Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: demonslayer on May 01, 2017, 06:47:50 PM

Title: Wtf is happening to the blockchain?
Post by: demonslayer on May 01, 2017, 06:47:50 PM
Btc is not confirmed?
Using 0,004 as fee
for less than 80$ btc.
Still not confirmed after HOURS ?
there are 2 transactions, all the transactions before were confirmed from days already then today I sent 2 transactions, which neither one got confirmed with an enough big fee as of 0,005~ each.
Someone have an explaination?
Got to the time to stop using btc? Unbelivable.
If it's an issue related to the block size this is a public "fuck you" to both ends, It's like watching 2 kids arguing.
That's the reason somebody should control and have the last word in this, just becouse people out there are morons, if something alike is possible I would suggest to stop the access to mining till the issue is resolved, this is unbelivable shit.
It's better not mining for 2-3 days till they get to an agreement than having (It's more than a month now) a month of transactions delayed 2-3-4-5 hours or even a day.

Title: Re: Wtf is happening to the blockchain?
Post by: SFR10 on May 01, 2017, 07:35:18 PM
Using 0,004 as fee
with an enough big fee as of 0,005~ each.
Which one is the correct fee? ;)

Someone have an explaination?
It depends, you have to include the transaction ID so we could help you out in determining the reason behind it. Also let us know which wallet provider you used for these transactions.

Will update this post with possible reason when you post the transaction ID.

Title: Re: Wtf is happening to the blockchain?
Post by: DannyHamilton on May 01, 2017, 11:23:17 PM
Btc is not confirmed?


Using 0,004 as fee
for less than 80$ btc.
Still not confirmed after HOURS ?


there are 2 transactions, all the transactions before were confirmed from days already then today I sent 2 transactions, which neither one got confirmed with an enough big fee as of 0,005~ each.
Someone have an explaination?

There are several possibilities.  Since you haven't provided a transactionID or any useful details, there's no way to know exactly what your problem is.

Got to the time to stop using btc?

Perhaps.  It still works fine for me, but perhaps it no longer meets your needs.


Very believable.

If it's an issue related to the block size this is a public "fuck you" to both ends, It's like watching 2 kids arguing.

How very adult of you.

That's the reason somebody should control and have the last word in this, just becouse people out there are morons,

Perhaps you should look into some currencies that are under centralized control if you prefer that some person or official group should "control and have the last word".  I hear the U.S. dollar is popular.

if something alike is possible I would suggest to stop the access to mining till the issue is resolved,

How do you suggest making that work?  Will you turn off all the electricity in the world?

this is unbelivable shit.

Very believable.

It's better not mining for 2-3 days till they get to an agreement than having (It's more than a month now) a month of transactions delayed 2-3-4-5 hours or even a day.

Properly formatted and broadcast transactions with sufficient fees rarely take more than an hour to confirm, and frequently confirm in less than 10 minutes.

Title: Re: Wtf is happening to the blockchain?
Post by: onnz423 on May 02, 2017, 05:02:53 AM
Maybe you have alot of inputs on the transaction, which increases fees on this particular case.
You should use a wallet which allows you to set your own fee. All that matters on this case is fee per byte etc, not how much is the total fee.
Move onto something more secure and customizable like electrum for example.
We can help you better if you provide us txid.