Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Technical Support => Topic started by: EODCrafter on May 11, 2017, 12:53:21 AM

Title: Receive while offline mistake
Post by: EODCrafter on May 11, 2017, 12:53:21 AM
I'm sure this has happened before but I want to make sure my coins are safe. I accidentally sent my coins from Electrum to my offline Armory wallet before ever being online. Newbie mistake, I know, but once I'm online after the mega bitcore download will my coins still appear in my armory wallet?
Thanks in advance.

BTW, If the coins are lost I recommend removing this feature instead of the disclaimer for stupid people like me. Your reputation as a Company would be a lot greater IMHO. Oh wait, this is Bitcoin not Armory Lol....Help anyway Please?

Title: Re: Receive while offline mistake
Post by: achow101 on May 11, 2017, 01:36:17 AM
Your wallet does not need to be online to receive Bitcoin.

Technically, there is no such thing as a "Bitcoin" that is sent to your computer directly. What happens is that a transaction is created, and in that transaction is an output that you can spend. Said transaction is broadcast to everyone on the network and is included in the blockchain once the transaction has a confirmation. When your wallet next goes online, it will scan the blockchain for all transactions that contain outputs it can spend and for transactions that have spent from outputs that it can spend and then update accordingly.

Title: Re: Receive while offline mistake
Post by: EODCrafter on May 11, 2017, 01:40:23 AM
Thanks for the reply! Bitcoin Core is still estimated at 12 hours for the download  :o

Title: Re: Receive while offline mistake
Post by: DannyHamilton on May 11, 2017, 02:13:05 PM
- snip -
sent my coins from Electrum to my offline Armory wallet before ever being online.
- snip -

I assume your Electrum was online?

If not, then it failed to broadcast the transaction to the network, and your Electrum still has access to the bitcoins.

If so, then...

Your offline Armory wallet should never be online.  That's why its called an Offline Armory Wallet.

Your online "watching only Armory wallet" can be online.

Your reputation as a Company would be a lot greater IMHO. Oh wait, this is Bitcoin not Armory Lol....Help anyway Please?

I assume you are aware that neither Bitcoin nor Armory are companies?  They are both open source projects with no official business or organization behind them to care about a reputation.

Title: Re: Receive while offline mistake
Post by: EODCrafter on May 11, 2017, 11:29:23 PM
Electrum was online but Armory was offline waiting on the 2 day Bit Block to download. I failed to see the Disclaimer about not sending coins to a offline wallet. I found the coins by importing the address from armory into Electrum as "Watch Only".

As for that last comment, if they want donations, I would assume they would care about their reputation or users like me and you will just move on to another program.