Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Project Development => Topic started by: LostWords on May 04, 2017, 09:19:06 PM

Title: Offering designing skills to interesting projects
Post by: LostWords on May 04, 2017, 09:19:06 PM
Hi guys,

People said that you need to offer your skills to get some Bitcoin-income so I gave it a thought and decided to do so. I see many development projects where the programming seems to be fine but, even finished websites that are here for years, with horrible designs. I strongly believe that a professional looking logo and professional design makes a site or company look more trustworthy and overall way way better. So, here I am: offering my services for good projects. Are there bitcointalkers with projects that need or want help?

Title: Re: Offering designing skills to interesting projects
Post by: btc junkie on May 05, 2017, 02:19:12 AM
any past design jobs you can show us?

Title: Re: Offering designing skills to interesting projects
Post by: rico666 on May 05, 2017, 08:33:15 AM
even finished websites that are here for years, with horrible designs. ... Are there bitcointalkers with projects that need or want help?

any past design jobs you can show us?

Yup. I know I suck at graphical design and so does everybody else around me. That's why in my real-life job no one let's me near doing gfx-design things.
OTOH, normally (in my real-life job), people who apply as frontend-beautifiers bring along some portfolio to demonstrate what they think not being "horrible designs".

@OP: You might want to point everyone interested to your portfolio.

Title: Re: Offering designing skills to interesting projects
Post by: LostWords on May 05, 2017, 11:38:07 AM
Uhm, yeah. Sure. I have an outdated website that I have made for someone that I know his company: and this site: . The latter one was a template but completely modified to the point that only the menu and shop-items-positions are like they were. Everything else, including the logo is made by me.

That's what I can show you guys. I have nothing else 'online' and I can't post images properly from logo's that I have made while being a newbie is what I have understand so, if you guys like I can upload a couple logo's but these are a couple of examples.