Bitcoin Forum

Bitcoin => Bitcoin Discussion => Topic started by: CoinFoxs on May 16, 2017, 10:26:26 AM

Title: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: CoinFoxs on May 16, 2017, 10:26:26 AM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: unamis76 on May 16, 2017, 10:29:36 AM
It is a game changer, and one reason is enough to explain why: financial freedom. It allows us to break free from banks, it allows us to be our own bank. Even if Bitcoin dies, its ideas will still be here and I'm hoping that in a not too distant future we can stop using banks entirely. This in itself is a really big game changer, it changes something that was simply "just like this" for years

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Leonard2016 on May 16, 2017, 10:32:34 AM
1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
bitcoin is just money and people who can make money will make bitcoin too and vice versa. bitcoin doesn't change anything about it.

2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
a trader trades anything, bitcoin, altcoin, forex, stocks, gold and makes money from all of them.

3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.
this also can be done with fiat. if you can run a business you can do it with bitcoin too. and vice versa.

in short none of your reasons sound to me like any "game changer".

however, if you see bitcoin as this decentralized cryptocurrency that you can use safely and without needing any banks or any third party for that matter, then you start getting closer to the meaning of "game changer" and all the things you listed can be somewhat true.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Thekool1s on May 16, 2017, 10:49:22 AM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.

1 Bitcoin doesnt changes the financial condition of people, It is only true for early adopters, Which has happened already. I still believe it will change the situation of some people as we have yet to reach the mass adoption...
I agree with you that it is a platform for big investors to play god. They can literally pump and dump as much as they want, making tons of cash in the process.

Bitcoin is a game changer in many ways, Like For Example, worldwide almost instant transactions, low fees, can't be taxed, Decentralized the list goes on. But in the end it will always depend on how the end user uses it. It will be a game changer for an average joe and a drug lord. bitcoin will always have the two sides, that's why governments are so worried about it.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: jacktheking on May 16, 2017, 10:56:08 AM
1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.

I am one example of those people. I do not have any credit card or access to internet banking/money back then. I always wanted to create my own website with top-level domain but I couldn't as I do not have 'money' to purchase domain online. I was forced to use domain that people do not know of or feel scammy such as .tk, .ml and other free sub domains.

Bitcoin changed my online life. With Bitcoin (and signature campaign), I am able to purchase top-level domain from Namecheap and hence creating a more creditable website. To add on, it enable me to start my own online businesses. As a Legendary member, been in the Bitcoin world for many years, I have never purchase any Bitcoin but it totally changed my online lifestyle.

TLDR; Bitcoin gave me a head start in my career.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: BitcoinHodler on May 16, 2017, 11:17:43 AM
how about some real game changers:
1. decentralized and peer to peer.
nobody can block your account, take your money, tell you how to use or not use it. where to use it,...
nobody can change it without the whole network agreeing to the change.

2. 100% secure and unhackable.
all the systems such as credit cards,... have been hacked numerous times. bitcoin IS NOT hackable and they have been trying for 8 years.

3. privacy.
as in you not needing to give all your documents and pictures,etc to the merchant just to buy something with your money. and also a certain level of anonymity.

4. irreversible transactions.
this gives the merchants the security they have always wanted while using payment systems such as paypal (with charge back and fraud) and credit cards (with lots of hacks and fraud).

5. open source

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: NaXxow on May 16, 2017, 11:53:12 AM
personally... having a quick access in crypto currency exchange markets, It has changed the whole new concepts and creating more opportunities to those who wants to invest / trade in order to earn some extra cash for small and big time businesses. But for me, as its intended use, Bitcoin gives me a quick and secured online transactions. I just have concerns with high fluctuations on price, it is very unhealthy on the market nowadays...

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: btccashacc on May 16, 2017, 12:19:13 PM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.
1. I think they're just lucky i mean they the early adopter who bought bitcoin when the price was really low and selling them when the price is high, some of them got bitcoin from other activities like selling or offering something.
2. Investing in bitcoin is a good though, as we can see in recently years bitcoin showing good progress as an investment.
3. Back to point 1 those who sucess in bitcoin are mostly early adopter that's why they can open their bussiness in real life.
As for me "decentralized" and "simplicity" no one control your money even the government, you have ultimate control over them and one more thing you can't be taxed.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: 7788bitcoin on May 16, 2017, 02:35:28 PM
Another "feature" of bitcoin is that confirmed transaction can not be reversed... This is an important feature of a trustless system. I once thought of buying alt-coins, but after reversal of ethereum's blockchain after the DAO case, I am not convinced by any other altcoins...

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Roboabhishek on May 16, 2017, 02:47:54 PM
Only in the field of gambling :D

As far as I have seen by using bitcoin sole purpose of it is Gambling and to buy stuff without being traced.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: TravelMug on May 16, 2017, 02:53:36 PM
Some game changer for me:

1. It provide me a extra money in the pocket.
2. I can play online gambling without any hassle of giving out personal information
3. You can do trading and make profit
4. You can invest in bitcoin as store of value
5. Another option for sending remittances
6. Option for online payment

I think this is some of the game changer for me personally.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: bouren on May 16, 2017, 03:01:08 PM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?
Yes, Bitcoin is indeed a game changer. It is now $30 billion worth of economy in its own.

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.

Generally external job environment is not very supportive for newcomers especially teens. Bitcoin has removed this bar and emerged as a lucrative mean to earn for almost every age group. Along with earning, bitcoin as an investment as you mentioned is also a game changer. If we read the articles of present day investment gurus, most of them do allocate certain proportion of their investment money to bitcoin. Bitcoin performance as an asset is unmatchable.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: dinofelis on May 16, 2017, 03:02:52 PM
I fully agree that bitcoin has been a fundamental game changer, but probably not there where one thought it would be.  It is not so much the "payment system" that is the game changer.  Yes, you can transact value with bitcoin.  But essentially, you're *mostly* still jumping in and out of bitcoin before and after transaction, through centralized exchanges, and bank accounts.  Sure, you can occasionally buy something with bitcoin.  Yes, you can sell something for bitcoin.  But, apart from dark markets, this is not where it was a game changer.

The *real* game changer that bitcoin brought, was that, together with alt coins, this has brought highly speculative finance directly to the common of mortals including those with a lot of money but no serious access to regulated finance.  Highly speculative finance is not the exclusive domain of financial institutions any more, and the common of mortals can now access a world of hard speculation through a simple exchange, without any rules, and doesn't need the controlled and expensive access through financial institutions any more.  A whole NEW SPECULATIVE FINANCE world is born with bitcoin and alt coins ; one where relatively important fortunes can be made and destroyed with much higher volatility than in the wildest of dreams in the front rooms of big financial institutions.

Bitcoin has liberated financial speculation from being locked up in the world of regulated big finance, and brought a very raw form to the mere mortals.  THIS is where bitcoin has been a game changer ; especially with the relatively high market caps around that allow to gamble big money.

To me, this is quite ironic, as Bitcoins' genesis block contains a reference to the banking crisis of 2007-2008, which was the result of too risky speculation.  People have taken this as a critique of the speculative financial institutions, but in fact, bitcoin was the start of a much wilder speculative adventure, that is only beginning, now that bitcoin is "averaging out" with alt coins, making for a REALLY WILD gambler's market, far beyond the wildness of what brought us the crisis of 2007 (or of 1929, for that matter).  Watch it grow to unseen heights.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: espante on May 16, 2017, 03:05:05 PM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.

All of the above are based on bitcoins price going up, is it still going to be a game changer when the price moves sideways for several years or even crashes?

Another "feature" of bitcoin is that confirmed transaction can not be reversed... This is an important feature of a trustless system. I once thought of buying alt-coins, but after reversal of ethereum's blockchain after the DAO case, I am not convinced by any other altcoins...

This is the only real thing that makes it a game changer, its the only current method of online payment that is truly irreversible.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: gordoh on May 16, 2017, 03:12:03 PM
Bitcoin is definitely a game changer. It has pretty much paved the way for a completely anonymous decentralized currency and while it is far from perfect, it is the pioneer. Other crypto currencies are following in Bitcoins footsteps and will be better and maybe in time stronger than Bitcoin. I don't believe bitcoin will ever disappear or become irrelevant but there will be other coins going forward.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: genuin on May 16, 2017, 03:18:12 PM
If bitcoin is only identified with a game changer I think our insights are too narrow. I think bitcoin not only changed a few people but brought new changes to the world :D

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Juggy777 on May 16, 2017, 03:23:20 PM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.

Definitely Bitcoin is a game changer, it has completely revelotinized the life of the people who use it and brings tremendous benefits with them. For me I have got lot fitter thanks to it, cause was able to my self a fitbit charge 2. Then I have read somewhere a person brought a house, not sure how it was though. Secondly thanks to it we have this forum where people discuss about gambling and how to Win or be safe from it, plus the price rise is a bonus. In all ways Bitcoin is the best thing that could have happened to humanity.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: olushakes on May 16, 2017, 03:43:30 PM
I believe the importance of bitcoin to people differs thats why there are conflicting opinions as to whether its a game changer or not especially the financial aspect of OP's statement. For me, its still a game changer and for individuals who have wanted to offer their services outside the shores of their locality and can still do that and earning some amount of money. People offering their services and get paid, still amount to something as well. That is something that makes the difference.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: milewilda on May 16, 2017, 03:49:49 PM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.
Depends on where you are pertaining to because there are field on which bitcoin would be a game changer when we are on talking about online payments it is really a game changer because it can beat up many services on this field but when we are talking about currency aspect on global then this would really be hard thing because it wont really be considered at all.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: TheGodFather on May 16, 2017, 03:56:58 PM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.

yes, bitcoin changes the life of each and everyone, it help us in all our needs and it help us grow a little bussiness as well, we can start a bussiness from our earnings with this, bitcoin is a life changer to everyone, it teaches us a lesson too, for example when we get greedy on something , we can lose everything so we need to be contended on our everything.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Kprawn on May 16, 2017, 04:31:15 PM
It is a Game Changer because it disrupts the whole financial system. Banks are forced to change, because Bitcoin gives people a alternative and

this is also applicable to monopolies like MoneyGram and Western Union. We are given an opportunity to offer unbanked people a solution to enter

the financial system, but this is all falling apart now, with the scaling not being done. We cannot grow and help these people, if our solution is

crippled by scaling issues.  >:(

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: CoinFoxs on July 04, 2017, 08:57:18 AM
1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
bitcoin is just money and people who can make money will make bitcoin too and vice versa. bitcoin doesn't change anything about it.

2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
a trader trades anything, bitcoin, altcoin, forex, stocks, gold and makes money from all of them.

3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.
this also can be done with fiat. if you can run a business you can do it with bitcoin too. and vice versa.

in short none of your reasons sound to me like any "game changer".

however, if you see bitcoin as this decentralized cryptocurrency that you can use safely and without needing any banks or any third party for that matter, then you start getting closer to the meaning of "game changer" and all the things you listed can be somewhat true.

1. I am talking about those who have no proper source of income before joining bitcoin, so after joining bitcoin their financial condition changed.
2. Traders trade everything but this forum give them a platform to know about other crypto-currencies and get profit by investing money, and gold is not as much profiteable bitcoins or altcoins trading is more profitable.
3. I meant to say that people need capital to start business offline or anywhere so bitcoin help them to make capital for starting business offline.


Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: bobitza on July 04, 2017, 09:08:33 AM
It is a Game Changer because it disrupts the whole financial system. Banks are forced to change, because Bitcoin gives people a alternative and

this is also applicable to monopolies like MoneyGram and Western Union. We are given an opportunity to offer unbanked people a solution to enter

the financial system, but this is all falling apart now, with the scaling not being done. We cannot grow and help these people, if our solution is

crippled by scaling issues.  >:(

I do not think that bitcoin can disrupt the finance, it's just a virtual currency with a few minor uses. It has the power to make quick transactions and not have to spend too much money.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: CoinFoxs on July 04, 2017, 09:11:51 AM
1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.

I am one example of those people. I do not have any credit card or access to internet banking/money back then. I always wanted to create my own website with top-level domain but I couldn't as I do not have 'money' to purchase domain online. I was forced to use domain that people do not know of or feel scammy such as .tk, .ml and other free sub domains.

Bitcoin changed my online life. With Bitcoin (and signature campaign), I am able to purchase top-level domain from Namecheap and hence creating a more creditable website. To add on, it enable me to start my own online businesses. As a Legendary member, been in the Bitcoin world for many years, I have never purchase any Bitcoin but it totally changed my online lifestyle.

TLDR; Bitcoin gave me a head start in my career.

That's what i want to get that it changes life of many people as you told that bitcoin is head start for your career, same in case of me before joining bitcoin i have no source of but now i can easily meet my expenses. And it also help me to invest in different altcoins.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Fr33M@n on July 05, 2017, 12:25:30 AM
Bitcoin is a game changer, that's a fact. For me it is more comfortable way to keep online profits and transactions, but for banks it is real headache

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Anegg on July 05, 2017, 12:59:12 AM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.

Of course its a game changer and that is mostly due to how Bitcoin is not controlled by anyone, and how it is decentralised. It gives people kinda off a buffer if there Fiat currency goes down in value, because Bitcoin will not be affected, or affected very little. Since it is also decentralised, it gives people financial freedom. It also breaks the normal payment methods and has the potential to become mainstream, especially after the recent news there has been an influx of merchant acceptances.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Sadlife on July 05, 2017, 01:13:40 AM
Definitely a game changer man, in terms of financial freedom tis digital currency is also a savior from unemployed individuals like no doubt that bitcoin made me independent, self-sufficient and now doesn't depend on anyone in matters concerning money. I hope to earn more with this decentralized currency rather my own debt base fiat currency that is overrated and over regulated and controlled by bankers. Ive decided to quit my real job cause i was not really earning but just getting worn out everyday with over time so i decided to learn bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: darklus123 on July 05, 2017, 03:52:23 AM
1. Bitcoin gives an opportunity to those people who cant afford to open a bank account to save amounts.
2.bitcoin change the way i look at a currency
3.the ease to send money from country to country as having zero fees(still possible)
4. Bitcoin increases my  income(as long as i have smart phone and net connection i can do side job in my office during breaks
5.bitcoin changes the way people live wifhout bringing cash or cards

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Prodigan786 on July 05, 2017, 04:15:31 AM
I do agree with 2 things happening one of my friend doing bitcoin and other crypto activity for his livelihood because he don't have job. Some colleagues using bitcoin for trade and get high profit. Third one I dint find till now in my circle.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Kakmakr on July 05, 2017, 06:33:20 AM
Since the creation of Bitcoin no cryptocurrency or private blockchain has compared to the exponential power of the longest running, immutable, peer-to-peer, distributed ledger. - This is the game breaker for me. Source >

Bitcoin is not like Ethereum, because Ethereum has reversed a smart contract. Meanwhile, Bitcoin has never broken the trust of its user base. The Blockchain has stood the test of time and it is still the best Crypto currency for people to use. ^smile^

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: smileee on July 13, 2017, 02:45:15 PM
Do you think bitcoin is a Game Changer? If yes then enlist your reasons?

For me:

1.Bitcoin changes financial condition of many people who don't have any source of income before joining bitcoin.
2. It give platform to investor to get high profit by investing money.
3. Many people start their business offline by earning from bitcoin.
Bitcoin is really "A Game Changer". It made me change my thinking and business. But, it only changes the fate of those who know how to use it effectively. This game depends on the skill and luck of the player. So, before joining this exciting game, you need to find out thoroughly about Bitcoin and play smart.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: oegarod on July 13, 2017, 02:48:57 PM
Its completely a game changer and the change happens based on the trust we have over the bitcoin as well the entire network. If you go through different real incidents you'll understand it clearly. Users trusted and invested got their lives changed from a normal living to a luxurious living through bitcoin.

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: Kprawn on July 13, 2017, 02:51:09 PM
It is a Game Changer because it disrupts the whole financial system. Banks are forced to change, because Bitcoin gives people a alternative and

this is also applicable to monopolies like MoneyGram and Western Union. We are given an opportunity to offer unbanked people a solution to enter

the financial system, but this is all falling apart now, with the scaling not being done. We cannot grow and help these people, if our solution is

crippled by scaling issues.  >:(

I do not think that bitcoin can disrupt the finance, it's just a virtual currency with a few minor uses. It has the power to make quick transactions and not have to spend too much money.

It has already shown it's disruptive power by forcing remittance companies to adjust their fees. Previously these companies could charge what

they wanted to, because there were no real competition. Even the banks were forced to innovate with their banking systems and fee structures.

You will also see how much influence it has as soon as the scaling issues are resolved. Watch out PayPal, we coming for you.  ;)

Title: Re: Bitcoin *A Game Changer*
Post by: northstarh on July 13, 2017, 02:57:26 PM
It is a Game Changer because it disrupts the whole financial system. Banks are forced to change, because Bitcoin gives people a alternative and

this is also applicable to monopolies like MoneyGram and Western Union. We are given an opportunity to offer unbanked people a solution to enter

the financial system, but this is all falling apart now, with the scaling not being done. We cannot grow and help these people, if our solution is

crippled by scaling issues.  >:(

I do not think that bitcoin can disrupt the finance, it's just a virtual currency with a few minor uses. It has the power to make quick transactions and not have to spend too much money.

No, I think bitcoin can not disrupt finance, it's like a means to economic development of a country, the biggest problem is its risks, it's like a double-edged sword.