09:39:49 AM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: klaaas on April 08, 2017, 09:46:09 AM
He got the best intends for bitcoin.
I like his speeches and opinions.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Dorky on April 08, 2017, 09:55:55 AM
He got the best intends for bitcoin.
I like his speeches and opinions.

You mean intents?

Tell me what do you think are his intents.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: sportis on April 08, 2017, 10:34:32 AM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

I really don't care why he does that. I had the chance to listen two of his speeches in meetups, with about 2 years interval and in both of them has some interesting things to say. I believe he is a talented entrepreneur and an excellent author too. But, why do you care about the Antonopoulos activities?


Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Dorky on April 08, 2017, 10:55:39 AM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

I really don't care why he does that. I had the chance to listen two of his speeches in meetups, with about 2 years interval and in both of them has some interesting things to say. I believe he is a talented entrepreneur and an excellent author too. But, why do you care about the Antonopoulos activities?


If you didn't care then back when bitcoin was worthless and unproven, then why do you care now?

1. What prompted you to start caring?
2. And why do you think this factor that prompted you to care, cares about you?

I don't care about his activities. I care about his intents.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: paul gatt on April 08, 2017, 11:00:49 AM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

He's a really bitcoin lover, only people who really love bitcoin can do such great things, it's a job that no one else can do except him. It is a great will and a great energy. Surely his love and understanding of bitcoin is endless. He did this because of bitcoin's development, because of people's understanding of bitcoin. I believe so. He is a powerful man.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Morbid on April 08, 2017, 11:16:24 AM
yes he has done great work to raise awareness regarding bitcoin & cryptocurrencies in general. being very well spoken its easy for a non technical people to understand this difficult subject..

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: SONG GEET on April 08, 2017, 11:59:44 AM
I don't care about his activities. I care about his intents.
May be he is holding so much bitcoin in his portfolio and many more for his client so he want to make bitcoin price grow significantly within next few years to make profit  ;D

If not how he is managing all his travel cost.  ::)

However i also like all his speeches.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Xester on April 08, 2017, 12:10:42 PM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

Andreas Antonopoulos is a man of bitcoin. He is well knowledgeable about the topics he is discussing and his opinions are good and well prepared. Another thing is that he is not biased but rather works using the facts that he garnered and analyzed. Sure thing is he is working hard not only for himself but for all of the bitcoin community.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: franky1 on April 08, 2017, 01:03:38 PM
andreas HAD noble intentions.

but when he started screaming loudly that segwit was utopia in 2015-16 before the code was even publicly available as a running bitcoin implementation. and even without seeing it using segwit keys on the network to know if it lives upto promise when co-mingling with native REAL bitcoin transactions..  i seen his new intentions.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: megynacuna on April 08, 2017, 01:27:43 PM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

He wants the best for Bitcoin and perhaps he must have huge investments in Bitcoin that if it goes down he will be a big loser so in his bid to save his head he might try to spend a few to save a lot. I like his speeches and since he's for the good cause he has my full support.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: isen on April 08, 2017, 01:55:11 PM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

The answer is simple, he is a Bitcoin enthusiast and one of the few "famous" people in the crypto world who is honest and doesn't have a hidden agenda.If I am not mistaken he is making a living with Bitcoin, but this is not bad at all he deserves every single satoshi he owns.Both of his books are must read, and all his speeches are a pleasure to watch, one of the best ways to introduce BTC to a newbie is to show him one of his videos.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Kprawn on April 08, 2017, 02:14:39 PM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

He found something that he was passionate about and also something that would pay for him to see the world.  ;) If I had his knowledge about the

subject and his gift to convey this knowledge to a audience... I would do it to. There are not a lot of people who are VERY knowledgeable about

something and at the same time... having a gift to teach other. { Some can do, but not teach }

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: jonald_fyookball on April 08, 2017, 02:22:02 PM
andreas HAD noble intentions.

but when he started screaming loudly that segwit was utopia in 2015-16 before the code was even publicly available as a running bitcoin implementation. and even without seeing it using segwit keys on the network to know if it lives upto promise when co-mingling with native REAL bitcoin transactions..  i seen his new intentions.

dark forces are at work

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Text on April 08, 2017, 02:38:11 PM
Let's just support him and appreciate what he had already done and his doing up to now, we are part of his journey and I think he wanted to share this opportunities to those who are still unaware and encourage to join the development of what we have now and of course to add more knowledge who are already part of this.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: franky1 on April 08, 2017, 02:50:46 PM
i still have respect for andreas..
just at 75% respect level instead of 100%

as for others
in 2012 i had 50% respect for maxwell (50% positive for some coding and 50% minus for attitude)
but since 2013 that dropped to about 1% respect due to how much the $70m investment and corporation structuring changed his bitcoin motives.. and yes they have changed him.

those "trusting" gmaxwell 100% based on his coding skills of pre 2014, are putting their heads in the sand to his post 2013 change in stance

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: cellard on April 08, 2017, 02:52:47 PM
He is very passionate for bitcoin and has been working hard for years. Was good to see that he corrected his stance and now understands why block size increase before segwit is stupid. With his UASF support we will get segwit soon without approval of Jihad.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: franky1 on April 08, 2017, 03:06:18 PM
He is very passionate for bitcoin and has been working hard for years. Was good to see that he corrected his stance and now understands why block size increase before segwit is stupid. With his UASF support we will get segwit soon without approval of Jihad.

lol do you understand segwit.

go on tell me why segwit helps.
hint: in relation to native key users that have not 'opted in'

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: cellard on April 08, 2017, 03:11:00 PM
He is very passionate for bitcoin and has been working hard for years. Was good to see that he corrected his stance and now understands why block size increase before segwit is stupid. With his UASF support we will get segwit soon without approval of Jihad.

lol do you understand segwit.

go on tell me why segwit helps.
hint: in relation to native key users that have not 'opted in'

Please don't waste my time with your antics. Segwit is good and no amount of your posts will convince anyone that segwit isn't a good idea, because there is no dumb conspiracy theory where everyone is pro segwit except you and Roger Ver and the rest are all wrong. You are wasting your time you know this right?

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Dorky on April 08, 2017, 03:18:56 PM
andreas HAD noble intentions.

but when he started screaming loudly that segwit was utopia in 2015-16 before the code was even publicly available as a running bitcoin implementation. and even without seeing it using segwit keys on the network to know if it lives upto promise when co-mingling with native REAL bitcoin transactions..  i seen his new intentions.

Andreas had (and still has) too noble intentions, to the extent they are questionable.

Questionable in a sense whether his works are voluntary and independent, or otherwise.

If they are truly noble, then I say they totally do not befit most of human natures that are generally selfish, lazy, greedy, inactive, lackadaisical, covetous, impartial, deceitful, etc etc.

Almost crusader-like, but facial structures and expressions do not indicate a person of noble intent.

Just because someone appears noble does not mean he has no hidden intent.

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: Dorky on April 08, 2017, 03:27:54 PM
Why do you think Andreas Antonopoulos is so hard at work (traveling around the world, giving speeches, etc) in creating awareness on bitcoin?

He found something that he was passionate about and also something that would pay for him to see the world.  ;) If I had his knowledge about the

subject and his gift to convey this knowledge to a audience... I would do it to. There are not a lot of people who are VERY knowledgeable about

something and at the same time... having a gift to teach other. { Some can do, but not teach }

How many people do you know/heard in your life that have similar level of passion as Andreas in a particular subject (does not matter what subject) and then goes all out traveling around the world, organizing seminars, talks, meeting people, teaching them, persuading them, etc etc on that particular subject, almost all year round, without seeking after financial/material/political gains in return?

Title: Re: Andreas Antonopoulos hard at work...?
Post by: franky1 on April 08, 2017, 05:23:25 PM

By doing so it ?solves? many issues that Bitcoin has. These benefits are laid out here.
-Malleability Fixes
-Linear scaling of sighash operations
-Signing of input values
-Increased security for multisig via pay-to-script-hash (P2SH)
-Malleability Fixes:
after activation no immediate fix.
what actually happens is users have to move funds to segwit keypairs (voluntarily opt-in)
its not solving Malleability because Malleability scammers wont opt in.
segwit does not simply prevent malleability for the whole network. people will still malleate tx's
while only some users who were innocent of not performing this attack in the first place are the only ones disabled from performing it by opting in

-Linear scaling of sighash operations
after activation no immediate fix
what actually happens is users have to move funds to segwit keypairs (voluntarily opt-in)
its not solving quadratics because quadratics scammers wont opt in.
infact the new rule core implementation actually causes more quadratics issues
core v0.12 maxtxsigops=4000 (<10seconds validation)
core v0.14 maxtxsigops=16000 (<8 minutes validation)
segwit does not simply prevent quadratics for the whole network. people will still do quadratic spamming, but now even more maliciously
while only some users who were innocent of not performing this attack in the first place are the only ones disabled from performing it by opting in

Signing of input values

When a hardware wallet signs a transaction, it can easily verify the total amount being spent, but can only safely determine the fee by having a full copy of all the input transactions being spent, and must hash each of those to ensure it is not being fed false data. Since individual transactions can be up to 1MB in size, this is not necessarily a cheap operation, even if the transaction being signed is itself quite small.

funny part is.. by changing to "signing of input values".. causes decreased security of multisig.
hint below

Increased security for multisig via pay-to-script-hash (P2SH)

Multisig payments currently use P2SH which is secured by the 160-bit HASH160 algorithm (RIPEMD of SHA256). However, if one of the signers wishes to steal all the funds, they can find a collision between a valid address as part of a multisig script and a script that simply pays them all the funds with only 80-bits (280) worth of work, which is already within the realm of possibility for an extremely well-resourced attacker.

so segwit one feature causes the need of another feature.. and that has been over played and exaggerated as to suggest LN cannot function without segwit. when infact segwit breaks security in one part to then repair the security.. making them combined. no benefit at all.

afterall an LN is just a 2in 2out tx.. not a 1mb tx like the 'signing of input' feature suggests its meant to avoid.
LN doesnt care about the 'signing of input' feature. because LN tx's will never be 1mb.

oh.. and funny part. it also reveals.. core actually are allowing a single tx to be 1mb!!! seriously. that should have been nipped in the bud years ago

Efficiency gains when not verifying signatures

Signatures for historical transactions may be less interesting than signatures for future transactions – for example, Bitcoin Core does not check signatures for transactions prior to the most recent checkpoint by default, and some SPV clients simply don’t check signatures themselves at all, trusting that has already been done by miners or other nodes. At present, however, signature data is an integral part of the transaction and must be present in order to calculate the transaction hash.

Segregating the signature data allows nodes that aren’t interested in signature data to prune it from the disk, or to avoid downloading it in the first place, saving resources.

this is the silliest one of all
if you dont want to be a validation node.. just dont run a full node.
lets node degrade the full node count by pretending a prunned node is a full node..
why even do such a thing of putting litenode features in a full node, other nodes can then no longer sync from it meaning it starts creating a cesspit of nodes that cant sync from each other

Block capacity/size increase

Since old nodes will only download the witness-stripped block, they only enforce the 1 MB block size limit rule on that data. New nodes, which understand the full block with witness data, are therefore free to replace this limit with a new one, allowing for larger block sizes. Segregated witness therefore takes advantage of this opportunity to [useless] limit to nearly 4 MB, and adds a new cost limit to ensure blocks remain balanced in their resource use (this effectively results in an effective limit closer to 1.6 to 2 MB).

only if EVERY transaction inside the native 1mb block has opted in to segwit keypair funding, to then let their witness hang outside the native base block.. emphasis. only if everyone moves to use segwit keypairs