Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Speculation => Topic started by: megashira1 on April 12, 2017, 05:10:48 PM

Title: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: megashira1 on April 12, 2017, 05:10:48 PM
We've seen this many times before folks. Bitcoin is in a supposed new paradigm and Moon is impending. We all know how this is going to turn out.

"The four most dangerous words in investing are: 'this time it's different.'" - Sir John Templeton

Here's some material to keep you Bulltards more level headed in this time of crisis.

Blockstream has betrayed us ( - April 14th

Bitcoin has failed (
Bitcoin Core is corrupt (
Bitcoin needs to Hard Fork (
Bitcoin needs on chain scaling to survive (
Bitcoin has been hijacked (
Segwit is poison (
Segwit is dangerous (
Bankers bought out Core (
Core is attacking bitcoin (

"Every once in a while, the market does something so stupid it takes your breath away." - Jim Cramer

"Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett


Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: york780 on April 12, 2017, 06:18:06 PM
I agree with you. Let us bear together my friend. Whats your target?

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: iamnotback on April 12, 2017, 07:51:38 PM
When all you have is hammer, everything is a thumb.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: york780 on April 12, 2017, 07:57:28 PM
When all you have is hammer, everything is a thumb.
Man you really are on a mission arent you? ^^

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: ImHash on April 12, 2017, 08:00:22 PM
When all you have is hammer, everything is a thumb.
Where is your BTC will not change and will stay the same and LTC will be the next thing speech?

I can't get my head around it, either you are in bitcoin for what it'll bring in the next decades or you are just playing a game and trading/ gain/ loss is more of a hobby for you to care for short time speculation on prices and acting upon them.
At least we should know by now that bitcoin is not really a present time technology, the concept of such a game changer system is too big for our generation to swallow, well at least I'm in this for 5-10 years later can't say the same thing about cry babies constantly worrying about few dollars fluctuations.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: Okurkabinladin on April 12, 2017, 08:05:25 PM
I agree with you. Let us bear together my friend. Whats your target?

Finabocci is principle as old and useful as Universe itself.

Retesting 1000 would be actually quite bullish at this point as it would confirm strong bull trend.

Falling back to 800-850 would be also bullish, highlighting either market capitulation and removal of weak hands (meaning incoming ATH) or consolidation at the new market bottom.

Any less and we are looking at trouble.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: JohnUser on April 12, 2017, 08:22:18 PM
So "iamnotback" lock the topic and you create this new one because he really don't came back? (not so bad in my mind when i read last post on it ;)

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: york780 on April 12, 2017, 08:28:41 PM
So "iamnotback" lock the topic and you create this new one because he really don't came back? (not so bad in my mind when i read last post on it ;)
He kicked me out of his topic also because I dont support hit LTC bullshit haha ::)

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: york780 on April 12, 2017, 08:32:15 PM
I agree with you. Let us bear together my friend. Whats your target?

Finabocci is principle as old and useful as Universe itself.

Retesting 1000 would be actually quite bullish at this point as it would confirm strong bull trend.

Falling back to 800-850 would be also bullish, highlighting either market capitulation and removal of weak hands (meaning incoming ATH) or consolidation at the new market bottom.

Any less and we are looking at trouble.
Yes I know the theory but there is one thing I dont understand, or its something what makes this theory invalid/useless.
Bottom=0% on 25-03-17 right?
Pullbacks or resistance expected on 23,6% right?
So the bottomprice has to increase with 1,236 and after that a pullback has to occur (or its likely) to make this theory valid?
And after that the bottom on 25-3-17 x 1,382 to have the next pullback?

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: HabBear on April 12, 2017, 08:33:31 PM
"Bulls make money, bears make money, pigs get slaughtered." ~Unknown

"Wall St. - starts as a river and ends in a graveyard." ~Literally, Wall St. starts at the East River and ends at Broadway, where the Trinity Church Cemetery is located.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: iamnotback on April 12, 2017, 08:49:08 PM
So many more people with sore thumbs than I thought. Lol, I was only replying ( to OP then all these other guys volunteer their culpability.  :D

P.S. I archived this page ( for posteriority.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: mrverax on April 13, 2017, 02:51:19 AM
"egotism is a disease of the incapable, and vanishes or nearly vanishes among the super-capable." - ESR

The volumes of discourse you've left here thus far teem with egotism. 
Is it the deterioration of your physical health that allows your ego to get the best of you?
Are you incapable or super-capable?

Those are rhetorical...

The one question I have for you:  when will you publish your white paper?   

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: iamnotback on April 13, 2017, 03:59:36 AM
The volumes of discourse you've left here thus far teem with egotism.

I am ROTFLMAO that you the egotist who just doesn't get the meaning of what you quote:

I’m not speaking abstractly here. I’ve always been more interested in doing the right thing than doing what would make me popular, to the point where I generally figure that if I’m not routinely pissing off a sizable minority of people I should be pushing harder. In the language of psychology, my need for external validation is low; the standards I try hardest to live up to are those I’ve set for myself. But one of the differences I can see between myself at 25 and myself at 52 is that my limited need for external validation has decreased.

And yet, there are people out there who are going to read the previous paragraph and think “Oh, that’s Eric’s ego again. The blowhard.” I’ve had a lot of time to get used to such reactions over the last decade, but it’s still hard for me not to collapse in helpless laughter at the implied degree of Not Getting It.

I think there are a couple of different reasons people tend to falsely attribute pathological, oversensitive egos to A-listers. Each reason is in its own way worth taking a look at.

The first and most obvious reason is projection. “Wow, if I were as talented as Terry Pratchett, I know I’d have a huge ego about it, so I guess he must.” Heh. Trust me on this; he doesn’t. This kind of thinking reveals a a lot about somebody’s ego and insecurity, alright, but not Terry’s.

There’s a flip side to projection that I think of as the “Asimov game”. I met Isaac Asimov just a few months before he died. Isaac had long been notorious for broadly egotistical behavior and a kind of cheerful bombast that got up a lot of peoples’ noses. But if you ever met him, and you were at all perceptive, you might see that it was all a sort of joke. Isaac was laughing inside at everyone who took his “egotism” seriously – and, at the same time, watching hungrily for people who could see through the self-parody, because they might – might – actually be among the vanishingly tiny minority that constituted his actual peers. The Asimov game is a constant temptation to extroverted A-listers; I’ve been known to fall into it myself. It’s not really anybody’s fault that a lot of people are fooled by it.

Another confusing fact is that though A-listers may not be about ego or status competition, they will often play such games ruthlessly and effectively when that gets them something they actually want. The something might be more money from a gig, or a night in the hay with an attractive wench, or whatever; the point is, if you catch an A-lister in that mode, you might well mistake for egotism some kinds of display behavior that actually serve much more immediate and instrumental purposes. Your typical A-lister in that situation (and this includes me, now) is blithely unconcerned that a bystander might think he’s egotistical; the money or the wench or the whatever is the goal, not the approval or disapproval of bystanders.

Finally, a lot of people confuse arrogance with ego. A-listers (and I am including myself, again, this time) are, as a rule, colossally arrogant. That is, they have utter confidence in their ability to meet challenges that would humble or break most people.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: pooya87 on April 13, 2017, 04:17:36 AM
So "iamnotback" lock the topic and you create this new one because he really don't came back? (not so bad in my mind when i read last post on it ;)

i think he locked that topic because of the disaster he put himself into yesterday. i mean i rarely even look at the long essays he writes but yesterday was particularly an interesting show.
it seemed like every hour he changed his mind.
it was like this:
- i bought ETH, LTC is getting dumped
- i sold ETH and bought LTC, LTC to the moon
- i sold LTC, that is a shit market i saw wedgie but they dumped, i bought ETH again
- no wait i sold ETH and bought LTC
this last one is a gem:
- ahhh, they saw my post so they dumped LTC fuck them all it is manipulated

@iamnotback i am going to go ahead and say it, you are stressing yourself out on trading my friend. stay away that doesn't seem to suit you.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: iamnotback on April 13, 2017, 04:25:18 AM
So "iamnotback" lock the topic and you create this new one because he really don't came back? (not so bad in my mind when i read last post on it ;)

i think he locked that topic because of the disaster he put himself into yesterday. i mean i rarely even look at the long essays he writes but yesterday was particularly an interesting show.
it seemed like every hour he changed his mind.
it was like this:
- i bought ETH, LTC is getting dumped
- i sold ETH and bought LTC, LTC to the moon
- i sold LTC, that is a shit market i saw wedgie but they dumped, i bought ETH again
- no wait i sold ETH and bought LTC
this last one is a gem:
- ahhh, they saw my post so they dumped LTC fuck them all it is manipulated

@iamnotback i am going to go ahead and say it, you are stressing yourself out on trading my friend. stay away that doesn't seem to suit you.

Predicted the +25% blast off of LTC a couple of hours before it happened and announced it all of the forum for the benefit of all, then sold LTC at the top, bought ETH caused a rise and profited, sold ETH bought back into LTC for the second rise, sold that top and bought back into ETH and caused a second rise which is up 11%. Said LTC would continue to decline which it has.

I am so accurate that you might accuse me of being in control of the markets.  8)

Yeah I am the one who is confused about trading.  :D

So many dudes with sore thumbs. See the animation I provided as you resemble it.

Egotism is most definitely the disease of the incapable.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: JohnUser on April 13, 2017, 05:49:06 AM
@iamnotback i am going to go ahead and say it, you are stressing yourself out on trading my friend. stay away that doesn't seem to suit you.

Yes i agree that he look like stress but his advice was good.

When i said it lock i was talking about last post i saw on it, saying the world is mad because of female and blablabla.

@Imnotback : Everyone can open is prediction, juts remove message you don't like, as afrikoin did many times for me for example. And I'm sure he remove many others. Anyway we all saw that you said on many many threads to buy LTC right in time, so thanks to you again. Now, just keep cool.. maybe more pple should thanks to you, but with a topic lock they can't.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: mrverax on April 13, 2017, 06:16:56 AM
"I am ROTFLMAO that you the egotist who just doesn't get the meaning of what you quote:"

I get it. 

In the context of your egoic attraction to Eric's blog post (
and in the context of my question to you:

when will you publish your white paper?

Your paper should clarify whether you are super-capable or incapable, as inferred from what I quoted from Eric's blog post:  "egotism is a disease of the incapable, and vanishes or nearly vanishes among the super-capable."

Re: ego

ego = mind-made sense of self that arises with the identification with thought.

Perhaps you'll find this helpful...

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: galaxiekyl on April 13, 2017, 07:11:49 AM
i hope this thread doesn't process of @imnotback 2..I don't know why you focus on this gy but it isn't the center of world..well i hope.

so..but I agree that the market is skeptical..i read somewhere, that the community to very badly reacted when it learned that ltc was not resistant ascics..the old ghosts always come back one day or this doge story wich has kill this shit coin after the fight.

so..Lite coin could suffer from disdain of consideration of his supporters and be only a piece of dump ?

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: ~Bitcoin~ on April 13, 2017, 07:47:42 AM
"Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett
Be fearful when others are greedy = Sell your holdings when others are buying at peak being greedy
Be greedy when others are fearful = Buy when others are dumping being panic on FUD.

Nobody understand Trading better than Warren Buffet.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: iamnotback on April 13, 2017, 09:28:42 AM
"Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett

Yes,its his famous rule.I too follow his rule.Its just saying act in the opposite direction of what most investors do.If you follow this rule,you could get potential coins at very cheap price and sell them when its price rises and every one starts buying.

How would you apply that rule to LTC right now ( given the unknown hashrate that Jihan controls?

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: stompix on April 13, 2017, 10:36:42 AM
So if you take a look at the speculation section, ignore a few trolls according to this damn rule you should always sell.
Usually the optimism sinks only after it is too late to sell and the cat is bouncing back again.

I will stick to the "opposite of adam" indicator.
Or to the "troll increase" alert.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: BrewMaster on April 13, 2017, 02:54:04 PM
speculation board needs a tag system (something like those little coins during April fools day).

tags saying all the bullshit or correct calls people made. i wonder how many accounts will be abandoned because of being full of it on many occasions if such feature were to be introduced in this board :)

the thing is, to a newbie what other people say always seem to be right. but to someone who has been around for a while and has seen things, no matter how hard you try to make what you say "right" it will never be. and it will never be forgotten when you are actually "right" as it won't be forgotten when you are actually "wrong"

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: york780 on April 13, 2017, 03:00:27 PM
speculation board needs a tag system (something like those little coins during April fools day).

tags saying all the bullshit or correct calls people made. i wonder how many accounts will be abandoned because of being full of it on many occasions if such feature were to be introduced in this board :)

the thing is, to a newbie what other people say always seem to be right. but to someone who has been around for a while and has seen things, no matter how hard you try to make what you say "right" it will never be. and it will never be forgotten when you are actually "right" as it won't be forgotten when you are actually "wrong"

Yes some rating system or just + or - it like youtube. Would be fun

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: iamnotback on April 13, 2017, 06:29:27 PM
and it will never be forgotten when you are actually "right" as it won't be forgotten when you are actually "wrong"

Actually the opposite is true, because people always blame their mistakes on someone else. So I get no credit for the numerous times I've been correct, and people invent mirages in their mind of how I was wrong, when it was really their own mistake.

I've found that I can be the first to make a very important correct statement, then it spreads around the forum and suddenly everybody thinks it was their idea and nobody knows who was the original seed.

This is why fungible money can be a useful information tool, because it measures phenomenons that humans can't accurately appraise (measure). He who has the most money was the one who was correct more than anyone else. Bullshit walks, money talks.

Note however that fungible money has some serious drawbacks (, such as that it is a winner-take-all power vacuum (

Yes some rating system or just + or - it like youtube. Would be fun

Not fun for those who aren't idiots. It would be a clusterfuck power vacuum of ignorance and politics, just like democracy. As if this forum needs more of that.  ::)

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: pitham1 on April 13, 2017, 11:55:27 PM
So if you take a look at the speculation section, ignore a few trolls according to this damn rule you should always sell.
Usually the optimism sinks only after it is too late to sell and the cat is bouncing back again.

I will stick to the "opposite of adam" indicator.
Or to the "troll increase" alert.

Bitcointalk is a very biased indicator of the market.
Most people here have Bitcoin in their blood. You should start selling when every Tom, Dick and Harry outside of bitcointalk starts purchasing bitcoins.

Title: Re: Speculation Rule: sell when others are irrationally optimistic or too exuberant
Post by: Dimelord on April 25, 2017, 07:20:53 AM
We've seen this many times before folks. Bitcoin is in a supposed new paradigm and Moon is impending. We all know how this is going to turn out.

"The four most dangerous words in investing are: 'this time it's different.'" - Sir John Templeton

Here's some material to keep you Bulltards more level headed in this time of crisis.

Blockstream has betrayed us ( - April 14th

Bitcoin has failed (
Bitcoin Core is corrupt (
Bitcoin needs to Hard Fork (
Bitcoin needs on chain scaling to survive (
Bitcoin has been hijacked (
Segwit is poison (
Segwit is dangerous (
Bankers bought out Core (
Core is attacking bitcoin (

"Every once in a while, the market does something so stupid it takes your breath away." - Jim Cramer

"Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful." - Warren Buffett

I too follow the golden words of warren buffet and i used to buy any asset when every one is selling and sell back when every one is buying.I have gained more profits by following this rule.It implies that we should not follow the market trends blindly and not to buy or sell getting panic.