Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: mskryxz on April 24, 2013, 10:11:11 PM

Title: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: mskryxz on April 24, 2013, 10:11:11 PM
Are there any must have anti-virus programs anti-spy ware that you guys would recommend on a computer that holds the bitcoin/litecoins?

I know backing it up constantly and/or securing it on a usb in a safe place is the best way. But what about just having a secure computer/network what do you experts recommend?

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: FTWbitcoinFTW on April 24, 2013, 10:13:36 PM

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: fr33d0miz3r on April 24, 2013, 10:15:44 PM
also don't forget about brainware

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: matthewh3 on April 24, 2013, 10:15:52 PM


Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: FlappySocks on April 24, 2013, 10:19:36 PM

Yeah, what's Anti-Virus?

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: FTWbitcoinFTW on April 24, 2013, 10:20:40 PM


Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: xane on April 24, 2013, 10:21:04 PM

also, pfsense.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: glendall on April 24, 2013, 10:26:52 PM
Linux is the correct answer!

But if you wanna stay with Windows, I recommend daily passive scans with IMHO the two best currently available scanners, Malwarebytes and Hitman Pro.  On top of that you'll want a decent firewall program, such as Comodo.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: FlappySocks on April 24, 2013, 10:29:49 PM

I was being facetious.  I switched to Linux on the desktop over 10 years ago. Never looked back. Never had a virus or walware.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: MysteryMiner on April 24, 2013, 11:14:00 PM
No need for antivirus or firewall programs under Windows. All new viruses are checked for undetectability by antivirus software and firewall only increases system vulnerability by modifying network stack.

Install latest security patches from Microsoft. Install them by manual download from Microsoft Technet. Scan system for vulnerabilities with MBSA. Learn to use your brain when dealing with executable files, software installs and configuration of software. Learn how your computer really works and not listen to antivirus vendor babble.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: ArticMine on April 24, 2013, 11:29:37 PM
GNU/Linux. The bottom line is that if one wishes to use currencies, Bitcoin and Litecoin, whose entire security models depend upon software and hardware freedom, it only makes sense to use a Free Software operating system.

PS: I have not trusted Microsoft Windows for online fiat banking/credit card use since long before Bitcoin even existed for the very same reasons that concern the OP. Bitcoin and Litecoin only raise the ante by many orders of magnitude.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: acoindr on April 24, 2013, 11:39:18 PM
Are there any must have anti-virus programs anti-spy ware that you guys would recommend ...

This is my approach to anti-virus programs - as I told my family and friends (after ridding their computers of viruses). Think how big the anti-virus industry is. Now think what would happen to anti-virus companies if there were no more virus problems.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: franky1 on April 25, 2013, 12:05:52 AM

or if a windows fan

STOP downloading random software.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: runeks on April 25, 2013, 01:53:16 AM
Two very important tips, in my opinion:

  • Use a safe browser. Google Chrome or Firefox
  • Enable "click to play" for plugins (Flash and Java primarily)

This "click to play"-feature is really valuable. A lot of malware these days gets in via Flash or Java exploits.

And never run a Java applet from a site that you don't trust. If you go looking for a site that can download YouTube videos, and it requires you to run a Java plugin, keep looking. You are essentially agreeing to run a program on your computer that you have no idea what does. It's the equivalent of someone knocking on your door and asking "can I do all the things that are written on the pieces of paper I have in my suitcase" and you're not allowed to read what's on those pieces of paper in the suitcase before deciding.

Also, keeping all your software up-to-date is important. This is another reason to recommend Linux. Doing so is a hassle on Windows, but Linux just makes it incredibly easy.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: loanexpress on April 25, 2013, 02:00:03 AM
Put 99% of your bitcoins in cold storage eg. a non-network connected eeepc or something with Armory installed. And live safe in the knowledge that only 1% of your coins are at risk in your normal hot wallet on your normal use PC - use these for small purchases etc. You can still do large purchases from your cold wallet by spending an extra 2 minutes signing the transaction off-line with a usb stick, and considering it'll take way longer than that for the transaction to confirm in any case it's not a big deal.

With some googling you'll find plenty of tutorials on how to do this.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: Meuh6879 on January 02, 2015, 10:27:41 AM
isolated PC.

hidded in library ...  ;D

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: sandykho47 on January 02, 2015, 10:55:45 AM
For windows ?
Use antivirus for business/enterpise with 24/7 support

For linux ?
You don't need one, but better use linux distribution special for security

Best solution ?
Isolated PC / paper wallet  :)

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: eid on January 02, 2015, 10:56:18 AM

The Americans have a great saying that I use a lot, "There aint no such thing as a free lunch"....

Yes there is. It is called Linux.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: Q7 on January 02, 2015, 11:22:34 AM
On my desktop that contains small amount of bitcoin (most in paper wallet) I will download this

Also just for precautions I have 2 separate pc. One used for downloading software, games and another basically uses only the software after confirmed safe by the first one.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: Lethn on January 02, 2015, 11:40:53 AM
I hear people often mention malwarebytes which seems like a reasonable piece of software, a lot less spyware like than most and they have a free version.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: innocent93 on January 02, 2015, 12:09:46 PM
Personally I recommend Norton Internet Security for Windows and here is my advice:
Never handle your coin in Windows desktop system if you are a online wallet user,transfer, transaction and even the account creating can be handled in a secure operating system like iOS without jailbreak.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: mindrust on January 02, 2015, 12:16:13 PM
The best is Linux.

The second best is kaspersky.

Interesting no one mentioned Kaspersky.

I personally never install any crapware programs. I am not stupid enough to open spam mails and download the exe's, but while i am surfing some xxx or similar sites, my kis finds trojans and prevents me getting infected.

Using kaspersky for almost 5 years, i am happy with it overall.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: KeyserSozeMC on January 02, 2015, 12:17:04 PM
Linux OS :)

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: SargeR33 on January 02, 2015, 12:26:19 PM
I protect my computer with a range of software for specific tasks. At the end of the day though, you can't just get a virus on your system unless you ran something dodgy. The chances of someone attacking your home machine strictly for your BTC again is small, unless you were a HPT.

Just be cautious with what you run, what you download and where from. Touch wood, I have not had any invasive software on my systems for 11 years. I think the last time I did was the 60 second shutdown virus on Windows XP.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: CrackedLogic on January 02, 2015, 12:33:16 PM
I use AVG and malawarebytes on my windows machine.
On my Linux which is running Ubuntu 14.10,I don't use anything. It's not needed on Linux at the moment and most likely will never be needed.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: SirChiko on January 02, 2015, 12:58:36 PM
Combine spybot+nod32 and you should be fine!

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: HCLivess on January 02, 2015, 01:23:14 PM

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: LiteCoinGuy on January 02, 2015, 05:08:06 PM
malewarebytes and kaspersky i guess.

and then use a hardware-wallet and be even more secure:


Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: julian071 on January 02, 2015, 05:27:35 PM
I just use Comodo firewall and haven't had a problem in 10+ years. I run Malwarebytes once every couple of months but never any detections. Computer is on 24/7.

Best advice was already given: try and prevent problems. Don't go to dodgy sites. Don't download and install cracked software or freeware that's too good to be true. Use a decent webbrowser. Keep java and flash up to date.

One thing I did not read yet: install an adblocker. Many virusses are distributed via online ads, because they have such a huge reach.

However, I do think that times are changing. With more and more ppl getting into crypto, it's getting mote and more profitable to do some cyber burglary instead of regular burglary. It follows automatically that this will start to happen more. So I decided to upgrade my security by buying a second PC (an Intel NUC). That will be online 24/7, my main PC will be powered down most of the time.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: rubenelportero on January 02, 2015, 09:49:11 PM
Well, the best way is the Linux OS without internet conection (only when you need send bitcoin) but if you need to use Windows, my recommendation is "Norton anti-virus".

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: DaNksta on January 02, 2015, 09:55:42 PM
The best antivirus / anti malware is preventing ever getting it in the first place. Theres so much newer malware and viruses that antivirus programs don't yet have signatures for which makes them largely undetectable.

Just be safe, don't download stuff from places or people you don't trust, be really careful before running or installing anything, dont open random emails/attatchments, be careful what you click/download and even of some pages you visit that can have malicious scripts when browsing the internet.   Be VERY careful about clicking RUN and YES when it asks you if you want to run or allow something to run.

If you do all that - you shouldn't really need antivirus or antimalware. If those things detect any REAL malware then it's likely your system has hundreds or thousands of undetected malware/viruses anyways.

Smart to keep all your important files and stuff on an external hard drive and every so often just reformat your pc and reinstall everything.
I burned all my software, a copy of windows, and the latest drivers/driver updates onto dvds so when I reformat its just a matter of installing stuff one by one, instead of having to redownload everything. Reformatting really is the best (only?) way to ensure your system is truly safe.

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: needFREElunch on January 03, 2015, 07:19:18 PM
malewarebytes and kaspersky i guess.

and then use a hardware-wallet and be even more secure:

I use AVG and malawarebytes on my windows machine.
On my Linux which is running Ubuntu 14.10,I don't use anything. It's not needed on Linux at the moment and most likely will never be needed.

I hear people often mention malwarebytes which seems like a reasonable piece of software, a lot less spyware like than most and they have a free version.
I hope you all are kidding. This is a horrible program and there are actually several malware that will actually redirect your searches for antivirus programs to malwareytes.

Most anti-virus programs are really not going to protect your bitcoin because most malware/virus are going to be custom made by people with the specific intent of stealing your specific bitcoin/private keys. Any antivirus program will likely not be able to catch such programs

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: elephantas1 on January 03, 2015, 07:33:15 PM
malewarebytes and kaspersky i guess.

and then use a hardware-wallet and be even more secure:

I use AVG and malawarebytes on my windows machine.
On my Linux which is running Ubuntu 14.10,I don't use anything. It's not needed on Linux at the moment and most likely will never be needed.

I hear people often mention malwarebytes which seems like a reasonable piece of software, a lot less spyware like than most and they have a free version.
I hope you all are kidding. This is a horrible program and there are actually several malware that will actually redirect your searches for antivirus programs to malwareytes.

Most anti-virus programs are really not going to protect your bitcoin because most malware/virus are going to be custom made by people with the specific intent of stealing your specific bitcoin/private keys. Any antivirus program will likely not be able to catch such programs
well im using that for 3 years if not more and never had problems like that

Title: Re: Best Anti-Virus Program to use? For Bitcoin security?
Post by: needFREElunch on January 03, 2015, 08:14:21 PM
malewarebytes and kaspersky i guess.

and then use a hardware-wallet and be even more secure:

I use AVG and malawarebytes on my windows machine.
On my Linux which is running Ubuntu 14.10,I don't use anything. It's not needed on Linux at the moment and most likely will never be needed.

I hear people often mention malwarebytes which seems like a reasonable piece of software, a lot less spyware like than most and they have a free version.
I hope you all are kidding. This is a horrible program and there are actually several malware that will actually redirect your searches for antivirus programs to malwareytes.

Most anti-virus programs are really not going to protect your bitcoin because most malware/virus are going to be custom made by people with the specific intent of stealing your specific bitcoin/private keys. Any antivirus program will likely not be able to catch such programs
well im using that for 3 years if not more and never had problems like that
I am just saying that the way they get people to buy their product is sketchy at best. Regardless you should follow good security protocol when trying to protect your bitcoin, not on some third party software