Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: The One on April 16, 2017, 09:38:34 PM

Title: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: The One on April 16, 2017, 09:38:34 PM
I7-4790k. 16gb memory.

The reason i am asking is because of all these comments by users on this forum:-
Huge computational requirement.
Expensive to run Full Node.
Consumes a lot of memory.
Takes to long to create blocks.

When i use my computer and run Bitcoin as Full node, i do keep my beady eye on the network meter and cpu usage in my sidebar. I have never seen it go over 2% according to all measurement i'd used to track what Bitcoin used. The most memory i've seen is 85mb which hardly makes a dent into 16gb. My browser with 12 tabs open does more work than Bitcoin. Electricity usage by Bitcoin is probably a penny per week.

Which begs the question - what crappy computer does these moaners use?

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: pereira4 on April 16, 2017, 09:46:40 PM
Quadcore from 2008, 8 gigs of DDR2 ram, 1 TB 7200 rpm, 9 mb internet connection. If they raise the blocksize to 2mb i will probably give up on running a node because today I can deal with it but I cannot be bothered if I have to download twice the amount and store twice the amount. Let alone higher blocksizes.

Not everyone here is wealthy, some of us are modest working class guys. Its not in my plan to upgrade my computer, it does everything I need just fine.
I will also be dumping BTC when I cant run my own node, since if you cant run your own node then bitcoin is pointless (by the time I will have upgraded, but the moral of the story is, conservative blocksize is preferred so as much people as possible can run nodes).

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: szpalata on April 16, 2017, 10:06:30 PM
Dell xps 14z, with 8gb RAM, core i7 processor. Very quick and efficient.

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: European Central Bank on April 16, 2017, 10:12:12 PM
i have enough computer power. my internet ain't so hot. officially it's unlimited. in reality they're happy to cap its ass with not a great deal of bandwidth used.

bandwidth is always gonna be the issue, not hardware. in america, supposedly a first world country, there are millions of people stuck with one provider, bandwidth caps and super slow internet.

i don't think i've ever read anyone complaining about hardware requirements for nodes. you can do it on a raspberry pi.

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: franky1 on April 16, 2017, 10:23:47 PM
Quadcore from 2008, 8 gigs of DDR2 ram, 1 TB 7200 rpm, 9 mb internet connection. If they raise the blocksize to 2mb i will probably give up on running a node because today I can deal with it but I cannot be bothered if I have to download twice the amount and store twice the amount. Let alone higher blocksizes.

Not everyone here is wealthy, some of us are modest working class guys. Its not in my plan to upgrade my computer, it does everything I need just fine.
I will also be dumping BTC when I cant run my own node, since if you cant run your own node then bitcoin is pointless (by the time I will have upgraded, but the moral of the story is, conservative blocksize is preferred so as much people as possible can run nodes).

the minspecs of bitcoin is still based on raspberry Pi.

so your pc is not gonna feel a thing.
also the 100gb is 8 years of data. and only recently gonna grow at 52gb a YEAR (not a week).
at 2mb it will grow at 100gb A YEAR(not a week)

seriously. you have bitten the fake scare stories of gigabytes by midnight. fake reddit scripts.
if you think rationally logically and naturally you will realise that you wont have any worry for a few years

and by the time your 1TB hard drive fills. it will be a few years and time to naturally upgrade your pc anyway
(average pc upgrade: gamers 12-18 months, office users 4-6 years)

in a few years a 4tb hard drive based pc and specs that will last 4-6 years will be the economy brand pc (working class pc)
2mb=104gb/year=624gb/6 years
4mb=208gb/year=1.3tb/6 years
8mb=208gb/year=2.6gb/6 years

so imagine say a year of 2mb and then 3 years of 4mb (4 years or 2021) your hard drive would be under 800gb of bitcoin data so ur current pc would be fine

then in 2021 you can upgrade to a better pc with say 4TB-8TB to last you many years

as for the internet
as long as your not gonna go full wetard and have 70+ connections then standard ADSL is more than capable. and with Fibre optics popping up everywhere, it wont be an issue in a few years.

even the 'great firewall of china' can happily play with 8mb blocks based on multiple connections node.

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: crairezx20 on April 16, 2017, 10:29:35 PM
I have 3 PC and 1 laptop which is my main used than the other 3 PC's
And i think it is enough to used and yeah like other said nodes don't need such more hardware requirements. internet speed is one of the issue?
I think its needs more internet speed use LTE internet so that when downloading the node you can not get any problem about it.

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: tonygal on April 16, 2017, 10:35:56 PM
I use an Asus Laptop. Intel i7-4510 with 12 GB of RAM and 1 TB of hard drive capacity.
I use it mainly for internet surfing and some office applications, the standard stuff I'd
say. But sometimes I have 50+ tabs open in my browser. I guess, that's what the 12 gig
of RAM are good for  ;D

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: Invisible Hand on April 16, 2017, 11:14:23 PM
4 x HP with ssd drives, 8 low budget monitors. No mining, but other Bitcoin stuff :)

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: The One on April 16, 2017, 11:19:20 PM
Quadcore from 2008, 8 gigs of DDR2 ram, 1 TB 7200 rpm, 9 mb internet connection. If they raise the blocksize to 2mb i will probably give up on running a node because today I can deal with it but I cannot be bothered if I have to download twice the amount and store twice the amount. Let alone higher blocksizes.

Not everyone here is wealthy, some of us are modest working class guys. Its not in my plan to upgrade my computer, it does everything I need just fine.
I will also be dumping BTC when I cant run my own node, since if you cant run your own node then bitcoin is pointless (by the time I will have upgraded, but the moral of the story is, conservative blocksize is preferred so as much people as possible can run nodes).

No need to give up. Your computer is perfectly fine. You will only be dl more if there is more transactions.

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: Invisible Hand on April 16, 2017, 11:21:09 PM
4 x HP with ssd drives, 8 low budget monitors. No mining, but other Bitcoin stuff :)

I can see I am not allowed to show photos because I'm a newbie... You'll have to click the link, it ges to the image hosted on my domain!

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: n0ne on April 17, 2017, 03:07:39 AM
Quadcore from 2008, 8 gigs of DDR2 ram, 1 TB 7200 rpm, 9 mb internet connection. If they raise the blocksize to 2mb i will probably give up on running a node because today I can deal with it but I cannot be bothered if I have to download twice the amount and store twice the amount. Let alone higher blocksizes.

Not everyone here is wealthy, some of us are modest working class guys. Its not in my plan to upgrade my computer, it does everything I need just fine.
I will also be dumping BTC when I cant run my own node, since if you cant run your own node then bitcoin is pointless (by the time I will have upgraded, but the moral of the story is, conservative blocksize is preferred so as much people as possible can run nodes).

No need to give up. Your computer is perfectly fine. You will only be dl more if there is more transactions.
As stated bitcoin is found good to be run with a moderately powered computer. As mentioned for a certain blocksize it is quite easy for everyone to run and earn from. But here most of such miners get affected if the blocksize goes beyond the limits as more as 2mb or higher than that. Only the large scale miners profit out of it.

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: Dorky on April 17, 2017, 03:31:04 AM
Quadcore from 2008, 8 gigs of DDR2 ram, 1 TB 7200 rpm, 9 mb internet connection. If they raise the blocksize to 2mb i will probably give up on running a node because today I can deal with it but I cannot be bothered if I have to download twice the amount and store twice the amount. Let alone higher blocksizes.

Not everyone here is wealthy, some of us are modest working class guys. Its not in my plan to upgrade my computer, it does everything I need just fine.
I will also be dumping BTC when I cant run my own node, since if you cant run your own node then bitcoin is pointless (by the time I will have upgraded, but the moral of the story is, conservative blocksize is preferred so as much people as possible can run nodes).

How much do you actually earn with solo mining?

I thought it's not profitable to do solo mining?

Title: Re: What computer do you lot use?
Post by: Amph on April 17, 2017, 05:51:28 AM
i've alwasy thought the same, everyone nowadays run a big badass end gaming computer, what a full node should do to this beast? nothing

also with the last cpu you can run a full node easily, and the IPS around the world all give 10-20MB already as a minimum unless maybe you are in third world country or something

Quadcore from 2008, 8 gigs of DDR2 ram, 1 TB 7200 rpm, 9 mb internet connection. If they raise the blocksize to 2mb i will probably give up on running a node because today I can deal with it but I cannot be bothered if I have to download twice the amount and store twice the amount. Let alone higher blocksizes.

Not everyone here is wealthy, some of us are modest working class guys. Its not in my plan to upgrade my computer, it does everything I need just fine.
I will also be dumping BTC when I cant run my own node, since if you cant run your own node then bitcoin is pointless (by the time I will have upgraded, but the moral of the story is, conservative blocksize is preferred so as much people as possible can run nodes).

How much do you actually earn with solo mining?

I thought it's not profitable to do solo mining?

only in bitcoin, soem altcoin can be solo mined easily, but not that profitable either, still they give a decent return some times