Bitcoin Forum

Economy => Goods => Topic started by: johnniewalker on April 30, 2013, 07:06:45 AM

Title: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: johnniewalker on April 30, 2013, 07:06:45 AM
Like the title says, I'm looking for something-small-that I can throw in with a customer's order (because thats the kind of salesman I am lol). Key word is 1)cheap, 2) cool
looking for qty 25 just to start off with.
If you sell any products like that, please reply with a link, PM me, whatever.

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Wardrick on April 30, 2013, 08:23:27 AM
1) Sticker

2) Lotto Ticket/Scratch Ticket

3) Key Chain

4) Coupon for % off there next order

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Malawi on April 30, 2013, 10:59:47 AM
Dont have anything to sell, but a laserpointer or a pen maybee?

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: ISAWHIM on April 30, 2013, 05:28:13 PM
Not sure what your budget is, or what you are selling...


You can never go wrong giving away "keychain usb drives", or just a keychain logo of your business. (Preload a mini version of your product on the USB stick, setup an auto-run to load the "readme.htm" file, or something like that. Something they can delete, unless you want to force yourself on them, with a boot-loader to the file. That is how usb-programs hijack computers, just by plugging-in the USB. I hate those things... but if you just have it display a mini-webpage of your product, then that is not as intrusive, as they can just delete it from the stick.)

In bulk, you can get them for about $1-$3, shipped, as 2-8GB models. (The mini-usb or thin-usb are best for that.)

What would these "free items" be shipping with?

Other "generic" ideas...
- logo Pens (Everyone need another pen.)
- logo mousepad (non-intrusive corner logo, where it won't get "dirty" and will always be seen. Since you know they are on the internet...)
- credit-card USB memory (As opposed to a traditional usb, or keychain logo... more printing space, easier to put in a wallet/purse and not loose.)
- offline Credit voucher... (Offline, because it is a cold gesture... you expect them to actually loose it, but "remember" that they got it. lol, like most gift-cards others sell.)
- a rock... (Everybody wants a rock to wind a piece of string around... Don't they? ) ;D
- a ruler... (Everybody wants to rule the world... Had to put it too! )  ::)

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Valalvax on April 30, 2013, 05:39:57 PM
A electronics shop I used to buy from would throw random candy in the box, kind of funny, the first time I thought it was actually an accident, like the guy packing the box threw one of his tootsie rolls in by accident while packing it

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: OneSixtiethOfASecond on April 30, 2013, 06:38:23 PM
Where can you get 2 GB keychain USB drives for $1 in bulk?

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: johnniewalker on April 30, 2013, 07:52:29 PM
Where can you get 2 GB keychain USB drives for $1 in bulk?
Interested also. Thank you guys for the suggestions. I was thinking something bitcoin-related, though. Like a sticker (but a sticker is kind of typical). Any ideas considering that?

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: crazyates on April 30, 2013, 11:20:02 PM
Candy could be a nice touch, but I ain't eating it if I don't know where it's been. And who needs another 2GB usb drive? My vote is for a BTC sticker.

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Littleshop on April 30, 2013, 11:53:38 PM
Stickers.  "Bought with Bitcoin" or the QR code.  Payable in BTC of course.  (Bought) 79 cents or less    (QR)  100 for $19 is option

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Barnacle_Ed on April 30, 2013, 11:57:09 PM
You can never have too many 2gb thumb drives IMO. For making it bitcoin-related, just slap a BTC logo on the's a lazy and simple idea.

If you want to get a little more creative, why not a small "physical bitcoin" or a paper wallet with a very small amount of BTC contained inside? Then include instructions on how to access and use the coins.

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Bogart on May 01, 2013, 02:54:09 AM
Be aware that some countries have import restrictions on candy.  Bubble gum in particular.

I recall a case where some important displays and such did not make it to their trade show in time because someone decided to throw a handful of gum squares in the box on a whim.

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: nebulus on May 01, 2013, 03:01:20 AM
I agree a cool sticker is probably best.

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Pzi4nk on May 01, 2013, 04:56:50 PM

- offline Credit voucher... (Offline, because it is a cold gesture... you expect them to actually loose it, but "remember" that they got it. lol, like most gift-cards others sell.)

Your post had a lot of good suggestions but this one had me puzzled. Don't you have to pay for it whether they use it or not?

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: rouhaud on May 01, 2013, 11:08:10 PM
you can offert to your customer some NFC stckers you can buy them with bitcoin in my website go to see (

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Kluge on May 01, 2013, 11:10:26 PM

- offline Credit voucher... (Offline, because it is a cold gesture... you expect them to actually loose it, but "remember" that they got it. lol, like most gift-cards others sell.)

Your post had a lot of good suggestions but this one had me puzzled. Don't you have to pay for it whether they use it or not?
I'm assuming he meant a credit voucher for his own store, not someone else's.

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: johnniewalker on May 01, 2013, 11:37:24 PM

- offline Credit voucher... (Offline, because it is a cold gesture... you expect them to actually loose it, but "remember" that they got it. lol, like most gift-cards others sell.)

Your post had a lot of good suggestions but this one had me puzzled. Don't you have to pay for it whether they use it or not?
I imagine he meant something like (on a piece of paper) "10% off Your Next Order! Use This Code: xxx"

Thank you guys for all the suggestions. I had an idea, though. I bought some cheap scratch-off stickers on eBay. The customer will scratch off either something like "20% off your order" or even a QR code redeemable for x amount of bitcoins. Sound good?

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: Kluge on May 02, 2013, 01:45:36 AM

- offline Credit voucher... (Offline, because it is a cold gesture... you expect them to actually loose it, but "remember" that they got it. lol, like most gift-cards others sell.)

Your post had a lot of good suggestions but this one had me puzzled. Don't you have to pay for it whether they use it or not?
I imagine he meant something like (on a piece of paper) "10% off Your Next Order! Use This Code: xxx"

Thank you guys for all the suggestions. I had an idea, though. I bought some cheap scratch-off stickers on eBay. The customer will scratch off either something like "20% off your order" or even a QR code redeemable for x amount of bitcoins. Sound good?
Okay, but how will you be incorporating the rock idea?

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: ISAWHIM on May 02, 2013, 08:21:46 AM
There are cheaper ones, listed as "micro-usb" or "mini-usb"... Essentially just the PCB with epoxy or a "cap" on it. Not the fastest USB, but it functions! Who uses more than 2GB of data to transport anyways? That's like a whole movie, or two! (Unless it is encoded with WMP/AVI, then it is a 2-min commercial.)

I like the scratch-off idea... I use to make those when I was a kid, with gold crayons and white crayons and a pen.
Write something in pen... then color over it with white... rub off the white with another piece of paper... (That is just so the gold scratches off and it protects the ink and paper below, where the gold would try to "fill-in" the grain of the paper.) Then color with gold/silver crayon, using a stencil... (Or transfer-melt with an iron over a stencil.)

Now that's ghetto... but not as ghetto as a micro-pet-rock (sand/pebble).

Title: Re: Looking for something [small] to include with my orders to customers.
Post by: ISAWHIM on May 02, 2013, 08:24:44 AM
One more listing...

(For those who asked...)