Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: cochranizer666 on April 21, 2017, 09:56:13 PM

Title: Should Bitcoin Core be like the iPhone app Bitcoin Billionaire, mining-wise?
Post by: cochranizer666 on April 21, 2017, 09:56:13 PM
The stipulation is you have to run a full node. And no, there is no auto-tapping like in the game. You have to do it all yourself. There are no "improved amounts" per tap either.

Title: Re: Should Bitcoin Core be like the iPhone app Bitcoin Billionaire, mining-wise?
Post by: fanatic26 on April 21, 2017, 10:08:26 PM
These already exist, they are called faucets

Title: Re: Should Bitcoin Core be like the iPhone app Bitcoin Billionaire, mining-wise?
Post by: cochranizer666 on April 21, 2017, 10:14:56 PM
True, but what if Bitcoin Core itself was the faucet? No need for ads, no need for timeouts (unless people are draining the coin supply). On top of that, the amount of Bitcoin per click would be 1 Satoshi, for reasons involving motivating people to work and provide services, and, again, coin supply.

Probably not the most professional image, but it's there as a prototype.

Title: Re: Should Bitcoin Core be like the iPhone app Bitcoin Billionaire, mining-wise?
Post by: Amph on April 22, 2017, 10:37:02 AM
there was a proposal for getting something by running a full node, without tapping or anything, and i remember that user that were runnign a node via tor were getting payed not long time ago

but what you suggest doesn't make, sense why incorporate a faucet when you can just go there on and resolve your catpcha and get your peanuts in bitcoin?

and btw the tiemout is there to ensure that you don't spam with your bot to solve as many captcha as you want and get more than what the faucet can handle...

Title: Re: Should Bitcoin Core be like the iPhone app Bitcoin Billionaire, mining-wise?
Post by: Nagadota on April 22, 2017, 10:59:45 AM
there was a proposal for getting something by running a full node, without tapping or anything, and i remember that user that were runnign a node via tor were getting payed not long time ago

but what you suggest doesn't make, sense why incorporate a faucet when you can just go there on and resolve your catpcha and get your peanuts in bitcoin?

and btw the tiemout is there to ensure that you don't spam with your bot to solve as many captcha as you want and get more than what the faucet can handle...
The new Bitcoin is rightly introduced by people who contribute to the network.  How difficult it is to run a full node shouldn't change too much because hard drive sizes and bandwidth increase just as fast as the amount of them that you need to run it. is only running a free service because they can get ad revenue from giving out the dust payments.  Bitcoin Core wouldn't, unless they make it really annoying for everyone.  There's no point having dust payments in a full node, it wouldn't really legitimise running one or make people think it's a better idea, and it would be unclear why they would actually give out the satoshi.