Bitcoin Forum

Other => MultiBit => Topic started by: bigasic on April 19, 2017, 10:40:44 PM

Title: multibit HD rebroadcast?
Post by: bigasic on April 19, 2017, 10:40:44 PM
I sent a small amount and I thought I raised my miners fee to one dollar, but it must have been for one transaction because the last one i did had the old amount and now the transaction is in limbo and hasnt had any confirmations for a few hours.

is there a way to rebroadcast it with a larger miners fee? what should i do, just wait it out?


Title: Re: multibit HD rebroadcast?
Post by: HCP on April 21, 2017, 01:34:25 AM
Don't calculate your fees on total fee amount... calculate them on a satoshis per byte basis, that will determine how attractive it is to the miners. For instance, a 200 byte transaction with a 0.001 btc fee is much more attractive than a 1000 byte transaction with a 0.001 btc fee... fee total is the same, but satoshi/byte is a LOT different (500 satoshis/byte vs. 100 satoshis/byte) ;)

Unless MultiBit HD sets your transaction as Replace-By-Fee... I wouldn't try double-spending, that might create even more problems. You could investigate a. the ViaBTC TX accelerator or b. "Child Pays For Parent" (CPFP) if one of the outputs of the transaction goes to an address you own.

Otherwise, your only option is to wait... and use fees appropriate to the transaction size next time :)

Title: Re: multibit HD rebroadcast?
Post by: bigasic on April 25, 2017, 06:12:50 PM
luckily the btc i was sending was to a close family member, i looked at her wallet and noticed that you could add more for a miner fee for a quicker transaction. ( Ive never seen this before) we added 50 cents(not sure the btc/kilobybte ratio) to the transaction on her end and boom, it was included in the next block. It was either a total coincedence or that feature really did work. (It was a small amount of btc anyways)

Ive had several issues with multibit, some scary, but i use a trezor with it and have gotten thru each issue with a wallet repair. the issues I've seen on this thread have made me wonder about multibithd...